View Full Version : Cross-dressing Laws in Massachusetts?

11-28-2017, 06:59 PM
Can anyone tell me what the laws are in Massachusetts regarding the legality of cross-dressing? I know that under our fairly liberal protections, discrimination in housing, employment, accommodations, etc., based on dress is forbidden, but I'm looking for information about the legality of cross-dressing itself. That is, if I simply appear in public wearing women's clothing, am I violating any laws in the Commonwealth?

11-28-2017, 07:14 PM
No, you are not violating any laws as long as your intent is neither to defraud nor to assert a transgender identity for an improper purpose.

11-28-2017, 08:08 PM
Cartaphilus, see St.2016, c.134 An Act Relative to Transgender Anti-Discrimination. Fully effective October 1, 2016. The simple answer is you cannot be arrested for wearing a dress.

julia marie
11-28-2017, 09:59 PM
The irony of all these discussions is that most of the situations that we face aren't covered by any law, for or against. Wearing women's clothing? Nobody can define women's clothing, or men's clothing. If they could a million women would be arrested for wearing jeans. Using the women's rest room? No law against that. Go in, go pee, and wash your hands. Being in the women's rest room and peeking into the stalls? Yup, laws against that. Men wearing makeup? Nope, not a crime. Men pretending to be women for fraudulent purposes, such as claiming undeserved welfare benefits? Not legal. Want to be out with the look you love? Do it, and enjoy. Just don't be dumb about it.

11-29-2017, 05:15 AM
There are no laws against it in MA. And depending where you live, there are large communities that will taking you in with open arms.

11-29-2017, 01:50 PM
I would certainly trust Jamie, and thought there was a law against any form of discrimination here. Of course my wife still thinks the police will come arrest me for doing this. But she refuses to learn. Welcome Cartaphilus!
Hugs, Ellen

April Rose
11-29-2017, 02:38 PM
According to an an acquaintance of mine, who is an auxiliary policeman in a suburb of Boston, they receive training in how to interact with cross dressers and transgender people. The gist of it is that while it's unusual, it is normal, and is not illegal. So, with what others have said, I think you are on pretty safe ground.