View Full Version : girl cover up!

07-22-2017, 08:29 PM
Saw a fully dressed lady today, kind of fat (like 225-250) and her nipples were tightly pressed against her shirt.

Honestly I thought it was a woman but once I saw her chest and complete lack of boobs despite being fat it was a dead giveaway.

I immediately heard soon after by a couple people "was that a man?"

I wanted to follow her around to study how people reacted but decided to just go home and not be a stalker for the day.

The problem is most women who gain weight have some of that fat distributed to their chest, The guy despite having a good passable look going for him didn't wear a bra and exposed the fact that there was no reason to wear one.

So please cover your nipples and be classy, or don't I don't really care enough. I'm just reporting a CD mistake to take into consideration for those who want to pass and avoid "was that a man" remarks.

07-22-2017, 08:36 PM
I rarely don't where a bra, but sometimes with a button up girl shirt my nipples don't show but you can tell I have some boobs. But generally I wear a bra.

07-22-2017, 11:34 PM
I went to town today to run some errands. I was amazed how some people looked. It is not just CDs. I did see one woman that had it all put together. She wasn't the prettiest woman I saw, but everything about her was classy which made her very good looking.

07-23-2017, 06:38 AM
I really don't like seeing nipples on show, male or female, not sure why, just one of those 'urgh' things for me.

07-23-2017, 07:23 AM
Watching wembledon tennis, I would say that most of the women were showing their nipples. I would think a padded bra would work just fine and nipples would not show.

07-23-2017, 07:27 AM
I can see the point your making, it's not the appearance you or I would make , but we can't stop others, she either doesn't care and is oblivious to any comments.
I must admit I don't have too much of a problem with what I eat but would take care if I began to pile on the pounds, it would make my dressing more difficult, having to choose clothes that covered problem areas up .

As for stopping the perennial question of , " Was that a man ?" you will never stop that one, no matter how much we think we pass. You can fool some of the people some of the time but not all the people all of the time !

Stephanie Nicole
07-23-2017, 07:40 AM
First let me apologize if this comes out wrong I am not intending to insult anyone.
I am an overweight person, I go between 250 and 270 most of the time with a rather portly stomach line and thick thighs. so finding clothes to fit and hide that sometimes is difficult for me. I also have an old shoulder injury that sometimes makes wearing bras actually painful for me so I choose not to wear one for my own comfort and yes sometimes my nipples are visibly sticking out when I wear some of my thinner tops. Usually I try to wear a tank or Camisole under those tops to help prevent that from happening but it does happen. I also have a pretty thick goatee and moustache and a shiny bald head. I do not as of yet own any wigs and am not ready to shave the beard and moustache off just yet as I have had it and cultivated it for close to 25 years. When I do dress in public I try to look the best I can but I also want to be comfortable and since there is no way I can be mistaken for anything but a man in women's clothes I try not to worry about what others think. The best image I can come up with to give you an Idea of how I look came from my brother, If anyone is a wrestling fan, think about an older wrestler named Stone Cold Steve Austin and picture him in a dress and you get a fairly close representation of what I look like lol
As far as calling a person fat, sometimes a person has not control over their weight (it could be a medical issue such as Diabetes or a stomach ailment or it could be genetics such as a thyroid issue (which my mom had one that helped make her a larger woman and my father has type 2 Diabetes and the 3 times daily insulin shots help add to his weight but he does eat right and yes has a belly). I personally as I said above am in the overweight class and as much as I have tried my general physiology and build make losing weight and keeping it off a difficult chore.

Tracii G
07-23-2017, 08:00 AM
What does weight have to do with it?
You just don't like nipples showing thats all.
I have been fat and there were plenty of cute clothes out there Teresa.

07-23-2017, 08:32 AM
Sorry I meant no offence in my comment, just carrying extra weight creates problems which I'm lucky I don't have to face . As Stephanie says it can be down to a medical problem . Some guys have moobs with pronounced nipples but don't resort to wearing bras.

I agree the designers do a great job of producing clothes to help larger people look attractive more so for women than men, but I still agree with RedTea that maybe when dressed no matter what size cover up the nipples .

Stacy Darling
07-23-2017, 08:34 AM
Erect Nipples?
Just part of nature, it's hot or cold, it can be asleep or excited.
I'm in and out of water a lot and mine go hard, the females around me at those times can be hard aswell. Even padded bras don't work for my two closest women, one is thinner than I and the other an Amazonian, that's a fact!

But hey, I don't have Boobs myself!

Flat chested Stacy!

07-23-2017, 09:29 AM
I have "moobs", not large enough to be breasts but enough to notice and my nipples show all the time, they just seem to be stiff and show no matter what even in loose fitting tops. I get some b*ll busting on the job especially when soaked from sweating. Just something I have learned to live with. Yes when in andro I'm sure it can be a bit confusing to others but just more a part of me I've learned to accept and makes me a whole person.

Tracii G
07-23-2017, 09:56 AM
Its a natural thing and the person has no control over it so I don't worry about it.

Stephanie Nicole
07-23-2017, 10:48 AM
Sorry I meant no offence in my comment, just carrying extra weight creates problems which I'm lucky I don't have to face . As Stephanie says it can be down to a medical problem . Some guys have moobs with pronounced nipples but don't resort to wearing bras.

I agree the designers do a great job of producing clothes to help larger people look attractive more so for women than men, but I still agree with RedTea that maybe when dressed no matter what size cover up the nipples .

So what should I do when my nipples do pop, like I said I cant wear a bra because of a painful shoulder injury so I adjust and wear a tank or camisole with most of my tops, however as much as I try to prevent it from happening it does occasionally so what should I do? Duct tape over my nipples so people aren't offended? I see girls and women walking around without bras quite often and to use a term from when I was a kid their thermometers are showing how cold they are and nobody bats an eye at them but because I am a man in a nice top and jeans when mine pops it is not proper decorum and I should go run and hide? screw that I say if my girls want to rise to the occasion let it happen

Tracii G
07-23-2017, 12:39 PM
The way I look at it I'm sure I offend someone somewhere so why worry about it.
Its just nipples anyway.

07-23-2017, 01:34 PM
I personally don't find nippleage distasteful. They are a part of human anatomy just like male bulges, and female breasts along with noses and arms and legs etc etc.

07-23-2017, 02:24 PM
What a bunch of prudes. I grew up in the sixties and seventies, and back then, we really thought that it wouldn't be long until nudity, gay people, pot and all kinds of things would shortly be considered normal enough that no one would really care who did what as long as they weren't hurting anyone else. Who knew how quickly the kids of then, would turn into old fuddy duddy's, demanding censorship, and trying to force everyone to toe the line just because some old fart was offended by what they saw. What a crock of you know what.

Tracii G
07-23-2017, 02:42 PM
SM I think the OPer being a young adult has just started noticing things that he never gave any thought to earlier.
Kind of a discovery of life thing.

07-23-2017, 03:12 PM
What a bunch of prudes. I grew up in the sixties and seventies, and back then, we really thought that it wouldn't be long until nudity, gay people, pot and all kinds of things would shortly be considered normal enough that no one would really care who did what as long as they weren't hurting anyone else. Who knew how quickly the kids of then, would turn into old fuddy duddy's, demanding censorship, and trying to force everyone to toe the line just because some old fart was offended by what they saw. What a crock of you know what.

The US of A is in general very prudish. Europeans very much the opposite from what I understand.

07-24-2017, 08:42 AM
You can find "nipple covers" in any drugstore if that's an issue. No need for a padded bra.

Jean 103
07-24-2017, 08:57 AM
Woman do not like nipples showing. My best friend's [a GG] nipples show if she doesn't wear a bra. She has gotten criticised for it.