View Full Version : Remember geocites?

06-17-2017, 08:00 AM
How many of you remember back in the 90’s, the old geocites community of crossdressers and transgender persons. Heck the term transgender was still very new and not used often back then.

I remember getting my first web page, I was so thrilled and scared. It really help get me out in the world.

I remember seeing maybe it was some of you, girls who actually went out in public.

I got so much support and inspiration from all of the ladies.

I remember emailing and actually communicating with another transgender person for the first time.

Geocites really was a place that help create a community and a place where a group of people hidden

For so long could now communicate.

To quote the old Virginian Slims ad, “We’ve come a long way baby!”

My picture from my geocites page I was “Marlene Kennedy” back then


06-17-2017, 08:10 AM
Thanks a bunch, Paula. I seem to remember you from somewhere on the web from a while ago. Do you remember Filterpost by any chance?
Yep, the early web was a fabulous open door to the world. I even met my wife in an AOL chat room!

06-17-2017, 08:17 AM
Paula you were as good looking back then as you are today. Gotta love those fiery red heads in a sexy red dress. Good picture. We really have come a long way.

06-17-2017, 08:24 AM
Hi Paula I remember geocites posted my first pic on there have not talked to you in a long time do you still come to K of P ?

06-17-2017, 09:17 AM
I don't know much from the 90's Been put away for some years back then.

But I gotta say Paula, that is one beautiful picture. By any chance were you a NYC girl?

06-17-2017, 09:23 AM

About once a year I got here on business, Oh gosh the KOP mall was one of the first places I ventured out

Here is a shot of me in the KOP parking lot, it was mid summer and it was so hot look at what I was wearing!


Suzie Petersen
06-17-2017, 11:40 AM
I sure remember Geocities from back then Paula! My first girl website was on there too. Named it "Suzie's Cabin".

Great picture! Looks like a Jamie Austin makeover if I am not mistaking!

- Suzie

06-17-2017, 12:01 PM
I 'member Geocites, but I also remember when the WWW was still an "Experimental way of accessing information using hypertext links" and we surfed the web using Linx (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynx_(web_browser)) on dial-up modems. :eek:

06-17-2017, 02:30 PM
Massachusetts, by way of New jersey

06-17-2017, 03:00 PM
OK thanks. Your picture looks familiar. Whether it's from days past or on another forum. I was in NYC during the 80's, met some girls but memory fails me now.

06-17-2017, 03:19 PM
I remember geoecities a long time ago. I don't think I was ever on it. But I remember your post from here a long time ago.

06-18-2017, 05:49 AM
Paula, I do remember geocities. I was deep in the closet and it was an eye opener. One of the moments when you realize that its not just me. I love your picture, very sexy...

06-18-2017, 06:01 AM
I don't remember that but I do remember MSN chat rooms and they had a Crossdresser's Room. I was in there a lot trying to learn. That was my first communication with others like myself was there.

Jennifer in CO
06-18-2017, 11:58 PM
wow...geocities....next your gonna ask if we remember Laugh in... :D

06-19-2017, 12:16 AM
Nope. I'm a late-comer.

Joanne Curl
06-19-2017, 09:28 AM
Oh my gosh, I do remember Geocities! Although I didn't have a web page I went there often. It was then that I began to realise that there were other people like me and maybe, just maybe, I wasn't the demented pervert that I thought I was. Somehow it was reassuring to know that I wasn't alone with my need to crossdress. It was really beneficial to me.

06-19-2017, 09:47 AM
you don't have to remember those Geocities days anymore! Re-live the 90's here! http://www.wonder-tonic.com/geocitiesizer/. Check out crossdressers.com on that site here:

Jessica S
06-19-2017, 10:38 AM
Yes I remember the Geocities sites. It was like the first ah-ha moment that there were more of people like me.

06-19-2017, 11:36 AM
Yes, Geocities was my first internet intro to cd'ing. At that time I had he slowest dialup connection. It seemed like it took hours for some of the web pages to download.

It was very eye opening and got me out of the closet and out into the world.


07-19-2017, 12:38 PM
I so remember you! I had a westhollywood address, and it was my foray into learning HTML and Javascript. I used Adobe's Page Mill to construct "Joanna's Cozy Little Home".


07-19-2017, 07:49 PM
Wow, geocities dot yahoo dot com!! :daydreaming:. Strangely, I wasn't seeking TG information or a community back then; so I didn't see any TG pages. I still thought I was too much of an outsider, I dressed early every morning, I wouldn't research makeup for another 15 years ( scary that it's that long ago :eek: ).

I registered myself there, but I just used it as storage space. I remember when it wouldn't allow external picture links, and you had to work around it by uploading bitmaps as text files :laughing:. Good times! The Internet felt like a much happier place back then... on 56k modems :sigh:.

Janine cd
07-19-2017, 08:58 PM
I remember my first contact on line with an AOL forum with crossdressers back in 1991. It was the real awakening for me that we are not alone.

07-19-2017, 09:05 PM
I remember that picture! Ah, the olden days, jpeg's slowly rolling down the page as they gradually loaded. Geocities was a real eye opener to this budding CD, it was amazing to find out that there were so many others out there!

07-20-2017, 09:14 AM
Yeah, Geocities was where it was at back then. :)

While I used my dad's PC when I was at his place back then, I didn't want to use it for gender stuff since my brother was on there too, and he was the family PC expert. At home, I used a WebTV console and used that to make my web page that I had back in the late 1990's and finally got my own PC in '98. :)

07-20-2017, 04:50 PM
I remember that picture! Ah, the olden days, jpeg's slowly rolling down the page as they gradually loaded. Geocities was a real eye opener to this budding CD, it was amazing to find out that there were so many others out there!
Spot on, and yes, I also remember that photo. Amazing that I can, considering how many photos I've seen over time.

Nicole Erin
07-20-2017, 05:11 PM
Oh yeah, plenty of interesting Tg web pages off it.
I was more into the MSN communities and chat rooms though. Still kinda bummed that geocities and MSN communities vanished.