View Full Version : Finding myself

Emily Barton
12-19-2017, 08:03 PM
Whew, long post. Here goes... :eek:

I've always been a pretty open person, and in April last year I took a risk and turned up to one of our work parties as Emily. The company I work for is fairly small - around 200 people - so everyone there knew me. But I felt confident doing it because the people I work with are without exception bright and friendly people who couldn't care less what I wear. And I'm pleased to say that on the day I was proven absolutely right.

I've received unequivocal support from my colleagues and the directors, including the knowledge that if I get trouble from anyone then the problem is theirs, not mine, and they'll be out like a shot. I've not had to resort to this thankfully, but it's a nice thing to have in the back pocket nonetheless. I've also been given carte blanche to wear what I like to work, occasion or no, so long as I meet the same standards required of the female employees.

So what's happened since then? Well, I'm still trying to figure things out. There have been a few more work do's where I've very happily gone all out and had a blast once again. But those nights, no matter how great, never last long enough and are also fairly infrequent. I've added a few nights out and other things into the mix, but ultimately I've not been out as Emily all that much. I *did* post pictures from the party on Facebook, though. So everyone knows about me - there's absolutely no element of secrecy anymore.

After the secrecy, the biggest barrier for me has always been make-up. I'm still yet to put any effort into learning it for myself. I've found a local girl who's happy to come to me and do it pretty cheaply, and the times when I make use of that are still rare enough that I don't feel the need for more. It's a "special treat" thing as opposed to an "every day" thing. I'm just not that bothered about make-up to be honest - I like the end result, but the process holds no interest for me. To be honest, I doubt I'll ever learn. Even as a kid I hated having my face painted!

Somewhat paradoxically, though, I'd still like to dress more than I do. During the summer of the last two years, I've mixed things up a bit and worn the occasional maxi skirt with wedges at work. People have been positive about this - again, the main blocker has been myself. I've stuck to the summer months because I felt like somehow that gave me extra justification, like I needed the hot weather to justify my 'practical' choice. And it's been a faff because I walk to work, which means packing the extra clothes and changing in the toilets. And then, as summer recedes, I'm back to boring old drab.

Well that all changed this month. As Christmas approached I decided it was about time that I got myself some red boots. I had in the back of my mind that on the last day of work I might try to go with some festive skirt/boots combo, but then I got shopping and bought more than expected. I ended up with two pairs of boots (https://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showthread.php?254821-New-boots-for-Christmas!) and three new skirts that I thought would go with them!

And then I wore them to work. The lower pair at first, which are a berry colour with gold studs, along with a similarly coloured skirt. I walked to work, then diverted straight to the bathroom and changed into them just like in the summer. No one said much, except for a few compliments. But the way I felt clomping about the office was unbelievable! The boots were perfectly comfortable and absolutely filled me with confidence. So I wore them to work the next day, on the walk. I wore trousers that day, but still - this was entirely new for me.

And then I broke in the second pair at work, with a different skirt, and still the world didn't end. I realised at around midday that I was interviewing a job candidate in an hour's time and went to check with personnel that my clothing wouldn't be a problem. They told me it was fine, and then later that week a director grabbed me to make sure I'd got the point. If I want to interview in a skirt, or meet external clients, or meet an important member of government - as long as I'm comfortable, there's no problem. Wow!

My confidence at an all-time high, I got more adventurous. I wore a pencil skirt with a clearly feminine top and boots, and walked the half hour to work in those clothes without bringing any backup. What a rush! And I received more compliments that day from colleagues than on any of the others. Our last day rolled around, and as the festivities began and people started to get merry I was blown away by the number who approached me to say they'd noticed the changes. People told me I was inspirational, that I was pushing boundaries - it was overwhelmingly positive. One girl commented that the thing she likes most is that I still wear my nerdy/goofy t-shirts on top, just with a skirt - it's still just me. I identified a lot with that. That is me. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy going all-out once in a while... but I think I like the freedom of this more.

One of my gay friends who I've been out with in Leeds a few times approached me to ask, "Are you still Emily sometimes?". My answer was "yeah, sometimes...". But as I said it's pretty rare. To be honest, outside of my online persona I'm not sure how much I even identify with that name. It's definitely only when I'm fully dressed up, and even then I really don't care if people use my male name - after all, that's me! I've tried a couple of times to get fully made over for some sort of casual occasion and I've always just felt self-conscious and a bit weird about it... now I think I'm starting to understand/accept that.

In a few days I'll be headed down south to spend Christmas with my family. My boots are coming with me, as are a few skirts (although how comfortable I feel about those remains to be seen). I've not dressed in front of my family before, although I did have residual glitter on my nails last year which didn't cause too much of a stir. This year my nails are full on 'Christmas' in a glittery red and gold - no apologies. And the boots are definitely here to stay.

So, um, hey. I'm Alex, and I think I'm finally figuring things out. I'm excited to see what I'll do next!

12-19-2017, 08:48 PM
First, Alex/Emily, I love your story. The way your employer and co-workers act toward you is the standard for all workplace environments. I think you're so lucky. Unfortunately, this is something that shouldn't take luck. I think the perfect response from everyone should be "Not a big deal. Just obey the same dress code the women do."

Second, I hope you go out as often as possible while dressed. In a short time you will be more comfortable with yourself as well as the fact that nobody will react badly to you. Can I assume you are now going to work dressed on a regular basis? You should. You have already opened that door and were warmly welcomed

Third, you don't need makeup. You are young and pretty enough without it. But you seem to want to do it, so keep working on your technique and don't feel you can only go out if it's perfect. That too will improve.

Beautiful story. Thanks for sharing. And keep on getting out there. Your situation inspires and encourages a lot of us to do the same.

12-19-2017, 09:11 PM
wow. this story just absolutely fills my heart with joy and helps me inch a little closer to believing that i can be me in the world.

thank you for sharing alex/emily. your courage to take steps into a world that can be judgmental and cruel are really inspiring and I appreciate so much your willingness to share here on the site. i hope the time with family goes well and that you don't have to worry about changing in the bathroom or double checking with hr about each move in the future. that soon it'll just be you, and to hell with everyone else. :)

big hugs and thanks for the bright story.


12-19-2017, 09:32 PM
Thank you for such a beautiful, honest and surprisingly simple story that show how if one has the desire and right attitude, anything is possible. You already realize that this is not a race with other people. Just being yourself when and how you want is good enough. Congratulations and thanks for sharing.

12-19-2017, 09:33 PM
Enjoyed reading your story, I don't think you really need very much makeup at your age. If any just a very lite amount. You seem to have everything in order to go to any height you want to obtain with your dressing. Good luck on the trip home and hope everything goes well there.

12-20-2017, 02:05 AM
Emily ,
First of all welcome to another Brit, by the way you're not that far a away from me , we do have a social group if you want to spread your wings in a different direction , PM me if you'd like more deatils.

OK your dilemma , well it's an evolving process, you are lucky being so young to be able to express yourself in this way , I assume no full time partner or children, that can make a huge difference .

I found a trip to Boots to ask for a skin colour check was a good way to start, the beautician was lovely and showed me how to apply foundation with a brush and the correct way to apply powder. She then went on to help with mascara and lipstick colours . Unlike you I need the helping hand of makeup being twice you age , I have to learn what is minimum now for everyday . Clothes can be sourced faily cheaply most of my things come from charity shops , ( all the items in my avatar , less than £15.00 for the skirt and blouse , can you tell any difference ? )

I feel you will hit a crossroad and wonder what is driving this need , I had counselling but not everyone does but you can get help in this way through the NHS , obviously you have to come out to your GP but that's not a problem .

12-20-2017, 05:06 AM
That is just wonderful. I dream of what you have described. I suspect my office would be fine with This, too, though I am not aware of any precedent. As Teresa said, it is a different ball game when there is a wife/SO and children involved, alas.
Good for you.

12-20-2017, 08:09 AM
Alex / Emily,

Good for you and congratulations. Sometimes small steps can be the biggest. The fear and anxiety can sometimes weigh us down and force us to accept things as they are instead of pushing our boundaries to be who we feel we really are on the inside. Receiving acceptance from your coworkers and friends only adds to your confidence, enjoy it and use it, because deep down I know you're having reservations about your family. Possibly the same questions that you asked yourself when you slowly came "out" at work. I wish you luck with this for I know it won't be easy, just be as comfortable with yourself as you are at work and everything will be okay.

I understand how you must feel, I waited too long, and had lived a very hard life in the Army, I have come to the realization that I cannot pass fully dressed and Mary Kay or Avon do not produce enough makeup to even get me close to passing. So I have had to hold my chin up and say, "I am a crossdresser". "I enjoy wearing women's clothes." I choose the when and where so I feel comfortable and not so anxious. Yes I have run into people that knew me, the reason so few know where I work, but those that do have kept my secret which I have been grateful. I guess I am not so prepared to be 100% "out" just yet. I guess once society changes more then I'll feel more comfortable in crossdressing everywhere...

Merry Christmas

12-20-2017, 09:14 AM
Alex / Emily, what a wonderfully beautiful story. You are extremely blessed to have supportive accepting people around you. Hope the family experience goes well

12-20-2017, 09:17 AM
Great post Alex. Thanks for sharing, best read for weeks.

12-20-2017, 09:19 AM
Well Alex I see you've found the joy of wearing skirts. Nothing goes better with a skirt than boots and booties. I wear skirts(maxi's and midi's)a lot as my daily wear. I just have one question and I know it's none of my bees wax but is what you wear underneath associated with the female gender?

Melanie Moxon
12-20-2017, 09:29 AM
What a wonderful story :)

Reading things like this makes me feel far more positive about what I may be embarking on in the not so distant future, thankyou for sharing.

I hope that in a year or so I will follow a similar path, I too am not massive on makeup, just enough to cover the blue and highlight the right places and I am good to go, lippy rather than fancy eye shadow :o

- Melissa

12-20-2017, 10:03 AM
What an awesome story -- thanks for sharing it! :) It sounds like the only impediment at the moment is you. Which is a good place to be. My advice would be do what makes you happy. Dress if you want to, don't if you don't. There are no rules; nothing you "ought" to do. Pay attention to what makes you happy and follow that, giving yourself permission to be who you are. Time will sort out where you're going.

I do admit I'm envious -- I wish the life I'm living now was available when I was your age. ;)

Jean 103
12-20-2017, 10:10 AM
Happy to hear you are finding your way and have so much support.

AS for makeup, you need to find what works for you. At your age I would suggest something simple, a natural look, moisturizer or BB cream, Tinted lip gloss, and mascara.

I watched a lot of YouTube videos , how to and reviews, and came up with what works for me.

Emma S
12-20-2017, 10:15 AM
Good for you for being able to push your limits! I'm glad your coworkers are so supportive too. I have to agree with you on the identifying with the name. I've never really tried to create a female persona for myself so I feel like I'm an actor playing a character. I'm new to this whole website so I'm curious if I will become more comfortable with Emma and maybe even identify with her a little as I go along. I guess time will tell!

Emily Barton
12-20-2017, 10:18 AM
Well Alex I see you've found the joy of wearing skirts. Nothing goes better with a skirt than boots and booties. I wear skirts(maxi's and midi's)a lot as my daily wear. I just have one question and I know it's none of my bees wax but is what you wear underneath associated with the female gender?

It's ok, I don't mind answering. Actually no, it isn't. I have some bras but I only wear them to support my forms when I'm going for 100% female presentation. I don't underdress at all - day to day I just wear plain old boxers!

Alex / Emily,

Good for you and congratulations. Sometimes small steps can be the biggest. The fear and anxiety can sometimes weigh us down and force us to accept things as they are instead of pushing our boundaries to be who we feel we really are on the inside. Receiving acceptance from your coworkers and friends only adds to your confidence, enjoy it and use it, because deep down I know you're having reservations about your family. Possibly the same questions that you asked yourself when you slowly came "out" at work. I wish you luck with this for I know it won't be easy, just be as comfortable with yourself as you are at work and everything will be okay.

I understand how you must feel, I waited too long, and had lived a very hard life in the Army, I have come to the realization that I cannot pass fully dressed and Mary Kay or Avon do not produce enough makeup to even get me close to passing. So I have had to hold my chin up and say, "I am a crossdresser". "I enjoy wearing women's clothes." I choose the when and where so I feel comfortable and not so anxious. Yes I have run into people that knew me, the reason so few know where I work, but those that do have kept my secret which I have been grateful. I guess I am not so prepared to be 100% "out" just yet. I guess once society changes more then I'll feel more comfortable in crossdressing everywhere...

Merry Christmas

Thank you! Yeah, it'll be the same doubts in my mind I think, like... can I really wear this or will I look ridiculous? But also compounded with it being my family and me really not wanting to upset them in any way. I think my mum and brother would take it in stride - my Dad I'm less sure of! But I won't push it. If they're not comfortable then I don't need to go that far just yet. And it'll depend how I'm feeling, too.

That is just wonderful. I dream of what you have described. I suspect my office would be fine with This, too, though I am not aware of any precedent. As Teresa said, it is a different ball game when there is a wife/SO and children involved, alas.
Good for you.

Yeah, I'm definitely much more free right now due to not having an SO to worry about. Although that's not to say I wouldn't like to have that worry - it does get lonely sometimes. I am actively seeking a relationship - I just don't seem to be having much luck..!

I found a trip to Boots to ask for a skin colour check was a good way to start, the beautician was lovely and showed me how to apply foundation with a brush and the correct way to apply powder. She then went on to help with mascara and lipstick colours . Unlike you I need the helping hand of makeup being twice you age , I have to learn what is minimum now for everyday . Clothes can be sourced faily cheaply most of my things come from charity shops , ( all the items in my avatar , less than £15.00 for the skirt and blouse , can you tell any difference ? )

I feel you will hit a crossroad and wonder what is driving this need , I had counselling but not everyone does but you can get help in this way through the NHS , obviously you have to come out to your GP but that's not a problem .

Thanks for the advice, although I fear that you misunderstood my point slightly. It's not that I don't have the means to learn make-up - I have quite a bit of my own and have had multiple offers to help teach me from friends and the professional who does it for me for big events. I just procrastinate and avoid it because it's not something that I truly want to do. It's a means to an end, and even then it's an end that I'm not sure I'd use regularly. I ask myself, if I could do my own make-up in an hour and have it look as good as it could, what would I do with that? And the answer is, I'm not sure. The motivation just isn't there for me right now, if that makes sense?