View Full Version : Courage to post a profile pic,

05-17-2017, 04:17 PM
I would love to post a profile pic, but its a huge step for me, really not sure.
Was wondering how many people join the forum then post one straight away?
Or do people just get round to it eventually?

05-17-2017, 04:19 PM
If you're worried about being judged, don't be. We're all in the same boat here chick :)

05-17-2017, 04:26 PM
I didn't post a profile picture for a long time because all the selfies I took looked horrible. (I don't have a camera.) Then one day I took one that looked OK. So I posted it.

If you have a nice picture of yourself, post it!


Allison Chaynes
05-17-2017, 04:36 PM
I have been here a few years and haven't... tried to but either the site or my computer failed.

Tracii G
05-17-2017, 04:42 PM
Allison resize your picture to a smaller size cluck cluck cluck LOLOL
Just teasing GF.

Lana Mae
05-17-2017, 05:04 PM
Posted my profile and avatar after my transformation! Did not have anything decent before that! Bad phone camera pics! So basically when you are ready dear! Hugs Lana Mae

05-17-2017, 05:13 PM
I was on the forum about a month before I posted a picture of myself, literally the first time anyone had ever seen me as Diane. Didn't regret it.

05-17-2017, 05:23 PM
Well my first photos were my eye, and then my toe, until I got a photo I liked well enough to share.

Go at your own pace, there is no expectation.

Shelly Preston
05-17-2017, 05:26 PM
Hi Kym

Posting a pic of any kind can be a daunting prospect for new members.

Most post a profile pic when they feel comfortable.

05-17-2017, 05:41 PM
Kym, I believe there was about a two year gap between joining and posting a picture.

05-17-2017, 05:59 PM
Just remember that once you post a pic, especially if it's going to be your avatar, the world will know you're a crossdresser, and there's no turning back. Be really, really sure that you can live with EVERYONE knowing, along with all the potential ramifications that go along with it. Sure, the desire to 'be your genuine/real/authentic (or whatever synonym you wish to use) self' can be overwhelming. But don't let the pink fog convince you that everything will be just wonderful once you're out. Too many horror stories out there. While there are certainly quite a few people here who are out and are just fine with it, that might not be how it works out for you. Consider the worst possible reaction: Family hates it, friends think you're a freak, co-workers don't want anything to do with you, your boss doesn't like it so tries to get rid of you for some other made up reason, and the people in your neighborhood and at your local hang out want to beat you up or kill you. If you can accept dealing with all that, then proceed.

05-17-2017, 06:04 PM
I've been hiding Miss Judy for forty years and I work so hard on the transformation I would hate not to share.
I just hope that un-accepting people don't figure out who I am.

Linda E. Woodworth
05-17-2017, 06:50 PM
Hey Kym,

I've been here several years and haven't posted a single picture.


Because as "Sometimes Miss" pointed out. Once it's posted everyone who see's it will know I'm a crossdresser. While working I didn't want that to come up in my professional life.

Now that I'm retired I am thinking of relaxing the restrictions some. However; there is life after retirement and my feminine side isn't the be all to end all.

It's a journey I'm taking one step at a time.

Good Luck on what ever you decide.

05-17-2017, 07:08 PM
If I can post pics of myself anyone can.

Rachael Leigh
05-17-2017, 07:19 PM
Yes Kym, it's a big step but honestly for those who say this could expose you well that's if someone you know goes to a site
like this. I posted mine early on and my biggest fear was that guy can't do makeup lol, well it's true but I'm still learning.
Wish you the best in your journey and welcome
Rachael Leigh

Tracii G
05-17-2017, 08:05 PM
If you do a good job prepping for your profile pic and your make up is decent people you know would never be able to tell its you.
The reason is they don't think of you as a female, they see the pic and think female so to them its not you because you are a man.
I was using logic there.
See where I am going with this? I hope so.
Then again if they came here then they may be a CD themselves did you ever think about that?

Michelle Cheli
05-17-2017, 08:11 PM
If you're not ready, you're not ready. Don't feel like you have to. I've been a member since 2005 and didn't show my face here until last year. But I will tell you once I did, the feedback from the community was very positive, and it gave me a huge boost in confidence!

Tracii G
05-17-2017, 08:19 PM
I agree if you just aren't ready thats fine. There is no rush in doing so.

Genny B
05-17-2017, 08:51 PM
I waited a couple years out of fear. And then after i posted a family member knew I was on this site and asked which one was me as they couldn't figure it out. IF someone does figure it out, what is their explanation for being on this site too. LOL

Genny B

Allison Chaynes
05-17-2017, 08:53 PM
Tracii, I may have to. But first I have to find the hidden folder on my computer where that image was hidden! Lol

Tracii G
05-17-2017, 10:07 PM
Start looking Allison ha ha

Rogina B
05-17-2017, 10:10 PM
Just remember that once you post a pic, especially if it's going to be your avatar, the world will know you're a crossdresser, and there's no turning back. But don't let the pink fog convince you that everything will be just wonderful once you're out. Too many horror stories out there. While there are certainly quite a few people here who are out and are just fine with it, that might not be how it works out for you. Consider the worst possible reaction: Family hates it, friends think you're a freak, co-workers don't want anything to do with you, your boss doesn't like it so tries to get rid of you for some other made up reason, and the people in your neighborhood and at your local hang out want to beat you up or kill you. If you can accept dealing with all that, then proceed.
Silly, A profile picture does not "OUT" someone. If,perhaps,"super sleuth" is chasing them,then it COULD be different. I think you are exaggerating any danger a good bit.

Sometimes Steffi
05-17-2017, 10:38 PM
If you'll notice, my avatar is a Bugs Bunny cartoon pic, but the profile is the real me. The reason is that the avatar is discoverable by google and other search bots, but the profile is not.

I'm at the point that I have so many pics of me all over the Internet, that one more won't make any difference. I don't think that many people will guess the boy me by seeing the girl me.

05-17-2017, 10:47 PM
Silly, A profile picture does not "OUT" someone. If,perhaps,"super sleuth" is chasing them,then it COULD be different. I think you are exaggerating any danger a good bit.

lol, i think you missed the humor in Lexi's post....

05-18-2017, 12:24 AM
I posted mine as soon as I could. But I'm tired of hiding. So if I can't be myself here, then why even join?... But, that's just how I feel about my situation and know everyone's different. So just do what feels right to you

Becky Blue
05-18-2017, 12:33 AM
Each at their own pace, when you post one be sure you are comfortable that its out there. Of course for the rest of us its really nice to see who we are 'talking to'

05-18-2017, 12:50 AM
I'm not sure if I'm up to posting a profile pic yet, but I appreciate those who do. Lots of pretty ladies on here.

05-18-2017, 12:52 AM
The mods will put you right on the rules, but it only takes ten posts before you can submit an avatar and a profile picture in your personal section.

I had a picture going back a few years to when I first managed acceptable results with makeup , at the time . When I did submit it I was having kittens for a week and nearly removed it again, it is scary when you think the whole World can see it .

It may still come back and bite me but it's a little too late for that , I feel more comfortable talking to the real person and presenting as a real person . It was also the question of a femme name, when I joined I didn't have one, I logically used the female version of my male name and surprisingly had it accepted, so I'm stuck with it a but have to admit totally happy with it.

My avatar and my name are the real me , that's how I like it, no more hiding .

05-18-2017, 06:21 AM
I have no problem post my picture at all . If any of my friends , neighbors , co-workers ask me about the picture I will come clean to them and then ask them why are they come to this site . :daydreaming:

Rhonda Darling
05-18-2017, 07:40 AM
There's no rush, but don't be fearful.

See Sometimes Steffi's comments above. Also note the many many stories of us having to convince people we show our photos to that it really is us in the photo. Unless someone is stalking you to "unmask" you, no casual observer will likely recognize you.


05-18-2017, 09:35 AM
Hi Kym,
Do not feel that you have to rush to post a profile piccy. Some newer members quickly add a photo' but there are also some very long time members who still use the more anonymous avatars.

You will know if/when you are ready to post pictures.

Perhaps consider what might happen if your picture was recognised by someone that you were not "out" to, but also consider how recognisable you think you might really be in your picture. Some people have posted that friends/colleagues etc have not even recognised pictures of them when fully en-femme.

If you do decide to add pictures there is a section of the forum called "The Picture and Video Gallery" which is only viewable by members, not general public, so this is perhaps the most secure place to try first time.

Wish i had the courage to be more open about myself!
Best wishes, Nic :)

05-18-2017, 10:07 AM
I had no problem posting pics of myself here. The way I see it is if someone I know sees those pics they are here for a reason.

Alice B
05-18-2017, 11:40 AM
I did as soon as I joined. Have never worried about it because only those that join the site will see it. If someone I know recognizes my photo it tells me I have a sister here

05-18-2017, 12:08 PM
Just to be clear, the photos on this page are avatars. A profile pic can be added to your profile page. Either one doesn't have to show your face. You can also show just part of your face or use a pic that isn't close up. Maybe a pic from behind? I like those that get creative with their avatar photos!

Jessica33's photo (as well is my current one) is blurry enough that no one would ever recognize her, so that's another option.

Meg East
05-18-2017, 12:10 PM
Ha, I'm halfway out.

05-18-2017, 12:22 PM
In my case, a full face avatar was up from day 1. Credit to the community for not judging me that way, but I had no fear of my appearance being judged. I have had my appearance judged my entire life :straightface:.

05-18-2017, 01:22 PM
-"Hey! You'll never guess whose picture I saw on Crossdressers.com!"
-"... Why were you on that sight?"
-"oh... ugh... research... Never mind."

I was afraid of posting a profile picture for the longest time, but eventually I just needed to share with somebody. I figured of all the places on the internet to post, this is by far the safest. The site has no connection to my real name so it won't pop up in searches for me (I've tried several times just to be sure), and I don't exactly look recognizable anyway.

If by some slim chance somebody does find me, if they're on this site that means they are interested in crossdressing too and wouldn't spill the beans. If anything we would probably bond over it.

If anybody I know has found me and is reading this, please send me a message and let me know. I wouldn't mind chatting about it. Also thanks for keeping my secret.

05-18-2017, 02:15 PM
When I first arrived here, many of the avatar pics were just legs. That's rare these days. But, u can post neck down, back pics, or your wig, etc. hiding your face. Profile pics r rarely looked at by most here. But, your avatar shows up whenever u post!:battingeyelashes:

So as to not bore myself, I change my avatar weekly. But then, Sherry's NOT just one woman!:D

05-18-2017, 04:47 PM
I posted mine for a while but was afraid of being outed so I took it down. While I still have some learning to do, it wasn't a completely awful picture. But just not ready to have the world discover what I am.

05-18-2017, 05:49 PM
Thanks for the replies and encouragement, i realise now there is no rush, so i will wait till i look my best then have a play with the camera.
I am happy that i look ok so what the hell.

07-06-2017, 02:44 PM
I posted my picture as soon as I made my profile! I am not worried about someone "possibly" recognizing me. I think I look very pretty and my wife feels the same way about me!

07-06-2017, 03:04 PM
I just have to express my womanly side on this forum or I'll go crazy...I also post to reddit

Elizabeth G
07-06-2017, 03:20 PM
It took me several months before posting avatar and profile pics. Part of it was fear of recognition and part of it was due to the fact that I was just getting back into dressing after years of not doing so and therefore I had no makeup or clothes to do pictures in and I'm kind of an all-or-nothing girl when it comes to pictures.

Kate Simmons
07-06-2017, 03:27 PM
I started posting mine when I first joined here over 11 years ago. I guess it depends on the person as I had previously been "out" since the early 2000's. :battingeyelashes::)

Melissa in SE Tn
07-06-2017, 04:38 PM
There are several reasons why I have refrained from posting any pictures. I have intimate knowledge of federal law enforcement and how they gain access to information. It is unbelieveable what the government can access. I am not trying to scare anyone from posting photos, etc., but simply want to inform anyone who works for the Feds that "big brother " can find out anything; and potentially jeopardize your career with photos should they ever learn that you are a dresser. To those in my boat, this reply is simply " food for thought " and certainly not intended to scare anyone. I just happen to be one of the very few that has to weigh the potential reprocussion for wanting to evolve with my feminine need.

07-06-2017, 06:15 PM
Post one of you assets like feet,face with eyes covered,butt,hips, legs.......

If you're worrying about it there is a good reason,so don't do it. family, friends,employer,church members ect.. might see it and recognize you.

07-06-2017, 07:16 PM
There are several reasons why I have refrained from posting any pictures. I have intimate knowledge of federal law enforcement and how they gain access to information. It is unbelieveable what the government can access. I am not trying to scare anyone from posting photos, etc., but simply want to inform anyone who works for the Feds that "big brother " can find out anything; and potentially jeopardize your career with photos should they ever learn that you are a dresser. To those in my boat, this reply is simply " food for thought " and certainly not intended to scare anyone. I just happen to be one of the very few that has to weigh the potential reprocussion for wanting to evolve with my feminine need.

Just to be sure. It seems like if the Feds wanted to make your life miserable (and some do), they don't need an avatar photo to do it. What some of us (me anyway) have posted in the forum would do more harm that a photo. And it is pretty simple to trace everything back to say this laptop.

But who am I to say. Notice I'm still missing a pic. I really had some long fingernails last week and wanted to work them up and paint them for an avatar. And yes I chickened out.

07-06-2017, 07:43 PM
I was so excited when I first got a computer on July of 2004. And the first thing I did was join a host of forums CD.com being one of them. The forum was a bit more argumentative back then, so much so my join date is wrong, it says Nov 2005 when it should read Jul 2004. Things got messed up. When I first joined there was this other person always saying about how people should post a pic of themselves so now I have to shell out money for a camera as well as the computer. So within a month I bought a camera and posted my picture. Before that I had a picture of Death from Sandman comic.

07-07-2017, 01:35 AM
I am still working up to a cartoon avatar. I have a really cute one but I am worried someone could figure out who I am from the file properties. I am slightly paranoid but that does not mean people aren't out to get me (somewhat kidding).

07-07-2017, 01:37 AM
I got around to it eventually, I felt like I'm all dressed up and not post one? It feels like being dressed and having no where to go. Just saying.

07-07-2017, 07:48 AM
Some people post pictures of someone else, not their own face. There's no guarantee that the face or body you associate with a member is actually her.

If you want to post a photo, you don't have to show your face. ;)

07-07-2017, 07:53 AM
I do not have one but I am slowly getting round to a proper avatar but in any case in one way there is an extremely low risk of someone (A) knowing you and (B) knowing that you are on this site in particular and therefore able to recognise you. I see this site as being extremely safe, so go for it.

07-07-2017, 11:18 AM
" but in any case in one way there is an extremely low risk of someone (A) knowing you and (B) knowing that you are on this site in particular and therefore able to recognise you. I see this site as being extremely safe, so go for it."


Maria Blackwood
07-08-2017, 02:37 AM
Representative avatars are fine. Not many here know this, but I am NOT actually a purple maned marshmallow pony.

07-08-2017, 03:43 PM
Really Maria! Oh, my heart is crushed, you have ruined my expectation. I was SO looking forward to seeing that purple mane. LOL And I thought you were a cat! Hugs,

07-08-2017, 04:25 PM
You could use a VPN like what's used on the DarkNet
It's an encrypted secure connection.the Silk Road is pretty secure.

Just to be sure. It seems like if the Feds wanted to make your life miserable (and some do), they don't need an avatar photo to do it. What some of us (me anyway) have posted in the forum would do more harm that a photo. And it is pretty simple to trace everything back to say this laptop.

But who am I to say. Notice I'm still missing a pic. I really had some long fingernails last week and wanted to work them up and paint them for an avatar. And yes I chickened out.

07-09-2017, 09:28 AM
Hi Kym, My perspective is a little different. While my fem side (persona) is very real to me internally, it is not really possible for me to dress up my body and face to represent that adequately. My real face/body tells the wrong story. For an avatar I chose a public domain image that seems to better represent how my fem persona feels to me. Maybe someday that will change, but for now it is what it is.


07-09-2017, 12:55 PM
I'll post my profile picture in a day or so, but even so I don't think I have the confidence in a full-face shot. I'd like to be myself, but I'm still afraid of the repercussions of being identified by someone I know.

07-09-2017, 01:20 PM
I'm in the same boat as you yuri. Too much on the line for that to happen. I'm enjoying it very much, but there are higher priorities in my life right now that I can't be out and about. Maybe someday.

07-09-2017, 01:39 PM
I too have resisted in posting a picture... so here goes. Some background... I am 66, newly retired and have been doing this all my life... Wife knows and is supportive... A year or so ago, a friend of hers, (a hair dresser) gave me a make over, and this was the result. She is the only one other than the wife who knows about me. She is our best friend. I wish we had more time together to explore my femininity. I think about this ALL the time, and under dress 100 % of the time As with others, this is a HUGE step for me. With the wife's support, I did get my ears done, and have not cut my hair in two years. (I could not do wigs) I don't post a lot here. But with your support, maybe I can. I am a work in progress.[ATTACH=CONFIG]279530[

07-09-2017, 06:23 PM
I have been thinking about posting a profile pic and will start with a pic of below the head, it’s a first step that I am fine with. Correct me if I’m wrong or missing something , but when all done up with wig and makeup and dress I really don’t think anybody would be recognized by people they know , plus they would have to be on this site and that would mean they are possibly secretly dressing too :-) . My personal issue is I am learning to do makeup and eyebrows and eyeliner (anybody know of good site or video to help with this) , and as soon as I can do a decent job I will post full picture. With me it’s just I want to look good in a picture , just like in guy mode I wouldn’t feel comfortable going out with greasy hair or messy clothes, the same goes for girl mode. That’s my two cents worth :-)

07-10-2017, 05:41 PM
I would have thought that the chance of someone recognising one of us would be about 1 chance in a million, in a way to be recognised that person would have either to have some prior knowledge of that member and they were lurking on purpose to prove a point.
So unless nobody close to you knows you how could you be discovered?

07-10-2017, 05:51 PM
hello all,
I must be honest: my avatar is who I would like to be - not many bearded CDs post their real pictures,
luv J

07-10-2017, 07:48 PM
Theres no judgement against that here so why not. Would love it if anyone shares for the first time too. Much love ladies!

07-10-2017, 07:57 PM
I am just so paranoid that someone I know may see me and out me at home, to family, at work, and friends. But the more I see others post and listen to what they have to say I am less so now. I am sure I will post a picture, hopefully an avatar... but for now my avatar is something I liked that I found on the web. Brenda

07-10-2017, 09:20 PM
I was so happy to find this part of myself and this site, that I think I posted a headshot almost immediately! I've always felt that this was a very safe and supportive site, and I'm not really worried about anyone recognizing me here. If they do, hey...they were here too!
I haven't gotten bold enough to post on the boy vs girl yet, but maybe someday.

07-11-2017, 06:59 AM
Tracii, I may have to. But first I have to find the hidden folder on my computer where that image was hidden! Lol

Now that is there is just funny stuff!!!! I have lost that folder before as well :)

07-11-2017, 05:11 PM
Thanks for all the advice and encouragement, i feel a lot happier about it.
Im fairly happy i look nothing like my boy self anyway so i doubt i would be recognised.
This weekend will work it out, if not an avatar, then perhaps the picture gallery, at the very least.
It must be good to know who you are talking to on the forum.

07-11-2017, 08:28 PM
Not nearly ready to put myself as a profile pic yet as I'm very deep in the closet. When I have a moment, I'll find a nice pic of something to have as my avatar.

07-12-2017, 07:03 AM
I don't know if this helps but I started with a cartoon avatar as I wasn't ready for a full-on image of myself dressed, largely because I don't want to risk being recognised. It took me a while to capture the essence of Rachel in anonymous form but (so far) I'm happy with that.

07-12-2017, 01:29 PM
I do not have a problem showing my picture my friends already know. My parents do not and i am sure they will not lig on to this site. :)

07-12-2017, 04:44 PM
It didn't take me long to post a pic. It was a scary thing but glad I have. Other then my wife and one GG friend no one else knows about my dressing.

07-12-2017, 05:08 PM
I posted right away...for a couple of reasons. 1st so that you would know I wasn't a catfish looking to deceive you all. And second was I was a little fearful about posting and this helped get past that fear. This is all of course for me and surely not telling anyone how to go about this. It is an individual journey and we have to walk it really by ourselves. We can support each other...and that is great.

07-14-2017, 08:13 AM
I wouldn't feel comfortable posting a profile pic of myself yet, as I haven't become comfortable with crossdressing yet, also I have no pictures of Millie and to be honest I'm still uneasy looking at Millie in the mirror so I can't even imagine a distant time when I'll selfie Millie or let my wife take her picture and let it loose anywhere near the web, but I do feel slightly odd at having nothing show up next to my posts, other sites I'm a member of (cycling & flying) kinda expect you to stick something up, but I think if it's not a shot of Millie it would be kind of dishonest, but something should go there definitely.

07-14-2017, 09:56 PM
I posted a picture right away, I'm so silly I thought it was required!

Maria Blackwood
07-14-2017, 10:48 PM
Really Maria! Oh, my heart is crushed, you have ruined my expectation. I was SO looking forward to seeing that purple mane. LOL And I thought you were a cat! Hugs,

I know, I'm sorry. But, look, I'm a pirate now! Argh!

07-15-2017, 03:57 AM
There..... here I'm. And I'm here to stay. Been afraid through out the years. Don't even had the courage to join this forum until recently. But after that, everything just seems very normal. The fears were just all in my mind. Even posted my avatar picture. lol..... well its a small steps but very important steps for me. You can do it too...

07-15-2017, 05:42 AM
I have posted my self but still havent posted a avatar pic. Maybe that will change today.

07-15-2017, 06:41 AM
I had originally posted a stock pic of just some lips...moved up to a long shot of myself, moved in closer for a face shot, and have just recently upgraded to the selfie shot that I like. It's a process to enjoy, not be in fear of. I believe the chances of someone looking for and finding you here are pretty minimal. I would rather have a good visual of who I am talking to, but I do understand some people's shyness or the need to be cautious about their image.

07-15-2017, 10:11 AM
by the time i had made an account on here i had no problem uploading a picture but thats because i had completed my exposure therapy elsewhere already. theres nothing wrong with testing the waters and going at your own comfortable pace, don't rush :)

07-15-2017, 02:40 PM
Took a long time for me to post an actual profile picture, however I really doubt anyone in my everyday life would recognize me. As you can see, my picture is fairly nondescript. I wouldn't worry about it too much, especially if your picture isn't too close to what you look like.

Gennifer in LA
07-21-2017, 09:45 AM
New member here. Would probably be OK putting up a pic but would want it to be at least presentable:)

Maybe once I meet a few local friends who share my interest, i can get someone to take a number of pics. For the most part, selfies are not attractive.

07-21-2017, 11:14 AM
I vividly remember the night I decided to put a picture of Kimmy as my avatar. It was after a long night of dressing up and snapping pics. I was having so much fun! I remember getting into bed around 3 in the morning looking at all the pics I took and thought to myself how cute and sexy I looked.

Usually when I'm don't dressing for the evening I'll erase my pics and videos, but I felt I had to keep these somewhere so I got on here and started my first thread in the photo section and uploaded a set where I looked my most fab. I had all these butterflies fluttering about. I was like "this is crazy! Im crazy!" But I really wanted to introduce myself to you girls. I hit "post" and I was so happy I did it. The nice comments prompted me to post one of the pics as my avatar that following day. Now I get to relive all that whenever I post.

Susan Smokes
09-20-2017, 07:31 PM
I know posting a picture of yourself anywhere on social media is a risk, but I am ok with it.

09-20-2017, 07:59 PM
I would tell you to post a pic! I went from 200 to over 1000 observations by posting a pic. All here want to see what you look like and most are very non judgemental.
Love, Sabrina

09-20-2017, 09:11 PM
I had to make mine very blurry before I liked it.

09-24-2017, 10:52 AM
Early on I was hesitant too. Now I know I look much different crossdressed than I do when I'm in my every day clothes! I think when I decideded to take a profile picture it only encouraged me to try harder in my presentation. Take a chance!

09-24-2017, 12:12 PM
I've been on this site for quite some time. I have computer phobia. It's formally called "Logizomechanophobia." And, there "Cyberphobia." To some degree I dislike all these computer devices which seem to take the place of actual discourse. It suppose being of an advanced age has made me wary of all these devices. In order to post a picture on this site I would have to buy a newer camera and then learn how to load it to the computer and then upload it to the forum. I'm sure my teenage granddaughter would be able to do it in a second.

Funny thing! When I was a lot younger I did take pictures of myself fully en femme sitting in a garden. It was film. Remember those days. Film camera with a timer. It was a Kodak disk camera. I had the film developed at a store, hoping I would look OK. I saved them for many years. Then I got paranoid and destroyed them, less anybody discover them after an untimely death.

If you have nothing to do one day and all cookies have been wiped from your computer input "crossdressers.com or individual handles into the search engine. It's surprising how many of you girls will have images appear.

09-24-2017, 03:32 PM
I didn't join this site for a long time because I didn't have the courage to post a pic of me. As I got older the less I cared about it so I joined. Even so, I still didn't post a face pic because I think I look passable from the neck down but neck up needs a whole lotta work.

09-27-2017, 02:44 PM

I love your figure.
Face post should come after u have come out (24/7).
At least that is how it is for me ... except with close friends I can trust.
I have seen to many people burned on the web and why take a chance.

I want to hear more about u gf.
Nice figure ... a little top heavy but u will figure out what works for u.

09-27-2017, 03:37 PM
<----- Yes, this is really me.*

*On IMVU. :p

Sorry, some of us have to be more discreet in our normal lives, and I would be too easily recognizeable.

09-27-2017, 03:46 PM
I’ll post a profile pic once I get my 10 post in :brolleyes:

09-27-2017, 04:05 PM
Thank you for the compliment. It's a big confidence booster but since I'm still in the closet(back behind the drab clothes that I wish I didn't have to wear) I'm still a work in progress. Hugs

09-27-2017, 05:49 PM
I posted a profile picture as soon as I could; I love sharing pictures!

But to each their own.


09-27-2017, 07:36 PM
I didn't mind putting a pic up. I took the logic off The Producers; "What if someone from the office sees me?" "They see you, and what are they doing out of the office, huh?".

09-27-2017, 11:33 PM
I was afraid to do it--even post comments--for a long time.

Then about a year and a half ago I figured WTF, what did I really have to lose? If someone sees my picture on a CD forum as either a girl or guy, it means they are on a CD forum too. How are they going to out me without outing themselves?

So I took the risk and posted pictures, and the earth didn't stop. I got dressed and went out and the earth didn't stop. I've actually met some great GG's who think my dressing is great. So I took the risk and got some big rewards.

09-29-2017, 09:02 AM
For me it was not so much as courage but I felt the need to post a profile picture of me. My previous wig was not right for me and was "not me" but my new one is and now I feel I can post an avatar photo and having done so I feel so free. It has given me greater confidence, more than I had before.
So really courage did not come into my thoughts it was confidence that enabled me to post my picture.

10-11-2017, 09:42 AM
i think it was pretty much straight away and i think i also thought you could only see profile pics when you were logged in turned out i was wrong butttt whatever i was already out anyway. but for more closeted people i can imagine it being a BIG step in their progress of accepting it personally and finding a place in this here community.

Rachel Anne
10-18-2017, 10:53 AM
I just have to express my womanly side on this forum or I'll go crazy...I also post to reddit

I take periodic looks the CD sub-reddit, and for some reason I don't really care for it. Seems too much of...well, one-ups-manship beauty contest. Too many pictures, too little help/tips/tricks.

Could be just me. Maybe I'm reading it wrong. I've tried out a couple of different forums, and I don't like them either. I guess I'm too fussy.

Leah Love
10-18-2017, 11:26 AM
I’ve thought about this since joining this site a couple weeks ago.....I’m glad it’s not a requirement, I would hate to have been denied membership to this group because I have no picture to post. Like many others have said, just not ready. I will be one day though. I do have full intentions of posting one once I get everything I need for Leah.

I don’t worry about my co workers or family finding out. My real name is not attached to this profile in any way. Plus, when I’m dressed, I don’t look like my normal self. (ex always said that)

10-18-2017, 11:33 AM
I understand everyone's fears of being found out.

All you have to do is own it.

Then ask your discoverer why they were looking at pictures on a crossdreser website?

Alice B
10-18-2017, 12:12 PM
I did right awway and was proud to revel myself to what I consider a safe place.

10-18-2017, 12:26 PM
There will always be fear about something or other but the safety of this forum I feel is so tight that being discovered by someone you know is about 99% impossible and in any case why would they want to so and they would have to know a person was a member of this site to track down there avatar anyway. So in that respect courage to post an avatar lies within the person.
It is from my position a liberating experience to have done so, it is a way of saying well here I am this me and I am proud to be here among friends.
It makes me feel that I belong here as well.

10-18-2017, 12:39 PM
I used a picture of my legs for my avatar, as that is public, and still do. When I first joined I did not show my face, but then became comfortable with the site, as well as better with makeup, and posted many pictures. It has been so many years, I can't recall if I used a body shot as a profile pic right away or not. Now I think I transform so well, no one would recognize me.
I did try to view my profile without signing in, and it would not let me. So I don't think it is public.
Hugs, Ellen

10-18-2017, 12:54 PM
There will always be fear about something or other but the safety of this forum I feel is so tight that being discovered by someone you know is about 99% impossible and in any case why would they want to so and they would have to know a person was a member of this site to track down there avatar anyway. So in that respect courage to post an avatar lies within the person.
It is from my position a liberating experience to have done so, it is a way of saying well here I am this me and I am proud to be here among friends.
It makes me feel that I belong here as well.

Well said hon. It was liberating for me, kind of like a pressure release, to post a few images here. This is a safe place and I felt among friends here.

10-18-2017, 03:07 PM
I am hoping to post a picture soon, not sure if I will include my face though. One step at a time for me.

10-19-2017, 07:54 AM
Rachael that was my position, then i posted a few and got a nice reaction.
Then cheated on the avatar, as you can see.
Am aiming to do more next time i dress, but am still not ready for the face though!

10-19-2017, 10:21 AM
Nice thread, I've read through all the posts and I understand and share most of these thoughts... I feel I'm gonna be ready to post some pics that I like, mostly because my wife now knows about my crossdressing, she's very supportive and she's also pushing me to post pics. But is a big step. I must say that I was quite sure that I would be hardly recognized by anyone in my avatar pic... at least until my wife saw it with me, and she said: "Nice photo, that's absolutely you, I recognize your happy smile!"

10-19-2017, 02:05 PM
Nobody wants to see any pics of me! I don't dress fully, and have a beard. Pretty sure no one wants to see a pic of an old, over weight guy in lingerie!

10-19-2017, 03:55 PM
Well I finally posted my profile face picture not too long ago and haven't been burned at the stake yet have noticed some gathering firewood though.

10-19-2017, 04:29 PM
Yes, I'm gathering firewood .... for an evening spent in front of the fire in my nightgown, dressing robe, heels, and a glass of Chardonnay. Lovely picture. :)

10-20-2017, 06:07 AM
...ask your discoverer why they were looking at pictures on a crossdreser website?

I'm not ready to share a selfie yet but like the way you think Roberta

Wendy me
10-20-2017, 09:46 PM
I posted avatar pics profile pics and all sorts of pics
I was here and wicked too far into here it cousumed
Me ... I gave a ton of time and met members
From here ...
in the end I cared way too much and it really
Hurt me ...

Being me is all I need and I promised
Myslefe I would not put myslef in that way
Again ...

I would say tread easy go slow and don't go all in
Save more of you than you give away
Persons out there will hurt you like you could never
Could believe ......

Not that I would not do it again or would I ?

Think before you jump ... the internet is not real life
The hurt is real .. care for outhers but keep
Who you are tight to yourslefe ...

10-20-2017, 11:12 PM
I lurked for over a year before joining the forum. With great trepidation, I joined and eventually posted a picture. I'm content with my decisions.

10-23-2017, 08:06 AM
I have been here for over a year and still haven't posted a profile pic yet. You are not alone. Brenda

10-23-2017, 09:23 AM
This is something that I've been thinking about. I want to put something out there which is me being me, but I'm not ready for anyone seeing all of me. Not yet. I quite like the idea of an avatar, partly because it's small and partly because it gets released into the wild. I have a picture that I like and expresses the kind of girl that I like to be but, it's only a bit of me and clearly not recognisably me. I'll think about it for a little while yet and then probably go for it. What this space! Well watch the little square in the corner.

10-23-2017, 10:34 AM
Posting a profile pic on my Crossdressers. com page was one of the more AFFIRMING acts I committed after coming out (and joining).
So pleased and thankful I found this website, and how it has served my trans/ CD needs and growth one the first year of membership.
Yes,..... post. It will be your first NO FEAR act of confidence

Suzanne Blake
10-23-2017, 05:04 PM
Post a picture whenever YOU are ready, not before. It is big step and a scary one too. Only you know your situation and how comfortable or not you are. I added a picture as my avatar right away, but I've had pictures on the internet before. Don't rush things. I don't think it is a problem in anyway that someone doesn't have a picture, and reading the responses I think that's the general opinion.

Kathie Pantyhose
10-23-2017, 09:22 PM
I can't post the head shot. I just don't believe I'm that passable even at a size 6

10-24-2017, 03:13 PM
Well, if that's really your picture, Kathie, the rest of you looks quite lovely (as does your smile) :)

10-25-2017, 08:34 AM
Well it's not my best pic but I really liked this outfit. My makeup is just not as good as others on here and it really frustrates me. Not being able to practice a lot is also part of the problem. I have tried apps like you cam makeup and see the results and just wish I could do that myself. Anyways avatar pic changed. I like the way I look.....mostly.

10-25-2017, 11:17 AM
Honestly I never really did, not that I was opposed necessarily, I just never really thought to do it until I saw this thread title. Don't over think it just enjoy the crowd.

10-25-2017, 11:35 AM
Talked me into it...just an update to my avatar pic. Hope it’s okay.

10-25-2017, 11:45 AM
Way past ok. You look great!

Kathie Pantyhose
10-25-2017, 11:49 AM
Well, if that's really your picture, Kathie, the rest of you looks quite lovely (as does your smile) :)

Thank you Kasyliedaskope....that pic was when I was still an 8/10....the smile is genuine. I do love how I look these days.....need to try makeup for more head shots

- - - Updated - - -

Way past ok. You look great!

very nice pic!

10-25-2017, 03:49 PM
I want to post a picture. I'll probably ease into it. Maybe legs, then body, but it will be a while before I would dare to show my face as much I would like to.

I started a regular exercise class, so I might lose a few pounds before the picture :)

10-26-2017, 03:33 AM
Well, there you are, I've posted an avatar. It's me, some of my finery, and the sweetheart neckline of my lovely Lindy Bop, 'Layla' indigo, fox print, swing dress. Even though it's discoverable, I don't think anyone will know who it really is. As for a profile picture, if I ever have a transformation experience, and who's to say I won't, I might just post one of those.

10-26-2017, 07:58 AM
I want to post a picture. I'll probably ease into it.

Set your own pace. Pictures on this site are not at all mandatory. If someone tries you pressure you (or anyone) into posting one, they'll run afoul of the site management. ;)

10-26-2017, 11:11 AM
I want to post a picture. I'll probably ease into it.

If you feel confident enough or want to, then do so. If not, then don't. A lot of us here (myself included) don't want to, feel uncomfortable about doing so, couldn't pass in a pitch-black mineshaft ... choose a reason. Pictures aren't always necessary to see someone's true beauty.

10-26-2017, 11:13 AM
Well said ---- as everyone looks left and sees nothing!

10-26-2017, 11:26 AM
I post pics when ever I dress I don't understand why so many are afraid to post a pic. Most folks probably wouldn't recognize you and if they do What are they doing on this site anyway. If they are here for the same reason you are then you have a new friend if they want to come out to you.
I have yet to see someone I know on this site unless I have met them through the site.
Go ahead take the step you will enjoy seeing the comments and maybe meeting some one with similar interests

I post pics when ever I dress I don't understand why so many are afraid to post a pic. Most folks probably wouldn't recognize you and if they do What are they doing on this site anyway. If they are here for the same reason you are then you have a new friend if they want to come out to you.
I have yet to see someone I know on this site unless I have met them through the site.
Go ahead take the step you will enjoy seeing the comments and maybe meeting some one with similar interest

You are way over thinking It isn't like people are out there looking for CDs If some one gets on the site by accident (don't know how that would happen) it isn't likely they would see your pic even if they did would they know it was you.
I have told people I am a crossdresser and they don't believe me unless they see a pic and even then it still takes some convincing

10-28-2017, 03:52 PM
I post pics when ever I dress I don't understand why so many are afraid to post a pic. Most folks probably wouldn't recognize you and if they do What are they doing on this site anyway. If they are here for the same reason you are then you have a new friend if they want to come out to you.

Twenty pounds overweight, bald and a beard. No way I pass, Not even in a dark alley, just a MIAD. No profile pic because there is nothing to see.

Many of you look so good, even many of you gurls that don't pass look so much better than I could ever look unless I made more of a commitment, which I will not. I would need to shave, buy a wig, hip pads.....the list goes on. I enjoy dressing, just not interested in digging in that deep.

Suzanne Blake
10-28-2017, 03:59 PM
...Pictures aren't always necessary to see someone's true beauty.

So true!

10-28-2017, 04:05 PM
Posting a thread should not be a frightening thing it should be something to be enjoyed, an affirmation as to who one is a sign of here I am and I am proud of having come so far and being comfortable with sisters seeing the real me,without worrying about anything.

10-28-2017, 05:04 PM
When I posted my profile picture I was nervous. Now I feel so good. And I do not"pass" at my size and build. I love what I look like when I dress.

10-29-2017, 05:59 AM
Vicky, "I love what I look like when I dress" encapsulates what many must think of themselves. Its all down to inner feelings and knowing that now is the right time to show "myself to the world".
Putting ourselves on the map helps to get acceptance for us all.

10-29-2017, 11:16 AM
I've been a member for a week or so now and just decided to upload an avatar and profile pic today! (Same pic)

Just do it. No body cares and it will make you feel better about yourself.

10-29-2017, 08:26 PM
I did, too much?

Charlene Wilson
10-30-2017, 11:25 AM
Posting a picture is a rite of passage for every CD. Go for it.

10-30-2017, 11:42 PM
I sometimes work in a country where its forbidden so I think No for financial security reasons and my safety