View Full Version : Son showed up unexpected

Jessica S
01-06-2018, 01:53 AM
My house is messy from a bathroom remodel. The workers were done for the weekend and left a lot of dust through out the upstairs to be cleaned up. My wife sick and in bed. Both my sons were staying at a friends house tonight. My oldest went to see his girlfriend first before going to his buddies to stay the night. Him and his girlfriend got in a little spat. He came home early before he went to his buddies to pick up some clothes and such. I thought he took everything he needed and would not be home. So I changed into my hotel maids uniform( with hose, apron and heels) to do the cleaning. Since I have not had any time to dress up with the workers and holiday break for my kids I thought I take the opportunity( My wife is great and accepts I'm crossdresser). Well while I am vacuuming the walls and ceiling in in the main room, my son walks in! I make a bee line to the front of the house with nowhere else to go and now I'm trapped. But I think/know he had to seem me as I was vacuuming the ceiling and didn't hear or see him for a second. At least I think so. So I'm up trapped in the front, he hollers he's getting his stuff and use the bathroom. I rush to my bedroom and my wife ask if someone came home. She doesn't yet see that I am dressed up. Tell her quickly what just happen and I start ripping things off and put on some of my PJ's pants and tee shirt. I said I guess I have to have a conversation with him so I go downstairs and wait for him to come out. He is acting normal. I said he obviously surprised me and we should talk. He said what about him and his girlfriend? I'm like ummm sure. What's up with that? I'm still freaking out as really he didn't see me? He tells me and I give advise and say is there any thing else we should talk about and he says why are you acting weird. So now I am thinking he didn't see or really looked at what I was wearing. Then he says by the way what where you wearing. I panicked and said a smock so not to get my clothes dirty. He just oh okay and went on to say he is going to work from his buddies and left.

Not sure where this will go. After talking to my wife, said I will tell him the truth that I am a life long crossdresser.
So I got that to look forward to. One issue is my oldest son is the one who saw me and he and my youngest are good buddies being 2years apart. Wondering if I need to spill the beans to both. I am the typical handy man, hunter, sports guy. So this would be way out of the ordinary for them. Just need to vent. My wife is great and supportive and we will see what's next.

01-06-2018, 02:16 AM
In my book vacuuming your ceilings is way weirder than dressing like a maid while you do it.

God I love this forum.

bridget thronton
01-06-2018, 02:41 AM
eventually they both will need to know I think - it may be good for them to know that your wife knows and is OK with it

01-06-2018, 02:47 AM
Wow, Jessica! Close one! :whew!:. It's probably good that your son did not see you ( or he has a way of taking stuff in his stride at first sight and then going away to consider them privately before deciding whether to raise an issue ). Amazing wife-support, by the way! :thumbsup:.

After the girlfriend incident --and hopefully they will patch that up soon--, he might not have been in the most ideal mindset to have seen you and then properly processed your come-out.

All the best with whatever you choose the way forward from here to be :).

- Lydianne.

Sarah Louise
01-06-2018, 03:25 AM
Well you could tell him and your other son. Chances are it won't be an issue and it will give you a bit more freedom to dress without worrying about being caught going forward. But there is a risk that one of them will tell someone in confidence and it escalates from there.

Or you could say that you lost a bet with your wife and the loser had to clean the house in a maid's outfit.......

01-06-2018, 03:33 AM
Just feel lucky it wasn't a classic French maid outfit. That type of outfit he may have recognized. I would not rush to make a full disclosure. The other things that seems to always crop up is the belief kids are really clueless about their parents.

01-06-2018, 05:29 AM
sounds like time for a chat, maybe mention the need for privacy as well.

Tracy Irving
01-06-2018, 07:51 AM
Sometimes the mind sees what it wants to and can rationalize away almost anything. Your son had a lot on his and didn't expect to see / wasn't looking for his father in a maid uniform so it is entirely possible your explanation worked.

01-06-2018, 08:11 AM
My son walked in on me when I was fully dressed and made up a few months ago, though I was just in a dress, heels and tights. And he was totally cool about it, he said I looked 'pretty' though I suspect he was just being kind, and since then he hasn't mentioned it. Jessica, I hope your son reacts in the same way mine did.

01-06-2018, 08:40 AM
Take a deep breath, relax, discuss with your wife, then relax again. Discuss with both sons at next opportunity

01-06-2018, 08:50 AM
My son walked in on me when I was fully dressed and made up a few months ago, though I was just in a dress, heels and tights. And he was totally cool about it, he said I looked 'pretty' though I suspect he was just being kind, and since then he hasn't mentioned it. Jessica, I hope your son reacts in the same way mine did.

Wish I'd seen the look on your face at the precise moment, must have been priceless.

01-06-2018, 09:04 AM
Jessica, I'd let sleeping dogs lie.

01-06-2018, 09:53 AM
Wish I'd seen the look on your face at the precise moment, must have been priceless.

Daisy, his car pulled onto the driveway, and where I was sat I had nowhere to go. I did have a few seconds to compose myself but still a pretty awkward moment at first.

Sarah Doepner
01-06-2018, 10:35 AM
In my book vacuuming your ceilings is way weirder than dressing like a maid while you do it.

God I love this forum.

Thank you Nikkie.


My kids knew about my crossdressing years before I told them. When I finally came out to them it was "We wondered when you would tell us." They have gone on to be very understanding and supportive. If you raised your sons to respect others as individuals and have seen it in their behavior or heard it in their conversations, you and your wife as a team should be okay to share it with them. If you see signs they are critical of the LGBTQ+ community, then you may want to change your plans and begin teaching them this new lesson, because they will very likely find out eventually. It's better to have them as allies down the road.

01-06-2018, 11:32 AM
Life is so much easier, once your immediate family knows. With all the news in recent years about TG, CD and similar issues, I think the younger generations are better informed and more open than our older generation ever was.

One of my two adult sons still lives at home, so he's seen a progressive revelation of my dressing over many years, starting with me in panties when he was much younger, to, in more recent years, seeing me in nighties and dresses. I recently had a conversation with my other son about my dressing (he's seen me mostly in dresses when he's home to visit over holidays), and he was understanding, too. It is very freeing to be able to dress at home whenever I want, with no fear of negativity from immediate family. I'm lucky that way, but you might have a similar situation if you're brave enough to face it.

My worst moment and accidental discovery was several years ago when one of my son's best friends caught me standing in the kitchen in just panties and bra. I was up early for work at 4 AM in the morning, and as was my common practice at the time, went downstairs to make coffee first thing. Normally everyone else was asleep yet at that hour. But unbeknownst to me, my son had been gaming online all night, and had made arrangements for his best friend to come over in the morning, giving him his key to the front door of the house. So at 4 AM, his friend quietly let himself in our front door, and turned around to face me standing there in just bra and panties. I had nowhere to go. His friend was much more embarrassed than I was, apologizing and explaining that my son had given him a key and told him to come in. He hurried upstairs to my son's room, and nothing was ever mentioned to me about it again. But the ice had been broken.

A few other family friends have since seen me dressed, a couple accidentally when they stopped over, and a few that I intentionally didn't bother to change before I knew they were coming over. None have had negative reactions, despite having very conservative backgrounds. More often they just act like everything is perfectly normal. One, who has seen me numerous times, made a point of saying that I should be dressed comfortably when I'm in my own home. I agree. And for me, that's usually in a bra and dress.


Jessica S
01-06-2018, 11:37 AM
He went to work right from his friends house. So I think for now it I will let " sleeping dogs lie" . I will judge his reactions when he gets home. We did raise our family to be open and respect full. So if we do need to talk I think they will understand and take it in stride.

01-06-2018, 12:01 PM
He could have been in his own little world, walking around looking at the floor and not have seen you. ;)

April Rose
01-06-2018, 12:28 PM
I came out to my son when he was 22. It turned out that he already knew. It seems that, when he was 14, he was convinced that my wife and I had pot in the house and he tore the place up trying to find it. He didn't find any; we hadn't smoked it for years. But guess what he did find. He had no problem with it, and has since seen me dressed. The younger folk seem to have a much more open attitude to this sort of stuff than they did in my day.

01-06-2018, 02:04 PM
Jessica, when a closet dresser tells anyone, they need to realize what a burden u put on them to keep your secret!:doh:

If u tell one son, u must tell both!:straightface:

Maria 60
01-06-2018, 02:07 PM
Boys are so much different then girls, I told my wife I could talk to my son wearing lipstick and he wouldn't even notice. Boys worry about themselves, my daughters will see a thread out of place, they are much noisier. I believe my daughters have an idea but my son even if he does suspect something he worries about his own things.
I've learned to lock the screen door when I'm dressed and I will confess it's saved me more then once, kids always forget things and change there plans fast. I don't know your relationship with your kids and I believe I would do like a lot of others already said if he comes back acting normal I would leave it alone. Sometimes kids know and they don't want to know. Don't leave us in the dark, let us know how it goes.

01-06-2018, 10:03 PM
In my book vacuuming your ceilings is way weirder than dressing like a maid while you do it.

God I love this forum.

Nikki...you are too funny!! haha

Jessica S
01-06-2018, 10:09 PM
Son came home from work and acted like nothing ever happened. Everything was just like normal. Even when it was just me and him watching football nothing was brought up or said. So for now I just letting it go. If he says something later then I will address it.


Locking the screen doors was one of the first thing my wife said. She does it often when she knows I'm dressed for and extra level of protection. I will do it from now on for sure.

Beverley Sims
01-08-2018, 12:21 PM
Just wait till something is said, if ever.

5150 Girl
01-09-2018, 01:32 PM
Kids today are more open to sexual identity issues, due to all the recent awareness generated by the media. If he did see you he probably just said "oh well" and moved on....

01-12-2018, 08:54 AM
I sat my kids down and told them. I figured they were going to find out someday. It seemed better if I told them. One son was a jock and pretty disturbed about it. My children are,all married and on their own. Theybpretty much blow off anything I taught them sadly. I feel they see me as an odd duck and of dubious understanding. I don't know if you want to ay that price.

Alyssa Lane
01-12-2018, 02:36 PM
Ya I think he seen you clearly dressed, but seems odd to talk about it. That’s probably why he shouted when you ran off hiding to inform you.

Jessica S
01-12-2018, 02:44 PM
Well it has been six days. Nothing said or any weird/different behavior from him. Had multiple times we were together alone nothing brought up. I think I may have dodge a bullet or he just doesn't want to talk about it. Either way I good with that for right now.