View Full Version : Wonderful Conversation

04-22-2017, 07:08 PM
What a pleasure it was to be
Able to communicate with two of our sisters one by
Phone&one by email.
Had the pleasure of talking
To LeslieMary about a dress
That she liked by phone&
Had the pleassure of speaking with JayLyn via email about shoes that she
Requested pictures of for
Information purposes.
Great ladies and some good
Information accquired from
Both ladies.This forum has
Some very educated&informative ladies.
How many of you ladies
Have had the pleasure of
Meeting in person a lady that
Might not be from your area?

04-22-2017, 07:45 PM
I have not spoken to anyone directly , but I have exchanged messages with a number of members of the Forum, some asking for advice and others offering it. As someone who was in total isolation as far as CDing was concerned until recently, to feel part of this great community is wonderful.

Lana Mae
04-22-2017, 08:32 PM
I had great conversations with one member here on the phone and I should call them again! Many PMs to various members! Hugs Lana Mae

04-23-2017, 03:53 PM
It's an interesting question, I still haven't discovered how many of my social group are forum members , I'm working on getting them all together for a picture , we often get visitors from well out of the area most don't say directly they are members which is a shame. I did have a funny experience when talking to a new member a while ago, she looked at me and said I know you , you're Teresa , there you go the power of the forum is spreading that's how she recognised me !

04-23-2017, 06:46 PM
Hundreds, Dawn! At T events around the country. They r my inspiration and the only reason for me to go out in Vanilla Land dressed!:doh:

Once u get out among a group of happy, confident dressers? It may change your life as it has mine!:hugs:

04-25-2017, 09:25 AM
Yes dawn it is great to be able to visit with other CDs like us. It gives us a foundation that maybe what we do is not so bad after all. I am still scared by the phone chat but be patient as I'm getting there. I enjoy our email chats though. I one day I might even call and say hello. I promised my wife I would let my habit of dressing get out of the house but all the other ladies going to group meetings have also inspired me to maybe rethink that possibility somewhat. Nah probably not I'm too old and set in my ways.... Lol stay in touch because it look like we are both in this thing we do together.
I'm with you also in that there are great ladies on here and a lot of social experiences, friends and tips can be found by reading the forum daily. No matter where one lives we can still be sisters in CD land.