View Full Version : have ben out dressed

lori m crawford
04-20-2017, 09:42 PM
have ben out dressed an told a sale persons your a man I have an they so what it made think I don't look that good or do i

04-21-2017, 10:25 AM
So let me get this straight, you walked up to a salesperson and outed yourself, and the salesperson just kind of shrugged it off, and somehow you view that as an indictment of your attractiveness?

I'm not sure what kind of reaction you were expecting but that seems about normal.

Kelly DeWinter
04-21-2017, 10:40 AM
Congrats for getting out. To a lot of sales people these days, they have seen it all, so I'm as perplexed as Micki is about what kind of reaction you were looking for.
I cannot imagine anyone going out shopping and saying I'm a man or I'm a woman, it just does not happen.

Just go out and be yourself. I'm hoping you made the salespersons day by buying a lot so their sales for that day are sky high.

Kelly DeWinter
04-24-2017, 08:59 AM
I'm fairly certain that from reading other OP threads, that we might want to refrain from remarks about punctuation or grammar. Either the OP speaks English as a second language or is using a translation program to post her threads. I was in the Philippians once and thought I had a fairly good handle on Tagalog language from years of working with shipmates from the Philippines. One day while shopping in the local market I thought I said "Do you raise your vegetables and meat on a local farm?" Everyone started laughing like crazy. My friend told me later what I actually said was something like "Do you mumble dog face in a banana patch ?" Something get lost in translation.

04-24-2017, 01:33 PM
I don't think I have to tell anyone I'm a man when I'm out dressed! The exception would be those that are more than 50 yards away :(

04-24-2017, 01:46 PM
I think it's in the rules about considering a members use of the English language.
I have to admit I can't work out if the statement Lori made was a question to the SA or an announcement about her appearance .

Lori , no matter how you dress most SAs aren't bothered who you're shopping for , most of the problems are inside our heads. I have to admit it can be a lot of fun, but please don't think you will fool anyone otherwise you are heading for problems and being hurt .

Please tell us more of the story or better still show us a picture.

04-24-2017, 02:11 PM
kind of confused to what you mean? you outed yourself to see what reaction you'd get?

04-25-2017, 04:09 AM
Some members need to read the rules


Ridiculing members/non-members, or the manner in which they express themselves. This includes any complaint about the way females, males, transgendered, or any other cross-section of the membership dress, the way they express themselves (such as spelling and language skills, and any mention of religious beliefs, political preferences and affiliations, sexual preference, etc.)

If you don't understand what is being said then don't reply especially with a rude comment!

Shelly Preston
04-25-2017, 04:47 AM
Lori, Congratulations on being out in the world

When going out you can get all sorts of reactions.

Most people are too busy to worry about us.

Leslie Mary S
04-25-2017, 05:21 AM
Lori congratulations on being out en femme. Some day I will get up enough nerve to go out shopping in the daytime en femme. I did it several years ago but I did have two support people with me. Never have I been out in public were muggles were milling about (shopping). I'll get there.
No wait never mind i did it in February. It was a short stop, but I did do it and did not have male clothes in the car where I could change into. Nor any make-up removal wipes. I even took photos. I didn't feel out of place after the first 5 min in the store.