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View Full Version : Driving when I saw...

07-09-2017, 08:43 PM
We have out of town family in town. We decided to go to a bowling entertainment center that includes a movie theatre and arcade for the kids. There was about 25 of us going. People just piled into each other's vehicles. My niece happen to be riding with us when we noticed a younger couple walking down the street. The female was wearing a nice teal blouse with a black skirt and male who she was holding hands with was wearing a black dress a with it cut just above his knees. While my niece blurted out that the was a guy wearing a dress, I was pleased on how both of my boys responded. The stated anyone should be able to wear want they want. Never have I been prouder of them.

When we arrived to our destination, all 4 families that were all in separate vehicles continued to discuss the male wearing a dress, no makeup, no wig, and holding the hand of his S/O. It was very interesting to hear all there thoughts on a subject that is hard to initiate a conversation with. I f course all the younger kids and adults said it didn't bother them. The adult males said if that was their kid, they would beat the gayness out of them. Both the kids and females at the same time said he was with his girlfriend and didn't believe he was gay. Wish I had the courage to speak up and say that clothes do not define who we are. But I chickened out and feel guilty about that. I had an opportunity to defend us and failed. At least now I know how the entire extended family feels about it now.

Tracii G
07-09-2017, 08:58 PM
See how idiotic homophobes are? They contradict themselves all the time.
Hes holding hands with a girl yet they call him gay.
I have had a few tell me they would slap the gay out of me but I just laugh and say ok I'll wrestle with you.
You sons show great wisdom you should be proud.

Aunt Kelly
07-09-2017, 09:23 PM
Some people just can't feel good about themselves unless they're running down someone else. Your boys, on the other hand, don't seem to need such a crutch. Well done.

07-09-2017, 10:05 PM
We've recently had a slightly similar experience. As we are moving back to our city, we are in a temporary condo while we get reestablished. Anyway, we have someone in the complex who is somewhere along the TG spectrum. I have seen them walking through the complex, and so has my adult son.
I was actually proud of my son, who only could point out that this person was wearing clothing that neither fit nor was age appropriate. He actually didn't say anything negative about the dressing, just the choice of attire.
My sighting of them, they were wearing a bralette, super short shorts (the denim ones where the pockets hang out), and some sandals I typically see the young girls wearing. This is similar to what my son described them wearing.

07-09-2017, 11:55 PM
Yet, males in skirts have healthier sperm and can therefore produce offspring easier - as for me, well - undies, radar equipment, genetics? = no biological children

07-10-2017, 12:08 AM
Your two sons are great and tolerant. But I guess your adult family is homophobic. Too bad and don't feel bad about not telling them. They would not understand anyways.

07-10-2017, 03:47 AM
Your Dad of the year you get my vote,you have great sons. So in my book you already stood up for all of us by raising your sons well.

Nicole Erin
07-10-2017, 04:16 AM
I hope you all were not trying to pile into a couple of those Smart cars.

07-10-2017, 07:22 AM
Yes, your kids are great, reflecting on parents. Maybe you could have spoken up a little. But the main thing, the guy in the dress needs to hang on to that girl who was walking with him.

Kiwi Primrose
07-11-2017, 03:16 AM
Did your male companions say "we would beat the gayness out of him" because it seems to me that it is usually a group that makes this sort of attack. Each one feeds off the other's homophobic attitudes.

07-11-2017, 10:06 AM
I wish everyone would remember to defend a person's right to express themselves and to be who they are. To defend people does not automatically make you one of any particular group. Intolerance of any group really starts in the home. This incident also demonstrates a lack of knowledge of the subject.