View Full Version : That's a good word

05-19-2017, 02:31 PM
On Wednesday I had the opportunity to meet up with someone from the forum Cheryl_Layton and attend the social group the Manchester Concord. BTW I've taken to calling them social groups as opposed to support group because I fell it represents more accurately what they are.

Firstly a little aside;
On the way there I stop to put fuel in the car. As I exited the shop the woman walking out ahead of me stopped and turned as said, " You were on the train from Chester yesterday". "I was sat with my colleague on the other side of the carriage". I remembered her as the two of them were speaking in German from time to time so I replied, "Well it is a small world" and we went our ways. Nice to know I made an impression.

So back to the main point. Cheryl and I sat and had a bite to eat along with the group organiser and secretary Mary. We chatted about this and that until it was time for the group to get underway at 19:00. Part of the evening was given over to a short talk by a GG who practiced Tap therapy as a part of what's called Emotional Freedom Techniques. I've seen this used on the TV to help those with a fear of flying and it does seem to give good results. Google it if you want to know more.

Anyway, once the talk was finished the presenter Caroline asked if she could come as sit with Cheryl and me and of course we agreed. We discussed a whole gambit is issues around CD'ing, why some stay at home while other go out. Is it just the clothes or does it go way beyond. Much of what we talk about here. It was during the conversation that Cheryl used the word "Chaosization" to describe what is I suppose a phenomenon in that when we think about going out we immediately think of absolutely everything that could go wrong, turn out badly, not go well.

Our minds race into a world that is out to get us. Hateful, demonic individuals all sat behind the lace curtains waiting for us to appear so we can be hunted down. As with any chaotic situation we find it difficult to make any sensible judgement calls. We turn the situation from the achievable to the impossible in our own minds. We create this turmoil in our own thoughts. I can recognise the process happening within myself in years gone by.

So yes, Chaosization is the word for it. Well done Cheryl who BTW looked as lovely as ever.

05-19-2017, 02:52 PM
Really, I was out today as my girly self. One hundred percent girl. I never look at the chaotic side of going out. I am comfortable and enjoy myself. But I see that many on here find it that way and the first time out for anybody it is that way. I never had any fear of going out or fear of most anything. Guess I am different.

05-19-2017, 03:11 PM
I think even our spouses have Chaosization because once I said what would happen if I ever went to a big town and went out with a couple of dressers from here. First she asked me why would you want to as I told her once I'd keep it at home and second she started telling me a thousand reasons I shouldn't. I think my whole life I've always been not chaotic but very cautious of everything.

05-20-2017, 07:13 PM
During the course of the evening while chatting another to the participants and I was saying just what a pleasant couple of days I'd had going out and about she asked, "Have you ever been spat at, called names in the street, physically attacked?" to which I replied no. She replied, "And in this day and age it's very very unlikely you will". "It happened to me in the past, but not any more". Thankfully she's right.

However that doesn't stop that "Chaosization" taking place in the heads of many including Jaylyn's SO or so it would seem. Converting fear and fiction into fact isn't straightforward and can be a huge dis-abler for so many standing at the door wanting to go out.

05-21-2017, 10:26 AM
I think it may be more in a GGs vocabulary rather a male one. Women can have so many clothing and makeup mishaps than men.

I will add that, male or female you either have the trait of fearing the worse or you don't. I was a professional photographer for thirty years but I never got over thinking the worse was going to happen . I often said that there was always a gremlin hidden in my camera case the earler it surfaced the better , sure enough there always be some mishap but being professional you knew how to carry on.

My daughter has the same trait , I repeatedly tried to impress on her that the worse thing she imagined could happen never did. She remided me of those words of encouragement only recently.

I also hope you enjoyed your night out , I guess like me you're looking forward to the next one, to me they get better and better .

05-21-2017, 02:18 PM
Our minds race into a world that is out to get us. Hateful, demonic individuals all sat behind the lace curtains waiting for us to appear so we can be hunted down. As with any chaotic situation we find it difficult to make any sensible judgement calls. We turn the situation from the achievable to the impossible in our own minds. We create this turmoil in our own thoughts. I can recognise the process happening within myself in years gone by.

So yes, Chaosization is the word for it. Well done Cheryl who BTW looked as lovely as ever.

Dreadful is the word I would use. Sounds like a scene from the walking dead, or one of those brit zombie movies (which are AWESOME). But who are the zombies, really?

Lana Mae
05-21-2017, 04:56 PM
I think about the horrors of going out but it won't stop me! Even here in NC, I can get out and about mostly unnoticed! Not saying I blend or anything just go about my business regardless how dressed! Hugs Lana Mae