View Full Version : So we're no perverts but regular normal people..

Devi SM
11-08-2017, 04:35 PM
July Danica Forms, first trasgender woman to be elected for office in Washington. DC.
As Hanna says in her blog web, we're one step closer.
Yes! So people can see we're normal persons, so go ahead try, look, fight for your rights, freedom and get out the closet.
Life won't be easier but at least nobody will say we're not honest.
There is a link so read more about Danica...


Rachael Leigh
11-08-2017, 07:26 PM
Yes, saw this and was quite happy
I really hope people begin to understand that Trans does not mean an agenda but it’s real people just trying to live
their lives as best they can

Ellie Summer
11-08-2017, 07:37 PM
I haven’t stopped smiling about this since I heard the news. I even wrote to Danica today to express my congratulations.

Jeri Ann
11-08-2017, 07:48 PM
I betcha the people in the neighborhood I just moved from are having a candlelight vigil because the world is going to hell in a handbasket. LOL

When I came out and they heard I was trans they assumed it meant that I was a pedophile. You just can't fix stupid.

At my table at the Transgender Unity Banquet there was a transwoman who is running for state representative for a district in the Houston area. Also at the banquet was Phyllis Frye the transgender city judge in Houston.

Danica's opponent, the incumbent, said she was unnatural. She looks pretty good to me. LOL LOL

11-09-2017, 02:53 AM
Well done.
we had our own girl in politics, a great lady and a great mayor.

Georgina Beyer (born November 1957) is a New Zealand politician and former Labour Party Member of Parliament.
She was the world's first openly transsexual mayor, as well as the world's first openly transsexual Member of Parliament.

11-09-2017, 06:22 AM
Vanessa, Danic Roem is not going to Washington, but the Virginia House of Delegates, i.e., state legislature.. Still a win.

11-09-2017, 07:37 AM
What was really icing on the cake was that she beat a guy who was a self described homophobe and sponsored bathroom bills. YES!

11-09-2017, 07:42 AM
As a conservative patriot I can only see this as a good thing.

11-09-2017, 09:37 AM
I'm so happy one of our own .

11-09-2017, 09:43 AM
Very good news, I admire her courage and drive.

11-09-2017, 10:00 AM
I was pleased to see her win especially as she was so badly and wrongly maligned by her opponent.

Gillian Gigs
11-09-2017, 01:26 PM
In politics we need honest hard working people who are willing to be the servants of all the people within their elected jurisdiction. It shouldn't matter who, or what they are, or were. They have a job to do and should be judged according to their ability, what they are doing for the people, not their race, religion, colour, creed, sex, or sexuality!

11-09-2017, 02:23 PM
Speak for yourself, Vanessa!:heehee:

11-09-2017, 03:39 PM
Even being in the UK it has to be good news, lets hope she doesn't face a witch hunt behind the scenes.

The one I'm waiting for are TGs/TSs as everyday presenters , a news reader, weather reporter , not so much hamming it up in a quiz show or other programs but accepted as a face of the news , weather, a job that both men and women do so why not one of us .

In other words make us normal in the eyes of the public and not the current media stereotype .

Lana Mae
11-09-2017, 04:39 PM
Do not leave out the two TG persons who won in Minn! One was the first TG person of color to win in Minn! Do not have the article in front of me but I believe she was obviously M-F but the other I think was F-M! Congrats to all who won and may they move on and up! Hugs Lana Mae

11-09-2017, 04:44 PM
We already have India Willoughby Teresa reading the news on Channel 5.

Aunt Kelly
11-09-2017, 10:45 PM
At my table at the Transgender Unity Banquet there was a transwoman who is running for state representative for a district in the Houston area.

You must mean Fran Watson - http://www.franwatsonfortexas.com/bio She is running for the Texas State Senate, from my district. She is a pistol and just what Austin needs.

Vanessa, thanks for posting the link about Virginia State Representative-elect Danica Roem. As Lana Mae points out, we should also note that a transwoman has been elected to the city council in Minneapolis, MN. I view both elections as very positive sign.

Still a long way to go, but these ladies are lighting the way. Let us all do what we can to prepare the path for others. I'm going to have to give Frannie's campaign HQ a call... :)

Dressing up
11-09-2017, 11:06 PM
The best thing about Danica's victory was not just that she beat a self described "homophobe" (although that alone is enough!). But apparently she ran a campaign on issues of transportation and roads. Her opponent would not debate her, insulted her and would only refer to her with male pronouns. She decided to speak about the issues important to her fellow Virginians and they decided to give her a chance.

11-10-2017, 04:02 AM
Some day the only criteria for holding public office will be the best person for the job, whether the person is straight, gay or lesbian, transsexual, etc. I find it somewhat scary that once again a big time anti anybody who is not totally straight has been accused of being a hypocrite; Roy Moore of Alabama who has been accused of having a sexual relationship when he was in his 30's with a 14 year old girl. Frankly, outing these hypocrites aids in the cause for equal rights for all sexual minorities.

11-10-2017, 05:12 AM
I did notice that every news source went out of it's way to mention that the candidates were transgendered. So we're not considered 'normal' just yet. But at least we're making progress.

But as always, often it comes down to voting for the lesser of two evils. I don't know about each of the races that 'our' person won, but I'm betting that the opposition was a true jerk to an enormous extent.

Traci H
11-10-2017, 11:01 AM
I'm encouraged by all these various races and campaigns and the forward movement that seems to be taking place. I don't know if I'll live long enough for us to be considered normal by most people, but I am an optimist for such.

When talking about normal, two expressions come to mind. I believe it is someone on this forum that runs the bi-line, "Normal is just a setting on a dryer" and another is a decoration one of my kids has at their house that says "Remember, to everyone else, we're just a normal family"

11-10-2017, 01:39 PM
It was a great week for tg's. Which means I believe a great week for everyone. Of course we're normal but everyone here already knows that.

Rhonda Jean
11-10-2017, 02:41 PM
I think Danica's win could do so much all over the country to forward the cause of us being seen as just people and not "things". Apparently she will be all about issues that concern everybody, not just trans issues, and her trans-ness will not drive her every waking moment. For all the good that the last few years of trans exposure has done, this is the kind of thing that normalizes it in such a big way.

Tracii G
11-10-2017, 09:42 PM
The irony was what struck me at first.
Really happy she won, now if she can just work for the people and not turn into a self serving politician lining her pockets with money.
I fear she will fall into the swamp with all the others.

If you think she will be a champion for your rights if you live in that state don't hold your breath.

11-10-2017, 10:05 PM
Wonderful! I’m not inclined towards cynicism. I have great hopes and expectations for Danica.

Tracii G
11-10-2017, 11:05 PM
The reason for my cynicism is I have friends I went to high school with that went in to politics.
They turned into self serving a holes.

Sami Brown
11-11-2017, 12:22 AM
It wasn't long ago that women holding office were considered an oddity, and now it is much more mainstream. Hopefully, with time transgender politicians will become more mainstream as well.

Devi SM
11-11-2017, 11:41 AM
The reason for my cynicism is I have friends I went to high school with that went in to politics.
They turned into self serving a holes.

Tracii, were your friends that turn into poticians trasgenders too?
I don't think so, so I don't believe she can turn as any other politician, btw no all are corrupted but if you could be aware how things are done between politicians would know that everything is negotiable or lobbying.

By the other hand, more than the results she can obtain or beyond the abilities she can have to success, the point here is that the world is opening to trasgenders even in politics, so she count now with the support of normal people that don't see her as a pervert
So you can see half empty or half full the glass...

Tracii G
11-11-2017, 07:54 PM
Wow Vanessa you seem to be really naive.
What does being transgender have to do with it? The ones I know personally I have no idea if they are CDs or transgender I never asked and its none of my business.
People get corrupted in political positions all the time the fact they are male or female dosen't matter hence her being transgender makes no difference.
Now what you are saying is the fact she is transgender is a given she will never fall prey to lobbyists with pockets full of cash and give in to them?
Honey I am realistic and see politicians for what they are which is greedy power hungry people that really don't care for their constituents.
That goes for both sides and even the third party types.

11-11-2017, 08:48 PM
I actually have to agree with tracii. Unfortunately, no matter how high your hopes, politicians are all the same (at lest they end up that way). I'm not from the U.S., but here is Australia we often have popular public figureheads, celebrities etc getting into these positions because everyone believes they will somehow be "different" and "for the people" but they never are... And with still such a low percentage of TG (outed at least) generally out there in the world, I don't think it's going to become a regular thing, that is having a TG member member of parliament.

Obviously it is still wonderful news she got the position, but wouldn't get too excited for what it means.

11-11-2017, 08:49 PM
It also say that she was elected as we are under assault. It is a long way to go for us and even though she is a politician she may do some good who knows?.

11-12-2017, 07:30 AM
I had one thought that hasn't been expressed here. Maybe it's a bit too close to taboo area.

I find myself wondering if she was elected as more of a political "kickback" effect of all the intolerance expressed by so many others.
Did the voters elect her BECAUSE she's transgender?

Let's hope that she does a wonderful job for as long as she serves. THAT is what will the best she can do for the whole T* community. Anything she does wrong will be used against us all...

11-12-2017, 07:49 AM
My only concern when it comes to politics is not the identity of the individual, but are they willing to uphold the Constitution of the State or Country. Are they going to represent their constituents accord to the powers granted to them by said Constitution. Almost all of our, sorry the U.S., federal politicians have become corrupted. They are more in it for their party and how they can enrich themselves than they are for the good of the country. I wish Danica well and good luck in her office.

Angie G
11-12-2017, 08:22 AM
:) I think we are getting there. :hugs:

Devi SM
11-12-2017, 12:37 PM
Tracii, I come from a county in southamerica that is the less corrupted country in that continent I would be naive to say that ther is no corruption so please don't call me naive. I'd seen and live things that you probably never will live here in USA, for that reason I left there 40 years of life, with everything included, parents, family, wellness and come here but knowing that this is not a perfect country but better for my family.

This is not a thread about politics or politicians.

The reason why I open this thread is to celebrate that people is beginning to recognizing now that en general, trasgenders are no perverts, no mentally ill people but normal, may them be different, of course! Different. Every mtf crossdresser has a different sensitivity for life that makes a difference, for example.
My point as I already mention is not that she would already be corrupted or will be but the vision of people is getting on us, so why be negative and say things as someone said that she makes wrong now all trasgenders will do wrong.
Please dont contaminate the hope and happiness of some, take your bitterness and keep it for yourself.