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View Full Version : The Halloween I've been waiting for

08-26-2017, 08:15 PM
This year my girlfriend and I along with two other couples are going down to Salem for Halloween, and we are all going as the Sanderson sisters from the movie Hocus-pocus and I am going as Sarah and the first time ever dressing female. We are going all out and going into detail with the costumes. I get to wear a dress with a corset top, blond wig, full makeup, red fishnet stocking and high heeled boots. My only issue is how am I to act dumb to all things female clothing. Like I know my size I need for dress and shoes also I'm good at walking in heels, so it may be a struggle to dumb down as no one knows about Allison and that I already wear woman's clothing. But I can't wait it's going to be so much fun!

08-26-2017, 08:21 PM
If any one comments on your expertise in heels simply say that you practiced because you didn't want to sprain an ankle and ruin the night for every one.

08-26-2017, 08:49 PM
Practice is a legit excuse as Salem has a lot of pot holes and cobble stone roads

Tracy Irving
08-26-2017, 08:55 PM
Sounds like you are well prepared for a great Halloween. Maybe overprepared? So hard to dumb it down when you risk injury. If questioned, just say you thought it was going to be more difficult to walk in heels.

08-26-2017, 08:58 PM
My only issue is how am I to act dumb to all things female clothing. Like I know my size I need for dress and shoes also I'm good at walking in heels, so it may be a struggle to dumb down as no one knows about Allison and that I already wear woman's clothing. But I can't wait it's going to be so much fun!

Perhaps your issue is *why* you want to act dumb. You're from Bangor, Maine. You're going to be in Salem Mass. What do you care if someone in Salem thinks you walk "too well"? You're going out for a night of freedom -- be free. Have fun.

08-26-2017, 09:34 PM
Oh I don't care what people down there think I'll never see them again haha, besides it's Halloween. I just don't want my gf and my friends l be with to think anything. I know one thing I'll have one of the girls do my makeup because I'm not that good at all at it lol

08-27-2017, 02:49 AM
Best not to over think. This is a night you've waited a very long time for, don't spoil it for yourself by trying too hard at being poor at it. Enjoy being one of the girls and they will enjoy being with you. Have a wonderful time!

08-27-2017, 06:06 AM
I agree, Persephone. Besides maybe your girlfriend is intrigued by it on some level. Acting too uncomfortable might send the wrong vibes.

08-27-2017, 08:18 AM
If any one comments on your expertise in heels simply say that you practiced because you didn't want to sprain an ankle and ruin the night for every one.
I got my first pair of 4 1/2 heels last year. I got the basic hang of them pretty quickly and I am 6 foot 4 and over 200 pounds and honestly the biggest clutz there is. I wasn't catwalk material mind you but I really wanted to learn and I did.

Truth be told as long as your knees are decent have ok core and ankle strength you can learn to walk on flat roads in a matter of an hour or so. 6 inch stilettos that is another story however.

It's halloween and just enjoy yourself. Just take it slow and be like go easy on me hun these are new to me ;) If anyone is like how are you doing so well just say I am a man I have my pride. I am so jealous I wont lie

08-27-2017, 09:15 AM
Allison, if they question just say you looked up a size chart online and got the sizes there.