View Full Version : MTF Crossdresser in ATL

12-10-2017, 12:28 AM
I'm looking to taking my first CD public outing to do some Christmas shopping. I have never been out dressed before except for underdressing. I am going with a friend that knows I wear and she doesn't care if I go as my alter ego or guy mode. I was wondering what the best mall is to go to and what to wear. I only have like heeled boots. I only have converse as far as sneakers go. I am ready to spread my wings and embrace my alter ego. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Jean 103
12-10-2017, 02:36 AM
Heeled boots, not seeing them or how they fit or knowing your body type is hard. If you have a thin body go with skinny jeans and a sweater . The other choice is boot cut , top and coat. It really doesn't much matter. Basically wear what you are comfortable with. Most people are not going to look or care. But then I do live in CA.

Sami Brown
12-10-2017, 04:21 AM
As far as your heeled boots go, they should be perfect for this time of year, as long as you can wear them for a few hours without killing your feet.

I don't live in Atlanta, so I can't recommend a specific mall. In general, the busier the mall, the more you will blend.

Good luck, and share with us afterwards if you like.


Cindy M
12-10-2017, 07:25 AM
Perimeter Mall is a good place to go. Very friendly and accepting area. It’s my favorite place to shop.

12-10-2017, 11:52 AM
I would agree w Cindy. Perimeter Mall

12-10-2017, 08:56 PM
What about Cumberland mall?

12-10-2017, 09:06 PM
Before any advice of any substance can be given we should probably know a little more about your history/knowledge of CDing and what is your end goal. How much do you know of applying makeup? Do you even care to wear makeup? Do you know how to successfully cover beard shadow or do you not care and in fact will be sporting a full face of whiskers?

Do you simply want to wear women’s clothes and go shopping or are you hoping to create such an illusion of a woman that no one would think twice that you’re not a genetic girl?

Let us know some more and advise will come in by the bucketfull.

p.s. is the advice you’re wanting about “spreading your wings and embracing your alter ego” or just advice on which mall to go to? I wasn’t quite sure which.

Phoebe Reece
12-13-2017, 03:40 PM
Cumberland Mall is fine for shopping while crossdressed. Northlake Mall is closer to where I live, so I go there frequently crossdressed. I've never had a problem with shopping in any of the malls on the North side of Atlanta. Although it is a bit farther away, the Mall of Georgia is also a great place to go. The most stores are located there and I get there at least once a year while crossdressed. As for wearing heeled boots on a long shopping trip - they may look great, but if you are not used to walking long distances in them you will wish you were wearing flats. If I am out shopping I usually wear heels no higher than 2". I have some flat boots that are even better for this time of year.

01-03-2018, 02:37 AM
Thanks for all the advice. I still have yet to go out, but I still plan to before I cut my hair. I will probably go to the mall of ga sense I know the stores and know what I am looking for. I also want to know about arbor place.