View Full Version : Behaviour when dressed en femme

07-30-2017, 02:38 PM
Do any of u feel that u have to behave a certain way when dresses en femme?. I.mean in terms of the way that u might sit or walk, etc?

Tracy Irving
07-30-2017, 02:43 PM
Nope. It doesn't matter what I am wearing, I still act like me.

Stacy Darling
07-30-2017, 02:47 PM
Most definitely not!

For me it flows out naturally! I could never put it on or behave in a certain way!


Lana Mae
07-30-2017, 02:48 PM
The walk, I don't quite have down yet! I have however seen GG's walking all kinds of ways! Always sit with your legs together! I cross mine at the ankles! Also eat slower and take smaller bites! I tend to cross my arms in male mode but they are laid in my lap in feminine mode! There are more but just can't think of them right now! Hugs Lana Mae Thought of one more! I tend to put my hands on my hips like a female does(hand position)!

07-30-2017, 03:04 PM
I can't tell u the number of times T girl friends have reminded me to close my legs when sitting.

And, if u can walk the same way in 4+" spike heels as u do in comfy boat shoes? You're a better girl than I!:battingeyelashes:

07-30-2017, 03:16 PM
The only difference for me is that I cross my legs or keep them together when wearing skirts or dresses, which is something I never do when in my ordinary clothes. Although no one sees me, I somehow find my ankle-on-knee way of sitting inappropriate when dressed in such a way.

Other than that, there is no difference.

07-30-2017, 03:19 PM
Personally I feel there are certain aspects that differ between M/F . Walking, sitting and standing , most are usually gentler actions , it doesn't take long to correct most of them. I don't correct my voice , not many do even the TSs at my social group .

In the past some have commented on driving attitude , sorry to say this but many women aren't too good at reversing. I remember my first night drive to another town I had to do a quick about turn, it was too precise and quick for most women drivers. It was in front of a fire station and it did raise a few eyebrows from some of the duty crew.

07-30-2017, 03:29 PM
Yes the way I sit for sure. I'm not trying to flash everyone and I'm pretty sure poeple dont want to see up my skirt.

07-30-2017, 04:05 PM
I'm no longer Rocky IV
I'm Tootsie so yes cross my legs drink wine no beer and smile but this all comes natural when I'm en femme

Elizabeth G
07-30-2017, 04:44 PM
I certainly try to carry myself differently and I'm more aware when I'm seated so as to not put on a show and I tend to smile more. There are probably some other little things too that aren't coming to mind at the moment.

Rachael Leigh
07-30-2017, 04:46 PM
Yes, I most defiantly do. I change a few manorisums that I would likely not do when en drab. I just feel it's important to be
able to blend in. But that's me

07-30-2017, 04:58 PM
I completely adopt feminine mannerisms...my wife has asked me if I'm a different person when dressed en femme. She's scared that I might have multiple personalities. I've explained to her that i'm the same person although there are some differences. I'm more compassionate and understanding. But, then she's seen these changes in temperament since she's become more comfortable with my feminine nature. As I've shared in other posts, I'm a much better person because of my feminine spirit and soul.

07-30-2017, 05:08 PM
Hi Shirley:hugs:, As soon as I open the closet door my whole mind set kicks into Feminine mode...:daydreaming:...

Majella St Gerard
07-30-2017, 05:36 PM
Of course

07-30-2017, 06:03 PM
Sort of. I'd call it more mannerisms than behavior. Knees together, elbows in, chin up, chest out.

07-31-2017, 06:19 AM
Do I feel that I HAVE to? well, other than watching that I don't give a panty peep show, no.

But - I have been told several times that when I'm fully dressed, I do change. I'm told that I move differently, my voice changes (?!?!?), and I "act more girly." I don't do this deliberately, and I don't even know it's happening. Interesting though.

Cheryl T
07-31-2017, 10:53 AM
Not at all...
After so many years it's just natural for me to behave in a feminine manner. Actually I have to pay more attention in the other mode as I find myself standing, sitting or whatever a little "less than male".

07-31-2017, 12:14 PM
I believe that if you are presenting as a woman that you need to do your best to act like a woman also. This includes walking, sitting, talking, gesturing, eating, etc.
Not do so, makes the activity a parody.

julia marie
07-31-2017, 08:54 PM
Knees together is a must -- decency! Walk: Good sort of low/straight posture (shoulders back, gut in, boobs out), and one foot in front of the other (not lurching side to side). Voice: Sorry, not much most of us can do with that. But you can soften your voice a bit. Want to present as a woman (the best you can) or as the guy in a dress?

Robyn n TN
07-31-2017, 10:07 PM
I try to walk slower... yes one foot in front of the other. And I try to look forward..not down at my feet.

07-31-2017, 10:52 PM
When I'm dressed as a girl I automatically start to act more like one. So yes my behavior does change, but I don't think about it too much, it comes natural. They way I walk, sit, talk,... . I'm a real girly girl when I'm dressed up and apparently a sometimesa bit of a bitch lol! Anyone else who recognizes this?

08-01-2017, 04:44 AM
I have to when out in as much as if the aim is blending then doing things such as walking like a dude isn't going to add to the picture.
I have when dressing around the house noticed that I change how I move and just generally do things changes. It's not a conscious thing. It just happens. Perhaps that's as a consequence of years of dressing.

Jillian Faith
08-01-2017, 06:39 AM
I'm no longer Rocky IV
I'm Tootsie so yes cross my legs drink wine no beer and smile but this all comes natural when I'm en femme

Yep my walk goes from a lumber jack to more of a soccer mom walk.

Sort of. I'd call it more mannerisms than behavior. Knees together, elbows in, chin up, chest out.

Yep no sloughing in girlieville my mannerisms are much the same with an additional limbering of the wrist

I believe that if you are presenting as a woman that you need to do your best to act like a woman also. This includes walking, sitting, talking, gesturing, eating, etc.
Not do so, makes the activity a parody.


When I'm dressed as a girl I automatically start to act more like one. So yes my behavior does change, but I don't think about it too much, it comes natural. They way I walk, sit, talk,... . I'm a real girly girl when I'm dressed up and apparently a sometimes bit of a bitch lol! Anyone else who recognizes this?

For me it is automatic when dressed I walk and carry myself differently...more fluid

I have to when out in as much as if the aim is blending then doing things such as walking like a dude isn't going to add to the picture.
I have when dressing around the house noticed that I change how I move and just generally do things changes. It's not a conscious thing. It just happens. Perhaps that's as a consequence of years of dressing.

Helen it is amazing isn't it

Kate Simmons
08-01-2017, 07:26 AM
Nope, I act the same way in either mode. The only difference being when I dance, I seem to "get away" with more moves when I'm en femme. ;)

08-01-2017, 07:28 AM
If you want people to think you are a female, you have to do more than dress like one. Yes, I try to act like a female.

08-01-2017, 07:40 AM
I don't think about it, automatically I change to walk more from the hip, and I change to sit, no man spreading, legs closed.

08-03-2017, 08:53 AM
Maybe with advancing age adopting womanly mannerism is now on the subconscious level. Yes, sitting with knees together is the most obvious. I tend to cross my legs at the knees rather than at the ankles. My stride is shortened. One mannerism not mentioned so far is getting into a car. In guy mode I just stick my legs into the car. In womanly mode I sit on the seat and then swing my body around while sitting. There is also the necessity to wisp away a stray hair from my face. Smoothing the skirt of my dress when starting to sit down. Heck, even putting on garter stockings seems to have a womanly way to do it. No? Rolling up the stocking before sticking a foot into it seems to be an obvious skill, but, most woman I've seen putting stockings on place one leg on the knee and then unroll it and straighten the legs out horizontal to the ground while unrolling it up the leg.

08-03-2017, 09:02 AM
I also adopt more "feminine" mannerisms, though I'd prefer to say softer or gentler mannerisms instead. I guess because in general I feel softer and gentler and so it'd be weird to "manspread" when I sit or slouch like a rock when I feel and want to present like an orchid LOL

Nikki A.
08-03-2017, 10:15 AM
Personality wise I don't think I change. I am more aware of my mannerisms and try to be a little smoother in my movements.

08-03-2017, 01:12 PM
I know that I automatically begin acting more female when I am dressed. How can you not? I feel that I am completely in the moment when dressed and love every minute of it.

Alice Torn
08-03-2017, 01:36 PM
There is some difference for sure, but i do not know it is that much different. Micki, incredible legs, and i agree, i cannot help but be more ladylike, when dressed.

08-03-2017, 04:52 PM
Like others have said here...I am still me , but heels make me walk different, having forms and pads on change how I sit and move a little and then the crossed leg thing...lol

08-04-2017, 07:07 AM
Sometimes. Knees together when sitting in a skirt is important to me. CDing usually makes me feel feminine and that feeling causes me to be more girly. But after being dressed for a while I tend to just be myself because I'm not so aware of being en femme. I may even forget to pose more ladylike for photo ops!

08-04-2017, 12:18 PM
I certainly don't act differently. But I do keep my knees together when sitting in a skirt, but I would in a kilt too I guess.

08-12-2017, 11:39 AM
My sexuality is entirely female. I feel compelled by society to act a certain way when dressed as a man (which I am). When I dress female I can behave as I am. I have both male and female traits but must hide the female behavior in the straight world I live in.

08-12-2017, 12:18 PM
Yes, legs together and in heels a subtle butt sway and a girl walk with short steps.

08-12-2017, 12:19 PM
Most definitely yes, I'm a very male male but instantly change when dressed, it comes natural though.

08-13-2017, 05:22 AM
Yes, I do change my behaviour or I would rather say my mannerism (way to walk, sit; most softer movements,...). For me, it's a part of the game, a way to more embrace the moment. Some came naturally, whereas I had to work on others (especially shoulders while walking).
Now it's almost natural.
Oddly, I start changing my mannerism as soon as I begin my transformation (the makeup).

Barbara Jo
08-13-2017, 08:27 PM
Society dictates that males walk and act one way and females another way.
Granted, some of the way female walk is due to their wider hips but still, females, as will as males are mindful of how they walk.

So, if you want to be perceived as a female you should walk and act like one to one extent or another..... certainly not like a male .

08-13-2017, 08:39 PM
Oddly, I start changing my mannerism as soon as I begin my transformation (the makeup).[/QUOTE]

I don't think that odd at all. It's all in our mindset. I find my hip movement changes (and other mannerisms) pushing a cart shopping ladieswear.

Sometimes Steffi
08-13-2017, 09:14 PM
I think the biggest change is that Steffi is much much extroverted than I am.

That's in addition to all the comportment changes: crossed legs, hand in lap when sitting, walking into a room breasts first.

Michelle Cheli
09-15-2017, 12:53 PM
I'm probably the least girly CD in the world. I'm just a guy who likes wearing women's clothes. If I could just go out en femme but still act like me without raising eyebrows, that'd be the ultimate fantasy for me.

09-15-2017, 02:07 PM
For me, it seems like an automatic response to being dressed. Things like walking, talking,and even double crossing my legs at the ankles, ect. especially when out in public, even if its not that often, as I usually only go out dressed with a boyfriend or other women.
That being said though, even in boy mode, I tend to have feminine mannerisms, and actually make an effort to appear more masculine to others . Ive even had others who I know, who I'm not out to, comment that I sit, talk,or behave as a woman

Alice B
09-15-2017, 02:41 PM
With out a doubt I change, or try to change how I walk and try to not be like a a ape walking down the street and keep my legs closed is also attepted.

09-16-2017, 02:26 AM
Yes, I think I do move and behave differently when en femme, I don't need to think about it, it just comes naturally.

09-16-2017, 04:45 AM
I wish I could look even a quarter as beautiful as the ladies on this thread do..... Ah, well, I am content with being a DIAD (Dude In A Dress), but still ... y'all are gorgeous!

09-16-2017, 05:50 AM
My wife tells me I have a natural feminine side to me which she see all of the time. I don't even realize it, but she assures me everyone else does..... OK :-)

Susan Smokes
09-18-2017, 10:17 AM
Yes, When I dress up, I start to feel and act like a female. It is starting to feel more natural every time I dress.

09-18-2017, 10:28 AM
There are some anatomical structural differences between men and women that do cause men and women to walk differently. There are social norms men and women follow. If a woman is wearing a mini skirt, she should not sit with her legs spread apart revealing her undies. Having long hair always calls for moving stray locks away from the face. Or smoothing the skirt of a dress when sitting down. Or getting into the seat of a car butt first and then moving legs into the car. Or adjusting a bra strap. Or touching up makeup. If you want to emulate a woman, then you have to adopt all these little nuances between men and women.

09-18-2017, 11:15 AM
The mannerisms feel sort of automatic. I notice in particular the way my hands are when I walk, and even typing right now. My motions almost seem fluid and not so much reactionary. Feels great!
😘 Jennifer

Stacy Darling
09-18-2017, 11:46 AM
I did reply earlier saying most definitely not!

Favourite skirt and a squirt of new perfume tonight and! "I'm Done!"
All femme whilst my wife is asleep, Stacy!

Sarah Doepner
09-18-2017, 01:08 PM
When I present as female in public I do my very best to adopt and practice mannerisms that are feminine without being an obvious act. I attempt to provide as many female cues as possible, not because I want to fool anyone but to not attract unwarranted attention to myself. With any kind of observation it's pretty obvious I'm not a cis-woman, but if through my choice of clothing, makeup, hair and actions I can only get that attention primarily from those I want to engage with, that is my measure of success. If someone across the room sees a large woman or possibly what the see as a trans-woman rather than a man wearing a woman's clothing, both our worlds are a calmer and better place.

I'm not saying it always works, but that's what I aim for.