View Full Version : What have you done one time, but will NEVER do again ?

Kelly DeWinter
06-01-2017, 11:43 AM
I've worn 5 inch heels for 8 hours. I did it once and will NEVER do it again.

I'm convinced that women start stretching exercises at the age of two and by the time the teen years arrive their feet and legs are sufficiently ready to start the process of training for wearing 5 inch heels so that by the time they reach college they can walk for 3 to 4 hours st s time. Then during their early twenties at the peak of training they can work 6-8 hrs a day.

Anyone else have something that they have tried once and are convinced they would NEVER do it again ?

Sandy Storm
06-01-2017, 11:49 AM
Not sure if this counts, one weekend in New Orleans I was completly dressed under my boy clothes in full lingerie with tightly laced steel boned corset (she likes to make it so tight its hard to breath)and passed out from drinking too much, woke up the next morning with my ribs and everything screaming to be set free....so I hope I dont pass out like that again lol

Jenna Stunned
06-01-2017, 12:12 PM
I wore 5 in platforms as part of my Catyln Jenner costume for halloween up my camp ground. Had to walk over a mile around the park, Up and down hills, On a mostly rocky, unpaved road, While carrying a giant Magazine cover wooden frame ..... OUCH!!! My feet were blistered for weeks....
Never again...... NEVER!!!!!

Oh, Who am I kidding I would definitely do it again. But I probably shouldn't.

06-02-2017, 11:30 AM
The very first pair of heels I ever owned, were a pair of six or seven inch stilettos. I had purchased them on a whim, finding at long last some place which made giant size 15 female shoes (it was a catalog back in those days, before the web existed we only had fetish stores, this place dealing mainly in S & M transvestite attire; I think it was called Centurians, but I'm not exactly sure).
Anyway, in my eagerness to 'experience' the whole wearing heels like a girl deal, I had ordered them, and carefully planned on how I could maximize 'girl experience' for myself. Engaging in a forced fem fantasy, put on my prettiest dress, pantyhose, and then I locked the pair on my feet by lacing a small chain in front of the heel, then around the back of the shoe, around the front of my ankle, and ending behind the ankle, where I put on a tiny padlock, having previously mailed a key to myself the day before. (the 'safety key' was on a thread hanging inside a bag of paint, which itself had been knotted and was hanging inside my closet, having been arranged so that the only way to access the key would be to cut open the bag, causing almost a gallon of paint to pour out, and ruin a good portion of my bedroom closet). It worked, and I was stuck into those heels for a couple of days, because i had removed anything that could have retained the paint from my house to the garage. I wound up barely able to get around at all, having not worn heels ever since I was a kid when I had feet small enough to fit into my sister's shoes. Walking was torture, my toes were in agony, forced into a much too small toe box of the shoes. Wearing them was just bearable for a short time, much less keeping them on for a couple of days. By the time I got them off, my feet hurt something fierce.

Never, ever again. The joy of wearing girl shoes was fleeting; the pain, quite lasting. The blisters healed, but the memory is burned into my mind.

Tracii G
06-02-2017, 11:37 AM
Have the cutest wedge sandals and they are in the 5 to 6 range and I wore them once for 4 hours and I have not worn them since.
My feet hurt for days.

06-02-2017, 12:25 PM
I think many of
Us have done the heel thing. I wore ones a little too big the first and only time I went out and I felt as it was a dead giveaway. But worse that I will never do again is try on anything of the wife's. She's a size 2 and a small petite top and I am so not. I got into one of her satiny tops and had to pull a hulk move and rip out of it.
There was no other way. She forgave me and we went shopping for new tops.

Hell on Heels
06-02-2017, 01:19 PM
Hell-o Kelly,
I once tried matching Tequila shots with a 270 lb.
American Indian. NEVER AGAIN!
The rest of this story will stay in Vegas, as it should!
Much Love,

06-02-2017, 03:35 PM
I wore a pair of heels which were not too high for an evening stroll in a quiet residential neighborhood. I thoroughly enjoyed the cool breeze playing with my slip and the skirt of my dress. But, ugh! Those heels which were not made of animal skin....man made material...ugh. Hurt! Rubbing on the back of the shoe..another ugh! The noise of the clicking of the narrow heel in cool air is deafening. I decided to order a nice pair of walking shoes. I bought a nice wedge with maybe a one inch lift. The soles are made of a noise deafening material. They are very comfortable. And, no clicking sound to attract lookie-lookers. A narrow heel is not made for walking on concrete for any length of time.

06-02-2017, 04:00 PM
High heels..👠👠.for sure. I thought I was prepared with practice, practice, practice. Even my wife was amazed. But..after a couple hours, I thought I'd crash. I'd sit and rest, but it didn't help. My calf muscles really ached for days. My wife would massage them, but even that hurt. Now, it's 2" or flats. No problems.

06-02-2017, 05:05 PM
Most of these responses are about heels so I'll post something different. 30 years ago I was engaged to a woman and she would make random comments about how every guy fantasizes about dressing like a woman. After hearing this about half a dozen times I figured she was dropping me some not so subtle hints. One night while she was at work and I was at her place waiting for her to come home I decided to greet her dressed in a bustier, panties, stockings, heels, elbow length gloves, and a wig. When she came home I was waiting in her room and was like TA DA, look at me, I'm a crossdresser, when she walked in. She handled it pretty well despite being totally caught off guard and indulged me from time to time, but when she broke up with me she stated she couldn't accept my crossdressing. That wasn't the only issue, but one of the main ones. I would never ever do something like that with my wife although she's known since before we married.

06-02-2017, 05:20 PM
Rave-style dancing, with lots of energetic jumping around, for several hours non-stop... while wearing 4" heels... I could hardly walk to my car when I left the dance.

Mind you, I love dancing in high heels, and I'm pretty good at it. But all that jumping killed my feet!

06-02-2017, 05:35 PM
There's countless things to do with learning how to dress to create the images I like that I'll never do again to mention here.:doh:

On the other hand, when it comes to Sherry? I've learned it's best, "Never say never!":o

06-02-2017, 07:41 PM
I used spirit gum to attach breast forms one time, it was so cool having them attached.
Well when I removed the breast forms I had two red circles on my chest.
Two days later I had a doctors appointment and the circles were faint but still visible.
When the nurse gave me an EKG she probably noticed them but didn't say anything.

NO more spirit gum!

06-02-2017, 08:56 PM
I went out wearing my hooker outfit: short Frederick’s of Hollywood black leather-like mini skirt, black seamed nylons, sheer blouse, and I had car problems.
Had to call a tow truck and this was like 15 miles from my house.
Now when I go out I have my “Drab-Bag” (men stuff, including wipes to wipe away make-up).
So, to answer your question, I will never go out dressed without having back up.

06-02-2017, 09:01 PM
Hmmm, good question. Probably would not come out to my x in writing.

Helen 2
06-04-2017, 08:56 AM
Waaaaaaayyyyy back in my early dressing days, in 1966, Mom and I flew from Miami to DC -the first and to this day only time I have 'flown pretty'.
Of course, way back then, flying was a 'big deal' and most women who flew, flew REALLY pretty -as in a dress, heels, stockings, the works, so....of course, this being my first time, as did I.

Whether it was the hours in my very tight girdle and long-line bra, or the tight confines of the aircraft, or all the above combined with the 'cabin altitude' of 8000 feet or so most pressurized aircraft maintain while in flight, I was close to fainting several times.

Never again!

Jenna Stunned
06-04-2017, 09:16 AM
Woah, Wait, What? You flew in a plane dressed en-femm with your mother?? In the 60s?? OMG!! Thats awesome!! How old were you? Your mom was cool with this? In the 60s?? Please, Do tell more if you don't mind, I am very interested in hearing more.

06-04-2017, 10:04 AM
Most heels I have, I can wear and walk in them for a good time. But one pair of nice black heels I wore to a function and they killed my feet. Coming back a GG in the elevator with me gave me a knowing look and said. feet hurt huh, LOL But I bought flats that can be folded and put them in my purse to wear to a function and back and put the heels on for the function. So I wil never wear those heels and take a long walk to a function.

06-04-2017, 10:46 AM
I have a hard time finding heels that are comfortable. But the one thing I won't do again is get married! Let's just say it's highly unlikely.

06-04-2017, 10:55 AM
My dumbest thing was when I decided that I wanted to lighten my eyebrows a bit using bleach made for use on facial hair. Left it on WAY too long, ended up with very light reddish blond eyebrows, looked really weird. I had to use brown mascara on my eyebrows every day until they grew out, seemed like they took forever. ;)

Helen 2
06-04-2017, 11:24 AM
Hi Jenna! Yeah....long story....of long ago.

My Mom played 'dressing me up' when my sister died...I was almost ten, she eleven and a half...she died from double pneumonia, Mom's fault and she took it really hard....

Mom was institutionalized for a few months, tried to commit suicide twice, really bad scene. One day we were at home alone, and she basically somewhat 'guilted me' into dressing me as my sister and..well, I liked it. A couple weeks later same thing happened but that time I did not protest....several weeks later I asked her if I could be Sis for weekend and from then on, Mom and I could be gurls together as much as I wanted to.

That was between 1961 and 1962.....as I grew a bit older I would present more mature look; when Mom and I went to DC for a four-day weekend with my Aunt, I was female 100% of the time -and loved it. Summer of '66 I was almost 14 and with my Dad away for the whole summer, I spent the whole summer en femme..never to be repeated.

Jenna Stunned
06-04-2017, 02:08 PM
Wow!! Im sorry to hear about the tragedy that led to this story being possible. How do you reflect on those events looking back now? Must have been a difficult and confusing time.

Helen 2
06-04-2017, 05:15 PM
Wow!! Im sorry to hear about the tragedy that led to this story being possible. How do you reflect on those events looking back now? Must have been a difficult and confusing time.

Thanks Jenna, I appreciate your kind words....long distance hugs to you.

Candidly speaking, for a time, I was not confused at all and managed to be quite comfortable presenting as either gender for about a half-dozen years. I was never much of an athlete, kinda introspective, not very 'macho' at all and my best friends were my gurl cousins, so I was somewhat gender fluid for many years. Of course, venturing out to the world presenting as a female was somewhat traumatic at first, but I presented well as I did not then have much of a masculine body, very little facial and body hair so with proper padding and corsetry, it was not difficult to pass as a young lady.

Later in my teens, I did rebel against dressing, started swimming competitively which did change my upper body and neck which made 'passing' much more difficult and it was not until my late twenties that, with the help of counseling, I once again accepted my other, more fem side.

I made my Mom and myself happy for several years while this was 'our secret' and so I don't look back as it being a sacrifice but a gift -both to her and to myself.

06-04-2017, 05:45 PM
I had just bought some 4" strappy sandals and went for a walk, I hadn't even tried them on before hand. The shoes were about a half size too big and didn't hold my feet well, the walk turned out to be about a mile and my feet were killing me to the point I took them off and kept going in my stocking feet. I don't know which hurt more the rough pavement or the shoes. I will never take a walk in shoes I haven't at least tried on before. Brenda

Becky Blue
06-06-2017, 03:12 AM
I think overdoing the heels is a right of passage for us TGals, we all do it once and learn. I walked barefoot for about 5 blocks one night in San Francisco, could not have taken another step in my heels.

But my regrettable highlight was putting on clip on earrings that were too tight, not only did my ear lobes go numb, but they were very painful for the next few days and I had very clear red dots on both lobes which took 2 days to fade.

06-06-2017, 04:12 AM
While I too have overdone it with heels (squeezed into 1 size smaller all night, just because they were cute!) One thing i would never do again is dress in a waist clincher with stockings...in the dead of summer...with 90% humidity...and having to ride the train and bus to commute between my house and work. Longest 10 hours of my life. Couldn't wait to come home and take that clincher off!

06-06-2017, 04:20 AM
I'll resist the obvious and say 'get married'...... I remember once when I was about 15 squeezing my size 8 feet into my sisters size 6 heels, they looked so good I ignored the agony they caused and proceeded to walk around in them for an hour, I didn't do it again!

Nikki A.
06-06-2017, 10:19 PM
My first long weekend out was in Denver with two friends from this forum. We spent one day shopping in the main shopping area and I wore what I thought was a pair of wedge strappy sandals. Bad move halfway through the strap cut into my toes. Ended up buying a pair of danskin slippers to make it through the rest of the trip. Other than that I had a great time

06-07-2017, 02:22 AM
I will never ever again get close to a Borderline woman who also has other personality and identity issues, whether I'm dressed or not.