View Full Version : What did you not know that gg went threw until you started dressing

10-11-2017, 03:20 AM
Confusing title i know but i will give an example..
I did not know How warm knee boots tights and a skirt/dress can be.
How when wearing a skirt/dress and heels you have to take smaller steps.Not my normal guy stride
How you feet slide inside your boots when wearing hose.
How when in heels there is a big difference between walking inside you house and outside.
When in heels and breasts (mine are rice in stocking)how i better posture.
How my heels will sink in grass or gravel.
anyone else?

10-11-2017, 06:07 AM
I didn't know how long it took to decide what to wear for the day. Guy mode - jeans and t-shirt, Andreanna mode - give me another 20 minutes while I stand looking in the closet and wondering, skirt? dress? pants? Oh god, I don't have anything to wear.

Elizabeth G
10-11-2017, 06:11 AM
It takes soooooo much longer to get ready to go out (but I enjoy every minute of it although maybe not if I had to do it everyday)

10-11-2017, 06:24 AM
I have a better understanding of why my wife has 40 pairs of black shoes.
Sara :heehee:

10-11-2017, 07:28 AM
Continually having to adjust bra straps, and the frustrations of dealing with womens sizing in buying clothes.

10-11-2017, 07:30 AM
Hooking a bra from the back and adjusting the straps, also how different bras feel different. How it feels when on, the good and the bad of D breasts.
As Brandi said the difference in short walks in your house on carpet in heels verses long walks on hard floors in the mall. And as she said walking in heels and balance with D boobs make you have better posture, this definitely makes you feel feminine.
How much you appreciate the feeling of being shaved, soft panties, tight girl jeans and walking dressed like this in heels.

10-11-2017, 07:40 AM
So few posts and they have hit so many. How a pencil skirt cuts short your stride. How long it takes for me to pick out an outfit, and how many I tried on in the mirror before settling on what I wanted to wear. How long it takes to put on my makeup. How hard it is to walk in 4" strappy sandals that are a half size to big. What to do with my hands when walking or standing. Trying to do anything with fake nails, even "active" length. How much stuff I wanted in my purse. How many more people look at you when wearing a dress or skirt when most (all) GGs are wearing jeans and flats. Where to go for a walk so I don't stand out too much. How hard it is to go down stairs in heals. I have to stop. Thanks for asking, this was fun:) Brenda

10-11-2017, 07:53 AM
Two things come to mind right away. First is sitting in dresses and skirts. Keeping legs together or crossed requires he use of another set of ab muscles, I wasn't used to using. My tummy was sore for the first few days when I started out. Walking in heels was an adjustment but, I started out in 4-1/2" heels instead of something a bit lower. Starting in a lower heel would have been smarter but, I love they way my legs and butt look in them! : )

10-11-2017, 08:23 AM
Finding a chair or seat the right height for the heels I'm wearing so my feet don't go to sleep or knees hurt. Using enough makeup to fix things but not so much I look like a clown. Bending or stopping to pick something up. Hurrying to do anything with heels on- I get why they kick them off. The exhausting routine of makeup removal at bedtime along with tooth brushing and contact cleaning .

Jean 103
10-11-2017, 08:35 AM
Standing in front of a full closet and not finding something to wear. How hard it is to match a printed skirt to the right top. And why you can't go out the door in the first thing you put on. Being all dressed looking in the mirror, thinking this is not going to work. Now changing without messing up your hair and makeup.

10-11-2017, 08:58 AM
I learned why my wife is always the first to start dressing and the last one out the door to the car.
Why she hates wearing heels except to church or funerals.
How long a makeup session is for me and how proficient a GG can become.
I was surprised by all the steps it takes to have your makeup perfect in your own eyes.
How frustrating a runner can be when you just opened a new package of hose and this was the first time you were putting them on.
I love my heels but I still don't know how GG walk in them all day.

10-11-2017, 08:59 AM
That you still wear a short dress/skirt no matter how cold it is because it looks cute. Typing/texting or using an ATM with long nails. How expensive it is to be a girl! And like almost everyone's said, how much longer it takes to get ready.

10-11-2017, 09:22 AM
I learned that male privilege really is a thing -- and female-appearing people don't have any. ;)

10-11-2017, 10:09 AM
You need to take smaller steps when wearing high heels – the higher the heel, the smaller the step.
Walking on carpet or rougher surfaces like concrete are easier that smooth tile floors. Your heels will sink in when walking in the grass or on gravel. Stairs are also a challenge to go down.
Hooking a bra behind you and having the straps adjusted properly, especially if you are well endowed. Having it and any other lingerie sized properly.
I thought it was a fallacy that women in a long skirt would be warmer than those in pants but I was wrong. The body heat from each leg flows back and forth creating warmth without a barrier.
Sitting in dresses or skirts and having to keep your legs together. Also having to adjust how you sit because of them and the heels you are wearing.
Bending down to pick something up off the floor in a lady like manner.
Wearing the proper amount of makeup without looking like a clown or a hooker and how long it can take to do it right.
Doing anything with longer fingernails like typing, texting, or using an ATM.
How much stuff you need to put into a purse to have what you need especially since you don’t have pockets to hide stuff in.
How many more people look at a lady wearing a dress or skirt with any kind of heels than one in pants or shorts, especially when so many are wearing jeans and flats.
Changing your clothes without messing up your makeup or hairstyle.

Leslie Langford
10-11-2017, 10:11 AM
Well, Umm - Yeah! Or should I say "Duh!?" All of the above, and then some, of course.

Isn't that the whole point of our crossdressing - to share in female life experiences (both good and bad) that are foreign to most of the "dude" population, but that we gender non-conforming types are curious about...unlike the rest of our brethren?

Of course, the flip side to this is that the non-acceptance (and sometimes downright hostility) that some of our wives and SO's direct towards our crossdressing is likely rooted in part to not wanting to have us encroach on "girl world" and be privy to some of those secrets...kind of like trying to maintain the feminine mystique and not wanting the divulge the "secret handshake" that only bonafide members of a select group share to the exclusion of outsiders.

Gillian Gigs
10-11-2017, 10:59 AM
Learning that there is an up side to being male, as well as a down side. Also learning that there is an up side to being a female, as well as a down side. The thing is to find the happy medium, which would vary from CD'er to CD'er. I tend to blend to my mood what I enjoy about both sides as a result of learning what I now know.

10-11-2017, 11:45 AM
When wearing heels;

Learning just how difficult it is to get up off a low sofa or chair.
That you have to squat to pick something up you've dropped on the floor and the strain getting up puts on your knees.
Making sure when walking on decking you keep your heel out of the gaps.

Other things;
How the wind is your worst enemy if you've long hair.
How skillful you need to be to hitch up a skirt/dress and lower everything else just to pee... And then put it all back without laddering your hose so you look good to go.

10-11-2017, 12:00 PM
I’ve been cross dressing so long and observing women so long that there wasn’t much that surprised me. Grass and sinking heels caught me off guard the first time I did it.

I learned much of what I know from my mom. Often times I would eavesdrop whenever she talked to her friends about makeup, clothing and everything else female. As I grew older and got involved with/ lived with other women. I found out that there’s a different way to put on a bra and put on make up.

I found out that having big boobs can be strain on your neck and your back.

Catcalling is not annoying. It’s down right scary.

I’m sure there are others but that’s all I can think of for now.

Joyce Swindell
10-11-2017, 12:03 PM
My wife and I went to a private club event at Halloween a few years back. It was entitled a "Pimp and Ho" dance. Guess who went as the Ho....the 4 inch heals were beautifully glittered in silver as was the dress. This is when I found out how much my calves didn't like spiked heels!

I admire a woman (or CD) who can take this pain long enough to get comfortable in wearing them.

10-11-2017, 12:23 PM
Here’s another thing that I just thought of and goes along with what Joyce said. I never understood why older women stop wearing super high heels. The older I get the harder it is to wear 4” stilettos.

I’ve developed super strong calves from wearing and walking in heels over the years.

10-11-2017, 12:23 PM
I started early, so I was flying blind with no knowledge of what women go through. Over the years, I have an understanding of pretty much everything that's been shared.

10-11-2017, 12:39 PM
This is an awesome thread!

"OMG, why did you have to get such a low sports car?? Everyone will be looking up my skirt when I get out!!"

"Did that guy just look up my skirt???"

"How the $@&€ does my wife drive in 4" heels??"

"No, dear, I'm checking the vanity mirror to make sure my mascara isn't smeared .... what do you mean I just checked two minutes ago?"

"Eeps!" >>[grabbing for skirt on a windy day]<<

"Honey, now I know why you ask if your butt looks too big in those jeans ... mine does!!!"

"YOU said you wanted an hourglass figure, so suck it in, cupcake!"
>>[insert sound effects of weak gasping breaths and creaking corset leather here]<<

10-11-2017, 12:50 PM
Pretty much everything already said.!

10-11-2017, 01:25 PM
Why my wife always hated to put on pantie-hose.

Shelly Preston
10-11-2017, 01:49 PM
How it feels to be watched intensely as you walk past a group of builders.

(I must have got everything right that day)

barbie lanai
10-11-2017, 02:03 PM
Wearing pointy stilettos and getting one wedged into the crack between deck boards. Lucky it was on the private deck in front of my hotel room. And the shoe was buckled on, couldn't simply step out of it, and of course I was in a short skirt trying to bend over and unbuckle the ankle straps. Afterwards I could diffidently understand wider heels.

10-11-2017, 02:17 PM
There are so many things, I try to make a point of experiencing everything I can.

Gel nail extensions - The heat you feel as the gel nail hardens. How you have to work at using the pad of your finger to get your smartphone to work. How it feels to type on a keyboard with long nails. How dressing is more difficult with long nails, buttons, zippers, jewelry clasps, etc.

Waxing - It hurts but it’s so worth it, even a Brazilian wax. How out of control your eyebrows grow.

Heels - How wearing heels all day can be a chore. I now understand why women walk home from work in tennis shoes.

Hair color - I could totally become addicted to coloring out the grey.

Clothing - I will see and buy something I think is cute even though I have nowhere or nothing to wear with it which means I need to buy something else to go with it. How much clothing I would acquire over years of dressing.

Photoshoots - How a good photograph can make you look and feel amazing, seeing your true female self. How expensive a good photographer and photoshoot can be.

Lingerie - How many different types of lingerie there really are and you need to work with different style dresses.

So many things.

10-11-2017, 06:22 PM
Why it is important to park near the entrance when you are wearing heels.

10-11-2017, 07:46 PM
does a white BLM activist knows what a black person goes through?
i can only simulate whilst crossdressing. entirety, i learned about women happened when i was living them.

10-11-2017, 08:02 PM
So many awesome replys here is a few more
Gettin in and out of the car while wearing a skirt.
Slipping out of your shoes when wearing hose.
Shoe play is because your feet hurt and need to give them a rest/also leather don't breath so you get hot foot

Nikki A.
10-11-2017, 08:03 PM
Why a woman is so quick to take off their shoes, bra and shapeware as soon as they get home

Maria 60
10-11-2017, 08:12 PM
I only walked on a inside floor in heels, the first time I stepped out of my car and I took one step and feel on my face. Wow have to walk different on pavement. Lesson learned

10-11-2017, 08:21 PM
How easy it is to run hose.

Julie Slowinski
10-11-2017, 08:41 PM
- Even though they don't have stilettos, ankle boots are still heels and are not as easy to walk in as they look ....

- Necklaces and long hair are not friends ....

- A special occasion always seems to call for some shopping ....

- The importance of good makeup brushes and regular skin care ....

10-11-2017, 08:54 PM
Wedges are not easy to walk in as they look either.about twisted an ankle my first time

- - - Updated - - -

I only walked on a inside floor in heels, the first time I stepped out of my car and I took one step and feel on my face. Wow have to walk different on pavement. Lesson learned

LOL dont feel bad my first time in hose my parent came home i took off my moms heels and ran to my room.I went to stop from a run and guess what happened?my legs stopped my feet did not and bam landed on my butt

10-11-2017, 10:47 PM
I grew up dressing. The big changes came when I started out going out and about. Acceptance was easy because I passed. Was told I was better looking as a girl. Playing girlfriend was enlightening back when front seats were bench seats. Sitting in the middle with your legs next to him.

10-11-2017, 10:57 PM
Brandie. I began dressing when I was 6 year's old. I didn't have a clue. Flying blind I did hit a few walls.
I've just learned in the last few years what it is like to have real breasts. How good it feels to wear a properly fitted bra. How much back pain is eased wearing a good fitting bra.
To be honest with SA's when shopping for women's clothing for myself whether in drab outer clothes or en femme.
When you get a heel stuck between boards on a deck. Get a pry bar. It is not coming out w/o a lot of leverage.

Becky Blue
10-11-2017, 11:05 PM
Love this thread...
Just how sore feet can get wearing heels for a few hours.
How hard it is getting in and out of a car in a shortish skirt
Where to put the seatbelt when driving
What its like to be stared at like a piece of meat
Why it takes so long to get ready
I could go on

10-12-2017, 01:13 AM
Wearing Jean
-When wearing gg jeans the back pockets are so small,
-They are tighter and have stretch,
-The back rise is usually much longer than front,
-They have high Rise jeans.

-When running your breast can come out and be embarassing,
-They are expensive,
-Sizing is not standard

-If you have big breasts sometimes guys do not even look at your face,
-You always need to keep your legs close together...

This is just a start

10-12-2017, 01:48 AM
Wearing silky fabric and having leather or vinyl car seats.Or sitting on a leather couch

10-12-2017, 02:47 AM
What its like to be stared at like a piece of meat

When I used to get all dolled-up, that was one thing I could never totally, completely deal with & get used to.

It was annoying, it was distracting, it was creepy, scary, unsettling, whatever. "Umm... GG's actually have to go through this a lot? Ugh!"

And I'm not going to bash guys for that. It's only natural... And it's actually just part of the way "things get done" with this whole little procreation thingy. ;)

(That said, I do think *some* guys should be a bit more mindful & aware of what to do & what not to do, when it comes to that.)

However, on the flip side... :o

It was freakin' awesome. Let's not kid ourselves, here. Were they staring at the clown-looking "it-thing"? If so, they certainly weren't pointing & laughing, or had confused & horrified looks on their faces. Were they lusting after the hot "GG"? Possibly. Were they checking out the "hot tranny"? Possibly. Or maybe, they were just trying to figure out, "Girl -- or guy? Who knows, who cares! I just wanna look some more & try to get me a piece of that! I think?" LOL

It really was pretty powerful. Come on, GG's... You know it's true. :tongueout

And I wasn't really one to do this, but I remember specifically where I had intentionally "hammed it up" at a hetero club a couple times, just for giggles. :heehee:

Definitely got some eyes on me with that.

Actually had a cute & sweet guy ask me to dance, moments later, one time. I was floored! As were my friends there. I graciously had to turn him down after asking me, almost insisting, twice. (I felt bad afterwards, as he seemed really nice & genuine, but to be fair, it was the 1st time that had ever happened.)

So, yeah... There's definitely some power in femininity. And self-confidence in a *woman* can certainly be attractive, as well.

But these days, I, perhaps unintentionally, turn it around on the GG's... Some do like a nice pair of legs & butt on a guy who's wearing leggings, ya know. :devil:

(Oh, wait... I'm still being viewed as a piece of meat, aren't I. Oh, well? :strugglin :D )

10-12-2017, 02:47 AM
How uncomfortable pantyhose can be when they sag around the crotch.

10-12-2017, 05:10 AM
The complexities of putting makeup on. Especially the time required. I have developed an appreciation for GG's makeup, and love looking at their beautiful art work!

Rogina B
10-12-2017, 05:18 AM
I learned that male privilege really is a thing -- and female-appearing people don't have any. ;)

This ! As well as being the focus of judgement..for most anything !

Ally 2112
10-12-2017, 10:07 AM
You ladies have pretty well said it all .Mine is being wanting to own every cute dress or skirt or top i see on TV or the net news etc l

10-12-2017, 11:23 AM
Gee, lots of things. Most of the above mentioned things, but of course, as I added in girls/ladies reading material, all sorts of new information was at my fingertips. Most obvious, of course, was that girl clothes don't follow a size pattern which follows ANYTHING. Faced with size 10, half sizes, misses sizes, women's sizes, then of course, as their clothes need to conform EXACTLY to the specific curves, one size 10 dress that fits perfectly doesn't mean that any other size 10 dress will EVER fit right. Long torso, short waisted, short torso, long legs, tightly nipped waist with prominant hips vs slender gradual curves, all being listed as the same size. No wonder those poor girls spend so much time trying stuff on.

Sensitivity to metals; some girls get a rash from stainless, some from gold. I always thought gold was an inert metal. But some women are sensitive to it, and can't wear it. Pierced earrings? They get swollen and/or infected earlobes, no matter how well they clean them. Lose one of a favorite pair? Oh, the sadness that ensues!
Pretty underwear can be hugely uncomfortable. Pretty lace can be scratchy or itchy, and no amount of washing or adding softener will change that; that beautiful garment will be torture to wear, and since you've tried all the potential solutions to fix it, now you can't return it. So, lots of money wasted. And the desire to find a miracle cure will keep that friggin garment in your wardorbe even if you never get to use it, all because you can't bear to get rid of it.

Same with shoes. Pretty shoes will remain in the wardrobe even if she never wears them; why? Because they're pretty, expensive, and hope eternal that someday they'll 'stretch out' and fit. But every time you put them on, your feet scream at you. So back in the closet they go until next time.
Then there's the phenomenon of wanting expensive gifts, but only because she feels better knowing that you're spending lots ofmoney on her, makes her feel coveted and desired; she feels secure. Even though you spent a whole lot of money on what is essentially fancy glass that has a resale value of only half of what YOU paid for it (if that).
Long, pretty hair is regularly a nightmare. This tells the story better than I ever could: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWxoxMCxhs0 All I know is the constant problem of tangles in long hair, and simple brushing just causes split ends. What to do? AAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH! Now, I understand!
The 'constantly having to adjust bra straps', can often simply be caused by wearing the wrong bra. Ex wifey taught me that. And I don't understand why anyone would go nuts hooking a bra around the back; every woman I have known, did the clip and spin. Maybe it's just a form of self punishment for wanting to wear women's clothes? Remember, women are way more flexible than we are, most when young can zip up the back of a dress and pass the zip from one hand to the other while doing it up. I don't think any guy here can do that. So, yes, girls can hook their bras at the back way easier than we could ever hope to, yet most of them don't want to do it the hard way either.

What its like to be stared at like a piece of meat
I have a different take on this one. Listening to Eliza Shlesinger, I discovered that a woman can both hate being looked at like a piece of meat, or love it if the guy is attractive to her. She explains it here:

And there's no way for a guy to know before doing it, how she will feel. yet if you DON'T do it, and she initially thought you were attractive, she will be very disappointed in you if you DON'T look at her with desire. For us guys, it's a no win situation.

10-12-2017, 12:04 PM
The feeling of vulnerability just by looking female versus the feeling of invincibility when appearing male. Especially when wearing skirt or dress and heels.

The challenge of shopping when you can freely pick from either department.
Many other already mentioned.

10-12-2017, 12:11 PM
The pain to walk in heels just to get the "wiggle" just right
How uncomfortable shapewear can be on a hot day
The time it takes to pick out an outfit and get your makeup looking good
Wearing pantyhose on a hot day to cover up those lily white legs
Freaking out from the stares of guys entering a bar or restaurant, but secretly you're thrilled by it
Trying to get your lashes on straight because mascara does nothing for your short lashes
Fighting to get both eyebrows to match
How to sit for hours in a ladylike manner at a show, theatre, or restaurant
Preventing your skirt from always slipping down because your butt is too small
Keeping your wig looking nice on a windy day and trying to detangle it after a long day out
Gracefully entering and exiting a car.......

I can go on and on. This thread has been food for thought, but lots if fun!

10-13-2017, 09:43 AM
I get why some girls just take their heels off and walk around barefoot after a night out. Also that you have to always watch how you’re sitting, don’t wanna show everyone what’s under your dress!

10-13-2017, 10:27 AM
pierced earrings transmit cold more efficiently than anything engineered to do so.

10-13-2017, 11:20 AM
When I do my guy laundry it's really simple. White tee shirts and shorts in one load. Everything else in another. Presto! Done. The female stuff? Got to read the labels. Hand wash. Hang dry. Dry with low heat. Dry on flat surface. Hand wash hosiery. Hand wash lingerie. Ironing? Cool iron. This reminds me I have to go wash my panties.

10-13-2017, 01:08 PM
I just finished doing my weekly laundry. Stephanie is absolutely right. I think it takes longer to do my laundry than dress. My hose are alive! Always all tangled up. What temperature both to wash and dry? Wrap in a towel. How much soap? My wife hangs her bras...so do I. Actually, I enjoy doing my laundry. Of course, I have to dress...seem appropriate.

10-13-2017, 08:55 PM
Just how uncomfortable lingerie can be.

Don't get me wrong, a pair of silky nylon panties can be divine. I love putting on a slip or a nightie as well.

But wearing a bra and a garter belt and stockings for an entire day - things get very warm and after a number of hours the sexy feeling wears off.

10-14-2017, 06:36 AM
Last week I missed a movie because I couldn't decide on what to wear.

10-14-2017, 07:01 AM
Just how uncomfortable lingerie can be.

Don't get me wrong, a pair of silky nylon panties can be divine. I love putting on a slip or a nightie as well.

But wearing a bra and a garter belt and stockings for an entire day - things get very warm and after a number of hours the sexy feeling wears off.

Hi Liz :hugs:, No one ever said that being a lady was going to be easy,
It is like when a hobby becomes a job then the fun goes out of it. >Orchid...:daydreaming:...

- - - Updated - - -

Hi Brandi :hugs:, I have been in this program for about 71years now and I guess that I just learned by doing everything as I go.>Orchid...:daydreaming:...

10-14-2017, 09:03 AM
Hi Orchid..I believe we all at first learned as we went because we did not want to our secret out.
This thread has been an interesting read.Shows we are all in this together and experiencing the same things

10-14-2017, 04:50 PM
Keeping lingerie clean takes work!

Tracy Irving
10-14-2017, 06:39 PM
Clothing almost always looks better on the hanger than my body.

Becky Blue
10-15-2017, 06:06 AM
Getting dressed to go out can actually be a lot of fun, a guy just throws something on

Beverley Sims
10-15-2017, 03:12 PM
It takes practice to be a woman. :-)

Tracii G
10-15-2017, 03:34 PM
Just about everything.

10-16-2017, 01:23 PM
Eyeliner can be a serious PITA

Gravel Driveways WILL tear up a good pair of heels

Makeup is expensive.

10-17-2017, 03:09 PM
In girl mode I am more conscious of ensuring that colours match. Skirt and top, necklace and dress, shoes and skirt, etc. Etc.
And it really can take ages to get ready.

10-17-2017, 03:43 PM
The time to get the makeup right...and the skills to get the makeup right...

valerie anne
10-17-2017, 04:03 PM
Going over a speed bump, even with a bra.

10-17-2017, 04:26 PM
At first it was putting on eyeliner, although I'm pretty good with it after all these years.

10-17-2017, 06:09 PM
Trying to walk in high heels, almost killed myself.

10-17-2017, 08:50 PM
Using the bathroom while wearing a floor length gown, LOL hard to remain ladylike in that scenario.

10-17-2017, 09:13 PM
For long hair how you untangle it and wad of hair to trash. Every day and I found out that girls with long hair have that same problem.

Janine cd
10-17-2017, 10:08 PM
I've come to understand how hard it is to dress as a woman. The worst time is spent in doing makeup and preparing one's hair.
I've never been able to get the part right in my hair.

Heather Chasen
10-21-2017, 04:42 AM
I never realised how difficult it is to fasten the crotch of a pantie corselette when you have boobs . Its much more difficult to see what youre doing ,LOL.

10-21-2017, 08:02 AM
For me it's the, what I can only really call, engineering that goes into some of the clothes. Also, something that always amuses me is that ladies clothes always have an indication as to which side is the back, because sometimes it's not immediately clear :-) :-) :-)

10-21-2017, 08:08 AM
Having lived with various "GGs" for fifty years or more, there's nothing I didn't know.

10-21-2017, 08:10 AM
Looking in the mirror and thinking, my face is fat. The same face in dude mode that doesn't seem fat. Fixing my hair, and trying different looks. Are barrettes really that hard to do. On a wig, you bet. Nails, yes, chipping a freshly coated nail argh. The nervousness of vunerability.

Pat mentioned the loss of male privileged, and being subjected to it, and while there is truth in that, for me this experience has also occurred even in male mode. I think there is a pecking order to that, and even males are subjected to it, even the ones that become alphas. We were all young once, and few are born as alphas. And do not forget, there are certainly alpha females out there as well, so even in the female experience subjugation to privileged is not consistent or as universal.

10-21-2017, 08:30 AM
...what I didn't know? Many of the things everyone has already expressed plus the bare minimum beauty lotions, potions etc. that are required for the face and body. There are facial cleansers, moisturizers, and so forth.
Also, I like the benefits of carry a handbag.

10-21-2017, 08:40 AM
How to walk with grace when walking in heels on a street or uneven ground. The first time I walked across the grass in heels was funny for everyone but me. Now it is no big deal. Along with a lot of other things that I take for granted in boy mode.

10-21-2017, 01:02 PM
All of the things you mentioned, plus the time it takes to apply makeup.

More enjoyably, the sisterhood from SAs when you tell them you are shopping for yourself (when in drab) and showing them the pics to prove it.

10-23-2017, 04:43 PM
I have on a bra today and the cups are a tad too big, so I have pads in. And my boobs are actually getting in the way. Kinda neat, but I definitely understand women complaints.