View Full Version : Have to purge

gerri ray
08-15-2017, 11:14 PM
Some of you are aware from my last post that my wife and I are now in a female led relationship and she "forces" me to dress.
Anyways, today she said she wants me to purge my male clothing and that it all needs to go by the end of September.
I am both happy and scared about this. It's a conflicting feeling.

08-16-2017, 12:00 AM
Depends on how fem she wants you to dress. I wear women's clothes most all the time. While I have very obvious women's clothes, I also have clothes that most people would assume that they are men's since I'm wearing them. Jeans are a good example. Except for a couple pairs with decoration the rest are not noticed as guys. Tops are the same. I own a lot of blouses and women's shirts. Some are easily worn in guy mode except they button left. I live a very casual life style and wear what most of the women in our area do. Dresses are for formal events.

If you are going to wear dresses and skirts? Then you will have a hard time unless you can pass.

Tracii G
08-16-2017, 12:08 AM
So is this some kink you or her have?
Kind of depends on what kind of female clothes she wants you to wear.Did you not discuss all of this prior to your agreeing to it?
What are her intentions having you in womens clothes all the time?
Are you going to have to work in female clothes such as dresses and skirts? If yes she doesn't have much respect for you.
Are you going to have to wear make up everyday?
So much here is unanswered.
If her plan is to humiliate you then why did you agree to that?

gerri ray
08-16-2017, 01:54 AM
I work from home so there are no issues there. She does want me to wear makeup everyday, but it doesn't have to full blown. It could be as little as mascara. I have a mixture of casual clothes to very fem clothes.
The goal is not to humiliate but more to get me out of my shell so I'm comfortable enough to wear whatever I want in public without being so self conscious.

Beverley Sims
08-16-2017, 02:16 AM
What if you change your mind?
Put your drab clothes in mothballs and hide them in the attic.
You may want to play dressup one day. :-)

gerri ray
08-16-2017, 02:26 AM
Nah, I'm gonna do what she asked. Somehow I will manage through the pain of saying goodbye to my male clothes lol.

Hell on Heels
08-16-2017, 03:45 AM
Hell-o Gerri,
I find it hard enough to believe that there are women
out there that want to feminize their man.
What are the odds that one of them would
actually connect with a CD?
Do you play the LOTTO ?
Much Love,

gerri ray
08-16-2017, 04:02 AM
No I don't play the lotto lol. The dollar in my wallet is a guarantee.
I prayed a really long time for a wife with unconditional love.

08-16-2017, 08:30 AM
Unless you are a hermit, one day you will have to leave the house as your male self. A funeral perhaps or a wedding. A visit with your parents or family. A visit to the doctor or dentist. To get your drivers license renewed.

Tracy Irving
08-16-2017, 08:41 AM
It sounds like you have some casual clothing that will allow you to blend in with a male population. You will be fine. I hope you enjoy your journey and let us know how it goes.

08-16-2017, 09:07 AM
Gerri really think twice about this and your purging put some of your best things away hidden you might need them or I guess if you do need something you can go buy it.
Do like some of us do now and put them away btw what happens if your clothes aren't gone by the end of September??

08-16-2017, 09:28 AM
I was thinking the same thing as Leann, what happens if they are not all gone by September. I don't think being forced to dress would let me be able to express myself the best. Might sound exciting for a while but would get old for me to be told what to do every day. But as they say to each her/his own.

gerri ray
08-16-2017, 09:30 AM
Not sure what happens if the clothes aren't gone by deadline. It's a good question.

08-16-2017, 01:01 PM
1 minor question. will purging affect your job, if you work.
I have read a book about this prior to coming out to my family and friends so I wont ask anything more than that.

08-16-2017, 02:12 PM
Wow your wife really came around. Back in December of 2016 she wouldn't allow you to wear a wig, dresses, heels or makeup in public now she will only let you wear women's clothes at all times! Are you still doing BDSM along with the female led lifestyle?
Things tend to change a lot at once for you???

Rachael Leigh
08-16-2017, 04:58 PM
Gerri this is a very interesting situation your in I mean I'm sure many here have dreamed of such an arrangement but to
actually live the reality of it.
I mean I would love at times to show up for work enfem but I know it's really not practical and I understand you work from
home so not an issue for you but well I guess if your up for it and it's a place you want to be in I wish you well

08-16-2017, 05:01 PM
Ok Gerri please don't get your panties in a twist over this question please!!!

Ok So your wife is forcing you to wear womens clothes and you have a deadline of the last of September right ok

What if by her doing this she is hoping that you will get tired of it and go back to your old self???

questions to ponder

08-16-2017, 05:05 PM
OK, you work from home. What about social occasions? Are you to be totally en femme when your wife's friends or relatives show up? I think there are many men who would love to be "forced" "feminized" to wait on their wives or girl friends. I don't know about serving afternoon tea in a dress, hosiery, makeup and wig to others.

gerri ray
08-16-2017, 06:16 PM
To answer some questions:

So far, still no wig in public. Makeup is fine. I haven't pushed the issue about dresses again yet.
We are in a female led relationship and yes we are into BDSM.
I am to dress fem everyday whether subtle or not. This include when friends and family visit.
I doubt she is trying to tire me out of dressing. If she is, then it's backfiring.

Tracii G
08-16-2017, 08:01 PM
Well you signed up for this so have fun and enjoy.