View Full Version : A funny morning

06-17-2017, 02:44 PM
LOL I got up today to mow the grass, I always shower in the morning and it helps me wake up But on a mowing day I do the grass first. Well had to put on my male britches and got my boots and had a t-shirt on also. I got my male socks and was sitting getting ready to put the socks on and boots. LOL my SO looked at me and I was looking at my socks. She said, you look like you don't now what to do with those socks. Like wear them for glove es or put them on your feet. They go on your feet. LOL I thought that was pretty funny and I had to post that.
Got to say though that when switching from fem clothes to male was strange to do this.
I did get the yard mowed and am now in a white tank top and denim skirt. Yeah far better and cooler like this. It is 98 degrees right now heading for a hundred today.

06-17-2017, 02:56 PM
Lawn day for me too. I don't miss an opportunity. I ran the razor over my face, a touch of makeup, a spritz of perfume, my underwire, uplift bra (no forms), panties, women's shorts and a scoop neck tee shirt. Ahhhh comfort. My wife just smiled. There was a cool breeze too. Yeah, I even waived at the mailman.

06-17-2017, 08:53 PM
Ah yes, back when I still had a yard and a pool, my first hours every Saturday were spent sweating in the east TX heat and humidity. Hardly any point in showering till afterwards. Kinda miss that weekly ritual :)

06-18-2017, 08:58 PM
>sigh< Some mornings, getting ready for work, I gaze longingly at some of my cute tops, shake my head and reach for my standard guy t-shirt, jeans and work boots while whispering "some day".........

06-19-2017, 06:56 AM
Oh how I can identify with this!!!!


Lana Mae
06-19-2017, 07:44 AM
I think many of us can identify with this! This (today) will be my first time dressed for quite a while! I intend to enjoy it! Hugs Lana Mae

06-19-2017, 08:01 AM
Dana if you don't get it mowed this morning you may have to have a chain saw after that tropical depression comes thru because out here we are expecting rain today. I know in your area the grass grows rapidly it just up posed to get to a 101 today so we are having a cool spell was a 107 yesterday. I was in track shorts n flip flops nearly all afternoon after church.went to the lake and waded in the cool water. Was really a scorcher here. Wore my panties to church but they came off when I got home, for the airy shorts.