View Full Version : Another bad car wash experience

Maria 60
12-23-2017, 10:56 AM
Last night I went for a drive and it was my craziest experience ever. For some reason it seemed the women I associated with the last few weeks were dressed nicer, lots of red skirts and tops ,I guess that Christmas brings out women to dress up. Even my wife was dressing up a little more, and she told me because in the office there's more action this time of year. Being a little jealous I choose to wear something red for my drive, the only thing I had was a red dress, it's alittle short but beautiful.
I went out and I was putting gas and decided even though I had a bad experience last time I choose a car wash to wash off some road salt.
The car in front of me went threw and I pulled up to the machine and reached out to put my ticket in and it came out and the screen read, try again, I put it in again and again and it came out. Now there's cars coming behind me and lm starting to panic, the machine then reads, can't scan barcode call for assistance. I'm now freaking out, I could feel my heart beating threw my bra, and I'm trapped I can't back out and all I could do is make hand movements to the car behind me hoping he understands the machine doesn't work.
The only thing I could think of is reach in the back seat and try to put on as much male clothes as I can, and then one of the cars in the back started honking there horn and I heard a mans voice from behind telling everyone to relax and he came to my window and said "can I see your ticket miss". Holy f&@k! now what do I do, I put my head down and handed him the ticket, it seamed like he was taking forever to read that ticket. So I tried so hard to turn my eye balls without turning my head and I seen a big belly and I started looking up and seen big black framed glasses and he was an older man. I then noticed he wasn't looking at the ticket, he was looking in the car, I look down at what he was looking at and I noticed I guess while I was freaking out trying to reach for my clothes in the back my dress rode up a lot and all my stockings and even some pink panty was showing. For the first time I knew what it felt like to be a women when I'm staring at there legs. I really didn't want to show a male hand pulling the dress down, but I also didn't appreciate showing this guy so much either. Luckily I guess he noticed that I noticed what he was looking at and he opened the machine and started fiddling in the machine and then the worse thing he was starting to make small talk. He asked if I was going to a fancy Christmas party or to a club, I never ever had any type of interaction when Im dressed. So I just sat there trying to pull that tight dress down and not answering him. He then turned to me again and told me that my ticket must have got krinckled coming out and the car wash machine couldn't read it, and he said next time instead of honking to just push the blue assistant button. I guess I was so freaked out I didn't notice the button. The whole time he was talking he never once looked at my face because he was busy trying to position himself to get a better view up my dress. He didn't try to hide what he was doing either, what a PERV. I hope that's not what I look like when I'm trying to do the same thing.
I must admit it did feel alittle degrading and when I got home I told my wife the story in which she couldn't stop laughing and asked me how it felt to get treated like that. She said men don't know how obvious they are when they are trying to look up her skirt or down her top. She does admit she knows a lot of women who do enjoy that attention but she finds it creepy and doesn't want that type of wrong attention. Wow not easy being a women is it?
Well she said maybe I would have had a worse experience if he did look at my face and better that my legs distracted him. My wife told me that she is so jealous of my long legs that never end, and if she had my legs she would flaunt them and there would be a lot of happy truck drivers out there. So much for her not wanting bad attention speech. No more car washes for me, they say everything happens in threes and that's two pad experiences already.
Sorry it was alittle long, but I wanted to share.

12-23-2017, 11:05 AM
I have to take your wife's view. I'm still laughing
I could so see something like this happening to me

12-23-2017, 11:38 AM
That's one of those 'Oh S***' moments you will later look back on and laugh about. Great story Maria.

12-23-2017, 11:54 AM
Sounds like one of the many reasons that when i do go out, I don't push it or interact with anyone. It's always something in this world i swear. Luckily you have great legs and kept him busy ;) I know this isn't a "typical" situation when out dressed but these things do happen. Maybe it's just that particular car wash, trying another wouldn't hurt ;)

Jean 103
12-23-2017, 01:43 PM
I'm with your wife. LOL.

I would be willing to bet that this would have been a different story if you were just relaxed, and comfortable with being out in public.

As you continue to go out you will get there.

12-23-2017, 01:44 PM
Now you know how women feel with unwanted attention. Once my young wife verbally took on an entire construction crew in mid town Manhattan for their unwanted catcalls during their lunch break. She tore into them, asking whether they thought they would appreciate it if what they were doing was done to their wives or daughters. It could be you were reading more into the encounter than it actually was. If I am interacting with a person I like to look at his or her face. If you were trying to avoid eye contact, and, he was trying to interact with you I could see why you felt that way. Why would you expect him to talk to the roof of your car? Sure, if your dress rode up to reveal the top of your hosiery and a pink panty, you may have made his day. Maybe he thought you were an exhibitionist. They exist too!

12-23-2017, 01:58 PM
Whoa... It wasn't a risky situation but I'm sure it was disturbing. I really can't stand this attitude, the way some men talk about women and look at them, I dislike in general how women body is often treated in our society.
In an evening walk in female shoes (low heels) it happened to me that a man whistled at me. I really hated him, really badly.
Crossdressing make you feel what is like to be in someone else's shoes...

12-23-2017, 02:03 PM
Yep been there and it does fell like a woman and the perv man is looking at your undies and legs. I understand how a women feels when a perv looks at her.

Majella St Gerard
12-23-2017, 04:03 PM
Well if you go out in public dressed you actually might have to interact with people and changing clothes in your car while waiting for a car wash just might attract the kind of attention you're trying to avoid. Freaking out over something so insignificant makes you appear weak and vulnerable. Either "own it" or stay safe in your home. Avoiding eye contact and not responding is just rude behavior.

Rowan Ailbhe
12-23-2017, 04:32 PM
Majella and Stephanie nailed it.

Me: "oh....you wanna see a titty?....here." <pulls out a chicken fillet...>

But I have an evil streak...lol.

Nikki A.
12-23-2017, 04:42 PM
I agree with Majella on her comments. You can't go changing clothes or being afraid to interact. Only makes matters worse. I don't pass but that does not stop me from interacting with the outside world. You may be surprised how much easier it gets and how much more enjoyable your outings may be.

Tracii G
12-23-2017, 05:47 PM
You are just not ready to be out in the world it sounds like to me but you have to go thru things like this to learn what not to do.
If you had just "owned it" it would have been far less stressful and embarrassing. You would have been just another tranny and not some scared guy freaking out. You will be the talk of the shift the next few days.
One thought I have is if you have problems with that car wash stop going there comes to mind first.Dressed or not dressed it makes no difference because it doesn't seem to function properly.
If you go out dressed you will have to interact with people there is no getting around that so get used to it.
Short dresses are more of a pain in the butt than anything but I see you learned that lesson the hard way.
Freaking out and running with your tail between your legs bring more attention to yourself so stop doing that.
Now suppose you started putting on male clothes and someone walks up maybe even a policeman you are looking guilty as hell and be in more trouble.
If you aren't ready you just aren't ready so maybe you need to stay inside a little longer.

Expect the unexpected and be prepared to "own it" when it happens.

Maria 60
12-23-2017, 07:01 PM
Well ladies I'm sorry to disappoint but maybe I'm not ready to jump the fence but taking it one link at a time. I know when I walk out that door I have to expect the unexpected, an accident, car trouble getting spotted. But I guess I haven't learned what to do when the unexpected happens and don't have or feel confident enough to speak and interact with others. Maybe not now but maybe one day I will not panic and freek out. Thanks for all your responses.

12-23-2017, 07:26 PM
They say "the best plan does not survive first contact with [the enemy]. " I'm not saying this guy was the enemy but you get the point, I hope. If you go out to engage the muggle world, be ready for the unexpected. Own it and take it on the chin. That way we win.

12-23-2017, 08:04 PM
Keep a purse handy. Use it to block his view.

Rogina B
12-23-2017, 09:19 PM
I'm with your wife. LOL.

I would be willing to bet that this would have been a different story if you were just relaxed, and comfortable with being out in public.

As you continue to go out you will get there.

And I will add...It isn't a big deal unless you make it one. The guy was enjoying himself and your legs were being enjoyed..Lots of worse things happen !

Angie G
12-23-2017, 09:45 PM
Ya sounds like my luck. That would so happen to me. Still kind of funny.:hugs:

12-23-2017, 10:29 PM
Hi Maria :hugs:, That was a great story with a cute twist at the end.

Did you ever get your dirty car washed ?????.>Orchid...:daydreaming:...

12-23-2017, 10:46 PM
And now the shoe is on the other foot! Now that you know what it feels like, maybe you won't be so quick to try to peek down (or up!) a lady's dress.

Perhaps if more 'macho' guys had this type of experience, there would less instances of male 'creepy' behavior. Sadly, I am afraid most of the would get off on the attention....

Tracii G
12-23-2017, 11:09 PM
Maybe next time you will have a better experience.