View Full Version : Best bad thing that happened

10-29-2017, 10:50 AM
Ok as I've posted before I wear heels and now hose daily while I drive . I stop and get gas and a Pepsi and don't put on my man shoes. Sometimes stop at shopping center and take a walk. Guy all the way but wearing heels always and pantyhose. There is a clerk that has always been friendly and chatty. We usually talk for a few minutes she usually makes reference to my shoes and has asked me about wearing hose. A few months ago she got pregnate so now she only works overnight 1 day. Well now she is going out on leave and told me she's not coming back but will text me where she goes.
I've been to another store but the lady in there is uncomfortable with me. We actually talked one morning and she said she was ok I can tell she's not.
So I try another store (busier) and first day no one notices, or so I thought (2 clerks). I go back the next day and the one clerk from day one is getting off. Clerk 2 ( her boss ) notices and says something to clerk 3. I see her look. I get my Pepsi and walk to the counter. Clerk 3 says something boss and clerk 1 is standing next to me. Boss tells clerk 1 don't take a picture I look at her and her phone is on music she tells boss she's not.
The next morning (Saturday) I say let's see if clerk 1 is back. She was and by herself. I walk in get my Pepsi and walk down the aisle so she can see. As I was paying I Say " i think my shoes upset you yesterday. Are you ok. She looks at me and says "I think it's great I love that you are you. We talk and I learn clerk 3 is supportive , boss is a jerk and she asks a bunch of question about me and heels and etc...we talked between customers and I changed shoes to show her a different pair. When I leave she says " come back and chat I overnight the next two nights.
I go back this morning show her a few more of my shoes and answer a few more questions. Another lady comes in and they chat and finally says ok I'm ready to take over ( clerk 4). We chat for a minute so I ask if she heard about the guy in heels the other day. She says "no" and I say it's me take a look her first comment was I was standing next to you and didn't notice you walk really well and I think that is fantastic. She reveals to clerk 1 that her son is a cd and wears make up and clothes and she is supportive. She asks me to put on a pair clerk 1 mentioned. So I did.
When I left clerk 1 says she will see me Monday and clerk 4 says come at 6 so I can see too.
So I know where I'll be stopping for a Pepsi. Sure wish they sold gas

Jean 103
10-29-2017, 11:25 AM
And that's how it starts . First it's about you, then it's just life. Than before you know it you have a friend. Good for you.

10-29-2017, 02:54 PM
Almost sounds like,"who's on first ..... "