View Full Version : Went into town the most dressed I've been yet...

07-28-2017, 12:08 PM
I had to go into the nearest large town to me today. So far I've ventured out to quieter areas in fairly stealth mode stuff. Today I decided to go for it and went out in Jeggings, a pastel tie die top and a pink checked blouse unbuttoned (worn like a cardigan).

It was very busy but I just maintained confidence and no one really took much notice at all. I did get the odd double take and look but it really was nothing.

Next time I'm going to go for a denim skirt with tights.


07-28-2017, 12:15 PM
Sounds like you had a great time! Bigger cities usually are more accepting because the people there have seen everything. They notice you but don't say anything to you.

Lana Mae
07-28-2017, 02:14 PM
Andy, congrats on getting out there! Best wishes on continued success on your journey! Hugs Lana Mae

07-28-2017, 02:25 PM
I have become probably much too bold in my dressing in public. For the past 9 months or so I have frequently ventured out wearing obvious feminine clothing, jewelry, shoes, etc. sometimes with makeup, most of the time without. So far, I have not had any negative reactions from the people I have been around or interacted with (at least that I know of). Actually, I have been complimented on various aspects of my attire on numerous occasions and have even been referred to as 'mam.' Just today I ventured out wearing obvious women's 5" maybe 6" shorts, white bra with outline & 'shadow' clearly showing through my pink t-shirt style top, lady's watch, costume jewelry feminine diamond cluster ring, thong sandals showing my pink colored toe nails, and my purse. I went to Target to pick up an order I placed on line. Didn't interact with anyone until I got to the Customer Service counter and told the sales lady I was there to pick up an order. She didn't say a word about how I was dressed but I could detect a slight smile from her as she told me to have a good day after completing the transaction. This was a Target that has a Starbucks inside the store so I decided to get a coffee and just sit and enjoy it as I watched the shoppers come and go. The girl who waited on me also never said a word about how I was dressed but she was very sweet and upbeat about serving me. While I was enjoying my coffee, a lady waiting for her order told me that my ring was beautiful. It's always so wonderful when gg's compliment anything I'm wearing whether it's my jewelry, the clothes I'm wearing or the color of my toe nails. I have also had men compliment what I was wearing but that doesn't do a thing for me even though it is appreciated as I figure I must be doing something right.

Rachael Leigh
07-28-2017, 03:39 PM
From my observations most people won't say anything as to how someone is dressed, I mean think about it, how often have you in public blurted out something negitve about a person.
We have fears of going out enfem because we have been conditioned to think it's wrong. It's just clothes who cares .
Do I look like a guy, I'm sure I do but now when I go out I think if someone really takes a look I'm hoping I'm presenting
well enough that at least they will think Tgirl which works for me. I now just go and don't think about it anymore

Go out enjoy be yourself
Rachael Leigh

07-28-2017, 04:16 PM
Very good keeping your nerve and head about you. I don't want to disappoint you but after a while being out gets to be an everyday event and quite routine. Depending on how far your willing to push your boundaries with your dressing you won't even raise an eyebrow with the "normals". Stay on this site and you'll read many stories of going and being out in the public eye and how little if any response we evoke. Get your 10 posts and a whole new world will open for you. Sounds like you've got a good start.

07-28-2017, 10:05 PM
What Allisa and Debbie said... and obviously if I can go out and be received well in the world when dressed in a cute sundress or whatever, anyone can!

08-04-2017, 10:31 AM
Very good keeping your nerve and head about you. I don't want to disappoint you but after a while being out gets to be an everyday event and quite routine. Depending on how far your willing to push your boundaries with your dressing you won't even raise an eyebrow with the "normals". Stay on this site and you'll read many stories of going and being out in the public eye and how little if any response we evoke. Get your 10 posts and a whole new world will open for you. Sounds like you've got a good start.

Can't wait until it becomes totally routine. These ventures out are just building my confidence.

Yesterday I went to the city of Bath wearing jeggings, and a pastel top and accessorized with bracelet. Wasn't overly femme, but didn't feel anyone took any notice.

Today I am home and wearing a skirt with leggings and a blush pink ladies t-shirt. My wife didn't tell me the man was coming to fix the washing machine. He just turned up... I let him in, took him to the kitchen and chatted. He didn't so much as bat an eyelid either.


Tracy Irving
08-04-2017, 11:35 AM
Great news! Let us know how the denim skirt and tights outing goes. While shopping in a tourist trap town yesterday, I saw a GG pull off that look exceptionally well.

08-04-2017, 11:46 AM
Great news! Let us know how the denim skirt and tights outing goes. While shopping in a tourist trap town yesterday, I saw a GG pull off that look exceptionally well.

Will do. May get chance over the weekend, if not then certainly next week I hope :-)

Devi SM
08-04-2017, 12:01 PM
Nice thread!
If we talk about people reactions I have a funny story or two.
The first on one of my firsts out, later at night in Long beach California going for first time out, by street to a tgurls club on Saturday night.
I parked 2 streets far and had to use the elevator, when the elevator doors open to let me go out a youm guy was coming in, I don't know if it was my rudimentary make up, or my high heels that positioned me taller than him but he made a terror expression, lol
You can judge by yourself, here's a pic of that night...I ask to a couple of guys in a corner to do this pic for me and they told me of course girl.
I had to crop a lot this pic to be accepted for the system to uploaded...

Barbara Jo
08-05-2017, 01:47 PM
I have found that if you have reasonably female shape and are not built like a linebacker... and you dress your age and situation, people will just assume that you are a female.
GGs come is all shapes and sizes and not all have a very feminine face.
When people see long(er) hair, a dress or skirt, and proportioned breasts, they just automatically see/think a female,, unless you give them a reason to think otherwise.

It is is of importance that you convince yourself that you have every right to wear female clothes and are doing nothing wrong.
You are just wearing the same clothes that the multitude of others around you are wearing and as long as you are not breaking any laws, you have every right to wear them and be happy about it. :)
If you present that you are nervous and afraid, it will show and attract attention.

You need not really interact/ talk with other people but you need not totally avoid them either.
Just go about your business as any female wold.
Example.....If you are browsing the lingerie section of a store and there is another female also browsing it, just very discretely browse the section along with her as any female would and nobody needs to say a word to each other ... not avoiding her but, not interacting with her either. :)

It goes without saying that you should never put yourself in a dangerous situation.
However, things like going to the mall or waking down "main "street" in broad daylight is safe , as safe as any GG would be.
The very worst that can happen is someone might point or take a second look, but personally, I have never had even that happen. :)