View Full Version : Anyone gone out wearing nail polish in guy mode?

10-22-2017, 06:28 PM

Wondering if anyone else has gone out wearing nail polish while still in guy mode? What are your experiences doing that with the general public?

I did it twice recently, once with white and once in light blue so they are easily spotted.

To my surprise no one has really paid too much attention as I went about my business. One waiter did take a longer stare at me and a few others on the street took an extra look.

I might do this a bit more often, given how little attention I attracted :)

Sarah Doepner
10-22-2017, 06:53 PM
My nails are usually kept fairly long and with a clear coat of "Nail Envy" by OPI. I recently had my niece compliment me on my nails, saying she thought it was good I paid attention to them. Now it's just possible that one or more of my adult children has shared with her that I'm transgender. That may have been her attempt to open the door to the conversation, but I didn't go there.

The only time I go out with color on my nails is when I'm presenting female. I don't see a need for it any other time.

10-22-2017, 06:56 PM
I used to be a goth (stopped a lot of the fancy stuff a few years after my daughter was born) and I did it all the time, and infrequently now as we go out a lot less. TBH experience depends on the crowd. If you go onto a building site you will be surrounded by 'alpha male' types all trying to show how manly they are and thus you would be ridiculed, but go into a shop and hang around the makeup area and you may even get compliments. It's all about the type of people you are around, and tbh most people don't care.

Heather Anne
10-22-2017, 07:04 PM
Not sure this counts. For over a year I have been getting my nails done at a nail salon but in guy mode. I started out with acrylics and then switched to S&S at the suggestion of my daughter. I have always had problems with my nails, biting them, tearing them up. Since getting my nails done I no longer have that problem. I get them done about every 2 weeks. When I first started I asked that my nails had to appear natural. That is the way I keep them. The final step is a clear gloss. some people have noticed and asked and I explained why I get my nails done. I have tried applying nail polish. It does not go well. After removing the nail polish I can still see left over nail polish. I have quit applying nail polish and just stay with the clear whether in guy mode or dressed en femme. I have had one problem with them and that is chipping or breaking a nail or two. I finally realized I needed to keep my nails shorter to prevent that from happening. My nails seems to grow rather quickly so by the time I am due to get them done again I need to have them trimmed back.

10-22-2017, 07:13 PM
I had mine polished for 2 weeks or so and drive a tow truck. In that time I got maybe 5 comments from poeple. maybe some extra stares.

10-22-2017, 07:24 PM
Clear only.

April Rose
10-22-2017, 07:25 PM
I do it all the time. I have a shade from Revlon called Sheer Rose. It it like clear polish, but with a slight tint.

10-22-2017, 07:38 PM
Good for all of you, just one more small step to acceptance.

10-22-2017, 08:00 PM
I've had clear on a few times, no one ever said anything.

Rachael Leigh
10-22-2017, 08:06 PM
Yes a lot lately and have had several complements on them too

Teri Ray
10-22-2017, 08:13 PM
I wear LA colors "American manicure" with matt top coat. Looks natural and lasts about 2 days as a matt finish then wears to a semi shine. So far no one except my wife has commented.

10-22-2017, 09:54 PM
I do it all the time. I have my nails done professionally, with acrylic nails, and feminine shaping and color choices. The only comments I get are complements, mostly from women but occasionally from guys too, about how fantastic my nails look. Lots of times it has given me a reason to chat or flirt with an attractive younger woman who otherwise would have had little interest in me. With the women, I share info about where I got them done. Many of them have begun using the same nail salon after that. The closest thing to a negative reaction was from my sister, before I was out to her. The first time she saw my nails in a feminine French cut with clear gloss polish, she gave me a fishy look and commented, “Your nails look awfully feminine.” I just replied, “Yes, they do.”

Nikki A.
10-22-2017, 10:05 PM
I usually keep a clear coat on them, even if noticed (by women) they are complimentary. However not too long ago after changing back to drab I forgot about the polish and went for gas and the supermarket with light green pearl polish on. If anyone noticed I didn't see it.

10-22-2017, 10:15 PM
Wondering if anyone else has gone out wearing nail polish while still in guy mode? What are your experiences doing that with the general public?

To my surprise no one has really paid too much attention as I went about my business.

Yes many people do it / have done it and they all pretty much have the same experience you had. In fact, this comes up a lot and I don't recall ever reading a thread where someone suffered any notable problems. I wore pretty obvious nail polish 24/7 for about a year before I started coming out. No problems. Why would there be? What would you do if you saw a guy wearing nail polish? Go psycho, or just think, "hey, it's one of those guys who wear nail polish."

Tracii G
10-22-2017, 10:22 PM
I wear polish in guy more 80% of the time. The other part I give my nails a chance to recuperate from having paint on them.
Gives them time to breath.
Most people don't pay attention or care for that matter.
Some notice but just don't say anything because its none of their business.

Alice B
10-22-2017, 10:28 PM
My toes are always pinyed and my fingers have clear polish. Have not tried color except for special nights going out. Would love to have society accept painted finger nails o
in colors other tham black

Diane Smith
10-22-2017, 10:47 PM
I wear long acrylic nails all the time, and have them polished every two weeks when I get my fills, plus occasionally in between. I don't wear color at work, but usually keep the polish on through the weekends. I always go for totally feminine colors. Dark reds are my favorite, but I also wear brighter reds, pinks and metallics sometimes, often with a few rhinestones or a bit of nail art on a couple of fingers. They are a magnet for attention in checkout lines and at drive-through windows, mostly from women. (Men probably notice but are much less likely to say anything.) The reactions are about 99.9% positive. I really only recall one incident when a worker at a small town McD's tried to give me a hard time about them. I've worn them to medical appointments a few times, as well as normal daily activities like shopping and banking. When someone asks why, my usual response is, "why should the girls have all the fun?" I wouldn't argue that everyone should do this, but it adds a bit of spice to my interactions with people out in the world.

- Diane

10-23-2017, 12:04 AM
Wow!! Thank you girls for sharing your experiences. As I have read time and time again here, often it's in our mind that "strangers" are going to care, but in fact they are too busy going about their own business to worry about other people.

I did it as a test for myself to see if people will react negatively. The main reason being the fact that if I had to remove nail polish everytime I go out to the supermarket or getting lunch, it would drive me mad! The time and effort to put it back on when I dress, takes a while to put 4 coats on and drying them.

April Rose - Yes I have a similar one Revlon Sheer Petal 909. Even if you apply the 2 coats of colour it's still looks really subtle even I had difficulty noticing if I had it on. I think it's more abvious in certain lighting conditions?

Teri Ray - Have you tried matt top coat on anything other than black? Does it work? Right now I really love my gel shiny top coat, wouldn't mind trying matt but not into black polish myself.

Ceera - Unfortunately, it doesn't make sense for me to have professionally done nails as I still have to take them off for business meetings and meeting with friends. Which happens at least twice a week, so my finger polish never last more than a few days. I would love to be able to keep longer nails and have them done at a salon one day.

Pat - That's hilarious! I certainly hope I don't come across any psycho types!

Alice B - You should try some light colour on your fingers next time and venture out. Hardly anyone notices. :) Some days I have to remove colour from my toes too due to the type of sport that I play. I'm still in the closet with friends and families :(

Diane Smith - Thank you for sharing your favorite colour. I think I might go shopping for some red based polish.

To those that I haven't responded to directly, your experience is definately much appreciated and helped me much on my journey :)

10-23-2017, 12:53 AM
I wore a teal coloured polish to match a dress for a party at our hotel and realised I'd forgotten my remover , so I had to go for a swim in drab mode with my nails still done , Yes it did get some second glances and a comment of , " Like your nails !" from the pool attendant .

10-23-2017, 02:46 AM
I wear polish all the time. Toes in blue or dark blue. Fingers with gel, not too long and polish in nude, between grey and light brown.

Comments of others? Rarely.

10-23-2017, 02:54 AM
I wear polish all the time (24/7), clear and color of all types, never had any one complain, only compliments, nails are 1/4 inch past my finger tips. Marshalynn

Kiwi Primrose
10-23-2017, 03:04 AM
In my fairly extensive experience those who notice are interested and delighted and I have never had a bad comment.

colleen ps
10-23-2017, 04:04 AM
All the time when out of work, never had a bad comment. Only good! I wear all colours and my toes are always painted, even when out with sandals or flip flops.

Suzanne Blake
10-23-2017, 05:50 AM
Several times, but only with clear

Rhonda Jean
10-23-2017, 06:06 AM
I often do. Not at work. I don't like polishing my own nails, though. I get a mani-pedi every 4-6 weeks and have for many years. In between I'll often get just a polish change (you don't necessarily have to be wearing polish to get a polish change) that is just getting your nails polished without all the typical cuticle trim, massage, etc. that is part of a full blown mani-pedi, and much less expensive. Like everybody else, no bad experiences. Mostly no reaction at all. Any reaction has been positive. I'm certain, however, that many of those who don't react and even those who comment positively probably talk behind my back. I have no problem with that, but it'd be a mistake to think that people just accept it as ordinary when it's clearly not.

An interesting aside... I wear my nails with just about 1/8" of free edge now, cutting them when they get to about 1/4". But for over 30 years, dating back to when I was a teenager I wore my nails very long, often a half inch or more of free edge. I'd always let them grow until I broke one, then cut them all back to the length of the break and start over. The longer the better. Reaction to this was almost always negative. I took care of them, always keeping them meticulously clean and shaped, often with clear polish or hardener. I don't understand why, but long nails on a guy just creeps people out. Even when they don't say anything, there'll be some visible reaction. Way different than the reaction or lack thereof to polished nails.

Lana Mae
10-23-2017, 06:20 AM
24/7! Male or female mode! I get color when I get my manicure/pedicure! I started removing the color on my fingernails the night before I had to go to work! Later, I said to myself this is a hassle I am going to leave it on and see what happens! Two people at work at different times asked if I was gay! I told them no, I pay for the manicure and the polish is included! I am getting my moneys worth! No further comments! Most have been compliments on the color! Last New Years, they were blue with silver sparkles! The pharmacy tech at the drug store said she loved the color and sparkles! The next week she had blue with silver sparkles! I got in a conversation about nails with a lady at the loan company about fingernails! The best reaction was from a checkout lady at the grocery store! She giggled when she saw them! She stated that I was the first man she had seen with fingernail polish! I told her I pay for the manicure and the polish is included in the price and I want my moneys worth! She agreed with me! The next time I was at the store she said, Oh, I like that color on you it goes with your skin tone! I live in North Carolina and these are the reaction so far! The two at work are friendly and nothing else has been said! It is mostly in our heads! Hugs Lana Mae

10-23-2017, 06:48 AM
I've been wearing a pink pearl on my fingernails for about a week. I don't think anyone has even noticed.

10-23-2017, 07:53 AM
I get my nails done in a salon. I get clear polish. It doesn't cost any extra. Sometimes the techs ask me if I want pink. They are kidding with me.

Sometimes I work with solvents and this removes the polish so I will do it myself.

10-23-2017, 08:18 AM
No, never in guy mode. I have a hard enough time with "active length" stick on nails, I can't imagine all day:) Brenda

Heidi Stevens
10-23-2017, 08:51 AM
You can almost always find my fingernails sporting clear acrylic. I do so for several reasons. One, I like the look.
Two, it keeps my nails looking good. My nails split easily without acrylic on them.
Three is the fact that manicured nails on a male are appreciated by a lot of women.
But the fourth reason I wear clear acrylic on my fingernails is it provides a nice base for colored lacquer when I do need color. It’s tough, smooth and will still be there when I remove the lacquer. It prevents a lot of nail stains from the colored lacquer as well.
So yes, you can get by wearing nail polish in public. It’s up to you how you want to do so and what makes you feel good.

10-23-2017, 09:04 AM
Yes, mainly clear at work because I work with my hands and polish would chip in a heart beat. On the weekends always colored with a gloss top coat. If too many are torn off short just go clear all the time until they grow back.

10-23-2017, 10:07 AM
More and more I find I do my nails. I’ve let them grow longer, shaped them, polish them with Essie Mademoiselle, and add a glossy topcoat. I’ve not gotten any comments, but some have quietly noticed. Including my son and daughter-in-law. The older I get, the less I care about the opinions of others.

Nikki A.
10-23-2017, 12:09 PM
Rhonda Jean came up with an interesting observation. My friend (who doesn't know I dress) has never mentioned the clear polish on my nails. But if they get a little longer ( I do keep them clean and shaped) she does say that they need trimming. I wonder what she would say if they were long and polished.

10-23-2017, 12:28 PM
I have manicures and clear on the nails. My toes are always painted. No issues with those and they do get long. The clear looks great and the acrylic really helps.

10-23-2017, 10:01 PM
Thank you for the comments and experience.

Teresa - That is hilarious, thank you for sharing.

Rhonda Jean - I have the same attitude as you. Life is too short to worry about what strangers think or talk behind our back. Unfortunately, longer nails get in the way of my sporting activities :(

Lana Mae - I absolutely love your response! Unfortunately, I do my own nails and can't really use the same reasoning but what a great comeback and conversation starter.

Trish - Yes, I call them "stealth" colours where hardly anyone notices unless they are really looking or under certain lighting conditions making them more obvious.

Heidi Stevens - Yes see pretty colours on my fingers as I go about my daily activities makes me happy, that's why I didn't want to remove them even if I had to go out in guy mode. I often look at them when stopping at the lights :)

Nikki A - I wonder if longer nails needs a bit of colour to make them look less "creepy" (as per Rhonda's observation).

Thank you once again to everyone that chimed in :)

10-23-2017, 10:17 PM
No, until I break one. Usually it's my left thumb, but it's also been a few others. Rather than lose a nail by tearing it off, (OUCH!!!) I used an acrylic nail repair to hold the nail together.

10-24-2017, 04:41 AM
I recently had my nails done while travelling for a week in the US. Mostly dressed in guy mode. Had them done in Brisbane before getting on the plane. Did not get one negative reaction. Plenty of compliments though. Would love to have kept them but still DADT here.

10-24-2017, 02:50 PM
I do it often. Mostly people don't even notice or just don't care. Nail polish is quite acceptable for men nowadays. You can see celebrities show in public with painted nails and rockstars painted their nails black since the 80's. But you can't use red or pink or some other exclusively female colour. Male colours are black, dark blue or clear coat polish. Maybe also yellow, light blue or skin tone, but this is already thin ice, I would say. Short trim is also recommended, because long nails are still a female thing.

10-24-2017, 09:12 PM
Angela010 - Love those colour. Good idea getting them professionally dine before a holiday so work doesn't get in the way!

Karmen - Thank you for observation. But where is the fun if I can't use the pretty girl colours. I just got some light purple yesterday can't wait to try them on :)

10-25-2017, 09:07 AM
I've been wearing nail polish on my toes 24/7 for the last 3 years. I've done every color under the sun, from pink to black. I'll wear flip flops even when sporting red 😁. Crazy part is I get the most compliments when I show off my black or dark blue toes. I've had 99% positive reactions and comments from both men and women.

Jessica Thompson
10-25-2017, 09:58 AM
One year of 24/7 manicure and pedicure. Started off with acrylics and changed to clear SNS manicure. Toes have been red, blue and currently French.
For the year have only had three comments. Two women were very complementary and the other woman was really I think more curious as to why I had such long shiny nails.
Having nails has been a non event, for me at least so far.

10-25-2017, 01:21 PM
Usually clear nail polish on my fingers and whatever on my tootsies. Ill wear pink in October. For breast cancer awareness purple for advent n lent green in march for St Patrick. Etc

10-25-2017, 01:30 PM
I’m closeted, but my wife has always wanted me to get a pedicure with her. The girl me was always ecstatic, the guy had to keep a nice front.
So I always said no until my counselor finally said that I should. So I went.
On our first visit I told her I’d get clear polish because I was paying for it. She laughed and said it was weird but said whatever.
I kept telling the lady all I would get is the clear polish. Well, she never did it. Because I’m a guy.
We have been back a few more times and she doesn’t even joke about me putting some nail polish. I wanna ask for it so bad but I’m afraid I’ve been going there too long and my wife would act very weird and suspicious.

10-25-2017, 03:47 PM
ChubbyLeah you are not getting your money's worth by being denied the polish :)

10-25-2017, 03:51 PM
I know hun!

10-25-2017, 03:52 PM
I wear polish all the time, both fingers and toes. What I found different was how you touch thing with long nails. Long nails require you to use the pad of your finger tip like a woman, not the tip, like most males do with short nails. Using the tip will break your nails, quit often. Marshalynn

10-25-2017, 09:32 PM
I have my nails done at my salon every three weeks. I keep my nails longish (1/4"?) and shaped. Unless I'm doing something for a special occasion, my standard full time presentation is OPI Passion (Nail Envy base coat, two coats of Passion, Seche Vite topcoat). It's close enough to my natural color that few people notice... or at least few people comment. If someone does notice, I don't care. It can be a discussion starter, but not always. I was at another church member's house two nights ago helping them set up surveillance cameras they'd purchased. The wife looked down and said "Are you wearing fake nails?" I just said "No, they're real". She didn't say another word. I was expecting other questions but none came.

I did get an IM from a coworker who just quit. On his last day he IMed me and said he just had to ask a question. "What's the story with the long nails?" I told him I could give him the answer that usually leads to more questions or the short answer. He didn't opt for the former, so he got the "because that's the way I like it" response. He did follow up asking if there was a particular functional reason and I told him it was purely aesthetic. His finally reply? "Roger that".

Another lady at church once asked me what it meant that I had both ears pierce and wore ball studs. I said that it meant I wanted my ears pierced. If she ever gets around to asking the proper "why" question we'll have a much longer conversation. This same lady has noted my nails and wanted to know how I keep them in such good shape. She got the "recipe" noted above.

10-26-2017, 07:51 AM
I do wear polish in winter months, I love seeing color on my nails. Over on Reddit.com there's a subreddit for this called "malepolish" Reddit.com/malepolish

11-14-2017, 10:04 PM
Only my toes, but not exposed. Just my little secret tucked in my shoes. But what a pretty view when you take those shoes and socks off.

11-18-2017, 11:56 AM
Everyday only dark colors though once bright pink on one hand and black on the other to match my granddaughter except she had opposite hands and I'm a mechanic so it's a durability test for the different brands I could write reviews

11-18-2017, 09:01 PM
I've worn nail polish in male-mode many times. Almost always bright red. Men never say anything to me, but I've had several nail-polish discussions with women. One of the most interesting was when I was flying back from Las Vegas after spending a week there fully en femme the entire time. She looked at my hands and said, "Were you performing in Las Vegas?" I answered that I wasn't, and she said "Just having fun then?" Oh yeah! Lots of fun!

11-18-2017, 09:08 PM
I went on a vacation for two weeks and wore polish. I received several compliments, the best was the guy from the party store, told me he us horrible with faces but would never forget nails like mine.

11-18-2017, 09:47 PM
I have been getting my toes done all the way for a couple of years now. All the way with bright red polish. the first time the lady looked puzzled, but ever after she just smiles and does the polish like everyone else. I love the bright red polish it is so sexy. I also shave my legs and get looks when they do the leg massage. I love it, (the attention). :devil:

Tanya silk stocking
11-19-2017, 08:05 PM
my toe nails are a nice shade of pink all the time