View Full Version : watching

03-09-2006, 11:22 AM
Hi girls,

I find myself more and more lately watching women and thinking how I would look with a hairdo like that or a dress like that. do any of you girls do this also?

Luv Janny

03-09-2006, 11:24 AM
All the time.

03-09-2006, 11:27 AM
Always. I cant look a girl and not do it. I have actually gone as far as to take a picture with me to the salon and show it to the girl cutting my hair and telling her that I want mine cut like "this". I have not gotten up the nerve to walk up to a woman and ask her where she bought her shoes and stuff yet. :D

03-09-2006, 11:27 AM
yes, me too. I especially note the shoes and hairstyle they have.:D

Teresa Amina
03-09-2006, 05:59 PM
Sure do! Most of the time recently wondering how they get their hair so nice first thing in the morning when I mess with my wig endlessly trying to get the look I'm after!

03-09-2006, 06:10 PM
"Used to Wish that I Could Be With Her"

now "I wish that I could be her"

03-09-2006, 07:04 PM
All the time. Then I go round the shops looking for the skirt or dress to buy for myself. I recently saw a beautiful girl on TV wearing a silky pleated skirt and I just had to have it. I searched for weeks and eventually found one in my size. I'm actually wearing it now and I imagine I'm that girl I saw.

Barb Valentine
03-09-2006, 07:09 PM
I'm glad to hear I'm not alone

03-09-2006, 07:50 PM
Hi girls,

I find myself more and more lately watching women and thinking how I would look with a hairdo like that or a dress like that. do any of you girls do this also?

Luv Janny

Yes! I popped out for a sandwich at lunchtime and wandered into Woolworths along the way. I spotted a beautiful 17(ish) year old girl wearing a very short pleated skirt with knee length suede boots. She had perfect legs, big brown eyes, pefect makeup, and beautiful (very) dark brown hair. I just couldn't keep my eyes off her. I went from isle to isle, pretending to look at CDs, TVs (no pun intended), crockery, plant pots, anything, just to check her out for a moment longer. I was quite clearly in two minds that I fancied her, but I also wanted to look like her.

Just minutes later, heading back to the office I spotted a slim, attractive girl of maybe 25-30 wearing a very, very short a-line skirt, with fishnet tights and high heeled shoes. As she walked down the street she occasionaly touched her bum (obviously to check that her little skirt was settled). I had exactly the same sentiments as I did over the girl in Woolworths.

Britain in 2006 is a truly wonderful place to be either a man or a tranny, or both. The girls wear these amazingly sexy clothes, and then the shops also sell them to us :)

03-09-2006, 11:26 PM
I find myself checking women out on many things lately (makeup, clothes, shoes, mannerisms, etc.) I also noticed that if I see several women with something that I don't have or would even consider having, I end up with the same item (jeans, jean skirt, style of purse, short sweater, etc.)

03-09-2006, 11:39 PM
There is nothing that I don't look at. I look at everything from head to toe. I see a woman that is dressed in a fashion that I percieve as attractive and within my age group, I look at every detail I can take in. The first thing I look at is how she matched her natrual coloring with her make-up. Then I look at her clothing and shoes, followed by her jewelry, and her hair. Then I try to figure out what it is about those items that compliment her physique. Sometimes I wish a had a digital recorder with me.. lol

Lisa Baby
03-10-2006, 12:19 AM
But I only LOOK at women that I would like to be like. Fortunatley, I keep changing my mind about who I am and get to look at a lot of womens outfits.

I may see a top that I like, but then say to myself that I wouldn't be caught dead in her choice of skirt to match it.

I will often take a break from my "tasks" while I am out just so that I may sit and "people watch." :D

I feel that the "perfect outfit" is out there somewhere, and if I keep looking at people, they will point me in the direction to be able to put it together.


Angela Burke
03-10-2006, 01:35 AM
I check out women all the time.
Firstly, because they are beautiful.
Secondly, I always try and look out for women my dress/skirt size.
It's like having your own private model if they are wearing an outfit that appeals.

03-10-2006, 01:54 AM
forever looking at what the ggirls are wearing ! but it looks like alot of them don;t care to much , some times u have to pick alot of weeds to find the flowers

03-10-2006, 04:09 AM
After ten years of marriage I still look at my Wife and think Gorgeous. I often wish to be just like her.
Of course I look at other women still and often try to find out what makes them feminine. What makes them sexy! Of course I'm not sure why I often want look like them. As an artist I think I see other little aspects of beauty or sexuality. Such as how a shift in posture suddenly will flare a whole image of this person or how a shadow creeps in to emphasize a characteristic.
At the end of the day women can't live with them, can't live as one. Just kidding about that.

Kitty Sue
03-10-2006, 04:40 AM
I do it. Women are truly beautiful.

03-10-2006, 08:55 AM
"Used to Wish that I Could Be With Her"

now "I wish that I could be her"
That is exactly how i feel

Luv Janny

03-10-2006, 09:14 AM
I'm the same. I look at how they are dressed, hair, make-up etc and imagine myself like that.

Shelly Preston
03-10-2006, 10:28 AM
I now know why Ladies always seem to be saying where did you get that Blouse/Dress/Skirt

There has been times, when I have been very tempted to go and ask a lady where she bought something. I have not come up with the correct excuse for asking yet.

when I started on this journey of discovery, I never ever dreamed of getting jealous over a dress etc.

Strange world we live in - LOL

Jenny Warren
03-10-2006, 10:51 AM
I watch women all the time. Apart from being a very pleasurable pastime there is a lot for a CD/TV to learn.

If you want to be convincing and passable you need to learn how to do everyday things in a feminine way.

Look and Learn the following;

How to walk, stand, sit down, crossing the legs, stand up, get into a car, get out of a car, use your purse, carry your handbag (purse for our American sisters), how to position your arms whilst walking, eye contact with friends and/or strangers, body language and a whole lot more.

Ask yourself, can you try on a pair of shoes or boots in a shop without spreading your legs in an un-ladylike manner? Many can't do this. try it at home in front of a full length mirror.

What about sitting down? There are three stages, Going from a standing to a sitting position, the actual period spent sitting down and finally getting standing up again.

Sounds simple enough, doesn't it?

Are you going to sit on a dining chair? A soft and deep sofa? A park bench? A bar stool? On the floor? On the grass in the park?

Can you cross your legs smoothly and naturally, without showing your underwear?

If you are simply looking at women to envy their clothes you are wasting golden opportunities to improve your femininity.


When you are looking at the ladies, for whatever reason, please dont stare obviously and cause them to feel uncomfortable or afraid.


Sometimes I see a cute girl and just look 'cos she cute. ;)

03-10-2006, 02:44 PM
Just had that experience now. Came in to find my wife ready to go out with her work colleagues in a great new skirt, boots, tights makeup etc. Had this uncontrollable urge to be dressed like that.

So guess what I'm gonna do!!!



03-10-2006, 02:50 PM
All the time.It's how I get fashion tips and beauty tips.
Or I'll see a woman And say hey I have that top or

Ashleigh Beth
03-10-2006, 03:11 PM
I too watch GGs all constantly... everything about them! In fact I now constantly look at women in magazines, catalogs, and particularly sale ads. Can hardly wait for the Sunday paper to come! tehe I look at their makeup, then clothes and particularly shoes, and think to myself, "How cute! I'd love to have that!"

03-10-2006, 03:20 PM
One move I've always admired is the crossing the legs while sitting down move, so that her legs are actually crossed before she has completely sat down. That's advanced femininity.

Alex R
03-10-2006, 05:26 PM
Me too. I look at and admire classy well dressed women due to firstly) finding them attractive and secondly) I want to dress land look like them.

Over the years this feeling has moved from being exclusivley the first reason to now being half and half, it's just a pity I don't get as much opportunity to fulfil the second.

Signed: a frustrated Lucinda.:sad:

03-10-2006, 05:28 PM
I always notice look at what women are wearing.. I seem too always look at there shoes !!! I LOVE SHOES !!! So sue me !!!

03-10-2006, 05:28 PM
To be honest. Yes I have found myself looking at women and wanting to look like her in her dress, skirt, hair, etc.

03-11-2006, 07:00 PM
Yes I do that most of the time. Even with my Daughter around. My Daughter knows I'm a CD and does support me in that. We talk about fashion etc. I wish I had her boby style insted of mine. LOL! Then maybe I could wear a corset on the outside of my clothing, and have it look great. LOLOLOL:)

But yes I used to look at Women for sexual reasons. But now it's for clothing ideas etc. I'm not Gay at all, I love my Wife of 25 years very much. I don't need another woman in my life, except me LOOLLOLOLLOLO:) I think watching other Women does not help sometimes trying to be very Femme. Many Many Many Women dress down to the Man look. It's like why would you want to look like crap, many do and don't care either. I did see these 5 women get out of a car at the mall yesterday. I bet the car was relieved to have the weight off the tires. LOL:) Each of them, wearing crap as for looks go. I've see Over weight women before dress nice and look very pretty. But like I said Many women dress poorly. I feel I have better fashion sence than most. My Daughter says so also.


03-11-2006, 07:06 PM
Like most of the other girls, I do this constantly. Specifically, if I am noticing something on me that doesn't look right, I will spend days watching GGs to get a sense of what does look right and why. For the last couple weeks I have been looking at waists - how they ride on women of different builds, how women transition from top clothes to bottom clothes, things like that. Before that it was necklines (not the bust - specifically the angle of the neck while talking, etc.).

OK so I am obsessive compulsive. So sue me :)

Maureen Henley
03-11-2006, 07:13 PM
"Used to Wish that I Could Be With Her"

now "I wish that I could be her"

Anna Kathleen, you hit it right on the head:)

Michelle Cheli
03-12-2006, 12:28 AM
When i first started out that was one of the only reasons id even look at a woman. Sometimes i think its unfair that women get you wear such sexy clothing in public and we dont without getting looks from people. You girls know what i mean?