View Full Version : Walking the dogs

07-01-2017, 02:39 AM
I walk our dogs early morning and dress with plenty of femine items as possible but must still maintain my male self (in the closet and wouldn't pass anyway) so this morning i dressed with from top to toe;

Clip on earrings (easily removed)
Pale lipstick
Necklace x 3
Sport bra
Bracelets x 2
Finger rings x 2

No panties today

And to cover it all male shorts and hoodie

How many items and what are they you could possibly wear and still maintain your male cover?


Stacy Darling
07-01-2017, 05:16 AM
Good question, for me it would be zero, even my underdressing can be seen in the smile on my face!
Not even my clear glossed nails would keep my cover!


Jean 103
07-01-2017, 09:55 AM
I can remember back to theses days when I was in the closet. Now it would be zero, as I have grown my hair out and it is dyed.

07-01-2017, 10:13 AM
Hi I go just the other way Bra, panties garter belt, stockings. loose female blouse, womens shorts. No fly in them. women's sneakers size 13, white socks with pink heel and toe and shave legs. I go every where in this outfit and not get a second look. Yet I am wearing all women's clothes and feels great!

07-01-2017, 12:58 PM
Better get a new dog and keep it otherwise hidden. Dog's are a dead giveaway to who is holding the leash. And, who does not like to stop and talk to the owner of a cute dog. Dogs are ice breakers. In the fall and winter I have been totally under dressed; padded bra, camisole, petti slip, garter girdle, panty, hosiery.

07-01-2017, 01:12 PM
I have several times gone out wearing the satin and lace nightgown and satin panties and necklace that I slept in. I pulled on thigh highs, then plain pocket stretch Gloria Vanderbilt skinny jeans. I put a male windbreaker on over that and my running shoes. But you're right, Stephanie, be prepared to have the neighbors stop and talk to you. So, no make up for me.

The one midnight I took the dogs out for their last walk (assuming all our neighbors in this retirement community would be asleep), and left on my makeup, earrings and wig and patent leather ballet flats, with the same jeans and a hoodie pulled on over it all, I was hailed by a GG neighbor who wanted to chat about how my wife was doing on her trip and when she'd be back. I stayed across the street and kept the conversation short!

Lana Mae
07-01-2017, 02:52 PM
In male mode, I wear panties, woman's jeans and woman's loafers with a unisex tee shirt, daily! I do not walk the dog! This is what I wear to the grocery store etc. Hugs Lana Mae

07-01-2017, 02:59 PM
I was just outside in short shorts and blue top with a bra on. Cleaning up he front concrete area where my BBQ pit is. A lot of leaves, dirt and stuff that washed in over winter. Yeah, girly me and a lot of cars went by. Who cares. I think they all have seen me in denim short shorts..

07-01-2017, 11:39 PM
Lana, that's pretty much what I've evolved to. It's summer so the skinny jeans are replaced by Liz Claiborn shorts and turtlenecks by Target Merona Ultimate Tees. I alternate between Rose Petals loafers and Aerosole or Skechers sandals. The tighter fit of the women's shorts and tees just feels good and the shoes are lighter and don't look as clunky as mens.

Nicole Erin
07-02-2017, 03:40 AM
No panties today

you wore none?

I mean.... NONE?

Folks, I am so embarrassed!

07-02-2017, 09:26 AM
I don't have a dog, but I'm "comfortable" mowing the grass...a flit of perfume, small earrings, touch of makeup (eyebrows and eyes), touch of light lipstick 💄, My underwire push-up bra, panties, women's shorts and top....some times thigh highs usually too hot...and flats. Sunglasses and a hat, too. Fun. 😉

07-08-2017, 03:01 AM
Nicole its not always no panties believe me


Lacey New
07-08-2017, 05:05 AM
I too am an early morning dog walker and in the summer it is frequently panties under a pair of thin cotton shorts. In the winter I have worn a bra, camisole, panties, pantyhose and a lovely pair of petit pants. But under sweatpants, boots,and multiple layers on top, no one would know the difference