View Full Version : Heels, the learning curve

03-13-2006, 02:12 AM
I can vividly remember sliping into that first pair of heels. Wobble along and trying not to break my neck. <smile>

Even now after on and off years in them I am contiplaiting going out dancing dressed and in heels. This should be a learning curve delux.

How did everyone learn to dance in heels much less backwards matching the partners steps?

Yes, this should prove to be interesting for sure. Hmmm,,, maybe a wall flower? LOL Kathy is anything but that. Hopeing not to be in traction for too long if anyhting happens. <smile>

Kathy in Oklahoma

03-13-2006, 03:54 AM
Having just experienced this for the first time myself the other night I can give you a solid answer about the problems of dancing in heels for the first time. None and alot. LOL I had none when we my wife and I were dancing apart. I was in the same heels that 8 short months ago I had trouble walking in front of people if I wasn't concentrating carefully. I just got out on the floor and had fun.

Dncing together proved a little more difficult. Any unexpected direction change made me feel a bit unsteady. I quickly had to warn my wife about changing directions.

Other than that I didn't even stumble. I do wish that my heels weren't backless though. Keeping them from cloping on the floor and doing their own thing was a bit of a chalenge.

My overall advice is to quit worrying and just go out and have fun.

03-13-2006, 05:18 AM
Practice, practice, practice. Maybe you can start with a wider heel.

jenny c
03-13-2006, 06:57 AM
Lots of practice a male body is not engineered for wearing heels something to do with the pevis i think, so practice is a important thing. i am sure it can be done. although i find it hard at times.

03-13-2006, 07:30 AM
It may sound odd, but for me the higher the heel the better I can walk, jump, run, and dance in them. All of my heels are 4 inches or better. This makes for a tall me, I stand 5 foot 9 inches without my heels on. Something huh.:p :p

03-13-2006, 07:43 AM
Stay on your toes.

03-13-2006, 09:27 AM
Wearing heels is second nature to me now. I have no problem walking in them at all. I've never tried dancing, though, and it's unlikely that I'll be doing any dancing en femme any time soon.

Melinda G
03-13-2006, 12:33 PM
I wear heels around the house every morning, while I'm having breakfast and coffee. Just to keep in practice, and keep my feet shaped for heels.

Cheery GG
03-13-2006, 12:36 PM
If anyone can figure out how to wear heels, can you let me know....


Shelly Preston
03-13-2006, 01:08 PM
Practice, Practice, Practice

Maria D
03-13-2006, 01:16 PM
Hardest bit for me is streets paved with cobbles, and other uneven surfaces. The gap between paving slabs also catches people. I chat to a homeless bloke and he said that he sees at least one woman a day break a heel in Albion street because of the bad paving.
Dancing? I have the dancing ability of a tree, so doing it in heels isn't likely to happen. ;)

Butterfly Bill
03-13-2006, 04:33 PM
If anyone can figure out how to wear heels, can you let me know....
The two tricks are to take short steps, and to keep your toe pointed down as you step so the toe and heel hit the ground at the same time.

susan howard
03-13-2006, 04:43 PM
And what a fabulous sound they make when deftly dragged a little across a marble floor!



03-13-2006, 05:29 PM
For some reason wearing heels came naturally to me.

The GF has told me more then once that I was "born to wear them". She couldn't even stand up in my latest pair and I pranced about the apartment without a problem.

....take short steps, and to keep your toe pointed down as you step....

This is pretty much what I do now that I think about it. The movement seams to have come out of my attempts to mimic that of the women in the clubs that I watched wearing heels.

I would also like to suggest starting with wide heeled full coverage shoe or boots since they provide a good bit more ankle support then the strappy or backless types.

Paula T
03-13-2006, 05:36 PM
it just takes some practice and before long you will even be able to dance all evening long in heels.:cheeky:

03-13-2006, 05:50 PM
I agree with those who say practice. I have no problem with heels. I wear 3in heels every evening and don't have any problems. I wore them all day yesterday so I think practice is the secret. I don't believe that GGs have any natural advantages for wearing heels. I have seen so many women walking ungainly in heels. I would put that down to the fact that they don't wear them often. Georgina.

03-13-2006, 05:53 PM
Maybe I would have done better to post it here instead of in the thread about feminine hip movements, but here's (http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showpost.php?p=364558&postcount=16) a post I made about what helped me learn how to walk in high heels.

barbie lanai
03-13-2006, 07:00 PM
Walking in heels never seemed to be a problem. Took to it like a duck to water. That is until I bought a pair of really high heels. Must have been 5-6". Couldn't walk down the hallway without holding onto the walls. Even standing was torture. I really loved those sexy shoes, just couldn't navigate in them. They became my sitting pretty shoes. So now stick to 2, 3, & 4" styles.

03-13-2006, 07:08 PM
Walking in heels never seemed to be a problem. Took to it like a duck to water. That is until I bought a pair of really high heels. Must have been 5-6". Couldn't walk down the hallway without holding onto the walls. Even standing was torture. I really loved those sexy shoes, just couldn't navigate in them. They became my sitting pretty shoes. So now stick to 2, 3, & 4" styles.

Same here, my first pair of heels were 3" white pumps from Payless, and from day one I had no problems walking in them. My ex was shocked, awed, and a wee bit pissed:eek: Same with the 4" heeled boots I now own, took to them like a duck to water.

Once I bought a pair of 5" heels, things were different, I can't walk in 5" heels to save my life.

03-13-2006, 10:15 PM
Walking in heels indoors is significantly easier than outdoors. For you girls that wear them easily indoors and have never gone out, be advised, the first time you go out, I would recommend a lower heel. The hazards of uneven surfaces, cracks in concrete, curbs, soft ground, etc. give wearing heels a whole different approach than walking on carpeting in the house. The shoes with the 4" heel that felt so good walking in the house for hours can turn on you the first time you walk three blocks on concrete.
Also, be advised, walking in heels can be much easier than standing in them. To test yourself for going out, try standing in one spot for about 20 minutes to see how your feet feel. If you observe gg's standing on one spot, you will see that they constantly move their feet about and shift their weight from one foot to the other. This staves off foot burn.
Again, practice, practice, practice. Also for the feet and legs--conditioning, conditioning, conditioning.


barbie lanai
03-13-2006, 10:39 PM
That outdoor part really counts. I was in a motel room at Espirit wearing my stillettos. Stepped through the glass sliding door onto the little balcony there.

Don't think I managed to turn around before wedging the heel between the boards of the decking. And those heels go in easy, but don't want to turn loose. Lucky I wasn't wearing the strap-on kind with little buckles. Just slipped my foot out of the shoe. Then worked for minutes trying to get the heel out, without breaking it off. Having it buckled on my foot; I'd probably would have had break the heel off. Don't think I'm flexible enough to unfasten the buckle while my foot is nailed to the deck.

After that and walking about town for several blocks to dinner, made the next stop Payless shoes and bought several pair with wider & lower heels.