View Full Version : A Review???

12-10-2017, 11:08 AM
I recently wrote a review on a pair of ankle boots I had bought at PayLess and it was viewed as the most viewed review for that bootie. I started off saying I was born a crossdresser and I preferred women's clothes just like women. And I wore the booties with my boot cut girl jeans and slacks and how womanly and feminine it made me feel walking in the 3" heel. It was also viewed as "most helpful". ??? Wonder why, this is mostly a women's site??? Do they like the idea that as a male I like women's clothes just like them? Do they respect my opinion just as much as a GG? Am I a "curiosity"? Do they believe I wear hose, panties and bra just like them? Am I one of them and not just a man?

12-10-2017, 11:30 AM
From my experience in other review sections shopping, there are a lot of CDs shopping and from various clues you can often tell, if it is not said outright. So part of that group are other CDs. Part are women who like chiming in and are the type who compliment me on my heels and say they want them in size 8. Part are women who are liberal or just fed up with dumb men and don't mind applauding a CD who wants women's clothes to be enjoyable on their own without creating sexual harassment. They are the ones who look at me and say- nice outfit! Part have to be people who don't read carefully, but scan the most popular reviews and click that they found it helpful- which presumably is because you said that the look is feminine and attractive, which they would find meaningful since you are a man and you sound like you are actually looking at the design. I doubt they are thinking about your underwear.

I did review women's silk panties that one woman had panned because it was puffy in front and looked to her like 'it was made for a man!". i said I could confirm they do fit pretty well for a man, but they are made for women. People approved of my review as well, and some were men and some women. I think we can help educate the world by simply reviewing the clothes item faithfully for its fit to us, and include our size measurements, since that is what actually helps others know if it will fit. Quality of stitching, longevity, style, comments we receive from others, all are useful as reviews and as asserting ourselves as part of the consumer base.

Billie R
12-10-2017, 11:47 AM
Please put a link on. Would like to read it. I’ve reviewed shoe on Torrid’s site before and some found it helpful. On Payless site, there are about 4 reviews from men on a ballet flat that’s listed.

12-10-2017, 07:36 PM
Deebra, my guess is that your review was seen as credible. I read reviews before buying (most recently a portable radio, washing machine, and lawn tractor parts). I write reviews as a real buyer when requested by the seller. Before relying on a review I have to judge (as best I can) its credibility. I know there are fake reviews planted by sellers - not credible.
Here's the least credible review I ever read: browsing online, saw some seven inch pumps, no platform (really!). I saw a couple of reviews and read them. Both were similar, saying they were beautiful, very sexy (ok, I can agree), and they were worn out to to a club and "I danced in them for hours. They were so comfortable". I'm sorry, not credible.

12-10-2017, 10:53 PM
I write a lot of reviews on clothing I have bought but I just say I'm female. At one site I'm a star reviewer so I guess I'm believable. I have seen some reviews by males for women's clothes so I guess it's not that unusual.

Tracii G
12-10-2017, 10:56 PM
Sounds like they considered your review valid as well as useful so I call that a win.
Do they think you are like them? no I don't think so because they are female and you stated you weren't, not a big deal really.
I wrote one on some bracelets from Catherine's and had one lady ask if I was gay or was I in a rock band?
I answered the lady via her email "why yes I am thanks".