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View Full Version : Feeling Femme When You Can't Dress Up

06-30-2017, 12:28 PM
I've been feeling like this a lot lately. What do you lovelies do when you want to feel femme and want to get your girl on but you can't?

I mostly come here to "feel like one of the girls" and look at things Kimmy wants to wear.

Darn you Pink Fog!

Stacy Darling
06-30-2017, 01:25 PM
I think for me it's the internal Prettiness which keeps me going!

It is very hard to express yourself if you can't!

06-30-2017, 01:40 PM
If you have a lipstick that will easily and quickly wipe off, use it when you can. Carry a paper towel to do it. Its roughness really helps to cleanly wipe. Put it back in your pocket and dispose of it later.

Tracii G
06-30-2017, 02:36 PM
I feel that way all the time I don't need the clothes.
Clothes just complete the picture.

06-30-2017, 02:39 PM
Tracii, I agree. Yeah I feel womanly even in male clothes sometimes. LOL, Indeed it is a state of mind.

Tracii G
06-30-2017, 02:56 PM
For a few of us it is Dana that could be a thread unto its own and probably has been many times.

06-30-2017, 03:01 PM
I agree that it is difficult to feel femme when you can't dress. I try to wear at least panties everyday and keep myself completely waxed and shaven. So, at least I can feel somewhat femme without dressing.

06-30-2017, 03:53 PM
If I am feeling feminine and want to woman up but just can't, then I will put on something simple like panties. Just the look and soft feel of them is enough to make me at least somewhat happy. If I am feeling a very strong urge to dress and can't, then I will look at dresses online, with or without women wearing them, and then I imagine myself wearing it. This feels especially good, and quite often it may result in me making a purchase I didn't intend to in the first place. But I'm fine with that, because the lack of opportunity for me to dress up provided me with a different opportunity to buy a dress that I may not have known about. Of course after I buy it, I feel a bit bummed out because I can't wear my new dress right away and have to wait a week or so lol.

06-30-2017, 04:30 PM
I always feel feminine to some extent. Underdressing, as they call it can help, but to me it is just my underwear. I also always wear woman's jeans.

06-30-2017, 05:35 PM
I visit this site. When I'm posting or reading posts if feel more feminine and visualize other posters as women. Its sad though when you want to dress but can't.

Lana Mae
06-30-2017, 07:15 PM
It is funny! When not at work, generally wear panties, women's jeans and women's loafers. Usually it is just clothes, but there have been a few times when just the panties made me feel more feminine! Sometimes feel feminine in male mode! It is all me so I do not question it! Hugs Lana Mae

Tracii G
06-30-2017, 07:34 PM
Thats the key Lana Mae don't question it.

Maria Blackwood
06-30-2017, 08:18 PM
Although it's very internal, I need the clothes. It's like opening a valve. The water pressure is there, but the clothes let it flow. Not sure I'm describing it very well.

Invisible Emily
06-30-2017, 08:57 PM
I do panties and pantyhose under my outfits at work. It helps a little bit.

06-30-2017, 11:03 PM
Some of us rarely feel fem. Even when we dress!:brolleyes:

07-01-2017, 06:29 AM
Oddly, for me it isn't so much dressing - or not dressing - that makes me feel more feminine.
While I do LOVE wearing something pretty and 'girly', it's more because it's in synch with I already feel than causing it.

but that said, I wear panties 24/7 - unless I'm visiting the Dr's office. It's just less complicated. fortunately, I'm pretty healthy, so these visits are rare.


07-01-2017, 07:03 AM
I underdress, always. I make sure that if I am consigned to wear male clothing that it is sharp and *pretty*. I wear jewelry.. rings, bracelets, necklaces.. not these big honking *I'm tough* stuff, but exotic and tasteful things. I keep my nails long enough to poke out an eye, and I have found translucent polishes which let me paint while not being too loud.

You can express as female far easier than you might think.

- MM

Rebecca W.
07-01-2017, 07:34 AM
I always have a slight feminine fog circling my mind everyday, and I try to add a distinctive, feminine touch to my look to remind myself of my femininity. I always paint my nails, and my toes are typically in a lovely shade of pink, with clear polish on my finger nails. I have started to wear light jewelry, like a nice necklace without much bling to it. I also wear panties everyday with pantyhose, unless I am wearing shorts. If the pantyhose is sheer enough, I will sometimes wear it with my shorts. Clothing enhances my feminine feelings, but I am always aware of my femininity regardless of what I wear.

07-01-2017, 07:38 AM
Underdressing is my solution. Panties...always. Bra...most of the time. Thigh highs occasionally....rarely seen (sad). A flit of perfume or scented hand lotion. Clear lip gloss, mascara, a touch of makeup, etc.

Angie G
07-01-2017, 07:42 AM
When I need to dress "down" I'm still wearing panties so I don't go with out something often Ant I always have that fem feeling inside.:hugs:

07-01-2017, 08:07 AM
I can dress pretty much whenever I want, so these moments are rare. But they happen, so I have a list of things I do. Not all at once.

1. Underdress with a bra and small breastforms, With a sport coat.
2. Wear nude lipstick -- same color as my lips but noticeable if you look hard.
3. Wear red nail polish and pretend it's the height of male fashion.
4. Wear embroidered jeans with a pink tee shirt.
5. Wear a wig with my male clothing. (This often gets me "ma'amed" anyway.)
6. Wear open-toed shoes with bows on them.
7. Wear dabs of makeup to hide my facial imperfections. (Age spots, razor nicks, etc.)
8. Darken my grey eyebrows with eyebrow pencil.
9. Wear hoop earrings (it's the height of male fashion, you know.)
10. Wear a slightly frilly top, and scowl at anyone who looks at me funny.
11. If all else fails, buy something feminine on-line.

Alice B
07-01-2017, 01:08 PM
Sometimes just shaving my legs and body will help. Also wearing a light foundation that is not obivous helps with some light masscara. I always wear panties, but am so used to them that it has little if any effect. Nylons under your pants is also a good thing.

07-01-2017, 11:39 PM
I sometimes have the urge to look fem when at work. I sometimes pop off to the toilet with a pair of earrings, and fantasize I don't take them off when going out, or apply some subliminal mascara+eyeshadow. Just having some feminine things in my inventory already brings some relief even if I don't use them. Another thing I have is my long big curly hair. Normally I tie it in a low ponytail. Just wearing it loose already feels so fem!

07-02-2017, 12:38 AM
For me it's not just about dressing or wearing makeup (sure that makes me feel even better). It's a general feeling that even though I am a male it's nice to drop the tough guy persona and soften up. It's nice to look through magazines or the internet at a cute outfit and pair of cute shoes and imagine how nice it would look on me. Feeling feminine is something that comes natural even when I'm in full boy mode. It's great to live in both worlds.

Jane G
07-02-2017, 02:29 AM
I feel like me all the time dressed or not. being dressed just means I look different, more a case of the way I would like to be perceived by others than how I actually look. I have the wrong physical build to ever carry it off fully, so I simply enjoy what I see in the mirror and get on with life. :daydreaming:

07-02-2017, 07:11 AM
Like others here, hints of the real me communicate what I wish to say without going all the way. Clothes tend to link what is inside us with the environment we live in. Of course, they also keep us warm or cooler or protect us from the sun, etc. But we use clothes as a message board to others. Rather than carrying everything in my pockets I carry a gender neutral bag and have a women's wallet. I discovered the purse idea that women use is the best idea since, well, ... And women's wallets are fantastic and so much better than men's wallets. I wear feminine colors a lot. I wear panties a lot, but those are for me. We each find a way to communicate who we are to others. So, find your own things that are comfortable, give hints without using a megaphone, and you will likely be far more comfortable. The pink fog episodes will not be so common. Life is much better. And nobody says anything, but I can see in their eyes they are thinking, "Hmm, now that is interesting."

07-02-2017, 08:27 AM
We all are unique in our wants but here are few suggestions, go to a salon or beauty school for a facial or mani pedi in drab. I find shopping for my SO helps sometimes as does watching makeover videos and doing chores more commonly done by women.
Clothing wise there are large size women's socks at Walmart (plain black and white athletic socks, unless someone sees the package they could tell), wear unscented Secret or maybe even the Sport scent.

07-02-2017, 09:24 AM
I've found that I can drop into my 'other' mindset by discretely practicing my female walk or posture and mannerisms. I do the shopping, so when walking down a grocery store isle I can switch into amore relaxed, hip-centric walk. I can (discretely) observer a ladies' walk and give some immediate attention to how that feels compared to my own male stride, and then adjust. It is a quick trip to my more feminine side that doesn't require a change of clothing, but often delivers a bit of balance.

07-02-2017, 03:49 PM
hello Kimmy,
I nearly always underdress in black panties and paint my nails with clear varnish. No one notices when I wear grey women's socks or comments on my perfume. So I can be a little bit femme everyday.
Once, when I wore a men's pink tee shirt and men's pink socks my daughter told me I looked "so gay" but the world did not come to an end.
luv J

07-04-2017, 06:34 AM
While I always feel womanly inside, one way I express it in a small way when I'm unable to completely present en femme is to grow my fingernails long and keep them well groomed. And whenever I have a chance, they're beautifully polished!

07-04-2017, 11:52 AM
I tend to wear panties every day under my male clothes and that works for me, helps me through the want to dress but can't dress just yet times

07-04-2017, 03:33 PM
Wow!! As a newbie here this thread is very exciting, lots if ideas and some great things to have a go at and some to pluck up the nerve to try at some point further down the line.

Thanks everyone (even though it wasn't my post originally!)

Stacey :)

07-05-2017, 09:55 AM
Right now I have not had the opportunity to be en femme since March 2016. My wife took off from work (part time full days) due to a back operation which was followed by a cancer diagnosis. Maybe I have had a hormone/DNA swing to be the protective/supportive husband. I have not felt the urge to be en femme. I still come here almost every day. I still peruse my favorite sites for buying women's clothing and have bought a lot of stuff. I do wonder if maybe the motivation to be en femme for an entire day will not return. I'll wait and see what happens when the opportunity arises once again.

07-05-2017, 01:00 PM
I find under dressing works as does a daily routine of skin care.and hair.care using fem products. Also will apply eyelid primer and power foundation and maybe a touch of blush at times or paint my toes. Just have to be creative!

Joyce Swindell
07-05-2017, 06:36 PM
I bury myself in things to do around the house or with the business. My wife thinks I'm a work aholic but truth be told ....I would do more girl time if I could...or at least do the stuff I need to do for the business in girl mode!

07-05-2017, 07:01 PM
I rarely dress completely male. Today I am dress that way. Cowboy boots, jeans, and a nice dress shirt. But always feel feminine.

07-05-2017, 08:27 PM
Lots of little subtle signs;

-Wear an extra pretty/lacy pair of panties (I can do this any time, the only part of "her" that my wife is on board with)
-Female-scented deodorant (all the time)
-Put on clear nail polish
-Adopt more effeminate mannerisms
-Wear my pink or rose-coloured male shirt
-Keep my legs shaved
-Discreet lipstick that can quickly come off
-Female or unisex eyeglasses (drugstore reading glasses)
-Underdress (beyond panties)

It can vary depending on how "male" I need to appear, but panties are 24/7 (lacy or comfy depending on what I'm planning to do that day), as is feminine deodorant and keeping legs shaved.

All of this is most of the time now as DADT has become DEDIA (don't ever do it again)... :(

07-08-2017, 06:05 PM
If you cannot dress really femme (in a dress or skirt) why not dress is women's versions of men's clothes? Women cross dress all the time and no one is shocked!
try - women's "boy shorts", a vest top, a tee shirt, a hoodie, jogging bottoms or jeans, women's socks and trainers. If you are really worried that someone you live with might find out - remove the size labels. Add some unisex perfume and lip balm (to prevent chapped lips).
luv J

07-08-2017, 08:09 PM
Although I live alone and can dress whenever I like, I often just lounge in sweatsuit or robe, panties, bra and forms. Forms, seem to be important to my feminine feelings. Surfing for clothes, sissy chat, or related sites sharpen the effect and much is more entertaining than an evening of television. New to this site but happy to have found it for just this reason.

07-09-2017, 09:11 AM

I feel like me all the time, neither masculine or feminine. M-F I wear men's jeans, shirts and shoes while wearing panties, bra, ladies socks, and moisturizer, foundation primer, and lip balm. On weekends I wear all women's clothing, jewelry and carry a handbag.

07-09-2017, 09:21 AM
Toenails painted, clear fingernail polish, panties, and body shaving keep me content when I cannot dress! I love underdressing because no one can tell the difference!

07-09-2017, 03:32 PM
I find it’s a state of mind thing, but I always wear panties, nail polish on my toes, and depending on temperature outside will wear pantyhose

07-13-2017, 06:18 AM
When i go to parents i do not dress. They do not know i crossdress and transgender. So when i go over for dinner i wear light make up, panties, skinny jeans, toe nails painted, i pull hair back in ponytail and diamond ear rings. I think my mother knows my dad just tells me to man up.

07-13-2017, 06:44 AM
Being clean shaven ,no body hair at all . I alway wear panties, different colors for my mood. And my hair style, pony tail or not,i prefer wearing it down. Some times i use chap stick that has color in it, shape my eye lashes.

07-14-2017, 04:26 PM
I almost always have a laptop bag with me, and I keep a small square of latex in an inner pocket. For me latex (especially panties) are a large part of dressing fem, so by rubbing the material I can mentally picture the feeling of dressing up and feeling girly.