View Full Version : HRT question

12-20-2017, 05:04 PM
so I have been considering HRT for a while now to acquire a more feminine figure and hopefully grow some breasts. my concern though is that i'm bisexual and have a very accepting and helpful girlfriend and I like using my male bits with her. from what ive researched HRT can have adverse effects on that how prevelant is this and how major can it be? thank you all.

12-20-2017, 05:48 PM
Brittney, this really is not the place to get specific hormone advice. You need to discuss this with first a gender therapist and then an endocrinologist trained in transgender hormone treatment.

12-20-2017, 05:54 PM
What Laura said.
There is a saying though that goes... "your mileage may vary."
What that means is that while one transgirl can begin Gender Confirming Hormone Therapy and begin to show very visible signs in just a few months that the hormone is doing its thing; there are others who even after years show very little change.

The same thing would go for your ability to get an erection still. Some girls can, others... not so much. I think you should seek the consult of a professional and maybe not a bunch of strangers on the internet.

12-20-2017, 07:22 PM
Even if she is bi, it does not mean she will find you attractive with breasts and she could leave. Be very careful...

12-20-2017, 08:33 PM
Depending on dosages and whether or not you would also be using a t blocker, yes, in most instances, there will be decreased ability, if not a complete lack of ability. You stating you are bi sexual would make little difference as it would still have the same basic effect with either a male or a female. It (HRT) effects some more than others in regards to feminizing and sexual ability.

12-20-2017, 10:15 PM
And as always, don't forget that you are not defined sexually, only by your erect penis. There are plenty of impotent men out there who have, out of necessity, learned that an erection isn't always necessary at all to satisfy a good percentage of women. Read any forum that discusses sex and you will discover that women have different priorities than men do. Sure, there are a few women who will completely dismiss any guy who can't 'perform' when it comes to presenting her with a long hard tool for use, the vast majority understand that it's more important that the mind be willing and able to give her pleasure, rather than the joint. After all, most women have at some point had their own equipment, well, 'out of commission' but still knew how to make their man happy.

12-20-2017, 11:12 PM
I see at present you only have one post. I'm not sure if you can see the transsexual forum or not but if not, hang around, post a bit and it will eventually open up to you. That's a much better place to look for information on hormone therapy -- there you'll find people with experience. I'd search and read first before posting anything. They have a low tolerance for tire-kickers.

As a general rule, I'd say if you feel like hormones are something you might want or might not, then they're not for you. They're a road you only want to take if it's the only road that can get you to your destination. Use the money to buy breast forms and hip pads and put them on when you want to look fem and take them off when you decide you want to be male.

12-21-2017, 10:31 AM
HRT is not as casual a decision as you seem to think it is. Replacing your body's hormones is very serious business and has serious health risks. As Pat says, you can buy removable breasts and hips and have it both ways with no health risks. HRT is something that is done under a doctor's supervision.

BTW: Pills that you buy off a website that "guarantees" breast growth are not HRT, they are BS.