View Full Version : Almost outed myself bigtime!!

Molly Wells
06-26-2017, 10:56 PM
My wife is out of town till Friday so I got all my fem stuff out of storage so I could enjoy some Molly time. I'm working during the day and able to get dressed in the evening. This morning I had about 3 hours before I had to drive to another town about 2hrs away for a meeting so I got dressed for a while. When I changed into my guy clothes to leave for the meeting I left my bra,forms and clothes on the bed. All my other girl stuff is in the guest room on the bed and makeup and wig in the bathroom.
So, my meeting lasted about 2hrs later than anticipated so my drive back was later in the afternoon. I decided to swing through another nearby town to a mall to get a couple of things for Molly. :battingeyelashes:
As I was driving down the highway my brother in law calls and wants to borrow my trailer. Sure, I said no problem and told him where to find the spare key to the house and where the key to the trailer lock was; just go get it!
About 2 minutes after we got off the phone I almost panicked when I realized I just told my BIL to go into my house and all my Molly items were out in plain view, and my wife's sister would be with him! OH, &%*.!!! I thought a moment and thought, well my bra and forms are on my bed, doubt they will go in there, then Uh oh... the guest room...shouldn't go in there....feeling somewhat better.
Then I remembered my makeup, jewelry, wig and all are on the bathroom counter right across the hall from where the trailer keys are kept!! OH &%^** I'm busted!! What to do? This will not be good!
Think, How can I stop them from going over there? I can call them but what to say?? Then it came, I had used the trailer yesterday and left the keys out on the dining room table with my change and stuff. So, I called them, caught them less than 10 minutes from the house and told them I had put the keys in my pocket this morning and had them with me. (no, it wasn't true, they were still on the table) But I was able to head them off before I faced a catastrophe!!
Dang, gotta be more careful!

06-27-2017, 01:15 AM
Wow close call there Molly glad it worked out .

06-27-2017, 02:17 AM
I'm glad you were able to come up with a solution to your problem that eased your mind, but it may have not been as scary as you thought.
Even if they had seen your stuff, how would they know it wasn't your wife's?

06-27-2017, 06:11 AM
Crisis averted. Enjoy your Molly time.

Teri Ray
06-27-2017, 06:24 AM
Whew Molly glad to hear things worked out for you. I have had similar close calls. LOL but then who of us has not.

Leslie Mary S
06-27-2017, 06:33 AM
Yes we all forget the little details sometimes.
Once had been trying on some very bright glossy Red lipstick to see if I really liked it. The doorbell chimed then a knock at the door. It was the FedEx delivery woman. I had been waiting for the package so I quickly wiped off the lipstick and went and signed for the package (Leslie Mary S stuff).
After going back into the bathroom I looked in the mirror. I still had some lipstick on. I had applied a 24 hr type that is smear proof. when I had wiped my lips I didn't get it all off. I looked like I had just drank some very strong red cool aid.

Barbara Black
06-27-2017, 07:07 AM
Ah, the telling 'cool aid' of femininity.

06-27-2017, 07:19 AM
Dodged one there. My fear of doing that same thing (aka paranoia) causes me to hide stuff whenever I leave. The cost of keeping the peace.

06-27-2017, 09:52 AM
Funny story. I've had my fair share of 'oh %*&@' moments myself. So far, touch wood (finger on forehead) without any disasters.

06-27-2017, 10:08 AM
Close call that, I know that heart sinking into stomach feeling. Funny how quickly it becomes a funny story.

I for one try to be over cautious and never take photos of myself so there is no risk. The other day I was trying a wig app to see different styles against my face just in case I bought one, this required photo of me, I was wearing a pink velvet t shirt. Deleted them all straight away. At physio the physio took photos of me standing to show my bad posture, when I looked and swiped left there I was in pink velvet t shirt. I don't think he saw it. Litterally first time I took a photo of myself drssesed!

Leslie Mary S
06-27-2017, 01:06 PM
Close call that, I know that heart sinking into stomach feeling. Funny how quickly it becomes a funny story.

I for one try to be over cautious and never take photos of myself so there is no risk. The other day I was trying a wig app to see different styles against my face just in case I bought one, this required photo of me, I was wearing a pink velvet t shirt. Deleted them all straight away. At physio the physio took photos of me standing to show my bad posture, when I looked and swiped left there I was in pink velvet t shirt. I don't think he saw it. Litterally first time I took a photo of myself dressed!
Just last night I did a major purge of photos of me I thought I had deleted but had found them hiding elsewhere. I did this when I was trying to show a friend some of my artwork and happened to find the 'Deleted' files. (They had gotten moved to a location waiting to be put on a cloud app.)

06-27-2017, 06:27 PM
Outing is not as bad a sit sounds I have been busted twice now by two of my closest friends! but nothing but good came out of both times the second one since then we are going to eat together soon. But I now have to find a way to tell the rest of my ex pat friends because everybody knows everybody else.
So nearly getting outed might not be such a worry as you think in the end it has worked for me, maybe I am a lucky one.

06-27-2017, 06:55 PM
Its happened to me few times. I gotta say, i love the rush. I love this secret i have. Sometimes i think i want to get caugjt. But then that would take some of the fun out of it, i know i woudnt stop if i did get caught. Yeah, love the rush

06-27-2017, 07:43 PM
always put everything away or at least out sight of others or under the covers