View Full Version : Sad YouTube channel

08-09-2017, 01:13 PM
Okay, so recently while wandering around YouTube, I stumbled upon the channel of a young European CD'er who films herself while out & about in public.

I won't share the link here, for various reasons.

The sound quality isn't great (there are some English subtitles), oftentimes she's filming with 2 cameras (including a handheld phone), and typically she's at the mall.

She looks... okay, I guess. But it's obvious she's a CD'er in her 20's who, while despite *some* GG's caught on film are wearing skirts & dresses & pantyhose/tights, is still a bit over-dressed for the occasion, which we all know can be a common CD faux pas.

Usually her English subtitles are all like, "Nobody notices!" & "I'm passing!"... Commentary things of that nature.

Unfortunately, it couldn't be further from the truth. :(

Most of the GG's, probably also around the same age, are simply *tolerating* her. And they are well aware of her presence.

Granted, some people in the mall are passing her by without a look. Maybe their attention is focused elsewhere. Maybe they saw her earlier, but are intentionally *not* looking at her as they come into camera range. Or maybe they saw her from behind as she was sitting, and simply thought it was a long-haired GG.

But others *are* looking, usually discretely enough -- sometimes multiple glances. Perhaps they'll even whisper to their friend, even smiling or giggling or rolling their eyes.

Now, maybe there's a bit of an English translation thing going on, but I don't believe so. I think the CD'er in question is simply too young, too naive, and too deep into her pink fog to realize what's really happening.

What makes things worse, IMO, is that she also films herself in the dressing rooms / areas -- while obviously doing things & acting a bit out of the ordinary, potentially in hopes of getting some sort of reaction/non-reaction out of others. Sometimes these GG's catch on quickly, and will have an annoyed look on their faces, as they know exactly what's going on. Others will pretend not to notice... Out of sight, out of mind?

Finally, every now & then someone will catch her filming & politely question her about it. Once she even got busted by security, as apparently at least one person thought she was acting waaaay too sketchy.

Don't get me wrong: Not all of it is bad. There are some really helpful & accepting SA's in her videos, too. :thumbsup:

But the overall takeaway is that the channel is a bit cringey -- yet even while watching the same exact footage, the young CD'er doesn't see reality so objectively, unfortunately. :(

The good news is, I think there's a lot to learn from stuff like this...

Tracii G
08-09-2017, 02:12 PM
Post a link to the YT videos there is nothing wrong with that.

08-09-2017, 02:27 PM

If the whole youtube video is not english subtitled, then it cannot be linked to from this site. We do not have the time to review every link and translate to ensure that our rules are not broken

Tracii G
08-09-2017, 02:45 PM
OK but with some English sub titles I didn't think there would be an issue with that.
Whatever you say but can she post the name of the video so we can see it on our own?

08-09-2017, 03:00 PM
There is no issue with details being provided so members can "google" (other search engines are available) it

Hell on Heels
08-09-2017, 03:43 PM
Hell-o Laura,
So where exactly is the sad part of this?
Sure it's a bit strange to be setting up
video survailence of yourself in a crowded
mall, and then posting it to youtube for the
whole world to see (Hell, I feel weird just
snapping a selfie while out and about!), but
the reality is this person is out enjoying themselves,
not harming anyone, or being harmed for that matter.
What's wrong, or sad, about that?
Much Love,

08-09-2017, 04:08 PM
Thank you Kristyn, almost my exact thoughts.

I see this quite often here where some members expect others somewhere along the T spectrum (umbrella term) to be like themselves or better and want to criticize those who are not. All you say may be true, but is it all true, or are those your and a few others' opinions? I.e. Live and let live, and in my opinion, be happy someone else is out and about trying their best as they define it.

Tracii G
08-09-2017, 04:45 PM
Allie is spot on and I agree. Well stated Allie.

08-09-2017, 06:14 PM
...but the reality is this person is out enjoying themselves, not harming anyone, or being harmed for that matter.

One could argue the opposite, really.

Anyway, I won't provide the direct link out of courtesy of the person in question.

However, this type of stuff can be found on YouTube by doing a search for, say, "public crossdress."

Plenty of it out there.

And while some of it is done tastefully enough, there is also some weird, cringey, creepy stuff out there, too.

In my eyes, yeah, you do kinda have to take the rest of society into consideration when doing something like this. I'm not saying people should lock themselves behind closed doors, but at the same time, one person (perhaps looking to get their rocks off at the potential detriment of others) is also not the center of the universe, either.

Have a little respect & common courtesy, and use some common sense, is all.

Tracii G
08-09-2017, 06:58 PM
So is this one the Asian girl with the surgical mask?
There are so many its hard to know which person you are referring to.

08-09-2017, 08:28 PM
Based on your description, I am going to hazard a guess that it is username 'crossdressed among girls' ??

Tracii G
08-09-2017, 09:22 PM
I saw saw the video and didn't see anything horrendously wrong with it.
Maybe walking around the group of girls back and forth was un natural and caused them to walk away but walking away was their choice.The CD didn't physically bother them.
She was just experimenting and nothing wrong with that.

08-09-2017, 09:40 PM
Filming in and around the changing room is definitely bit creepy. In one video she is shown bottomless outside the changing room in only her panties and pantyhose; they are semi opaque but...

Tracii G
08-09-2017, 11:04 PM
She is a bit of a tart and seems to be getting her jollies in a way but hey whatever.

Hell on Heels
08-09-2017, 11:23 PM
Hell-o (again) Laura,
I'd also thought this was the video set you were referring to.

This girl has a whole series of videos of her basically trying
to capture peoples reactions as they notice her in various situations.

I don't think her actions are at all something the average CD
would be doing while out and about.

I do think her intent is more likely to show others that if you
are at all interested in going out, and happen to find yourself in
a somewhat strange situation while out and about, there's really
nothing much to worry about.

I don't really care much to "argue" about anything, but just hearing
another point of view works really well for me.

Soooo, with that in mind...what did you mean with your comment
that what she's doing is "potentially" detrimental to society?
Much Love,

Tracii G
08-10-2017, 12:38 AM
She isn't hurting the Trans or CD cause really and maybe the OPer just doesn't agree with her technique.
Society is messed up enough all on its own just look at silly stuff people say on face book and on you tube.
This girl is a speck on the radar and essentially un consequential to the trans cause.
Does she really warrant hate from the bunch of us? I think not and its fine to let her find her own path.

08-10-2017, 01:58 AM
She is in Germany, I know her videos, nothing wrong with them.

08-10-2017, 02:29 AM
Well I "googled" some of the terms suggested and fond pleanty of you tube links, I think by and large they're just click bait from someone who is a cd but is also a bit of an attention seeker and see's or hopes this may become a bit lucrative and it seems to be working, we've all had a look and these video's seem to get pleanty of watches, so good luck to them I say.

08-10-2017, 04:56 AM
Okay, let's take just one aspect of this, shall we?

GG's aren't exactly stupid, regardless of how young they might be. They know what's going on, or at least sense the basic gist of it.

So they see a guy like this, acting all nervous & sketchy in the mall. Maybe they even see her camera (or both cameras). Maybe they see her filming inside the dressing area. Whatever it is. That, in itself, regardless of how she (the CD'er) was dressed, would & should naturally ring some alarm bells. People notice things. We perceive when something might be off. We perceive when there's a potential threat of some sort of violation -- and not necessarily simply *physically* harmful, either.

Is this guy on drugs? Crazy? Are they going to do something even more weird next? What exactly is going on, here??

Again, even if they *weren't* crossdressed, even *I* would probably be a bit on guard if I saw this kind of behavior. Never mind a fairly young & perhaps somewhat attractive GG.

Now take it one step further... 6 months later, one of these GG's from the mall meets a guy. They start dating. They really like each other. Blah blah blah. Then he drops the bomb: He is a CD'er.

What do you think is going to go through the GG's mind at this point? Regardless of any other prior CD experiences/knowledge, even if it's thru the internet or TV or whatever, and seemed relatively harmless & even a bit fun, from an arm's distance... The GG is automatically going to think back to this creepy & arguably pervy CD'er from the mall.

Is this fair to either of the 2 youngsters in this budding relationship?

Sorry, but I don't give a free pass to somebody, just because they have a penis & is wearing a dress. Does *not* give one the right to do certain things. (Never mind that security even had to step in at least once... I mean, hey, that happens all the time to everybody whenever they go to the mall, right??) Cry discrimination all they want, but there are certain spoken & unspoken "rules" & standards governing our civil society. Common courtesy, common respect.

You know, there was a member here who stopped posting earlier this year. Was pretty vocal about things, with extreme views. Liked to debate/argue. I didn't necessarily agree with her on much... But one thing where we found common ground, was regarding another video of "public crossdressing" found in a similar vein. Go figure.

Yeah, there's quite a bit of this stuff out there, unfortunately. And no, it's not just to simply show that people "don't notice, don't care" about a CD'er going out in public, that it's okay for others to do so. BS. It's pretty obvious, in actuality, that they are exhibitionists, that they "get off" on stuff like this. Come on: *Two* cameras?? I don't recommend it, but if one watches some of these types of videos, it's not exactly rocket surgery to figure out what's really going on here.

Are these people truly enjoying themselves? No, it's a sickness. Normal people don't do this to themselves, and they don't do this to other innocent by-standers who are just trying to go about their lives.

If a CD'er simply wants to get all dolled-up, and head to the mall, and buy some clothes, go for it. I have no issue with that. But leave your multiple cameras at home, and don't start intentionally loitering just to get your little fix of physical & mental "pleasure" at the expense of others. Just act like a normal human being -- you know, like everyone else there is doing.

Pretty simple, really.

08-10-2017, 06:19 AM
I have seen plenty of videos on youtube about cd/people dressed in maid's uniform in public . They are no difference (attention seeking) than GG who dressed like a **** these days . My question is is that cd harming anyone while video herself in the public . The answer is no . I see plenty of people in this forum put other cd down for their choice of dress/life style , ie : maid's uniform , submissive to their so . It is their life after all and if they are happy with it who are we to judge .

08-10-2017, 08:06 AM
I read a quote once that said something like, "Any life observed is sad; any life lived is happy." I think the intent was when you observe other people's lives you can find them to be wanting in various ways, but the person who is living that life probably finds happiness without your approval. So a not-passable CD is finding joy. I've seen posts by people who claim to pass and when I look at their avatars, I think, "You should update that photo so we can see what changed." But you know what? They're happy and I'm being a bitch. ;)

Tracy Irving
08-10-2017, 08:16 AM
My fifteen minute search for the video in question was futile. What I infer from the posts is that there is an attempt to get a reaction from John-Q-Public.. The comments about passing in front of others would be enough to turn heads and witness no passing going on.

It is hard to tell without seeing the video but it reminds me of the hidden camera shows like Candid Camera, just without the hidden part. We found humor in the reactions of people not in their comfort zone. While this appears to not be the intent of these videos they aren't far off.

Is it possible this hits too close to home for some of us?

08-10-2017, 09:03 AM
My fifteen minute search for the video in question was futile. What I infer from the posts is that there is an attempt to get a reaction from John-Q-Public.. The comments about passing in front of others would be enough to turn heads and witness no passing going on.

It is hard to tell without seeing the video but it reminds me of the hidden camera shows like Candid Camera, just without the hidden part. We found humor in the reactions of people not in their comfort zone. While this appears to not be the intent of these videos they aren't far off.

Is it possible this hits too close to home for some of us?

Tracy , I believe the video is under the title " crossdresser among girls " .

Tracii G
08-10-2017, 09:16 AM
Tracy jessica gave you the name to search so go look at it.
I'm not saying how this person achieves their goal is right but they are free to make bad decisions.
Here in the USA I have tried taking pics in a store in the mall and was told by an SA not to film in the store.
Not sure why exactly but I put my cam in my purse as asked.
If this person isn't breaking any laws in Germany then I see no foul here.

08-10-2017, 12:35 PM
I don't believe it was this Youtube'r but I remember watching a few videos of a crossdresser that wore pretty wild clothing and would record herself shopping or out walking. I remember one vid with her wearing a bright yellow, tiny "sissy" style dress that was extremely short, with a crenolin slip, bright colored high heels with anklets, a bright, contrasting color purse, everything was extremely bright colors, and buying a burger at McDonald's. In her vids you could watch other people looking her over, some with the "what the he**" look. She was so extreme and out of place she had to be enjoying the attention. She sure never tried to blend in. Everywhere she went she was way over dressed in bright colors and crazy fashion. She might have passed at a glance but not with a second look and certainly not the way she was dressed which was screaming "look at me!"

08-10-2017, 01:42 PM
It seems mall security doesn't like it when people film inside malls, at least some malls. There are documentaries about malls (malls themselves) from a few different filmmakers on YouTube and it seems to be a reoccurring thing where security asks them not to. I think maybe it is a safety issue as much as a privacy one? (given where she is in the world, security it is a legitimate concern.)

So, she might have been asked not to film for that reason, it is hard to say.

08-10-2017, 01:42 PM
I read a quote once that said something like, "Any life observed is sad; any life lived is happy." I think the intent was when you observe other people's lives you can find them to be wanting in various ways, but the person who is living that life probably finds happiness without your approval.

Riddle me this, then...

Fine, go "enjoy" one's life by being all creepy in public. Heck, even film it.

But then to go through the trouble of editing & posting the footage on YouTube.


Is it not enough to keep it to yourself, so you can get off from it, anytime you wish?

Nope, has to -- nay, *needs* to -- share it publicly with others. You know, to get even more eyes on you. Maybe even in hopes that others will get off from it, too, in some way?

Sorry, but this whole "Do what thou wilt" thing apparently so prevalent these days... Yeah, I've got a problem with that, on a number of levels. And yeah, I'm gonna speak up against it when I feel it's necessary, when certain lines start being crossed that affect others. Kind of our duty as human beings here on this earth. ;)

08-10-2017, 02:51 PM
Laura, You seem to focus on the negative here. Yes, there is a possibility that the person is as creepy as you feel that she is. However, maybe she is not creepy at all and a, yes, enjoys sharing pictures of herself out and about, and has in some situations taken pictures in inappropriate locations like a dressing room. Are all her videos like that and does that properly describe her motives, or are some here embellishing on the negative side? There truly are two sides to every story, and as amazing as it may sound sometimes, they can sometimes actually be he same story, but normally they are not with the truth lying someplace in the middle of the two sides. However, since we are an very opinionated crowd here, myself included, many times the other side of the story is completely contrary to what a lot of people guess as to ones motives for doing what they do. That is not a good nor a correct way to determine if someone is as bad as people try to paint them.

How do you know that she is "getting off", and what does getting off to you mean? I ask because one side is sexual and the other side is much more innocent and can mean that she is enjoying doing what she is doing. Heck, look at the picture threads here by the regular picture posters who document every new outfit or location where they are dressed. They are getting off too because they enjoy posting and sharing and maybe even getting a few ooh's and aah's from us, the peanut gallery, here. I have done that too for the same reasons, including I was proud and very satisfied with that particular picture from all that I take and want to share it and get a few applauds at the same time.

Many people here gave their own one sided opinion as to what they "think" are the reasons for her videos, but no one really knows, do they?? If all her videos were in the dressing room or generally non-appropriate places then I can see your reasoning, but from what I can tell from what is posted here, they are not, just a few. Is that correct?

I am one of those "do what you want as long as it is legal" persons, because that is the core of my belief in treating all people fairly. I go out all the time wherever and whenever I want. I do realize that not all people like to see me out there and may have the exact reasons why I should not go out that you state here and in other threads. I know I have a right to go out and I exercise that right and dress as I please. Now my dressing would be, and actually is, accepted/tolerated by all that I encounter, as best as I can tell. Therefore, since I want this acceptance and tolerance from others to continue there there is no way that I can justify to myself or others that someone else without the abilities, income, sense of fashion, or whatever must dress like me or most others here on this site should stay at home, not post pictures, or whatever. There are definitely looks, actions and other things that I do not like, but those opinions are kept to myself. I do not have to associate with nor compliment them. I can keep my negative thoughts to myself, which is what I do.

I only ask you to be less critical about someone you do not know, give them a break and do not label them as creepy or perverts when there is no way to prove or disprove it and the accused has no chance to defend themselves.

08-10-2017, 06:27 PM
I'm pretty sure I've seen her videos before (from maybe last year or so). In her earlier videos, it looked like she passed very well but these recent videos, I don't know. Although some of the filming locations may be questionable, I don't think there's anything too creepy or sexual about the vids.

08-10-2017, 08:11 PM
Sorry, but this whole "Do what thou wilt" thing apparently so prevalent these days... Yeah, I've got a problem with that, on a number of levels. And yeah, I'm gonna speak up against it when I feel it's necessary, when certain lines start being crossed that affect others. Kind of our duty as human beings here on this earth. ;)

So what committee of Right Thinking Individuals are we supposed to get clearance from before we walk out the door? Which one gives you permission to be you? The "lines are being crossed that affect others" rationalization has been used to suppress too many folks too often for me to feel comfy with it. We counter the ill effects by being out there giving a shining example, not by trying to push them into a hole. Because who's going to protect us when someone wants to put us in a hole?

08-11-2017, 01:02 PM
I dunno, perhaps I'm just crazy, but it does cease to amaze me that some people are cool with all this.

There are some "mean, intolerant jerks" out there who don't like us, and aren't afraid to share their feelings. And one reason for their "hatred," which they cite often, is guys dressing up like chicks so they can be a little creeper & film GG's while in the bathroom / dressing room!

And you know what? I don't blame them at all for that. Because you know what? It's *not* cool. Again, it's simply a matter of common sense, common courtesy, and common respect. This is a basic, inherent, natural human trait, to treat others in a decent-enough way.

What the CD'er does in those videos oftentimes, i.e., filming in the dressing rooms, and even borderline exposing herself, is not that.

But hey, by all means, keep condoning an act that our "haters" don't really like, as human beings (and rightfully so, I might add).

And yeah, this means the rest of us are going to have to work extra hard in being that shining example -- just to climb back up to break-even in the eyes of the public.

Now, how about some *positive* YouTube videos, then?