View Full Version : Full-timers (or nearly so) and extreme physical activities - question

06-01-2017, 09:05 PM
For those of you who are full time or nearly so but have not engaged in any surgical interventions, how do you approach extreme physical activities? I set the "no interventions" criteria just because I've assumed that would include the class of us who could more easily swing back and forth. Please feel free to chime in even if you have had interventions. (I also posted in this forum because of the "no interventions" facet... moderators, feel free to move it if it belongs elsewhere.)

I'm really considering full time or nearly full time, but I'm also looking at several activities that I really don't want to give up, but which might be made more difficult. What choices and compromises do you make?

The most basic form of the question is, do you revert to male presentation for activities that would be impractical with all our prosthetic accoutrements? If no, then do you forgo the wig and/or the forms and/or the padding when it could be dangerous or just really inconvenient?

If you choose to retain as much of a femme presentation as possible, what do you do?

Tennis. Do you forgo the silicone forms in favor of foam because, you know, heavy and floppy even with a good sports bra? Do you skip the forms altogether because, you know, obstruction? Do you have a different wig you use for when you get all sweaty? Skip even minimal makeup?

Motorcycle riding. Do you ditch the wig to keep it from being destroyed by the helmet? Do you just switch to do-rags? Maybe carry the wig in a saddle, tank, or tail bag and slip it on at the destination? What about makeup with a full-face helmet?

Rock climbing. Are you willing to forgo the nails you've carefully cared for to engage in the adventure of hanging off a vertical face with a few carefully inserted finger jams or hand jams?

Skydiving. I'm not so much worried about this one. It's extreme in nature, but not particularly hampered by anything I might normally use for a femme presentation. Tell me if you've found otherwise.

Granted, GGs do these things all the time. That's not the point, however; they are working with real and normally non-removable parts.

If you have other activities that you have or think you would engage in that would require modification or abandonment your femme appearance, please mention those along with the chosen adjustments.

EDIT 06/10/2017 (9 days later): To steal a quote from Reddit - "Wow, such empty".
I hope I didn't offend anyone by suggesting participation criteria. I've never known this group to hold back just because of a little thing like that. Please, consider the pool expanded. Does anyone have suggestions for when they are willing to just revert to (or, shall I say, prefer) male mode for activities that you feel are overly burdensome or dangerous in female mode?