View Full Version : Love summer and Hate summer

07-17-2017, 09:41 PM
I was just wondering how many of you have the delema,of not being able the paint youe toes in the summer like me.or shave your legs too.I mis this so dearly in the summertime because of my situation.But soon as flip flop season is over i'm in Heaven again,red nails and shaving sexy and silky smoothe again. I must add that I go to the beach quite abit in the summer and wear flip flops all the time

Rachael Leigh
07-17-2017, 09:59 PM
Not an issue for me, I get mine painted for summer to show them off when I wear my sandals and flip flops
Connie I do understand though some SO just don't like seeing it but I've never understood that ugly toes can be much nicer
to look at with color even in guy mode

Tracii G
07-17-2017, 10:06 PM
I wear polish all the time in girl or boy mode.
Nobody cares if you do so why not do it yourself? Eliminate the dilemma.

07-17-2017, 11:35 PM
Regarding nail polish that is out of option since I change clothes everyday in my job to and from work clothes, socks includet... But I do have clean, smooth, shaved legs and suprisingly I did not hear ANY comment or statement on that. Feels good with shorts in hot weather.
For me summer have different pros and cons regarding dressing. For instance, most of girl's summer outfits are kind of revealing and that not help our cause although shaved legs do help in such case. Next thing is that summers is hot season and any kind of special undergarment cders wearing is not fun to wear in summer. Trust me, two layers of pantyhose to hide leg hair when its clear sky and 35°C is not great experience. I am glad it's not my case anymore :)

Diane Taylor
07-17-2017, 11:57 PM
My legs are shaved every day of the year so this is not a problem for me. My nails (fingers and toes) are painted as often as I want to paint them. I'm long past the point of worrying about what others might think. I'm also fortunate that my girlfriend actually likes me completely shaved and doesn't mind the painted nails at all.

07-18-2017, 12:55 AM
It's a shame because summer is the time to get the shaved legs in the open air , I shave mine everyday and wear shorts as much as I can, no one takes any notice now of them and I've become so use to it I hardly give it a thought.

I would hate to have to let my hair grow back now, I feel cleaner and prefer the smoothness and the look whether wearing male shorts or a dress or skirt. Only did my toe nails once and found it wasn't worth it .

07-18-2017, 06:04 AM
My issue with the summer is not shaving my legs, they are shaved no matter the time of year, its the humidity where my makeup melts off my face. As far as toes, I hope to have them painted soon. Unfortunately I have terrible nails, which I have had lazered to cure the issue, but it will take six months to grow out.

07-18-2017, 07:31 AM
I keep my legs shaved all the time, arms too. I prefer fall & winter though because it's easier to discretely underdress when you have layers on.

07-18-2017, 07:42 AM
For me leg hair is not a problem as now that I'm older it has just up and vanished, what little is left is so light that it is non-noticeable. The toe nails panted in summer is a big thing though in that I can't paint them. We have grandkids off and on in the summers and I am the life guard of them at swimming time. I don't want to have to explain why granddad has red toe nails. I'm definitely not going there and also I wear my flip flops when I take my farm boots off in the evenings. That's one thing I do look forward to is showering, putting on my cut offs, and getting into my flip flops.
I don't get to dress as much in the summers as I do in the fall and winter times. Girdles, garters, hose, and bras are just not made for 105 degree temps.

07-18-2017, 07:55 AM
my leg were born with out hair and do not grow hair and no one cares that I don't have hairy leg so don't worry about shave them

07-18-2017, 08:20 AM
its like a few of you said,look at grampa,he has red toenails.not good

Cheryl T
07-18-2017, 10:25 AM
That issue does not exist for me.
I'm smooth all over all year long and have been for over 10 years. I have no intention of being any other way.

As for the love/hate relationship with summer. For me it's because of the heat and humidity. A wig is uncomfortable when it's 90 degrees and humid, but then again it's so nice to go out to the pool in my bikini and lounge and dip. If I'm spending a few days en femme then it's certain my nails will all be painted.

So, take away the humidity and I would love summer as much as I love the rest of the seasons.

07-18-2017, 10:45 AM
Opposite problem here. Summer outfits demand I keep the legs shaved and toes properly painted. Winter I can get away with jeans and closed toed shoes, but it's way too hot in the summer, and skirts or shorts are the go-to.

07-18-2017, 10:52 AM
definitely summer for me, skirts, breeze dresses, dainty shoes, summer tops, no umbrellas, no jackets, and no puddles.

07-18-2017, 11:37 AM
I don't get it!? Why would u let seasons dictate your dressing?:eek:

Wear socks and pants if u must. Why is that such a problem?:brolleyes:

07-18-2017, 11:39 AM
Connie, since your wife is supportive, use a clear, matte polish on your toes. Try it without the Grand kids around to see how it looks!
I'm giving my toe nails a non-polish rest until my next pedi. Then, they will be fire engine RED again!

07-18-2017, 07:16 PM
Being a cyclist I keep my legs smooth shaven pretty much all year round. My biggest problem is how to fix my cycling short tan line in the summer. It's not as high as I would like and harder to hide in the summer being outside more.

Jenna Stunned
07-18-2017, 08:02 PM
Just shave year round, No one will say anything, And if they do just tell them you prefer it this way. I haven't had any body hair in over 5 years. Only got called out on it once by my brother, He then asked for advice on how to shave his own back. Unfortunately, I couldn't help him as that's the one place I don't need to shave.

Also, I just came out to everyone as trans and most were shocked, I asked hadn't any one noticed I had been hairless for years?? {I didnt hide that fact either, Shorts and wife beaters, or no shirt at all, all spring summer and fall} NOT ONE PERSON thought anything about it, Just figured that was how I preferred to manskape. No one figured it was because I was trans or that I liked to dress up as a woman.

07-18-2017, 08:45 PM
Not one of my problems, the hair on my legs fell out when I was dehydrated from appendicitis and after a few epilating sessions all smooth now for many years and toes polished always, I just don't care anymore if someone doesn't like it- I do and that's all that matters. My summer problem is sweating with the "girls", they tend to wander even with adhesive.

07-18-2017, 10:03 PM
Nor a problem for me. My legs are hairless all the time and summer is when I do paint my toes!

07-18-2017, 10:50 PM
Took me a while to keep my body hair free. Always would stop shaving in the summer. Then I purchased a home laser and all the hair on my chest and stomach disappeared and the few that came after a few sessions of epolatingthey two have never came back. I was embrassed at first as I have breast 38 full B. But got over it legs I still shave and underarms as I really enjoy the process. Layered the privates and no hair there. Never had any on back. What I love most is laying out and getting my tan on. No tan lines on me. I have never had any one question my wife loves it smooth much better and we frequent nude resorts all the time in Mexico and Jamaica and no comments. Bottom line no one cares if you have hair or not.

07-18-2017, 11:46 PM
My toes are always painted.. They are bright orange right now. The only people who see it is i yoga and well I went shopping in flip flops a couple times. They glow bright in the sun LOL. I also don't like hair on my body and shave it every couple days. Especially in the summer, who wants hair in the summer. I have enough on my head. Yes it can get hot also.

07-19-2017, 05:53 PM
I think men shaving their legs is not all that uncommon. I keep mine shaved year round and love to wear shorts in the summer. I've only been called on it once by a buddy, and I told him it started as a cycling thing (avid rider), and just got used to doing it and prefer it now. I basically just got a shrug. I do tend to check out other guys legs who are in shorts, as a sort of informal personal survey. I'm actually surprised at how many guys shave. I would have expected it to be like 1 out of 20, but from what I've seen, it's more like 2 or 3 out of 10, and I live in what is usually considered a pretty red-neck part of the country.

Not brave enough to have the painted toenails with sandals though, at least not yet.

Alice Torn
07-19-2017, 06:21 PM
I try to not shave much in summer, as if my older brother and sister notice, they will find anything to push my buttons. I have fairly light leg hair, and hose pretty much covers them up. Hose are warm for summer, though. I do not go out often, but dream of going to a lake beach in my one piece swim suit some day, maybe when its cool, and raining, and no one else there!!

trixie lee
07-20-2017, 05:09 AM
Love being smooth all over and would never go back. Ohhh, but the Florida sun melts my make up if I'm not careful.

Kelsey dresses
07-20-2017, 06:22 AM
Shaved from the neck down baby smooth year round with painted toes I wear girl sports shorts not the to the knee shorts and of course panties and lace bra. I only wear pushups when it gets cold

07-20-2017, 07:24 AM
I'm just one of those guys that doesn't have hairy legs, so I shave what little there is. I'll admit that I used to grow my leg hair during the summer - this is the first year that I didn't start letting it grow soon enough. I might as well just keep them shaved at this point.

Painted toenails: I don't keep them painted all the time anyway. Maybe stick with colors that aren't so bright.

My CD problem with summer is that wigs are too hot! Same with too much shape wear etc.

Angie G
07-20-2017, 07:42 AM
My legs are always shaved I wear ankle socks and girls sneaker so my toes can be polished when ever I like.:hugs:

Karen RHT
07-20-2017, 08:10 AM
Ran the epilator over my legs and arms last night. Wear shorts with running shoes as I'm not a fan of sandals.

Bought a bicycle two weeks ago and plan to ride it 3 or 4 times a week for the exercise. Guess even more people will see my shaved legs.


07-20-2017, 09:08 AM
I don't wear sandals, so my toe nails are painted all time, most in dark blue. My legs are epilated since 10 years, even when I'm wearing shorts, nobody except my family did notice.

Jenna Stunned
07-20-2017, 03:31 PM
Just do it Hun, rocking cute toes and smooth legs at the beach as a guy is a great feeling. I did it today at the lake. Forget what anyone else thinks.

07-24-2017, 04:38 PM
I love summer, but hate the fact that I don't shave or dress then. I wish I could shave always without it being noticed, I'm quite hairy and wear shorts always in the summer! I'm looking forward to the fall / winter!