View Full Version : Physical attributes

Lucy Long Legs
06-25-2017, 06:22 AM
Do you have any physical characteristics about which you have always felt embarrassed or ashamed in male mode but which are an advantage when presenting as a female? Do these new advantages make you more confident and more content with your body?

06-25-2017, 06:44 AM
The little that I have which is advantageous for femme mode does not embarrass me in male mode. I'm actually happy to have them: surprisingly low body hair, thin(ish) legs, thin(ish) waist, actual cheek bones... :strugglin .

However, in the other direction, I have shoulders of mass destruction that can wipe the stock value of a fine china shop in under 30 seconds :smug:. I can't claim to be embarrassed about them because I actually still work on them. I have been told that I need to cover them up when en femme. I understand that, and I do most of the time, but sometimes, I just don't :tongueout. When I am in male mode, which is statistically about 97% of the time, although my face is what it is, I want the body to be up to standard compared to most other males in the vicinity. Not that I covet attention, but if I can't feel good by being en femme, then I want to at least make what I have been landed with, look as reasonable as possible :straightface:.

What about you, Lucy? It would be interesting for you to provide your answer to your OP question.

Donna June
06-25-2017, 06:55 AM
Being short and slim. Always the smallest kid in class, that type of stuff. But now it's easy to buy dresses :)

06-25-2017, 07:44 AM
Man boobs. I've had them since puberty. Growing up they were and still are a source if shame. On the other hand it feels wonderful when I put on a bra

06-25-2017, 07:57 AM
I'm with Fiona...a little embarrassing in my youth, but now they settle into my Playtex b cup underwire bra quite nicely. A couple silicone "chicken breasts" add a little extra touch.

Elizabeth G
06-25-2017, 08:02 AM
I'd have to say my arms. They've always been kind of skinny.

06-25-2017, 08:26 AM
I always expected that one day I'd have a thick beard, hairy arms and legs. Didn't turn out that way. Its not really a source of embarrassment, and makes the task of presentation just a little easier. But my stature, bone structure, musculature really work in the other direction.

06-25-2017, 08:41 AM
Yes, i never feel good in male mode as i am short & skinny. My arms are like knotted string.
I also used to be embarrased about being less than well endowed somewhere else, but i guess it makes tucking so much easier!
However my wife really likes my slim legs & small behind.
I now realise that having this physique turns out to be a blessing in disguise.... :yippee:

06-25-2017, 08:48 AM
Not embarrassed about but a detriment for sure was and still is my height. Only 5'-7" my tallest to date, grew 2" over the last 40 yrs.

06-25-2017, 08:53 AM

I assume you're addressing the greatest CD attribute.

Dear, you pierced one of the sources of my great childhood angst. I was thinking about this (again) the other day, and it seems the central question of my Life has been "Why can't I be like the other boys?" As a small child I never quite realized how or why I felt different. I just knew I was.

But one of the key features was my physical development. I always lagged behind the other boys my age, and when puberty arrived the results were disappointing. I have always been very lightly haired and bearded. Pubic hair didn't magically appear until after I received my drivers license. Back in The Day (60s), daily gym class was required, with gym uniforms AND.... mandatory showers in the locker room's open shower. Walking my scrawny naked body around a locker room of (hairy) developed boys was a daily self-esteem nightmare.

I didn't shave until I was 18, and even then it was only to mop up a few scraggly hairs. I never had and never will have sideburns; another source of great anxiety and a constant reminder that I wasn't "as good" as the other boys. I always attributed it to a lack of testosterone; something that someone "trying" to be a man would never want to admit in those days.

Hell, I had one friend at age16 who had to shave his shoulder blades and had one eyebrow that crossed his forehead. I lived with a face so barren, the Taliban would stone me. And it always bothered me greatly....... UNTIL, later in life when I finally figured that shaving was actually a massive nuisance in terms of personal maintenance. At this point in my life and with my own personal CD awakening, I feel blessed to still have a light beard that requires little or no beard cover.

By the time I could grow a beard (took 3 months), I've found I no longer care to have one. (Old Mountain Man photo)

06-25-2017, 09:13 AM
I'm 5'8'' and have always been rather slim, so not very manly (though I can certainly live with it), but good for CDing.

06-25-2017, 12:01 PM
Never embarrassed, but I have a round bum, and in some instances in photos my face looked a little fem (when younger for sure). I always had a relatively thin figure, and still only wear pants that are only two inches bigger than when I was in high school. The thinner body always made it easy to look decent in a dress or tight jeans. My thighs still look decent too. I like how those things can look in female clothes. My height is 5'9" so not short, but not tall. I've never been self-conscious of how they look in male mode. It's a good balance.

06-25-2017, 12:30 PM
For the longest time I was super skinny and I had the skinny broomstick arms of an adolescent schoolgirl. Girls would tell me that they wished they had my hands (long thin fingers). I still get comments about my feminine hands.

06-25-2017, 01:00 PM
I have always carried my weight low and had muffin tops before they were cute.

I always hated them, even when all the young chubby girls were wearing low rise jeans.

I really like the fact that hi-rise jeans are coming back, no more muffin tops.

natalie edwards
06-25-2017, 01:13 PM
Man boobs. I've had them since puberty. Growing up they were and still are a source if shame. On the other hand it feels wonderful when I put on a bra

Pretty much sums it up! I enjoy them now that i shave'em

Amy Lynn3
06-25-2017, 01:40 PM
When I was a teen and I would wear short pants in the neighborhood, all the girls would say " I had pretty legs". At the time I wanted to fit in with all the other guys, but I was the only one being told I had pretty legs.
I still have those girly legs and I love to show them off. Even my daughter says she wishes she had my legs. I just wish the rest of me looked that girly.

06-25-2017, 02:31 PM
So true. I have always hated being skinny and small for a boy and man( 5"8"). And now i have lost some height down to 5' 7". So I have to lose a bit of weight to stay in proportion. However--its really nice to be able to fit into a size 10 dress--sometimes even a size 8, if I wear my corset. 144 pounds. Passable if you don't look close. Been retired 6 years.
Contradictory, I know, but in the last few years I have been lifting weights. Got my arms up to about 16 inches around at the biceps.

06-25-2017, 02:33 PM
For me Man boobs. Was tough growing up with them now love them Have had all the hair lazered off and I love them smooth and lucky me my loves them to.

Alice Torn
06-25-2017, 02:34 PM
Yes, Lucy Long Legs. I have long, almost feminine shaped legs. And in male mode, it has bothered me, but not when i am dressed as Alice.

06-25-2017, 03:04 PM
Sure. Light hair, sparse beard, significant boobage, much smaller than average genitals for my size,
But no, none of that makes me able to pass as a girl. Perhaps before I reached puberty, but no longer. Despite the above, I also am six foot four, built like a football lineman, have giant hands and feet, and a 21" neck. So, no, unfortunately the few feminine characteristics don't outweigh the overwhelming male ones. This reality was one of the things that deterred me from even considering transitioning back when I was young enough to do it; I'd never be able to be even an average looking girl. I'd be Princess Fiona, a giant female ogre. No thanks. I've already spent an entire childhood looking ugly. I didn't want to spend my whole life being awful looking.

06-25-2017, 04:59 PM
Yes, I have delicate, beautiful arms and hands. My wife complimented me on them several times. Downside is hair on arms though. Small hands are an issue riding motorcycles, but I built strength up tremendously with exercises and actual riding.

Killer eyes too, I mean Elizabeth Taylor style. My daughters both inherited and yeah wow when professionally made up.

Nikki A.
06-25-2017, 09:56 PM
Not that many parts of me are very feminine, but with a little pushing and squeezing and a pair of cutlets I can fill a c or d cup with decent cleavage

06-25-2017, 10:21 PM
Legs. Long, slender & firm.

I've been told by some admirers

06-26-2017, 06:31 AM
My man boobs. Although as I loose weight they are getting smaller.

06-26-2017, 06:48 AM
I have no shame for my body, In fact my body has kind of made me into a bit of a narcissist.

Jenna Stunned
06-26-2017, 07:36 AM
As a guy, I was ALWAYS ashamed of my baby/fem face. People always told me how much I looked like my mother. So I have always hid it under facial hair as soon as I could grow it. Who knew my greatest male insecurity would be my greatest Transgender asset. Funny how things work out sometimes.

06-26-2017, 01:21 PM
I think you look great either way!

06-26-2017, 01:45 PM
Thin long arms with small wrist!

Lana Mae
06-26-2017, 05:30 PM
My eyes are large and when done up right literally shine! They are hazel-blue and I just love them! Once I get the eye make up right, I will have more confidence! Hugs Lana Mae (Never ashamed or embarrassed about my body!)

Alice Torn
06-26-2017, 06:33 PM
Jodie Lynn, Same here. Admirers liked my sillky firm long legs.

Suzie Petersen
06-26-2017, 06:33 PM
Never felt embarashed by anything related to my body. I was never very muscular and my legs are long and well shaped which has made it easier to achieve the illusion.

But 2 things are not so manly:
My behind is more like a younger woman's rear. Not as in wide hips but a little too high and a little too well shaped. Growing up, and even later, I have often had women comment on that.
The other thing is that I have no Adams apple at all.

06-26-2017, 07:20 PM
Legs for me ...more female then male

Danielle t
06-26-2017, 07:54 PM
Being skinny Being 5'8" and 140 lbs no butt and no boobs more girl figures then male if I exercise I just get cut not bigger I hate myself at times in male mode I have been the same weight and size for 20 years I fit in small clothes male and female.

06-26-2017, 10:34 PM
I'm not too tall, I still have a full head of hair and not much body hair. I can fit into a size 8. My biggest problems are my age and wrinkles I usually do a temporary face lift with tape, and my nose is big but not as big as Barbra Streisand's. Jaymee

06-26-2017, 10:39 PM
Where to start, I remember. Developed boobs about the same time as girls. Lots of teasing. Was told several times I should be a girl. Looked much younger than I was. Shorter than many girls, Pretty blond hair. Nice legs, thin arms, figure was about the same as many of the girls 36, 24, 35 i think. 36C today. Wore mostly size 6. Hate wearing polo shits in guy mode love them in fem. It was easy to pass. Probably could have lived as a girl with my soft voice.

Jennifer in CO
06-27-2017, 08:09 AM
I was always the skinniest kid in the class...and the tallest. Which is one of the reasons that when at the ripe old age of 15 I could pass for an tall (5'10") 18 year old girl so easily. Skinny arms, toothpicks for legs, etc I was constantly ribbed about it. BUT, (as I've told the story before) the Summer I was 15 I spent it with my Grand Parents...as Jennifer. That skinny boy that was tall for his age people (usually other kids) snickered at. But the tall girl nae young woman people thought I was or should be a model...go figure...

06-27-2017, 10:48 AM
I grew to a six foot two young man quickly. I could never gain muscle mass. Over my youth and young adult life I went from about 138 to 175. My wife saw a picture of me when I was sixteen and she thought I had been gravely ill. I looked and felt my best at six foot one and 175 pounds. I'd love to have that height and weight back. Now I have accepted my weight (200) and wear dresses that are stylish and do not accentuate my added poundage, which is not necessarily at the mid section...spread all over.

06-27-2017, 11:18 AM
If I ever wore shorts, men would say I had woman legs in not a nice way. Other girls told them to shut up. LOL But that bothered me and I knew in my heart that I was girly. Yeah they are probably my best assets. Round bum and I am 5' 11. boobs are size B. a handful.. I have heard men say that anything over a handful is a wastes Love tall heels an that gets me to 6'2 or 6'4. But I had a girfriend that was 5'11 blonde like me and she liked tall heels also and would tower over me. But I like it. In Texas, we have a lot of very tall women. So, I fell good when I am out and about.

Alice Torn
06-27-2017, 11:31 AM
Dana, Send some tall single middle aged ladies up here, to Rockford, Illinois! Not many tall GG's at all here. I wish i could move to Texas!

06-27-2017, 12:11 PM
There's a few things; generally very slim build; thin smallish hands, wrists, ankles and feet; long thin legs; relatively wide hips in comparison to the rest of my build; moobs that never fully disappear even when at my lowest, fittest weight; hairless body; light fair hair so that what body hair I have is nearly invisible.

Altogether my light weak body means I am a disaster at sports (though I love them).

06-27-2017, 02:41 PM
This is basically me as well. I get crap about my thin legs and arms but I can fit into small gg sizes. And I have always been give a hard time about my feet. But I have no limits as to what style heels I can order since I can squeeze into a ladies 7! And my lack of much facial hair serves me well in girl mode too!

06-27-2017, 03:04 PM
And I thought I had small feet 8.5 m 10 womens
I have always been ashamed of my male part, hated showering in jr high, high school gym class and getting made fun of it. oh well makes for a thick skinned person.
but do you what it makes for very easy tucking it all fits up inside. sometimes its kinda interesting going to do a #1 when it's been up there a while. lol

06-30-2017, 10:07 AM
I have bad case of Pectus Excavatum (sunken chest.) It's embarrassing for both men and women but only women can do something about it. Clothes, especially shirts, never feel 'right' to me. That may be why I like big breasts when I dress. Things just fit and that feels so right.

06-30-2017, 10:21 AM
Not emberassed or ashamed, but I'm on the short side with a fairly light build. Not terribly "maculine" body type but in girl mode EVERYthing comes in my size :daydreaming:

06-30-2017, 10:53 AM
average middle sized guy here, my wife says I have nice legs, I agree... when in a dress or skirt.

Sarah O
06-30-2017, 10:47 PM
Man boobs! They were quite obvious when I was a teenager and I got given hell for them.

06-30-2017, 11:11 PM
As a skinny, redhead, freckled kid, I put up with a lot of crap. Never considered myself good looking. :sad:
Other than that, I've never been ashamed of my body, dressed or naked.:daydreaming:

As a female, none of those things work to my advantage. Except being slim. It allows me to create my dream figure. And, I simply cover up those other things!:D

07-01-2017, 10:45 AM
I have "man boobs". They are an A cup. I still wear tight T shirts and yes it's obvious that they are there. No one says anything.

07-01-2017, 11:13 AM
Well I'm very new to this but its is something I've been thinking about quite a lot since I was "outed", I've always ridden road bike's and have always shaved my legs all the way up, so I would have said my legs but my wife thinks it's my bum in a dress so I'm quite happy to go with that.

Lucy Long Legs
07-24-2017, 08:44 AM
Thank you for all your replies - there is a common theme here, and one which I identify with. I too have always worried about my slender arms and neck, small build down below and feminine legs. But, like all of us, these are a blessing in girl mode.

07-24-2017, 04:50 PM
for me very small wrists, ladies dress watches fit nicely, no adding links. Bra size I fill a B-cup pretty good, I'd like a little more but then....

07-24-2017, 05:30 PM
I am bootylicious hehehe

07-24-2017, 08:38 PM
Hi hon You might have been the smallest in the class but you turned out to be the most beautiful.

07-24-2017, 11:44 PM
for me, these are the things i hated as a kid but thankful for now...
i always had nice legs, nice head of long hair, very long eye lashes,
very little body hair and not real tall at 5' 7.

my italian nose, wide shoulders and popeye forearms, i'm stuck with! :(

Becky Blue
07-25-2017, 12:13 AM
Lucy good question... I have a number of attributes that are advantages in girl mode but not so in boy... such as slim legs, small across the shoulders, smallish feet and hands but the only one I used to be embarrassed about were my skinny arms...nowadays I really like having skinny arms :)

07-25-2017, 08:04 AM
Same as some of the others, manboobs. Teased abut them when younger, now I just live with them but do like the feeling of them in a bra. Because of some meds I currently take they have actually grown some.

07-25-2017, 09:46 AM
I have wide-ish hips compared to the rest of my medium build. If I was walking with my buddies and the sun was behind us, our shadow in front of us screamed that my wider hips looked out of proportion as a guy. Or, at least, I thought so. I can't remember anyone saying anything about it. Add a full bum and I always had problems buying pants. If they fit my waist they were too tight in the hips. If they fit my hips they were too loose in the waist. (Funnily enough my mom never thought to try women's sizing.) I had long legs in proportion to the rest of my body and was a skinny 6' and 145 lbs at 16 and didn't really have the much admired muscle definition of some of my peers. I was not athlete so I didn't have to suffer much from locker room comparisons. I too had A-size tween boobs and remember looking down at them in horror, but as I put on a little weight and my hormones adjusted my concern seemed to recede. I'm in my sixties today and they are back.

All these things: wide hips, full bum, slim--non-muscular--long legs and arms, and man boobs are assets for my femulating activities today.

[edit] I will add that in my pre- and teen years no one ever said that I had girls legs (they do today) or that I looked like a girl or you should have been a girl or any any of the more pejorative terms that kids throw out when they don't understand something. I looked like a boy. A nerdy, geeky boy with glasses, but a boy none the less.

07-25-2017, 02:05 PM
On the positive side; I'm short 5'4", have size 8 1/2 women's shoe size, very little body hair, no Adams apple, a full head of natural long hair. Negatives are; wide shoulders, a little bit barrel chested, and man hands.

07-25-2017, 04:03 PM
I shave all body hair other than my head. I don't care if ppl like it or not. They all know I work out, but it (shaving)has other benefits too if you're cd'ing. And wow....wish I had smaller feet....mine aren't really big per say, but I'd prefer them a more feminine size. My wife& I have extreme foot fetishes so she takes VERY good care of both of our feet

07-25-2017, 04:12 PM
So I am tall and thin...so I am a skinny I shape guy...or a beefy in shape girl...not being overly hairy helps in girl mode but I am considering shaving my arms and legs...then I'll be a hairless dude and a smooth chick.

Beverley Sims
07-26-2017, 07:53 PM
I was a 98lb. weakling, but the girls loved dressing me up in their clothes.......

On the weekends I was the only boy who used to go to the girls places and listen to records.

It was good being one of the girls. :-)

07-27-2017, 05:33 AM
Do you have any physical characteristics about which you have always felt embarrassed or ashamed in male mode but which are an advantage when presenting as a female? Yes, I do have.
Do these new advantages make you more confident and more content with your body? No, they do not.

07-27-2017, 06:33 AM
On the weekends I was the only boy who used to go to the girls places and listen to records.

It was good being one of the girls. :-)

This triggered a memory that made me smile...
While in full guy mode (well except for panties), I found myself sitting at a table with several GG friends. One of them started talking about how her jaw would start to ache during certain -um- activities. I had to speak up and say "hey, we're in mixed company here". She just smiled and said, "Oh, you're like one of the girls anyway." At that point in time, she didn't yet know about me, so I was surprised and secretly flattered.

Now - trying to steer myself back on topic, about the only feminine physical trait I can claim is my skin. It's soft and smooth (though male-hairy). The GG friend I mentioned above once commented that my hands were softer than hers. The down side is that my skin is also very sensitive. I can't wear pretty, lacy things without itching myself into a frenzy. Tags in outfits have to go. The sun wants to turn me into a bright red pile of sunburned flesh. I even have to buy sensitive skin soap and laundry detergent. <sigh>

07-27-2017, 07:56 PM
Height is not a problem for me as I'm only 5'6". I shaved my legs a couple of times decades ago and the hair never came back. I started shaving my armpits a couple of years ago and after a couple of shaves that hair never came back. I do not have a five o'clock shadow, so I'm fortunate there, also. I'm overweight so I have man boobs. However, if I lost weight and lost my breasts it would be okay as I wear breast forms anyway. I could then wear smaller dress sizes and feel more attractive. I do have features that are assets for cross dressing.

07-28-2017, 03:01 AM
When I was 12 years old, a girl in school once said about me 'he's the prettiest boy in class'. Being one of the smallest in class was not good, but I did not have any complexes about it, because in relation to my appearance there was many power.
Being not tall and macho now works for me, I'm 171 cm, slim, sporty, except legs no body hair, no five o'clock shadow. My feet are slender so I have no problems to wear women's shoes. Only thing is, my sholders are muscular and my hips are slender, so sleeveless tops don't look good and its a little hard to find skirts for a perfect look.

07-28-2017, 04:02 AM
As a man, I have always been rather self-conscious about my slender body, never seeing it as a masculine enough, especially because I too have sunken chest. Nothing that impairs me on day to day basis, but not pleasing to look at either, psychologically it made it tough for me to see myself as a capable man for a long time.

However, thanks my slender figure I now have no problem finding women's clothes that fit me very well.

07-31-2017, 07:33 AM
Interesting answers; I am half Japanese, shorter and small build, always the shortest guy in the class. For me it has worked well enough to make finding skirts and dresses, I am still a 16, or on occasion a 14, and on the taller side for females. Fun question:) Brenda

07-31-2017, 08:22 PM
Luckily for me, Mom's DNA was a lot stronger than Dad's!

I'm 5'7", slender & athletic, got down to 125lbs at one point. Blessed with women's size 9 feet...difficult buying shoes as a guy, but awesome for Patti.

Never had much body hair, didn't need to start shaving until my very late teens. Adam's apple was never a problem, either. Always complemented on my legs from riding my bike all over the neighborhood and from running.

08-01-2017, 11:41 AM
Like many of you, manboobs lol. But that makes me wonder about endocrine levels and so on and how they relate to transgenderism....not a fully formed thought I admit.

I also, ahem, don't need to tuck :o which has always been a source of shame but black panties really help the shame go away!

I also have a bubble butt--but im not ashamed of that!