View Full Version : Border Crossing

10-24-2004, 09:59 AM
Hi. ( This is for USA Girls)
I was thinking about all of us that live in a border state either to Canada or Mexico, maybe it is because I live in one of those states, if you cross the borders to either one , and if you cross in Fem be sure that you have at least a picture ID that shows your present image.
Maybe I am just trying to be too careful , but I was thinking about this as it could be a problem.
LOL Georgette

Be who you want to be, not what others think you should be.

10-24-2004, 09:27 PM
i would love to go south. but due pariona i wouldn't go. i have daul papers but still really uncomfortable crossing the line

10-24-2004, 09:42 PM
I just saw part of the movie "Blow" last night while doing my nails and there's a scene where Johnny Depp, as George Jung, is bringing in 10 kilos of coke through the airport security. The agent asks him to open the suitcase. When he does the agent starts going through the clothing and picks up a pair of panties with his pen and looks at George. George sheepichly says, "Old habits..." The agent closes up the suitcase and off George walks with his 10 kilos.

So if you use it right, your affliction with women's clothes can be helpful in many situations. :D