View Full Version : It's Getting Surreal

10-31-2017, 06:51 AM
Running a little week and my weekend update, but here we go.

In a minor argument a couple weeks ago my wife called me her huswife. Which ended up having us both in stitches, but the argument lead to a great deal of soul searching. The weekend before last I did something that my wife has wanted me to do for a long time that made us both happy. It involved a great deal of honesty, shame, and some crying. It was like removing a thorn from both of our sides. A few days later I was rewarded with a box of makeup from my wife's rather large collection.

I spent Sunday this week doing what has become the normal, getting dressed up and taking photos of myself. My wife works Sundays so its my one free day. We exchanged a few texts throughout the day, and we were joking back and forth. I texted that I was looking for hot models to photograph, and she asked where to sign up.

She got home and was serious about doing a photoshoot but demanded that I do her hair and makeup, "I'm going to show you what a bitch being a woman really is," she joked. After 30 minutes trying not to burn her with a curling iron she then had me do her makeup and was pleasantly surprised by the quality of my lip and eye job, but felt I went way overboard on the foundation. She gave me some remedial instruction.

I then helped her into the very same black gown that I had been modeling only a few hours ago. I couldn't help but wonder if I had somehow engineered this situation so I could compare our photographs. But she wanted to do this and so did I and we were both having great times.

It was really surreal taking pictures of her doing almost the exact same poses and twirls that I had just been doing. I didn't show her my pictures though she knew I had been dressed up and taking pictures because I couldn't get all the makeup off my face by the time she got home. She was very beautiful in the dress and surpassed me, but I was still blown away by how similar we looked and how we had kicked up our feet and spun the dress around the exact same way.

So I get home from work Monday and she had a surprise for me, she bought me a pair of Cookie Monster panties we had been checking out last time we went shopping. I feel like the luckiest huswife in the world.

10-31-2017, 07:27 AM
Well that's a great story and something that most of us will envy. I know you had a great time.

How did the photographs turn out and did you show them to her? Will you show them to us?

Traci H
10-31-2017, 11:16 AM
Love the story. You are quite lucky in your wife. Explain the huswife a little more if you don’t mind. I assume you perform some of the more typical female tasks around the house etc, but I would be curious to know the extent and how she came up with the cute name.

Beverley Sims
10-31-2017, 12:38 PM
It is great sharing things together.

Life becomes more natural, for want of a better word.

10-31-2017, 12:47 PM
If not the luckiest you are in the top ten for sure. Now as I said many times over cherish her and thank her endlessly for those who don't have the same situation. Your wife is awesome.

10-31-2017, 01:11 PM
Over the years, I’ve picked up a lot of my wife’s mannerism and taste in clothing, so I would say that it’s only natural that both of you were modeling and twirling the same way.

Alice B
10-31-2017, 02:08 PM
That is a true love story and the start of more exciting adventures. Good for both of you.

Anna Stouf
10-31-2017, 03:10 PM
I have a technical question: How do you take pictures of yourself in your back yard? The only way I can think to do it would be to put a camera on a tripod, set the timer, and then hurry to get in front of it and wait for it to take. I would think that you would need to take many pictures in order to hopefully get a good one. Obviously you would need a digital camera. Are you using a DSLR?

I have seen your pictures of you in that black dress over in the picture section of this site. You look really good. I like to think that I looked half that good when I was young like you. The reality is that I probably didn't. Of course that would have been in the mid 1970's and we didn't have digital cameras, or computers, or cell phones, back then.

You look amazing and I'm sure your wife does too. She is a keeper. Take good care of her.


10-31-2017, 04:59 PM
Love your weekly update Sarah, enjoy your happy times together.

Nice love story for sure.

10-31-2017, 07:19 PM
Love the story. You are quite lucky in your wife. Explain the huswife a little more if you don’t mind. I assume you perform some of the more typical female tasks around the house etc, but I would be curious to know the extent and how she came up with the cute name.

I do try to help out and perform quite a few domestic chores around the house and for the most part have really come to enjoy it on my days off. I can't remember exactly what we were arguing about, but one of the things she was mad about was that I had left a big pink nightgown on the floor in the basement and she had asked me make sure all of my girl clothes were well hidden. I didn't even want this stupid nightgown and planned on asking her if she wanted it so I didn't think much of leaving it in the floor. She said something like, "You are suppose to be my husband not my huswife," and she said it in anger and I laughed saying that had a nice ring to it. She has called me that a few times since then in jest, but I doubt it will become a regular nickname for me.

- - - Updated - - -

Over the years, I’ve picked up a lot of my wife’s mannerism and taste in clothing, so I would say that it’s only natural that both of you were modeling and twirling the same way.

This is very true, there is much of her style that I really like and try to emulate.

- - - Updated - - -

I have a technical question: How do you take pictures of yourself in your back yard? The only way I can think to do it would be to put a camera on a tripod, set the timer, and then hurry to get in front of it and wait for it to take. I would think that you would need to take many pictures in order to hopefully get a good one. Obviously you would need a digital camera. Are you using a DSLR?

I have seen your pictures of you in that black dress over in the picture section of this site. You look really good. I like to think that I looked half that good when I was young like you. The reality is that I probably didn't. Of course that would have been in the mid 1970's and we didn't have digital cameras, or computers, or cell phones, back then.

You look amazing and I'm sure your wife does too. She is a keeper. Take good care of her.


Thank you very much. I am a camera geek. I have 4 DSLRs, 1D, 10D, 5D, and t4i. I use a basic umberalla diffuser with a cheap flash, and a radio trigger. I use an intervalvometer usually set to trigger the shutter every 15 seconds. I like the 1Dmi which is 15 years old and only 6 megapixels but makes great shots. I don't need ultra sharp enlargements! It has really good autofocus. If you like taking your own pics the intervalometer is very important and well worth the investment. https://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=intravelometer&tag=mh0b-20&index=aps&hvadid=7010495894&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_201h5kt9nt_e

I think I was expecting this question and actually photographed my setup last Sunday.

Anna Stouf
10-31-2017, 11:25 PM
Thank you Sarah, This is good information, especially about the intervalometer. I will definitely look into that.

You are obviously a very accomplished photographer. That and CDing are a good combination.

Happy Dressing!


Becky Blue
11-01-2017, 01:22 AM
Thanks for sharing such a great story Sarah... so your wife knows you spend your Sundays dressing and photoshoots etc? one lucky girl are you!!

11-01-2017, 07:57 PM
Thanks for sharing such a great story Sarah... so your wife knows you spend your Sundays dressing and photoshoots etc? one lucky girl are you!!

Yes, she knows though we haven't exactly discussed the details. I'm not exactly hiding it, and the other day when she came home from work she was stunned by how much makeup and concealer I'd left on my face. She gave me a bottle of her waterproof remover in a very calm fashion. She actually did my eyes the other night for fun. I do know she would not be happy if she knew I was going outside, she's always worried about people peaking through out windows.

- - - Updated - - -

So here we are doing almost the exact same pose, it's wild how similar our feminine poses are and how similar we are in so many respects.