View Full Version : What's wrong with our world?

03-12-2006, 09:47 AM
What's wrong with a world where millions of it's citizens can't be themeselves?
I've been pondering on possible solutions. Perhaps maybe the following:

An international crossdressing ID card with dual pictures

Medical Bracelet stating "I suffer for Gender Dysphoria; in case of emergency
don't remove my panties as it may cause shock to both of us

Certifation in the worlds crossdressing population at large

Nametag with something like "crossdresser-don't cross me

What do you think? Can you think of more?

Maria D
03-12-2006, 10:00 AM
Black and white people have known each other's races for a loooong time now, and still there is bigotry and hatred. Despite all the laws passed and all the good intentions of people to allow everyone to be equal, people do NOT treat each other like equals.
Differences are highlighted and used as a weapon to hit people with. So what chance TG people?

Of course, I'm aware most people are good people and harbour no hatred, but it's scary the number that do, normally without realising it too.

03-12-2006, 10:31 AM
Fear is a strong force, and usually people who hold negative beliefs about another group, dont really understand them, and are afraid of them. In our case, the lack of understanding and widespread misconceptions make uninformed people nervous. We just need to take opportunities to inform others. Bigotry will never go away, but we can all help diminish its effects.

03-12-2006, 10:50 AM
What's wrong with a world where millions of it's citizens can't be themeselves?
Who said you can't be yourself? You can do whatever you want and dress however you want. Just be willing to accept and deal with the consequences of your actions/decisions.

Lisa Baby
03-12-2006, 11:14 AM
Who said you can't be yourself? You can do whatever you want and dress however you want. Just be willing to accept and deal with the consequences of your actions/decisions.

As Kathryn said. We must be willing to accept the cosequences of our actions.

This is one thing that keeps us from venturing out of our closets.

We take baby steps until we are the complete, confident women we are. (Unfortunetly, I'm not there yet. But I am still taking those baby steps.)


03-19-2006, 11:51 PM
Penny,there is nothing wrong with our world,don't you realise we are the only normal ones on this planet,the rest of it has issues,is abnormal,shallow,empty hearted.:D