View Full Version : Outed by Photo

07-18-2017, 07:34 AM
As I am reading threads this morning, I've come across a few concerning being outed by photos on their phones seen by someone else or sent by accident from their phones.

The solution seems simple to me - don't have pictures of yourself all dolled up on your phone. If you don't have these photos, nobody can borrow your phone and see them and you can't accidentally send them to someone. Make sense?

Personally, I have hundreds of photos but they are on a password protected thumb drive that I keep hidden. I don't leave it in my computer. There are other ways to hide photos, yet have them available when you want them.

If you are "out" or want to be out, keeping photos on the phone is fine. Otherwise, get them off.

07-18-2017, 08:16 AM
That is some very good advise

Tracii G
07-18-2017, 09:05 AM
Great common sense approach Krisi and I agree.
It seems common sense isn't a priority for some people.

07-18-2017, 09:50 AM
I use an app on my phone called Keepsafe. I upgraded to their premium service, I think its $1.99 monthly. It takes one password to get into the app and a 2nd one to get into the album I keep my pics in. As far as sharing pics I have 2 SA's who I completely trust and one friend from here that I send pics to. I never send group texts/emails and always check before sending to make sure I didn't accidentally add someone else. So far so good.

07-18-2017, 09:56 AM
All very good advice. Some people just want to get outed,I guess part of the thrill, or what not.

07-18-2017, 10:06 AM
Yes, I am guilty of that, but did take them off once I realized I forgot them there. It is just so weird to see myself so different that I don't recognize myself.

07-18-2017, 11:30 AM
Some of us dress for that exact result, Brenda. If I recognize myself, or anything male in my mirror or pics, I'm very disappointed!:doh:

Tracii G
07-18-2017, 12:43 PM
I left some pics on my phone of me enfemme on a M60 tank.
The guy riding in my car needed to make a call and he inadvertently hit the cam button on my phone.
I said oh here you punched the wrong button here let me open it for you.
He made his call and said so tell me who was the smokin chick on the tank ?
I said I don't know I didn't ask her her name.

Tracy Ann
07-18-2017, 12:53 PM
I had taken some of me a couple of years ago on my cell phone. Went to son and daughter-in-laws for Christmas that year and took some pictures of my granddaughter. My daughter-in-law (we do not get along with her very much) wanted to see them. So I handed her the phone and she starts going through all my pictures! Got the phone back from her before she could get to my dressed pictures. I learned a lesson that day! Do not keep pictures you do not want someone else to see on the phone. And I never did it again!

Lauri K
07-18-2017, 01:10 PM
He made his call and said so tell me who was the smokin chick on the tank ?
I said I don't know I didn't ask her her name.

Tracii I want to see that photo of you dolled up on the M 60 tank, good lord you get around girl.....

07-18-2017, 01:47 PM
I have a photo vault app on my phone, you cant stumble your way in unless you know the password and know what the app really is.
Traci I think everyone here would like to see your pic on the tank.:heehee:

07-18-2017, 01:51 PM
For me it's gone beyond worrying who sees pictures, I'm not ashamed of being TG and presenting as a woman in fact I'm becoming more and more comfortable with it. The World doesn't end and people don't turn away from you in droves. As I said I said in another reply , I have more friends now through being out with my Cding than I did when I was locked up in solitary confiement. OK it all depends where you are on the TG road. hopefully mine will be broadening out even more by next year if my separation goes ahead.

Kate Simmons
07-18-2017, 03:02 PM
I agree with Kristi. People tend to be nosey. If you don't want them to be seen, don't put them on there. :)

07-18-2017, 03:38 PM
I had about 40 Polaroid photos from the 80's hidden in a wall for about 25 years.
When I finally got a high resolution scanner I converted them to jpeg. files and put them on two external hard drives with 128 bit encryption and a 24 character password.
I hated to cut up the Polaroids.

Kelly DeWinter
07-18-2017, 03:57 PM
"The solution seems simple to me - don't have pictures of yourself all dolled up on your phone."

LOL, thanks I needed a good laugh. I'm not sure which part was funnier "solution seems simple" or "don't have pictures". In this community NOTHING is ever simple, and saying "don't" seems to ensure that it will eventually happen. (Serious, I did get a good chuckle out of this)

07-18-2017, 04:08 PM
I use a free app on my phone called My Photos. The app is password protected. No probs.

07-18-2017, 04:14 PM
I keep mine on an external flash drive ( what I call them) I keep it hidden as best I can. If I'm killed in an accident my wife is the only one who knows where it is and we both are killed them the kids and others would probably never find it. Under a brick in the fireplace, I hope I don't forget and light a fire and it melts but ok if I'm gone and the kids or anyone else lights one it'll probably melt and never be found. In the ashes.
Never put anything on a cell phone you don't want anyone else seeing. They are too easy to be opened and dumb me would probably send my sexy picture to someone in a text instead of a fish or deer picture.... Lol

Tracii G
07-18-2017, 04:43 PM
Tracii I want to see that photo of you dolled up on the M 60 tank, good lord you get around girl.....

I doubt I still have that set of pics but I have a disc of old pics and I'll go have a look. I know I don't have it in this hard drive.
I didn't think to keep a lot of pics back then.
I have pics of that tank using it for a guitar picture back drop.

08-08-2017, 06:21 PM
I simply do not use the camera on my phone for any personal pictures of myself in any kind of dress. My old Nikon digital camera works just fine. The pictures get transferred to a flash drive, the camera card gets reformatted, and the flash drive goes back into its hiding spot, and all trash is emptied and traces removed.

I hate to say it like this, ladies, but treat it like your own personal porn. If you're not comfortable being found out for your kinks and/or desires, then take the appropriate precautions about them.

P.S. Okay, I have to admit I'm interested in the tank picture, too ...

08-08-2017, 10:20 PM
Just because you delete photos on your phones does not mean they go away. I have pulled deleted pictures, texts, and other information off phones. Some very interesting and potentially embarrassing items

Lisa Roberts
08-09-2017, 07:19 AM
Yep.... gotta see the "Tank" photo!!!

08-09-2017, 07:44 AM
Password protected thumb-drive for me. Brenda

08-09-2017, 09:33 AM
For me it's gone beyond worrying who sees pictures, I'm not ashamed of being TG and presenting as a woman in fact I'm becoming more and more comfortable with it. The World doesn't end and people don't turn away from you in droves. As I said I said in another reply , I have more friends now through being out with my Cding than I did when I was locked up in solitary confiement. OK it all depends where you are on the TG road. hopefully mine will be broadening out even more by next year if my separation goes ahead.

That's not what this thread is about. It's about crossdressers who don't want others to know they are crossdressers outing themselves by keeping photos of themselves dressed as women on their phones.

Obviously, if you are out to people as a crossdresser, this thread doesn't apply to you.

08-09-2017, 11:22 AM
I agree with Krisi 100%, it seems like this would be such a common sense kind of thing. I wouldn't even take the photos with a phone, Mine uploads to google photos automatically, taking a full on dressed photo would go onto the web where it never really disappears. All of Mine are taken with a digital camera, I control the card, what is seen or not seen is completely up to me.

08-14-2017, 06:49 PM
One of my friends had some photos on her phone that she didn't want public. She took her phone to the apple store to have something done and the HS-aged tech at the store got quite a show when he connected to her phone and the phone tried to do a backup. I don't know anything about iphones but she was quite embarassed

08-14-2017, 07:01 PM
Best thing is to email them to a separate email account and delete them. This way you always have access to add them back without worrying.

08-14-2017, 07:03 PM
I bet the Apple store geeks see tons of interesting stuff on people's phones.

Eva Bella
08-16-2017, 11:54 AM
You can use a backup app like Imgur or Google Photos.

Make a distinct account with a new email address. Upload your girl photos after you take them. Log out of the app. Delete them off your phone.

When you want to see them, just log back into the app. Most reliable method hat I've used.

08-16-2017, 12:47 PM
I am open about my dress-up now but prior, I used Microsoft Onedrive linked to a private folder that would delete from my phone but sync to my home pc and cloud which are both password protected. Working in IT makes it easy for me to hide things but also being open, makes it even easier.