View Full Version : DADT: Getting caught

01-02-2018, 01:24 PM
I am curious, How many of you girls are in a DADT relationship that dress when the wives backs are turned? not when they are out of the house, doing whatever it is they are doing and you have a certain time frame to indulge, but say, they go to bed then you dress, how many of You have been caught thinking you had some dress time only to be caught in the process of getting dressed, during being dressed, or as You were changing back?

01-02-2018, 02:51 PM
I was going to say no never, it's always when the house is empty.

Then I recall working in my darkroom, I would often spend all day when I had to print out my weddings, no one could enter because of the light restriction so some days I would be dressed for hours with the family still in the house. I would sometimes get a tap on the door to tell me there was a fresh coffee waiting otherwise I could wear what I liked but obviously no makeup or wig .

Kimmie WJ
01-02-2018, 03:38 PM
This is my biggest fear - getting caught. I am reading forums for hints on how to handle that unsettling situation.

01-02-2018, 04:30 PM
I did not get caught, but, looking back it was during the height of my stupidity. I'm sure my wife knew something was up, but, chose to ignore it. When she retired to bed early...two young kids wore her out..I would fully dress; wig, bra, panty slip, dress and heels and go for a night time drive. Sometimes it was just around the neighborhood, but, on some occasions it was 10-15 miles away. How could I ever be away that long without her awaking and noticing there was no body laying next to her? Or the kids awakening. I also did my forays out in the wild on Halloween fully en femme which included makeup and nail polish. I remember I would remove the makeup in a grocery store parking lot. I've always said we are in a deep DADT marriage. I think I realized sooner or later something would happen and stopped those night time outings. Now when she is staying with family out of town or out of state, then I do my night time excursions. How did I ever get away with it?

The closest I ever got caught was when my mother and father came home to the apartment and found the security chain on the door. My father and mother knew I was dabbling in my mom's lingerie draw or so I truly think it was so. My father tried to muscle through the security chain, but, it would not break. I had time to do the fastest strip tease and hid her clothes in a laundry bag, dress in boy clothes, and, give them a lame excuse that I was in the throne room, i.e., the bathroom. If they had found me in my mother's clothes I'm sure I would have had the crap beaten out of me.

01-02-2018, 08:51 PM
Isn't the point of DADT that we all know what is going on, but choose to ignore it? I would think a rare slip up would be accepted. It might be met with some harsh words, but otherwise what is the description of DADT?

Brynna M
01-02-2018, 09:38 PM
Isn't the point of DADT that we all know what is going on, but choose to ignore it? I would think a rare slip up would be accepted. It might be met with some harsh words, but otherwise what is the description of DADT?

Unfortunately DADT doesn’t leave an avenue to discuss boundaries and what a wife might think is just a panty fetish will shock her should she walk in on dressed to the nines...

01-03-2018, 04:01 PM
My wife normally texts me or rings me before she comes home, sometimes I think it's a heads up to get changed. However she has told me that sometimes she forgets I am a crossdresser at all, so maybe she isn't letting me know. If she did catch me it would be no big deal byt still I try to avoid it anyway.

01-04-2018, 11:28 AM
Isn't the point of DADT that we all know what is going on, but choose to ignore it? I would think a rare slip up would be accepted. It might be met with some harsh words, but otherwise what is the description of DADT?

No, not really. A slip up could end really badly in a DADT relationship. I don't think "passes" are given. Yes, they know, but I am sure the full extent of it is unknown to a partner and I am positive that they surely DO NOT want to see it.

01-04-2018, 11:42 AM
I get dolled up whenever I get a chance. Usually Saturday morning after she has gotten up or sometimes now when she doesn't leave the house on her weekly GDO. She knows that if the bedroom door is closed (but not locked because she doesn't want me to lock it), then I am checking out some item of clothing or getting fully dressed (including make-up). These times only last about two hours tops. Just long enough for me to get it out of my system (well, almost out as some times it just feels sooooo good to put on nylons and other clothing and hair and lipstick, etc.).
We are in a basically DADT situation, with a comment once in a while. She hasn't seen me yet, but has found evidence of my being around (press-on fingernails, etc.) She does my laundry. So, all-in-all, I have no complaints. And, if I did, I "know where the door is."

Cynthia T
01-04-2018, 12:07 PM
My SO is very accepting, treating me like a woman when I dress while she is home, and even entertaining the idea of going out together. Still, I sometimes dress when she is not around, simply so that I do not hurt her feelings by doing alternate sex activities.

01-04-2018, 03:53 PM
My wife goes to her Mother's house normally on a weekend day and usually texts before she comes home. I can't say if she does that to let me know that dressing time is over or if it is purely courtesy. One time a couple of years ago, she came home in the afternoon without telling me while I was dressed to grab something from the basement. I saw the car out front and ran to a bedroom to strip off and hide what I could and toss on some shorts and a shirt. I have no idea if she saw me dressed as she never made mention of it, but I'm sure it was close. She's known about my dressing since before we were married, but at the time asked me (read as "told me") not to do it. Of course, I couldn't stop so I've been caught a few times by a variety of slip ups (receipts for women's boutiques in my pocket, an errant piece of clothing in my car). Each time, she's become upset, called me names, etc. Asking me to stop morphed into I wish you wouldn't but if you do I don't want to see it.

I've been nudging the line quite a bit the last couple of years. I underdress 100% of the time, wear yoga pants and ladies hoodies around the house, to the gym and on the occasional errand. I know she knows about the underdressing, because that's the last big discussion that we had a couple of years ago when she noticed that I wasn't generating any men's underwear laundry. Over the Christmas holiday, I moved all of my tank tops and camisoles from their hiding spot into the drawer that used to hold my t-shirts.

With it being so cold for the last couple of weeks, I've been wearing fleece leggings under my pants to stay warm. Yesterday, I goofed and left a pair on the bench in the closet. I thought I was going to get an earful, but surprisingly I didn't. Instead I found my freshly laundered leggings neatly folded in the drawer with the rest of my active wear. So, now I'm wondering when the next "talk" will happen.