View Full Version : What to do?

Brooke H
12-20-2017, 11:17 AM
Hi everyone

I wrote about wanting to go to the post office dressed as a female about 2 weeks ago, while unfortunately that didnt happen i have a different opportunity.

It is 2 am and i am dressed, i have had a few drinks so i cant drive anywhere. I am to nervous to go for a walk. Does anyone have some ideas that i could do that are a little daring. Im keen to get out but still finding it hard.

Shelly Preston
12-20-2017, 11:25 AM
Firstly don't drink and drive.

Go for a drive when your sober to somewhere your not known.

Do a quick change in the car if you have too. it will help build your confidence.

12-20-2017, 12:50 PM
Again. don't drink and drive.

I will also add don't drink and CD certainly not when undertaking your early adventures out and about. You need your full wits about you to keep you safe. Going for a walk in the early hours can seem like a good idea, not many folks about but ask any GG and they'll likely tell you they often don't feel comfortable out on their own at that time of the day.

You obviously want to get out the house so my advice would be to use the time to sit down a plan your escape. If you're not comfortable going out in the day then pick somewhere to go in the early evening, just after dark. A shopping park car park is a good place to start. Enough people about to keep you safe, not too many so you'll feel all eyes are on you. Many supermarkets in the UK have recycling bins. If there's some in the car park, park a short distance away and walk to the bins and put something in. You will feel nervous, even getting out the car may prove to be difficult. Do things in easy stages. get out and just open the boot (trunk) or rear passenger door, perhaps to get your coat off the seat, just those few moments will help you get control of your nerves.

So many of us have started our journey doing these small things but think acorns and oaks. I remember seeing a video on YouTube of a convincing CD'er simply walking a few paces back and forth while (pretending perhaps) to be on her mobile phone. No one will pay any real attention to someone doing that if you're dressed to blend. Have you considered a fast food drive through. As a first way of interacting with a muggle while dressed it's about as safe as it gets.

Other things; post a letter, use an ATM, I'm sure there'll be other suggestions

12-20-2017, 01:25 PM
Brooke, at 2 AM it's fine line between "daring" and "stupid"! I suggest u stay in and try on some X rated clothing items and take pics. :daydreaming:

Then, another evening, drive sober somewhere a bit daring and walk around there!:thumbsup:

12-20-2017, 01:30 PM
Nothing good can happen at 2 AM after drinking. Wait until you are sober and go for a drive as a first adventure. As long as you are careful driving, things will be fine.

Tracii G
12-20-2017, 01:34 PM
Drinking clouds your thinking so stay home.
2am and sober is still not a good time to go out and do something daring.
What kind of women are out at 2 am? Let that sink in.

12-20-2017, 01:34 PM
There are many on here who advise against drinking and CDing. A lot of times when alcohol is involved the chances of regrettable events happening go up.

12-20-2017, 01:39 PM
Having a quick task to do helps. It gives you something else to think about. As already suggested, maybe posting a letter or doing recycling. I now speak from experience (more of that later) and found myself stuck in the car, fully dressed, in a crowded car park with the ticket inspector looming. I needed a parking ticket but there was a GG at the machine, but I still needed a ticket. As I left the car I just thought about getting the ticket, got the ticket, got back to the car. Job done.

Tamsin Secret
12-20-2017, 01:54 PM
Hi Brooke,

A direct answer to your question is there is no limit to the daring things you could do. I'm sure one hundred different scenarios have gone through your head already but it's the acting upon that I think your are really asking for help on? I.e what's deemed acceptable to this community, what other stories from others could you draw from etc.

I would like to add to the important advice already given to you with regards to all the safety aspects.

I like to have a drink myself and when I have, and depending on the circumstances, my urges to dress become stronger and less inhibited. I would add however that in most circumstances, in all aspects of life, often when alcohol is involved regrets follow. Docrobbysherry has perhaps suggested a good alternative.

For the record I haven't really been out myself yet. Recently I drove dressed (MIAD). It was dark and I changed into and out of my femme stuff in the back of the car.

That 25mins or so really helped keep a lid on my own pink fog exploding out of its tin.

Best of luck to you,

Be happy but be safe


12-20-2017, 04:14 PM
Drinking, driving, CD'ing, and 2am .... there is a good chance this will not turn out well. Like Tracii said, think about the women that are out at 2am.

DocRS has probably got the best idea so far. Since you're in the mood to do something daring and still be safe, break out the naughty lingerie (we all know you have some - so do we!) and set up the camera.

12-20-2017, 05:01 PM
Don't drink and drive, en drab or en femme. Unless you want to walk the line in heels or ruin your hosiery.

I have gone out for strolls in safe residential neighborhoods, especially from fall to early spring when it is dark but not late. If I want to invent trips other than mailing a letter or going to a 24 hour self service center (watch for the security camera) I've returned library books, retrieved a free newspaper from all those boxes all over the city, stopped at a soda vending machine. You can do to the ATM machine, but, you'll be recorded there by the security camera.