View Full Version : Looking at women

08-22-2017, 10:52 AM
All my life i would watch women and see what they wear ,but now I feel like all i do is try to see what style of bra they have on what color. Do any of you seem to be staring at women too much i feel i am .i know i wish i had breast .but i feel like i look at women's breast too much .Do Any of you feel like that or is it just me:gh:

08-22-2017, 10:58 AM
I will defiantly look at a nice dressed woman. Yeah, I think any man looks a good looking woman. But we try to see what they are wearing.

Angie G
08-22-2017, 11:11 AM
I always look at beautiful woman and what they wear. I try not to be staring but I do look.:hugs:

Tracii G
08-22-2017, 11:15 AM
Oh I always look because I'm kind of jealous of their bodies and how clothes fit them.
I'm bad for checking out the guy they are with too so getting caught is pretty funny.

Nora TBD
08-22-2017, 11:17 AM
Do you recall the term penis-envy? I have breast envy. My crossdressing seems more indicative of my desire to have breasts than it does with a desire to wear womens' clothes overall.

One thing that seemed to help while I was separated was that I would wear breast forms and a top while at home, even if I wasn't crossdressed any further. I gave myself permission to touch, fondle, aggressively grab or just rest my hands on my breasts while wearing them Including at night, in bed. My goal was to attempt to normalize having them, so I could feel less breast obsessed. It worked to a degree - your mileage may vary! Good luck! :-)

08-22-2017, 11:28 AM
I could spend my days doing that. I know I am not interested in men because I look at women when ever they are around and never look at guys. I use to think it was just me and I may be weird but when I talk with other guys (guy talk) they do it to so I guess as long as you don't stare, don't doing anything stupid, rude or illegal you're fine

08-22-2017, 11:39 AM
You have to keep it under control because staring at women's breasts is considered "creepy" by some. Also, if the woman has a boyfriend or husband nearby, there could be an ugly confrontation. I once had a guy threaten me because I held the door for his "lady". Really! What should I have done, let it slam in her face?

Be discrete.

Tracii G
08-22-2017, 11:46 AM
Krisi those kind of guys are the jealous type and don't trust their lady.
You could just be being nice by holding the door but he might blame you for hitting on her or blame her for looking at you.
I have have been in that situation plenty of times and yes it gets ugly quick.

08-22-2017, 11:46 AM
I check out women's outfits all the time. I try to be discreet but I always FEEL like I look like a giant lech. Just wish I had a sign that said "I'm not staring at your ass I just want your skirt".

Tracii G
08-22-2017, 12:02 PM
It's a fine line between the two Micki isn't it?

08-22-2017, 12:08 PM
It is almost a study of a woman's form...mannerisms and dress...plus I am a big fan of breasts. I will say that a women who is confident and carries herself well...is something to behold.

08-22-2017, 01:33 PM
I found out today that some women do check us out .

Apparently during our May ball, a lady was looking for a suitable outfit for a big event she was planning to attend and she picked out several she liked that members of our social group were wearing and had the frustration of finding out none were available anymore .

I've found like most GGs that you don't need many different colours in bras . I find I'm checking out how well they've done their makeup, especially their eyes. So I do too much eye to eye contact at times, if you you do it with a smile you do get some lovely responses .

08-22-2017, 02:29 PM
I check out women's outfits all the time. I try to be discreet but I always FEEL like I look like a giant lech. Just wish I had a sign that said "I'm not staring at your ass I just want your skirt".

This is exactly how i feel.
I'm a happily married bloke, not actually interested in other women, but i do take an interest in what type of things women wear. Unfortunately, if anyone notices you looking, they automatically draw the wrong conclusions. :doh:

08-22-2017, 04:45 PM
Just wish I had a sign that said "I'm not staring at your ass I just want your skirt".

This should be on a shirt. I would wear one. Perhaps in a V neck.


08-22-2017, 04:59 PM
I don't look as much as I used to and mostly at those wearing skirts or dresses. The downer is that I know, what they may be wearing underneath, is not as interesting as it would have been 40 to 50 years ago.

Alice Torn
08-22-2017, 05:53 PM
At one library i go to, the head librarian is a super attractive very tall brunette, that wears nice knee length sleeveless dresses, hose and low heels a lot. I have to really discipline myself not to look more than a second. She is so beautiful, and MARRIED!! Sometimes, i do get a chance to watch women walking down the sidewalks, and have had extended watching, or staring, as long as they are not facing me.

08-22-2017, 06:01 PM
I watch women a lot, discretely of course, but only to observe what they are wearing and get ideas about clothes for myself. I blush easily, and one time my gaze lingered just a fraction longer than it should when I saw this woman in a gorgeous black-white check 2 piece. She saw me , gave me the stare and I could feel myself burning up (I was about 20 at the time and this was on a crowded bus). That moment still haunts me now.

08-22-2017, 07:58 PM
Krissy, I am always checking out women's outfits but always try to be discreet. I find I am always looking for what might look good on me, learning more how outfits can be put together, nice jewelry, etc. While trying to be discreet, I've been "caught" looking several times. I'm guessing the GG thinks I'm checking her out (when in drab mode) but all I'm doing is reconnaissance! Just wish I could let them know that's all I'm really doing.

08-22-2017, 08:31 PM
A friends wife once said that he could look but not touch. I told my wife this after she found out about my expanded wardrobe once said that I could look but not think about how I would look in her clothes--it just took all the fun out of looking!

08-22-2017, 08:42 PM
Oh yes, when checking out a woman I do look for what type of bra she is wearing as it clings to her shirt, panties too. Love to look at bras in Walmart and Penney's. I have quite a nice collection myself plus forms. It tells me how they think, just something they have to wear or something they want to be sexy and pretty. And size matters, in boobs that is.

08-22-2017, 09:00 PM
One of the things I confessed when I 'came out' to my wife was that if I was in a group of 5 guys and a beautiful woman happened to pass by, 4 of the 5 men would be hooting out, making lustful comments or expressing an interest in carnal knowledge with the woman. I'd be the sole voice saying to myself, "God, I would look so good in that dress." I wasn't kidding.
I got "busted" once (counseled) in the Navy for gazing inappropriately at some of the civilian female employees in the command. One of them registered a complaint along the lines of "undressing her with my eyes", or leering a bit too much. I was flabbergasted by this unfair accusation. I couldn't tell a soul the truth. I was more interested in their clothing and how it might look on me rather than checking out their bods. BTW, the entire case was "dropped" because the woman's story didn't hold up under scrutiny. But it was a lesson learned.

08-22-2017, 09:02 PM
I check out the butts, I'm a Prude Pervert xD.

I always get envious of the jeans and shorts girls wear. I never get envious of dresses though as I don't own any nor desire any yet. But shoes shorts, camisoles and pretty hair tied in a pony tail all make me feel a sense of envy.

I'm worried that the fetish will consume me whole someday and I won't be able to achieve my artistic goals due to the immense time sink that is playing dressup and shopping.

08-22-2017, 09:24 PM
I am like so many others, I love to look to see what a GG is wearing, how it fits, her makeup, and shoes. While out today, I saw two girls that were awesome. The first was walking in a mall, she was is jeans and blouse with 4 inch heals. Her walk was absolutely to die for. Short steps with one foot landing in front of the other. She knew I was looking and gave me a knowing smile. I wanted to tell her that I am a crossdresser and was jealous.

The second girl was getting coffee, she was wearing a tan wrap dress with a deep V on top and the bottom was open almost to her waist. Her hair, makeup and jewelry was perfect. To say she was sexy would be an understatement. Again, I was so jealous of her look.

08-23-2017, 11:07 AM
I am guilt as charged. I always like to check out how an attractive woman is attired and presents herself. Around my area the best time to woman watch is at Costco on Sunday after church. It seems that's when many women with their families do some shopping. Lots of dresses. Worst place is Wal-Mart after the kids have been dropped off at school in the morning.

08-23-2017, 05:32 PM
Get one of these breast plates. I did! You'll stop staring at their boobs and start staring at yours! Instead, you'll stare at their outfits/ looks to copy them!:daydreaming:


Becky Blue
08-23-2017, 05:46 PM
I love observing women, how they dress, how they move, how they accessorise, the beautiful ones, the plain ones all women. Of course one has to be careful about not staring!!

Sharon budd
08-23-2017, 06:07 PM
Try not to stare because I do not wish to make any one feel uncomfortable. Tend to do my research on line.

08-23-2017, 09:08 PM
I don't look as much as I used to and mostly at those wearing skirts or dresses. The downer is that I know, what they may be wearing underneath, is not as interesting as it would have been 40 to 50 years ago.

How right you are, Georgina.

08-23-2017, 10:08 PM
My wife will comment on women's clothes on occasion. She'll say that would look good on you. Or she'll say that I have better legs. I use to look at women's breasts and wish that mine were as big. Now I have D cup breasts due to a side effect of some medicine.

08-24-2017, 05:00 AM
I'm not fixated on breasts. My initial glance is to her hair, and then legs. Long, shiny, silky straight hair that moves a little with every step of hers, grabs my attention immediately.

Barbara Black
08-24-2017, 05:55 AM
I've noticed that my first response is to their hair. Having good hair attracts me long before I see their face, which has led me to ogle a guy or two before they turned around and have shown me their beard. I've learned that men can have cute asses also, just for viewing though.

08-24-2017, 04:20 PM
I agree with you ,,I keep on observing all types of women and girls ....dresses and most of all bras , skirts ,,,,and mostly make up ...ladies wear attract me a lot ,,I try to learn how to look like them ...

08-24-2017, 05:09 PM
I look at what their wearing and I admit their shape. I often wish I had their figure.

Julie Slowinski
09-03-2017, 07:26 AM
The way I've looked at women has paralleled the way I've dressed. Early on I just looked at legs, trying to figure out if they were wearing hose. Then, it was shoes - the higher the heal the better. More recently it has been a study of the female shape (while I was making DIY hip pads). While trying to improve my makeup skills I would also look at their makeup, but as others have said, this is very difficult cuz the inevitable eye contact will make most women uncomfortable. Plus that is no way to learn technique (it's like expecting to become a magician by just watching magic shows). Now a days I just admire the pretty face and appreciate how much work has gone into creating such a beautiful face. In the last few months, I have been looking for the total package, a beautiful dress matched with the right shoes and bag, the appropriate amount of jewelry. It's a bit rare these days, but a real treat to see a woman that is well put together, especially now that I have a hint of how much effort is required to get that look.

09-03-2017, 08:22 AM
Yes, I observe women - similar to Tracii's approach...

Oh I always look because I'm kind of jealous of their bodies and how clothes fit them.

But I also look at women's shoes, accessories, jewelry, makeup, etc. like others have mentioned.

Lisa Roberts
09-03-2017, 08:49 AM
Amen Micki !!!

09-03-2017, 09:32 AM
Good looking people are good to look at respectfully!

I've noticed 2 differences since I've come out:

(1) I no longer feel compelled to follow society's rules as I can check out cute guys ~and~ cute girls now! (gotta be careful of course, but seriously people should be flattered, I just don't get the gay panic)


(2) I was at the gym with my brother last week and he was like 'wow, "I try not to be a pig", but did you see her butt cheeks hanging out?', and I was like, 'um, she is ~definitely~ cute, but no, we were there for an hour and somehow it escaped my attention'...

09-03-2017, 01:53 PM
The way I've looked at women has paralleled the way I've dressed. Early on I just looked at legs, trying to figure out if they were wearing hose. Then, it was shoes - the higher the heal the better. More recently it has been a study of the female shape (while I was making DIY hip pads). While trying to improve my makeup skills I would also look at their makeup, but as others have said, this is very difficult cuz the inevitable eye contact will make most women uncomfortable. Plus that is no way to learn technique (it's like expecting to become a magician by just watching magic shows). Now a days I just admire the pretty face and appreciate how much work has gone into creating such a beautiful face. In the last few months, I have been looking for the total package, a beautiful dress matched with the right shoes and bag, the appropriate amount of jewelry. It's a bit rare these days, but a real treat to see a woman that is well put together, especially now that I have a hint of how much effort is required to get that look.

I agree Julie. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and I wish that I could pull off the look that Genetic woman can. Nevertheless, it is inspiring for me to try and copy looks. I really appreciate when a woman has put on makeup, heels, hose and accessories. I know that it takes a lot of work, as you eloquently stated.

09-03-2017, 04:36 PM
Being heterosexual and a leg man I can be drawn to a lovely skirt and a nice pair of legs and the way her heels make these look without any thought of how it would look on me. But I also admire an outfit that a woman has clearly put a lot of thought into in terms of matching top, skirt, scarf, tights and accessories. The ones who get all that right can look awesome. Yes, I get ideas from all this and sometimes I even see stuff I have at home, but generally I just like the scenery. I recall a case in Scotland a couple of years ago when a man was in court for filming women (this wasn't in a dressing room so I don't know why it was illegal). His excuse was that he was looking for inspiration for his cross-dressing.

Alice B
09-03-2017, 04:45 PM
I love looking at woman and think that those woman that dress nice expect and often want to be noticed.I often complement them on their outfitds and style and have never had a negative response

Beverley Sims
09-03-2017, 07:29 PM
I dunno?
I just look at women's faces and smile, they do likewise.
Must be something I ate. :-)

Oh! Yes, I did pay more attention years ago.

09-04-2017, 02:22 AM
This thread reminds me of a cartoon in Mad Magazine long ago. It showed a man and his wife walking along a city street and a young, well dressed woman walking toward them. The man was gazing at the young woman. His wife's thoughts were revealed to show that she suspected her husband of wanting to walk away with the young woman. The man's thoughts revealed that he was dreaming of wearing the young woman's clothing.

I recently caught myself looking at a woman at a public place, checking out her outfit instead of her body. She was wearing a nice summer outfit. I check out women in my peer group a lot, primarily to get a realistic idea on what it takes to blend effectively. I must be careful and discrete, of course. Some of them, like this one, count my wife among their friends.

If I want to stare and study the clothing details, I go to Pinterst on line and find photos of women dressed like those I see in real life.

09-04-2017, 07:07 AM
I am a Muslim Male and I am not allowed to stare at Women, however I can take a quick look.

Karen RHT
09-04-2017, 07:54 AM
I have admired well dressed women all my life, and will no doubt continue to do so. I would never outright stare, but do look long enough to collect details. Can't recall being given a glare in return, but do recall an acknowledging or appreciative smile or two. Their talents not only impress me, they hopefully have taught me a thing or two.


09-04-2017, 11:47 AM
It is true ,,we crossdressers look at women in details ,,what type of breasts she has ,,,skirt ,,,high heels ,,and most of the time make up beauty ....i think it is a part being a woman in deep nature

09-05-2017, 04:36 AM
Simply put; I love women and want to emulate them in dress, manners and presentation. I have always had an eye for the better dressed women who have that special attitude they project. To emulate them, you need the details and by looking and observing the everything about them, you also perfect your style and image.

Kelsey dresses
09-10-2017, 07:25 AM
Oh yea I do look at women and how they are dressed second to how hot they are. Now I do like look at the front of guys wearing skinny jeans .

Stacy Darling
09-11-2017, 10:11 AM
I look at women a lot, mainly because I'm out and about and love the image of a mature and stylish woman! (It's the look for when I grow up!)
So I do like looking at certain women much too much! then I go into dreamworld!, definitely not into the masculine version!

09-11-2017, 10:54 AM

My wife and I have discussed this very topic this weekend. It hasn't been the first time she has caught me either. Instead of getting upset like she did before, she now asks me "What is it that I find attractive about the way she is dressed?" And in being honest with her sometimes it is how she looks or moves, the sound of her voice, or how feminine she appears. Though most of the time I tell her why would she wear that? Or does she know that combination looks horrible on her? Or my favorite, please don't let me wear anything like that out in public. She has asked me if I was comparing her breasts to other ladies before, though she has learned that I usually tell her I wish I had breasts that size. Or would she still be with me if my breasts were that size...


09-12-2017, 07:59 PM
I catch myself looking at a beautiful woman for two reasons. The man in me wants her...the woman in me thinks "Lucky girl, wish I could look like that!"....

Oh, there is a third reason...I love to check out her clothes and shoes...especially the shoes!

Emily Myers
09-20-2017, 09:45 PM
When I'm out or at school, I always find myself discretely looking at what the women around me are wearing. I envy so much how they can walk around confidently in shorts, a cute top, and sexy heels. I love seeing current fashion trends, and watching these girls movements in their clothes. I consider myself Pansexual, but tend to lean towards men. I don't find my self really sexually attracted to these girls, mainly just jealous of how they can appear in public, while I'm in cargo shorts and a t shirt. ✌️💖😁

09-21-2017, 06:28 AM
I look at women all the time. I work in the city so see women very smartly dressed and love their looks. Wish I could pull of the styles they wear. At night when watching women go to clubs, I have a different reaction and its not about their look.

09-21-2017, 07:23 AM
I've been breast obsessed for my entire life. I can think of worst things. And they're a prominent component of my CD experience. Do I check women out? Of course!
I once even caught myself making bra suggestions to a friend who was generously endowed (34G) and complaining about her ill fitting bra. When I got that puzzled look I just said, "Oh, I grew up with big boobied sisters. This is nothing new to me."

Lana Mae
09-21-2017, 07:30 AM
I women watch all the time when out and about! What outfits are they wearing? Which would look good on me? What shoes are they wearing? Jeans, pants, shorts, capris, skirt, or dress? Sandals. flats, heels(how high) ? Yeah, everything and try not to stare too much! No confrontations for now! LOL Hugs Lana Mae Yes and also breast obsessed! I love them all, small, large, and all shapes!

09-21-2017, 06:14 PM
I find myself looking at a woman’s makeup application, particularly her eyeshadow, eye liner and shape of her eyebrows. Guess I’m jealous that mine don’t look like that.

09-22-2017, 06:02 AM
I look at women too, I look at what they are wearing and wish that I could wear those clothes.Also I wish I had breasts of my own.

Jillian Faith
09-22-2017, 06:20 AM
Every male watches women period, the difference for me and I suspect every other lady on this forum is we are not only looking at attractive women we are looking at their hair, makeup, jewelry, nails, clothes, handbag and shoes. We study the way she moves and wonder how would I/we look in her outfit? Is my figure better/worse than hers? In some case I will ask myself "did she look in the mirror before she left home?" to either myself or to my wife, followed by if I ever try to leave the house dressed like that slap me.

09-22-2017, 06:26 AM
Absolutely, I look at them sexually and what they are wearing. Some dress so neat, coordinate colors and tops, bottoms so nicely. I also check out what style bras they wear, guess as to thong, bikini or granny which might show if they like sex and being sexy. They have so much to wear to enhance their bodies and make a statement. Men have dark suits and neckties.

09-22-2017, 06:33 AM
Hi Krissy :hugs:, I love watching woman, when a rather attractive lady catches my eye I make a mental note
and dissect the whole package to get ideas for my next dressing session...:daydreaming:...

Susan Smokes
09-28-2017, 05:37 PM
I look at women all the time because I am still attracted to them, but I also look to now to get dressing and fashion ideas.

09-28-2017, 05:59 PM
I look at women to see the many different ways they walk and also to look at the fashion trends of those in my age group, not everything is appropriate and sometimes I see a women and say to myself " did you look at yourself before you left the house". Everybody is different but what one thinks looks good on them is not always right.

09-28-2017, 07:40 PM
I check women out. First glance is the whole package. From there the clothes. I'm fascinated by how women reveal their breasts and bras. Blouses that button in the front and how low they leave their blouse unbuttoned. I love to wear women's shirts (silk) and leave the top open enough to reveal my bra just a bit as many women do with the right movement happens.

09-29-2017, 04:18 AM
I have noticed that since I started to full crossdress I do look at women differently. When I was younger it was all about there body. Got older and was more the whole package. When I started to wear panties 24/7 I would look at women and wonder what panties they had on and if they were as pretty as the ones I had on. Still do that from time to time. When I started to wear dresses and skirts I started to look at the clothing more. Try to learn what looks good together and what doesn't. I do look a lot to see what women are wearing to get ideas for myself. I love it when I so a women wearing an piece of clothing I own also. Then I really study how it looks on them so I can see it can look as good when I put it on. Funny how time and my "HOBBY" have changed the way I look at them.


Faith Noel
09-29-2017, 06:15 AM
Yes of course I look at women, I study them, I look at how a woman my age and size (plus size gurl here)looks. the kind of clothes,shoes,hair,jewelery,ect. All aspects of them. Wishing I could be them. What I don't get is how frumpy some women can look. Hey I get being comfortable, and all but you can still look nice. Example I will not let my S.o. wear those fleace lounge pants, the ones that have sponge bob on them out in public. Another note I always wonder what sort of under garmets they may be wearing. Half slip,full slip,big panties,thongs. Has anyone notice how hard it is to find nice fullslips these days? I guess those days are gone. Now days if you can find one its just plain, no lace trim or just black or white. Where are the colors they use to have? Sorry but I think its sad that its come down to black,white,or nude. Im sure its a manufaturing thing. Any how hugsto all, Faith Noel

09-29-2017, 07:39 AM
I look and I study.

One of our local TV stations has a local program where the two female news anchors sit in chairs instead of behind the desk. I am always looking at their clothing, the way they sit, and their movement. I watch women wherever we go to try to improve my presentation.

I had a chuckle the other day when I was out with my wife. A gorgeous young lady, well dressed was getting into a car I have been wanting. I said out loud oooh. The wife asked me if that was in response to the car, the blond or her clothing. It was all three but I said the car and clothing.

09-29-2017, 12:33 PM
Heels and legs, my downfall ... then I go upwards from there.

There was a very attractive blonde walking around the farmer's market today: peach blouse, above-the-knee black pencil skirt, 4" open-side stilletos with spaghetti ankle straps, and a naughty hint of black lace under her blouse. Shoulder length hair, absolutely killer figure, and legs that went all the way up to THERE. Yeah, I looked, tried not to stare (too much) ...

It was only later when I was writing this post that I got a fit of the giggles. Here I was, looking at her and thinking, "Wow, she's pretty. Wow, her tush looks awesome in that skirt. Wow, I wish I could look like that. Wow, those are nice heels."

Oh, God, the pink fog came rolling in ..... "Guilty as charged, Your Honor."

09-29-2017, 07:52 PM
I look at women all the time although I try to be discreet. Mostly it's I wish I looked like that then it's how is she put together. How does she wear her outfit, her makeup, her hair etc. I really look at the women who are going about their everyday lives and I wonder if it's possible for me to do that.

09-29-2017, 08:50 PM
I look at women. Yes I saw a beautiful girl walking into Walmart and she had tan shorts and a nice black top and nice sandals. . I was wondering wear she got those shorts. She just looked so nice.

09-29-2017, 09:20 PM
I typically first look at their face and general body. Then I notice what kind of lines they have, tan lines, panty lines, bra lines. I usually get a little jealous of seeing their bras under their shirts, either due to the shear material of the shirts, or just the lines of the bra. I had my first experience the other day of being able to wear panties for a full day and enjoyed it so much, wish I could have worn a bra too.

Janine cd
09-29-2017, 09:56 PM
I often look at women in passing and wish that I could look as nice wearing the same clothes. I am particularly attracted by women my age wearing very attractive outfits that I could also wear. Hair styles and makeup are also carefully scrutinized.

09-30-2017, 12:05 AM
Attractive GGs are quite accustomed to being gazed at by men. Not a problem.