View Full Version : Finding the time

07-24-2017, 12:25 PM
Finding the time to dress has been an issue for me for a while until recently. My biggest issue has been with my 15y old autistic daughter (Asperger, high function). I try not to dress around her because she can say some demeaning things. I know she doesn't mean to be hurtful, but its the nature of autism and a lack of empathy is part of the disorder. A few weeks ago I started dressing in the morning (just dress, forms, wig) right when I get up. I am able to enjoy it up until I go to work or 10am, (which ever comes first), when, like clockwork, she gets up.

Stacy Darling
07-24-2017, 02:03 PM
Finding time to do anything when with a hyper sensitised person about is quite difficult, and don't I know!
After spending 47yrs with an HF Aspie, whom is quite happy to be who he is, I have a fair understanding of your situation!

I do hope that you can find some time in the future ( being HF myself I doubt it )

So, if you need an Aspie release give me a call!


07-24-2017, 06:56 PM
Thanks for revealing that fact, my granddaughter is mildly autistic she's 4 years old and her speech hasn't returned yet, her signing is wonderful for her age , we are patiently waiting and hoping !

My daughter is OK about my dressing and feels the her daughter won't have a problem seeing me , I'm not going to force that issue it's too early to risk any confusion on her behalf .

If you have any comments I would very much appreciate it .

Stephanie Nicole
07-24-2017, 07:08 PM
My stepson is 13 and high functioning Autistic ( he rates 91 on the scale) at times he can be as normal as any other kid his age and at other times his social and personal skills are at the level of a 5-6 year old. I also did not dress in front of him because he would not understand. Raising s child is difficult enough but add something like that to the mix is rough on even the strongest person. Somedays I wish I could just snap my fingers and make his problems go away or take them on myself so that he does not have to suffer with it anymore. The only advice I can give is to love your daughter as much as you can. I have not seen my son since my ex-wife and I divorced in December, but I hope that he knows "daddy" is still there and will always be there whenever he needs me. If I had to give up dressing forever just to be able to spend one more day with him, there would be no question bout what my decision would be. Carroll if you ever want to talk just message me and I will be here. Teresa, the only ting I can say is to give it time, my son didn't talk until he was almost 8 years old and even now at 13 he still has speech and communication issues. Stacy55 God Bless You.
Hugs to everyone dealing with this.

07-24-2017, 07:30 PM
It is a challenge, but we work with it. I used to work with special needs kids so I can respect that she prefers to see dad and not Carroll. The last time she saw me dressed (a few days ago) She said "I hope you dont go outside like that unless its Halloween". Her way of say dont embarrass me, I think.