View Full Version : Complementing women when dressed

Nikki A.
07-22-2017, 12:51 PM
I know some of us do venture out dressed more than others. To those that do, do you complement other women more on their choices when you are dressed or drab or is the clothing you're wearing irrelevant.
As for myself when dressed I do make it a point to complement women (or some men) on something that I do find appealing, whether it is a blouse, dress, nails etc. I always get a smile and feeling that they appreciate that someone noticed. In male mode I considered it a little creepy, but I now do it in male mode also, sincere and quick, and I seem to get the same response as long as they don't think it is a pick up line.
I know I like to get complemented.

bridget thronton
07-22-2017, 12:57 PM
I will compliment friends any time - strangers not too often

07-22-2017, 01:21 PM
I'm very much with you on these thoughts , knowing how to pass a compliment and receive them is an art but I love receiving them as much as I enjoy giving them. I hope I've never offended anyone in doing so . Not so much a pick up line but maybe a little light flirting and I love that .

Alice Torn
07-22-2017, 01:25 PM
In male mode, i do it often! have not done it yet in lady stuff.

Alice B
07-22-2017, 03:30 PM
A compliment is always welcomed no matter who gives it.

07-22-2017, 03:55 PM
Not total strangers no. Hell, even in guy mode I've had people get pissy that a total stranger was speaking to them. Just not worth the hassle, especially when you don't know how they'll react to you being dressed.

Tracy Irving
07-22-2017, 04:08 PM
I was purchasing a silver v-neck shirt at Kohl's the other day. The woman at the register complimented me on an excellent selection. I looked up to see her wearing the exact same top so I returned the compliment. She then recommended I check out the super comfortable women's clearance jeans that were selling for less than $3.00.

07-22-2017, 06:10 PM
I did to a total stranger today at the hotel. I am guessing there is a wedding group in our hotel and this GG ( probably late 40s) was dressed gorgeous in this tan sequence dress. She had such amazing curves I was jealous. I came right out in the elevator and complimented her on her look. She looked very stressed and appreciated the compliment. I think it made her day and she was much happier when she left. All I could think about was, where did she get that dress?

07-22-2017, 06:22 PM
I must say that I have noticed lately that I will compliment more when I am dressed than I do when in drab. I think it is more easily accepted by the other person if it came from someone who appears to at least have an interest in clothing instead of "just another guy with a line ".

07-23-2017, 03:11 AM
often complementing others, makes most of them feel good.

07-23-2017, 03:27 AM
I venture to suggest that the best way to be accepted by other women is to dress ourselves in a way which complements them in their attire, rather than to go over the top.

(English is a tough language to master!)

07-23-2017, 03:47 AM
I'm glad you did that.
Weddings are so stressful, 101 things going on, the outfit sometimes gets thrown on when they should be enjoying the moment . After seeing thirty years of weddings the outfits were love it or hate it moments but it's too late, so you gave her a great boost if she was having those doubts , and maybe she didn't have time to wear her new shoes in and we all know how much heels can play us up by being too tight or worse still falling off.

07-23-2017, 04:26 AM
The deeper my knowledge of women's fashion grows, the easy it has become to give compliments. Seldom to strangers but often to friends.

07-23-2017, 06:03 AM
I have nor complimented women while dressed, but I have done it often in male mode.

07-23-2017, 07:08 AM
I do not go out dressed so I cannot speak to that.

In male mode I have complimented women but it is usually while talking to them while conducting other business.

While doing my banking the teller that was assisting me had a nice bracelet on. I told her that bracelet looked nice and she just smiled and told about the family history of it.

A cashier at a local store always have her nails painted and looking nice. One day I mentioned to her that her nails always look nice. Again a big smile from her.

To say that to a complete stranger I usually will not do.

Maria 60
07-23-2017, 07:33 AM
I do agree with Lea, I have complimented a cashier on her nails or a piece of jewelry, but I don't know about commenting on a skirt or top. I wills speak for my wife she loves the comments from men or women about her fashion, she once had a man make a comment about her legs in which she found inappropriate and found creepy.

07-23-2017, 05:15 PM
I dont go out in public dressed. In man mode at work if there is a woman with a killer pair of heels I tell em I like your shoes. I have never gotten a complaint. IF the shoes are sexy they are sexy...

Kate Simmons
07-23-2017, 06:08 PM
I always do Nikki, in either mode. :battingeyelashes::)

07-23-2017, 11:46 PM
While dressed in drab, I have sometimes complimented women on their clothing.

Today, I was leaving a dressing room talking to the SA (and showing her a few pics on my phone) when another woman came out of her dressing room to get the opinion of the SA I was talking with. The woman was wearing a form fitting black dress that showed off her topside fabulously and I told her she looked spectacular. After a few moments chatting with the SA the woman was talking to her (presumably) husband and he was saying she looked great, and I walked by and told her "listen to him".

Becky Blue
07-24-2017, 02:43 AM
I am with you on this Nikki, I most definitely compliment women more when i am out and about dressed. It is not that I I am more aware of how women look at all when I am dressed.

When I am in male mode I often feel that a compliment can be taken as a pick up line, so then I start bumbling about this is not a pick up argghh all too hard!!!

07-30-2017, 07:22 AM
Women have small talk and complement each other regularly and that may be why they smile so much more than males!

I have learned from dressing how great, a well worded compliment or pleasantry makes all involved feel! I now do this much more often in drab and to both men and women and I have received overwhelmingly positive responses. Worst reply has been a blank look from a guy.
Now let me clarify that my complements/pleasantries to guys rarely involve how they look or what they are wearing (I do comment on interesting tee shirt logos/wordings). The neat thing i have found about making comments to other guys is how often it results in a brief further exchange of pleasantries. A great way to try this is to thank anyone identifying as a vet (male or female).
For women I will extend it to appearance but also a complement on a selection in their grocery cart or maybe the toy their child has being cool.... The key is in the delivery. If it sounds like a pick up line it may not work.
Nail and beauty salons are great places to observe how women interact.