View Full Version : Having Shaved Legs - Doesn't your S.O. Notice ? How can your wear shorts ?

10-07-2017, 01:10 PM
It seems like Having your legs shaved would be wonderful ! Though I doubt you can get them silky smooth.

But what about the draw back of not being able to wear shorts in guy mode. I live in Shorts

And doesn't your S.O. Notice and comment in DADT relationships or for those in the closet ?

Aunt Kelly
10-07-2017, 01:26 PM
Yes, you can get them smooth. The sensation is amazing ...the first time or two.
I have shaved legs. I wear shorts. Nobody cares. Men have been removing hair from more than their faces for a long time now. It is unlikely that anyone but your SO will even notice.

10-07-2017, 01:28 PM
There’s lots of guys with smooth legs. Nobody is gonna look at you funny wearing shorts unless it’s people who know that you had harry legs before.

And you are correct in guessing that there’s no way to hide it from the SO.

10-07-2017, 01:37 PM
It has the opposite way round for me, my wife nagged me a couple of years ago the put shorts on in the hot spell we were having , I finally gave in and joined her back in the garden with a coffee. I asked if she minded my legs, she hadn't noticed until I finally pointed out that they were shaved. She replied I'm obviously getting worse , I answered that I now preferred it. Since then the rest of my hair has gradually disappeared . There are no problems now being with the family , after a while it becomes acceptable and perfectly normal. Besides what about the guys who have no body hair , their wives /partners didn't refuse to marry them because it was weird .

You can keep them smooth, I shave them everyday .

Jean 103
10-07-2017, 02:04 PM
I don't have anyone to answer to, my body is smooth and tan. I have recently broken my own personal ban on shorts at work. I'm out but represent as a guy at work. I have been trying to keep my body covered up at work by wearing loose fitting clothes. I have gotten comments/ questions about how fit I am. My pat answer is I'm naturally hipper, which I am. I also had a doctor ask me if I were a swimmer. This was before I was out. People will notice, they just don't care.

10-07-2017, 02:09 PM
I think part of the key to having shaved legs is to start out early in a relationship. I'm in a DADT relationship. I have been blessed to never have had a lot of body hair. Actually except for the hair on the top of my head and public hair I've never had hair. It may be a genetic trait. My daughter was sitting across from me several years ago and she asked if I shaved my leg. No. I asked her if this was the first time she noticed because I live in shorts. Even in the dead of winter it's usually shorts. I realize in western Washington winter usually means temperatures in the 40's and 50's, but, it does rain. I have no hair follicles on the back of my legs and really sparse and fine hairs elsewhere. No hair at the underarms. I do wear hosiery because the aging process has left unsightly veins. As to the chest..nada there also.

My advice is to start shaving long before a relationship starts. I've seen many guys without any chest hair doing the utmost in manly things. If you present yourself with no hair and maintain that look, there is little to compare..the before and after. My wife actually growls when I mention I have no armpit hair or leg hair. She says it's wasted on me. Now, if you're like my son it may be hopeless. There must be some Neanderthal dna in him...all warm and cuddly, if you like that sort of thing.

Another factor for having less hair is to have diabetes. I would recommend shaving rather than getting diabetes to achieve a hairless look.

Stacy Darling
10-07-2017, 02:17 PM
My legs are silky and moisturised Robbie, and a lot of women stare at my legs when I'm out!

I'm a former swimmer and athletic so no one even notices in my daily routine!

Must say though, that on the weekend at the local club when I start kicking!

Jolene Robertson
10-07-2017, 02:30 PM
Hi Robbie, I have been shaving mine for years now, the wife doesn't mind but then again she supports "our little hobby". I wear shorts most of the time and seldom get a second look from anyone else. You can get them silky smooth, I'm a pretty hairy guy, started shaving and then using an eppolator after about a year... my legs don't even grow hair anymore except a few stragglers. Talk to your SO and go for it, it's great.

10-07-2017, 02:39 PM
once you do it, you will want to do it all the time. skin feels so different with out hair, it is really a treat. I kind of snuck into shaving over a time but now it's all or nothing. I shave everything ever other day. it does become kind of a chore to keep the stubble down. your legs will feel terrific at night with a long night gown and panties. I don't often wear shouts but do shirtless in the summer and no one has said anything. lots of young guys shave their chests. Again it feels wonderful in a dress.:heehee:

10-07-2017, 02:47 PM
I started cycling a couple of years ago and that was my excuse to the shaved legs. Feels great and looks great. Not a problem to keep them silky smooth. Actually the only issue I have are tan lines. Going to try some of that tanning cream to see if that will help with the aggressive tan lines.

Tracii G
10-07-2017, 02:55 PM
Honestly what are you afraid of?
All men don't have hairy legs do they?

Morgan lace
10-07-2017, 02:57 PM

There have been times, family BBQ etc where my legs have been on show, (usually shaved, waxed or cream removal)
Nothing has been said. This was also when my kids were younger. They notice everything. :heehee:

10-07-2017, 03:08 PM
Been shaving my legs for about 10 years. My wife noticed but no comments. Shorts here in So Cal is a must and no one has mentioned it, family gatherings ET AL.

10-07-2017, 03:19 PM
Honestly what are you afraid of?
All men don't have hairy legs do they?

Not at all. In fact to this day I’m STILL jealous of my father’s naturally hairless legs. Instead I got my mom’s Chewbacca gams.

10-07-2017, 03:27 PM
I've been shaving legs and under arms for over 2 years. My wife must have noticed but has never said a word. I go to gym daily & wear shorts in summer no problems at all. I would never go back.

Peggie Lee
10-07-2017, 03:35 PM
In high school I was a football team manager ( this means you got to clean and care for the equipment). Every player shaved their legs because of the taped ankles and knees, and nobody cared or notice the lack of hair. So many men shave it's now commonplace.

Nikki A.
10-07-2017, 03:42 PM
Widowed and I also keep my legs hair free and wear shorts. Nobody has said anything. I also keep my armpits shaved and I know I sweat less and no odor.

Linda E. Woodworth
10-07-2017, 03:44 PM
I went hairless, except for head and pubic region, last winter. It started with a full body wax and then an epilator. I work a different body part pretty much every day and that keeps the hair in check. I love the feeling overall and never want to go back to my hirsute former self. I admit I am fortunate that there is pretty much no hair on my back.

With regard to my wife, she knows about Linda and had no problems when I talked to her about doing this.

I wear shorts a lot and nobody, including my daughters, has ever said anything. This is even when I relaxing on hunting and fishing trips.

I say do it and experience it for yourself. You can always stop and let the hair grow back if you don't like it.

Wendy me
10-07-2017, 04:02 PM
I shave all over ... legs too
Why? Because not shaving my legs would
Stick out big time ... while at the beach in a bikini

10-07-2017, 04:03 PM
The first couple of times I wore shorts, after shaving, I felt very self-conscience over it, now I don't even give it a second thought. No one has ever said anything about it yet.

10-07-2017, 04:38 PM
My legs are often shaved (like now; have been since mid-July). I'm at the Y probably three times a week. I wear shorts all summer. I'm a tennis coach and I'm in shorts about 10 to 15 hours a week during the high school girls' season. I bike ride. No one has ever noticed.

Gillian Gigs
10-07-2017, 05:01 PM
It is only an issue, if you make it an issue. Some people are hairy and some are not. Who is to say where you fit!

10-07-2017, 06:27 PM
My body is hairless, I shave everywhere, fortunately I don't have a lot of body hair, chest etc. but I've shaved my arms, legs, under arms, pubic area for a long time, my wife knows I dress so it's not an issue for her, I seldom wear shorts, only on holiday so no one really see's me, shaving my legs to me is more for the feel of it, I don't have bare legs when dressed as unfortunately I have tattoos on my lower legs so I wear thick tights to cover them, the tattoos were done well before my dressing really took off and I came out to my wife.
As has been said though many men shave now so don't worry about it, no one cares, I openly tell anyone who notices my arms that I hate body hair, end of, no more questions.

10-07-2017, 06:34 PM
I try to keep my legs shaved. I love the feeling and it looks cleaner than hairy legs. Just do it and enjoy!

Sara Jessica
10-07-2017, 06:35 PM
It seems like Having your legs shaved would be wonderful ! Though I doubt you can get them silky smooth.

But what about the draw back of not being able to wear shorts in guy mode. I live in Shorts

And doesn't your S.O. Notice and comment in DADT relationships or for those in the closet ?

The premise here is mostly flawed. If you doubt one of us cannot get our legs silky smooth, then you clearly haven't felt mine...not that I'd allow that or anything.

And I'm looking around for that drawback of not being able to wear shorts. Seems that affliction never hit me. We had a 97º October day today and had no issue wearing shorts to my daughter's sporting event, just as I have done all summer long. Sleeves are a different story, nothing but long-sleeve t-shirts. Farmer tans are so NOT feminine, no offense to farmers of course.

As for DADT, that is in the eye of the beholder. Mine, who is of the "Y,W" persuasion (yeah, whatever) and she never says a thing.

So Robbie, the only thing to do is to just do it since you seem to long for smooth legs. The world shouldn't explode if you do so.

Tracy Ann
10-07-2017, 06:55 PM
Been shaving mine on and off for a few years. SO does not like it much. Took my brother in law fishing this week and I'm sure he noticed but never said anything. My sister in law on the other hand made a comment that i had petty legs.

10-07-2017, 07:26 PM
With a little practice you can get your legs as smooth as your wife's. Yes, she will notice. Regardless of whatever arrangement you have with her, or if she doesn't know, talking to her about it before hand is the way you should go. If you ask permission, don't be surprised if you don't get it. On the other hand, telling her that you will be doing it you at least give her respect enough to tell her, and you don't have try to re walk through a subject at a later time.

My wife has never minded the physical feel of my body shaving. It's the why of it that has bothered her at times. It was never an issue we fought about, it was a later admission on her part it bothered her that I wanted smooth legs for no reason other than just liking it.

10-07-2017, 09:19 PM
Thanks to the culture of athletes that like to wear their pants hanging off of their butt, most men's 'shorts' now fall to or below the knees (look at any NBA player); essentially, men's shorts are 'pedal pushers', 'clam diggers', or 'capri pants'. Add athletic socks, and barely any of the leg is exposed. Few will notice the few inches of bare skin.

10-07-2017, 09:21 PM
Robbie. My wife will complain if I don't shave my legs. I wear shorts and sandals quite often in the heat of summer. Many years ago a PTSD Dr was staring at my freshly shaved legs. I didn't say anything about it, I just glanced down toward my legs and back to the Dr. This happened a couple more times. Dr asked if I shaved my legs. I said yes. Dr asked how often. 2 or 3 times a week minimum. Dr asked why. I told her about Cheryl. Situation was handled.
Playing basketball many years ago. Another player noticed that I didn't have any arm pit hair. Only remark from him was to ask how my deodorant stayed on w/o hair to cling to. I told him that I used Secret. Nothing more was said.
There are many reasons that people shave their bodies. They cycle. They SCUBA dive.
The feeling of having shaved legs is great. I really don't think that you'll have any problem.

Janine cd
10-07-2017, 09:43 PM
I have been shaving my legs for more than 30 years and no one has ever commented about it. I have also been shaving off all of my body hair and have had no issues with it.

10-07-2017, 09:52 PM
Like others have said, it's not that noticeable as I didn't have much body hair to begin with. My legs look worse if I don't shave as the hair just grows in patches.

Ineke Vashon
10-07-2017, 09:56 PM
I'm retired, I wear shorts, with a 5" inseam, all year. Shaved legs, nobody notices. I'm single, so no problem there.

If you want a laugh, check out the body shaver, with an optional extended handle for back shaving. The picture on the box shows a healthy well muscled man, totally shaven, not a hint of hair, including clean armpits. But, advertising necessity, he has a three day beard stubble. Go figure.


10-07-2017, 11:17 PM
Agree with Sara Jessica, have never been self conscious about my shaved legs. My wife has had different opinions on that when I started. She just ignores it now. I find i'm more aware of my "farmers tan" and how it looks in a sleeveless dress.

Kiwi Primrose
10-08-2017, 03:01 AM
Shaved legs, body, under-arms for longer than I remember. I am an epilator person, it can sting but it is worth it.

10-08-2017, 06:08 AM
Shaved legs, body, under-arms for longer than I remember. I am an epilator person, it can sting but it is worth it.

I love the feeling after using the epilator, it's so much better than shaving, I only have one issue, I can't shave or epilate my inner thighs near the top, somehow I keep getting ingrown hairs there so the clippers is as close as it gets, I can live with that but would love to do the whole lot.

10-08-2017, 07:19 AM
My SO knew I crossdressed before I shaved my legs, chest and arm pits. She does not like my chest hair shaved because she liked to run her hand through it. However, despite her preference it is shaved. I epilate and it does feel silky.

10-08-2017, 07:59 AM
My ex proudly announced one evening when we had friends over for dinner and the talk got round to sartorial elegance when she said all and sundry "he shaves he pubes as well"
You could have cut the air with a knife! there was some laughter and I replied with something like so what!. The subject soon went onto other things quickly I might add.
At the same time I kept my leg shaved as well and when wearing shorts nobody ever said anything. These days I think it is a normally accepted thing and not something to wonder and aske about any more.

Barbara Black
10-08-2017, 09:12 AM
I shaved my legs for the first time in a long time, due to shorts. So far the wife hasn't said anything, and I don't think she will, even though she is opposed to it. But I almost forgot how nice it feels, especially with lotion on them, and stockings gliding over the softened skin. Oh darn, I forgot to shave my armpits like I was going to do. Oh well, I have to shave the rest of my upper body yet, what I can reach anyway.

Angie G
10-08-2017, 10:14 AM
I keep my legs shaved 24/7 and wear shorts all summer. My wife knows and is fine with it. Along with arm pits and body hair.And thinking about my arms next.:hugs:

10-08-2017, 10:41 AM
I shave my legs and try to keep them shaved. It's a chore to have to shave them from full growth.
Frankly, they look better shaved. I keep them lotion so the won't appear dry and scaly from the Colorado air.
The Wife knows. How can she miss them? No comments one way or the other, and no pressure to let them grow back.
I wear shorts most of the time on any day above 65 deg. I swim at our public rec center. Shorts are mandatory for yard work or work outs.

However..... legging season is upon us. The legs will remain shaved but likely covered in hose or leggings.

10-08-2017, 10:52 AM
Been shaving my legs for about 6 years now. At 66, my legs are my best feature. When I dress, I love wearing stockings, and I cannot stand not to have smooth freshly-shaved legs....especially when wearing those. The only person to ever notice after I first started shaving, and/or say anything was my daughter. When she remarked about it, before she knew I crossdressed, I just said, "I don't like hairy legs". Not sure she bought it entirely. Later, after she discovered my dressing, she thought it was fine. I wear shorts at work and no one has aver mentioned anything about my hairless legs.

10-08-2017, 11:45 AM
I am in a DADT relationship too but shave in winter months and wish I did year round as everything gets shaved. epilate my arm.and leg hair to reduce the degree of hair to get by for now.


10-08-2017, 11:51 AM
I shaved my legs at summer's end, and, so far, no one has noticed or commented. Of course, at my age, I don't have a lot of hair on them any way, and what there is is grey and sparse. Oh, and by the way, the feeling just after shaving is always fantastic!

Majella St Gerard
10-08-2017, 11:57 AM
Why someone's personal grooming habits are of anyone's concern baffles me. that includes the wife.

10-08-2017, 11:58 AM
Whether people will notice probably depends on how both how hairy you are, and what color your body hair is. I'm lucky on both counts, since my arm and leg hair has always been relatively sparse, and quite blonde. Even if I don't shave my legs/arms for a couple of months, from twelve feet away you cannot see any hair. The husband of one of my cousins is completely opposite, his legs look like someone seeded black grass on them, and I'm sure that if he shaved that people would be commenting from now until the day the next biblical flood occurs.

If it really bothers you, and you're in good physical condition, take up bicycling. Most serious cyclists shave their leagues to prevent infections and promote easier healing when the inevitable road rash crashes occur, and the less hair on the leg the easier it is to massage cramps and knots out of the muscles with stuff like Ben-Gay. In fact, it's kind of a cult fetish among the group, sort of a way of saying, "I'm an athlete and you arnen't" to the run-of-the-mill folks. I was shaving my legs during summer cycling season even before I started dressing seriously.

Jenn A116
10-08-2017, 12:23 PM
Living in FL means shorts pretty much all year round. Shaved legs get no more notice than hairy legs here.

10-08-2017, 12:28 PM
If you take care of your legs, lotion them daily, and do a really good shave then yes, you can get them silky smooth.

Personally I don't have a lot of leg hair to begin with, so shaving them is hardly noticeable to begin with. My SO has never had a problem with my shaving as she prefers me smooth and I have never had anyone notice (OK one but she got shut done quickly lol) that i am shaved completely.

Being completely shaved is an amazing feeling. Your a lot cleaner and clothing, drab or fab, feels a whole lot better. I understand that a lot of you can't shave for whatever reasons but if you get a chance during the cover up months, you'll see what your missing and that might create a whole new beast lol

Teri Ray
10-08-2017, 12:44 PM
Shaved legs here all the time. I enjoy the feeling of smooth legs.

Tina Davis
10-08-2017, 01:09 PM
I also am blessed with very light hair everywhere except on my chest. I can shave my legs any time and my wife either doesn't notice or doesn't say anything. I do try to trim back the hair on my upper body (arms, stomach, chest) on occasion, but will shave more closely if I am going to be out dressed.

10-08-2017, 01:28 PM
Hi Robbie, I have been shaving my legs, arms, chest hair for years, no one notices, not even my wife, daughter, son or anyone round the pool on holiday.
If you are not sure, do the bottom part of your legs then, when no one notices do the tops, then continue with arms, arm pits.
It's a great feeling to have a smooth hairless body.

10-08-2017, 01:50 PM
Me too, shaved legs and pubic and also they are nicely tanned, look great when out wearing women's shorts(mid thigh) and sandles. They pass very nicely and feminine. Bikini panties under shorts really feel nice.

Jean. Ann
10-08-2017, 02:12 PM
I agree totally Deebra , it just feels and looks
too good not to
do it . I think if you keep smooth all
the time most will get used to it .
People seem to notice change more than anything .
Also if they do comment just say you
have always done it .


10-08-2017, 03:14 PM
I have a total body wax every few months and in between I use an epilator.
Two of our women friends have commented that they really like my legs. I walk and cycle a lot and my legs always have a light tan look which suits me. As I write this I am wearing nylon stockings and the feel on bare legs in wonderful. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Alice B
10-08-2017, 03:21 PM
Shaved legs is a no brainer. It is very, very common and no one cares. Some may comment and then move on and forget all about it. If your SO accepts or tolerates your dressing they will also accept your shaved legs and quickly will get used to it. The only comment will be if your legs are stubbly in bed. Mine have now been shaved for years, I wear shorts 95% of thr time and play golf this way. No one in my men;s club has ever said a thing or has anyone else.

10-08-2017, 03:49 PM
When I started shaving my legs my wife said the same rule that applies to my face applies to my legs. Either keep it shaved or let it grow long enough so it isn't irritating to her skin.

10-08-2017, 09:53 PM
A long time ago, I shaved my legs and my SO told me to stop doing it because it was embarrassing. She's known that I had this "dressing problem" since before we were married. Consequently, anything that I did that is in the feminine column almost immediately drew a "don't do that" response. Oddly, I was never one to wear shorts other than the two or three times a year I would go swimming and I'm not a very hairy person to begin with. As anyone knows who has read my posts, a couple of years ago I had a major health issue that convinced me to loose quite a bit of weight and to stop being terrified about being who I am. Since then, I keep my legs shaved and sometimes wear 5" inseam shorts in the summer. My SO did balk about my new underwear, but I politely pushed back on that and she relented under the "as long as I don't see it" rule. Nothing has been said about shaving. Nor does she say anything about my wearing yoga pants, my longer hair, my longer finger nails or clear polished toe nails, but she did balk at clear gloss on the fingers. I don't know if it is a matter of her not noticing, her actually accepting it, her thinking that I'm insane and will never change, or her not caring anymore.

10-09-2017, 08:22 AM
I shave my entire body, less pubes and head. I wear shorts frequently in public (gym daily). Nobody has ever had a negative reaction that I have noticed.

10-09-2017, 09:58 AM
I'm a high-level cyclist, most of my friends and acquaintances know I'm a high-level cyclist, and nobody has commented or cared, except my wife who's not thrilled with it (as with all things deemed feminine... on me). (for those unaware, competitive cyclists almost always shave their legs).

10-09-2017, 12:08 PM
All body hair goes other than what's on my head. The spots I can't reach, my wife shaves for me. She doesn't like the fact that I crossdress, but she's very supportive. She's probably bought 90% of my clothes, heels, makeup, toys& wigs for me

10-09-2017, 12:39 PM
I shaved my legs 3 weeks ago and my wife has not notice or she just has said anything. I think more of the former. I hate shorts and almost never wear them. I will let the hair back in a few weeks for the winter.

10-09-2017, 12:49 PM
I shaved my mustache and in a matter of minutes my wife noticed, I was then subjected to a through body inspection legs,armpits, belly,and private. I complied only because I had plans and I was not going to let her ruin my evening with her silliness,even though I wanted to shave my legs I let her have this one and shaved my facial hair. I don't understand this,this is my body please let me at least have this! Anyway all she is doing making it easier for me to come out her and if she leaves me, so be it .

10-09-2017, 01:20 PM
Jennifer, If shaving your mustache provoked a full body inspection, my guess is that coming out to her will only confirm what she already knows or, at least, suspects.

10-09-2017, 02:31 PM
Jack-ie, maybe I'm only fooling myself then,I wonder why she hasn't said anything to me?she is very vocal,nosy,and I feel that for her it will be hard to keep quiet about something like this. What would you advise me ?how should I start the talk?what do I have to lose? I have already accepted my femme side and no longer see it as a curse (that's how I felt before). I know that my femme side will not go away,so I guess maybe what's the worst that can happen?this far in.

10-09-2017, 03:59 PM
Ask her if you need to get the gloves and Vaseline so she can do a body cavity search while she's at it. I mean, you COULD have some illegal drugs stashed, or possibly even a weapon ..... The more outrageous your own questions are, the more outrageous her own actions appear to be.

Woman, thy brooketh no crap .... especially from her.

10-09-2017, 04:38 PM
I use Veet on my ares from waist down. No hair on legs for better part of 25 years, and not one person has asked me if I shaved them. I also keep my underarms shaved. No one seems to care about that stuff anymore.

One thing I discovered after keeping my underarms shaved, I have almost no body odor.

10-09-2017, 06:04 PM
A couple of things I thought I would mention. Anyone who thinks their partner doesn't notice, think again. Secondly, most aren't going to ask "if" we shave as it is fairly obvious that we do. Asking why we do is either an obvious answer, like cyclist or swimmer, or an answer they probably don't want to hear, or know what to say and where the convo would go at that point, which would be simply because we like it that way, which there are nowadays plenty of men who are into body shaving and are cis gender hetero. So a lot of people really just don't care, and the ones who do likely just don't want to actually breach the subject anyway.

10-09-2017, 08:24 PM
I asked my wife if it was ok. She didn't care at all. I wear shorts all summer. Most people, including family, don't even notice. Only a few people have asked, in clouding my 13 year old. I say the same thing, I just like it better! That has always been enough!! Own it!

10-09-2017, 08:27 PM
I've been shaving year round for over ten years. My experience is: yes, your SO will notice; yes, you can get them smooth with a razor and no, no one, other than your SO or child, will say anything even if they do notice. I shave daily. If I don't shave for a day or two my SO will grumble about the stubble.

10-09-2017, 08:46 PM
I shave my legs about every other day. If I don't, I get stubble.
I go to get my legs waxed maybe once a month, IF I can afford it.
I am no longer married and date men now, but when I was married, my wife didn't seem to notice either way

10-09-2017, 09:13 PM
Hey, you're part of a trend:

Ineke Vashon
10-09-2017, 09:57 PM
What a 180 turnaround. In the fifties I traveled through Europe and it was common sight to see young women with hairy legs and arms. Even hairy armpits would show when women reached up to hang on to straps in street cars when standing.

I shave what I can reach now for about five years. Not a single comment, not even from medical personnel or long time friends. I find it freeing, and of course delightful to feel a long skirt against smooth legs:).


10-10-2017, 01:35 AM
I keep my body shaved as well. It's just like the pierced ears. No one has ever said a thing. I do wear shorts to the office every day during the summer. My hair is long, my ears are pierced, and my legs are shaved. It's simply who I am. No problems here.....

10-10-2017, 06:55 AM
I have been shaving my body for over 20 years, no one ever bothered me about it.

It is a bit frustrating to see that article linked above, only 22% of women liked a man with smooth legs, and half actively hated it. I often worry I have made myself unattractive to women, I think there may be something to that :sad:

10-10-2017, 09:04 PM
It was my wife's idea. I was complaining one day that my legs were itchy. She said, why don't you shave all the hair off. Didn't have to tell me twice, and have been clean ever since, near 10 years now. Of course as things progressed the check arms and everywhere else I have Epilated and have been using a home laser for the last few months. Slow but almost the hair is off my arms and most of the non-gray hair from my face.

It was actually before she new I dressed. If she knew I liked to dress at the time, she may not have suggested it.

Becky Blue
10-10-2017, 10:46 PM
I would love to keep my legs smooth, but circumstances don't allow it very often. When I have been able to i have started out with Veet and cleaned up with a sharp razor. I have landed up with lovely smooth legs that feel great for about 3 days and look very sparse for about 3 weeks.

Bizarrely and perhaps showing the signs of strong positive thinking, the hair on my lower legs has been thinning and i now am quite hairless on the bottom third of my calves... wonder how i can spread this phenomenon further.

I have a long time guy friend who never grew any body hair at all, the only hair he has is on his head, he is mid 50's and it has not even thinned at all... so lucky on both counts.

10-11-2017, 02:05 AM
I shave legs since over 20 years, since 8 years i'm epilating them.
I began when i bought a race bicycle, for smooth legs as many others do. Maybe this was the beginning of my CD carreer. This was the first time i felt, how it feels to do feminine body care.
My family had no problems with, because it was for my hobby, this time i did believe it for myself.

I do wear shorts i summer, but nobody seems to notice.

10-11-2017, 05:38 AM
If you do not shave for a day or two, then you will not be smooth. If you have dark hair, you will look like you need to shave. Most people might not notice, but sometimes they will. My son once told me, "You need to shave your legs," because he felt the stubble when climbing on me. I was wearing pants. He must have felt my ankle. At that point, he was too young to know that men do not shave their legs. He had asked mom why her legs felt spiky once and she said that she needed to shave her legs. Then he felt the same thing on me.

Some guys wear pantyhose in guy mode and the world adapts. If you shaved your legs, it would be less unusual than pantyhose. Be ready for the questions, since they might come up.

I shave in winter and grow in summer. I wear pants normally. I have worn shorts when doing yard work on a couple occasions. None of my kids mentioned it when it happened this week. I am an older guy now. Some guys my age, look like they have shaved legs due to natural hair loss down there. So, I do not look very conspicuous.

One other note: When I started shaving my legs, they looked SO pale. My dark body hair gave me an appearance of having a suntan. Without the hair, there was nothing but pasty white skin left.

Cheryl T
10-29-2017, 01:38 PM
Mine are and have been shaved for over 10 years.
The wife likes the smoothness and no one else has ever commented on them.

How can I wear shorts...easy...same as pants, one leg at a time...LOL

10-29-2017, 04:26 PM
I now use an epilator about once a month, it keeps my legs and arms mostly hair free, (I occasionally miss a bit) then apply body cream regularly my skin is silky smooth and soft.
As for wearing shorts, no one has ever noticed not even my grown up kids.
Try it, it feels great.


10-29-2017, 04:27 PM
Also always shave my legs, always wear shorts and never a comment form anyone. I have light hair so even so it doesn't show much.

Its nice too when you wear a short skirt around the house, looks neat.

10-29-2017, 07:15 PM
Hi Robbie Girl :hugs:, My legs have been clean and smooth for almost 50years and no one really cares.

After years of using an Eppilator the hair just gave up and stopped growing.>Orchid...:daydreaming:...

10-29-2017, 07:31 PM
My wife did notice I shaved my legs, right after we were married, she was not happy about it (she knew I was & still am) a crossdresser, wanting nothing to do with, in any Way!!

45yrs LATER, not too much hair to speak of on my legs so shaving is not a problem anymore. But the rest of my body looks like a Gorilla!! I have a very hairy chest and back and I want so very much to make my body silky smooth and hair free.:gorgeous:

Love to all

10-29-2017, 08:01 PM
I epilate every couple of days - my explanation is that I like feeling clean!

10-29-2017, 08:45 PM
I am in similar situation! I shave my entire body including my under-arms, but I am having a hard time coming up with a good reason to shave my legs (even though I really want to). I think part of it is that it is basically the only "manly" thing I have left and if I were to get rid of it, I would really start feeling like I am starting to transition (which I am not ready for yet). Also the SO, I am not sure how she would react to me shaving my legs... Even though she is accepting, I do not want to push the boundaries too far and I think shaving my legs may do that. I'm probably over-thinking it all though.

10-29-2017, 09:24 PM
I've been shaving for a long time now. I started trimming many years ago and then went full on shaving. I was terrified at first. Now, I couldn't care less. I ride a lot so it works for me. I notice who shaves, when I am working out at the gym and in the summer when everyone is in shorts, but only because I am attuned to it. Most simply do not notice or do not care. Yes every now and again I will get a look of shock from a guy or a double take from a women, but as my wife has said "They're your legs. It's your body.... Do what you want" I look at many with tattoos everywhere or at guys with ability to maintain hair on their heads who shave their heads daily - no one gives them a second thought. Now if you are prancercizing in a pair of zebra booty shorts, with a pink chiffon top at the gym, you are going to be noticed, but otherwise a lot is in your mind.

10-29-2017, 11:47 PM
I am very fortunate to have almost no hair on my legs, arms, armpits , chest, and face , just fine little hairs like a GG. A positive for having alopecia areata , my wife is jealous :battingeyelashes:

10-30-2017, 12:00 AM
My SO doesn't mind, but my hair on my legs are almost gone. I just save my front knees. Most of the other hair is gone. Wish it would fall off my face. The only shorts I have are my fem shorts. I have one pair of male shorts and she doesn't want me to wear them. So I only wear that fem shorts.

sometimes brooke
10-30-2017, 09:08 AM

I know you’ve gotten a lot of responses, but here’s mine. You could develop an interest in swimming or cycling, or ideally, both. I have been a competitive cyclist for over 35 years, and in that time I’ve always had silky smooth shaved legs. I still remember the first time!...I was amazed at how soft and smooth and how RIGHT they felt and looked to me. Finally!

I’ve also been a masters swimmer for many, many years, and shaving is very common for those involved in that activity as well.

I am probably on the extreme side of the spectrum, as I shave my entire body every day and have done so for well over 30 years. Yes, I spend a small fortune on razors, and there is a bit of a time commitment, but like many here, I have my particular needs where if I don’t do them I feel out of sorts.

Being sleek and silky smooth and freshly lotioned makes me feel right and complete and very feminine, which gives me great joy.

Nobody has ever said anything to me about being shaved; I think they just accept that that’s me and it’s how I am. I do swim at an outdoor pool in the summer with hundreds of people around, and although sometimes I get a few looks at my red painted toenails, and my tiny speedo (actually it’s Nike) racing suit, I just own it and secretly smile to myself that I can do it and that it makes me feel so complete and happy.

Anyway, my two cents worth!

~ Brooke

Beverley Sims
10-30-2017, 10:48 AM
My hair count is low these days just like a couple of other counts.......

I can wear shorts and even look good, usually wear jeans or capris in the summer.

Winter... Anything that is warm.

Charlene Wilson
10-30-2017, 11:10 AM
I have started keeping my legs clean shaven in the last two years. Prior to that it was an occasional activity. I was very afraid of being noticed and someone making a comment. I have come to the point in my life where this concerns me much less so I now keep my legs clean shaven. I wear shorts for most of the year and have never had anyone comment about my legs. I have also discovered waxing and take advantage of that for the harder to reach areas of my body.

Jane G
10-30-2017, 01:30 PM
Yes, I don't save my legs that often. For sure when I do my good lady notices and usually takes the mick. Not that I have very hairy legs in the first place.:)

Alice B
10-30-2017, 01:52 PM
Mine are always shaved. Wife knows and does not care. Neither does anyone else. I wear shorts 90% of the time and have never had a negative comment, if any comment at all. Men with shaved legs is far more common that you may realize. Go for it and once you have you will enevr go back

10-30-2017, 11:38 PM
After I shave my legs the 3rd day I have stubble so I don't think its noticed.

11-14-2017, 09:37 PM
I go through phases. Would love to have a nice smooth chest, arms and legs all the time, but the Mrs. doesn’t really like it. She doesn’t mind me CD’ing, but she feels the shaved legs is a little to much. Just not the same without smooth legs. Compromises I guess.

11-14-2017, 10:00 PM
Shaving is a commitment.

11-14-2017, 10:18 PM
I shaved my legs for the first time about a month ago. I was really worried that everybody would notice and make a big deal of it but it's been a complete non-issue.

My SO only noticed after about a week and when she did, she didn't care. None of friends or nobody at work has mentioned it either. I was worried for nothing.

It's a commitment though if u way to keep them shaved all the time. A lot of time and a bit of money.

I wear shorts every day to work.

11-14-2017, 10:51 PM
I look around the shower room at our fitness club and many men are not very hairy on the legs, and I've found no one notices. No one who hasn't previously taken an interest in the hair on your legs will notice until the sun glistens on your stubble!

11-15-2017, 01:05 PM
My wife noticed and doesn't like it, but doesn't seem to be a big deal. My adult daughter noticed and asked me about it. I replied that leg massages, such as we have had when getting pedicures together, feel better without the hair. That seemed to satisfy her.

11-15-2017, 01:54 PM
To piggyback on other points, it might actually LOOK better than nasty hairy legs. Mine look great in girl and guy mode thankfully.

11-15-2017, 04:19 PM
When I was younger I shaved my legs, and you can get them very smooth... But you are right I was very self conscious, and never wore shorts. I wasn't in a relationship so that helped too. Fun question, thanks

Anne K
11-15-2017, 05:01 PM
I live in SW Florida and as Jenna points out, nobody notices. I had laser removal on legs, arms, etc and have had no negative reaction. If you have a lot hair, can you do it in stages?

11-15-2017, 05:23 PM
I think we are the only ones who do notice! Hehehe

11-15-2017, 05:50 PM
I also have been shaving legs for a long time and wear shorts , and my wife is ok and no one has ever made any comments..
wearing nylons, is smoother and great feeling too
do not worry about others, please yourself

11-16-2017, 04:20 AM
No-one cares. They are your legs, why would anyone elses opinion of what you should do with them have any importance? My father-in-law didn't ever have a single hair on his legs all his life and no-one evr asked him why. Not all men are naturally hirsute.

Daisy x

12-12-2017, 07:42 AM
Even now I am as hairy as I have ever have been. I shaved my chest once and my wife gave me holy heck. She would definitely notice if I shaved my legs. So i just think of myself as a "hippy" natural girl.

12-12-2017, 09:20 AM
Most guys I know ride bikes, and they all shave there legs these days, and its also the cool thing to have shaved legs in the gym, Hairy legs are out of fashion , nobody cares anymore, if fact you stand out if you have hairy legs !!!!