View Full Version : What are your 3 best and 3 worse natural features? - and how do you deal with them?

01-11-2018, 05:07 PM
Hi girlfriends...What are your 3 best and 3 worse natural features? - and how do you deal with them?

I'll start...

I think my 3 best natural features are my eyes, brows and legs. I play up my eyes with dark eyeliner, false eyelashes and green contact lenses. Regarding my brows, I tweeze them, fix them with eyebrow gel, and fill them in with a dark eyebrow pencil. For my legs, I shave them when my wife allows, moisturize with lotion and often wear pantyhose or tights.

My 3 worse natural features are my large chin, wrinkles and tummy. To make my chin look smaller, I apply contour. Minimizing my wrinkles depends on plenty of facial tape secured with elastic string and sometimes dermaflage. I slim my tummy with spanx for moderate control and when I go all out to create curves I wear a very tightly cinched high quality and steel-boned corset.


Nikki A.
01-11-2018, 05:33 PM
My best feature is my personality. After that everything is crap.
Honestly, I think I have nice eyes. I don't think much of my other features, but others tell me my overall presentation is very good. So either I'm rough on myself or others are just too kind and don't want to hurt my feelings.

01-11-2018, 05:59 PM
my 3 best features would be, my long eye lashes, long hair, and my height. :)
my 3 worst would be my linebacker shoulders, boxer's nose and
fireplug shape... :(

01-11-2018, 06:10 PM
best : face, legs,

worst, big hands, arms, and feet.

01-11-2018, 06:21 PM
Best features 1. Blue eyes - less eye makeup, 2. Small waisted- have a curvy figure 3. Long muscular legs- easier to walk in heels
Worst features 1. Age - getting old fast it seems and don't want to dress like an old lady, 2. Age - Starting to have more wrinkles thus more anti wrinkle creams and more makeup to hide them, 3. Broad shouldered - must wear clothes that downsize the look of my shoulders.

01-11-2018, 07:49 PM
Good question. I have pretty good legs, smallish feet and little body hair, amongst other things. Worst features, man hands, not much I can do about those. Big chin, again difficult to hide but make up can smooth it a little. I'm slim but no hips, and it shows in many photos I have taken of myself. So I have made moves in that direction, some home made pads have given me a hint of what can be achieved with them, and something better is top of my wants list right now.

01-11-2018, 08:17 PM
As a male my best feature is my height. Still six foot after spinal collapse of 1 1/2 inches due to advancing age. Weight is 198 pounds which is great for my height and frame. Worst features being en femme is my height and weight. Decent legs as long as I wear hosiery. A close shave lasts for the entire day. Not beard concealer needed.

01-11-2018, 08:34 PM
Hey Nikki! Good but tough questions!

Ok, I think my 3 best are my eyes, my legs and my lips. I use eyeliner and mascara day to day and I love it when I get to experiment with eye shadow. I don’t usually bother with false lashes cos mine are pretty full as they are. I like to keep my legs smooth and moisturised, and I like their length and shape. My lips are quite full and I really love enhancing them with a nice lipstick. I use a bit of collagen moisturiser on them too.

Worst features... narrowing that down to 3 is tough... hmm... well first is the body hair. I keep it shaved as much as possible but shaving so much is really time consuming and tedious, and it brings me onto my second answer - sensitive skin. Moisture, moisturise, moisturise and still I get shaving rashes! It’s so damn irritating in more than one way! Third is a tough one - I’m torn between my hairline which makes me paranoid if I’m letting my natural hair (which is pretty long) be part of my look, or my tummy which I really am trying to reshape with corset training.


Rachael Leigh
01-11-2018, 08:55 PM
My best are my legs, my eyes and my long fingers
My bad is my height, my belly, and my receding natural hair

01-11-2018, 09:21 PM
I can live with being me, but should I be granted 3 wishes, well, in guy mode, a smaller nose, legs two inches longer (so I don't have to alter trousers), and a full head of thick hair would please me no end.
In girl mode, heels can overcome the short legs, wigs can remedy the receding hairline, but I am left with a big nose, and thinking about it, my eyelids are a bit droopy, so I have to have the eye makeup more prominent, and under the chin is a bit baggy, and, oh well, just like any real woman, I am just going to learn how to fake it.

Becky Blue
01-12-2018, 12:43 AM
Good question Nikki i am presuming you mean best and worst natural womanly features
Best - Small upper body with thin arms, thin eyebrows, long legs with small feet
Worst - Tummy, big bumpy nose, body hair

01-12-2018, 01:50 AM
Best - Eyes, lashes, very little leg hair
Worst - Gut, nose, legs

01-12-2018, 09:46 AM
Best: legs, hair, eyes
Worst: body hair, body shape (big belly/wide shoulders/flat bum), deep voice.

Stacy Darling
01-12-2018, 10:37 AM
I guess that my legs & butt, a thin build and very fair to translucent hair would be the three natural. I exercise & wax to sculpt these though.

My head is balding, my facial skin is going through some yet to be diagnosed alien issues worse than puberty x 10 and I don't like my nose! Not looking in the mirror is how I am dealing with these at present!

I'm just me though :)

01-12-2018, 11:13 AM
My worst: a voice that so far defies feminization: nose and chin that are masculine; and beard that is noticeable by day’s end.

Better: my legs are not bad and my brows are decent. My build is not super heavy (tho I could stand to lose a few pounds!).

Good question!

01-12-2018, 11:27 AM
Should have asked this question 10 years ago when I had some best features. Right now, when I go out, I do my best to look my best and then just go with it.

01-12-2018, 11:44 AM
Interesting thread, I’ll bite!

Worst: #1 Body hair, I am the Sasquatch’s cousin. #2 Scars from ingrown hairs. #3 Tummy. Could stand to lose a few pounds, and ounces of beer.

Best: #1 Legs! I think my legs make a perfect @ss of themselves. Even my wife will agree lol. #2 Eye colour, I have a green eyes, and love the colour! #3 Size 10 feet. I can find sweet shoes that fit comfortably without having to special order.

One thing I will say is, since I have came out to my wife, (she has shown positive support) I have noticed trying on clothes, and using makeup, makes me feel extremely self conscious. I cannot fathom the pressures and stress some GG’s and ladies like us may go through. With that being said, I would love to express my sincerest appreciation for all who get dolled up and those who do not, we are all beautiful and unique in our own ways.

Fantastic thread idea Nicki! 💯 It will be sure to elicit some unique responses.

01-12-2018, 01:46 PM
So, 3 best and 3 worst. Mmm I need to think a bit on this one.

So best first. I'm not particularly hairy. Very little hair on my legs and on my arms it's quite fine and light in colour. The lack of hair extends to my being able to shave and go out all day without fear of the 5 o'clock shadow breaking through. Staying with the legs I've always seen mine as being fairly shapely and certainly look good in heels but then again whose doesn't I suppose. I'm moderately lightly boned so my hands aren't like bunches of bananas and my wrists aren't thick and heavy set.

I'll take a bit of a liberty with the bad. I am a bit overweight but the upside of that is I can put a decent cleavage on show. The real downside is when wearing a corset then I get the roll being squeezed out the top of it which shows if wearing something fitted. While 5'10" isn't that tall to be a little shorter would make blending easier. Lastly I wish I had a better complexion. It would be nice to have a smoother canvas upon which to create my work of art or perhaps more accurately graffiti.

01-12-2018, 03:39 PM
Hard to asses myself , I feel best assets are my figure and legs , worse are probably body hair .

Going full time will give a clearer picture !

Julie Denier
01-12-2018, 04:26 PM
Three best:

- Smile
- Light beard
- Um ... my legs, I guess, though I can't shave - they look decent under layered hosiery

Three worst:

- Height (6-2)
- Weight (300+)
- Paunch (steel-boned corset a must)

Kandi Robbins
01-12-2018, 05:48 PM

Male face

How do I deal with it? I am who I am and I don't dwell on them.

01-12-2018, 09:45 PM
Well, let's say what I'm happiest about:
1. My stature. I'm rather small, short and thin.
2. My lips.
3. My breast forms fitting perfectly.

What I'd kill to change:
1. My 5 O'Clock shadow.
2. My fingernails. Way too wide.
3. Thinning hair. (Thank God for wigs!)

01-12-2018, 10:10 PM
Good: weight, I keep around 160.
body from what the wife says.
legs, I have quite athletic legs.
bad: Toes, I have one that doesn't grow a nail.
Eye brows too bushy even though I keep them trimmed I get the wild hairs.
Arms to masculine, but then again their are the lady exercise gurus.


01-13-2018, 03:15 AM
The only best feature I can think of is my legs. Many bad features starting with the excessive body hair, hate it, hate it, hate it. Then there is the lack of head hair.


01-13-2018, 04:02 AM
My three best features are in no specific order. My legs after they have been shaved. My blue eyes that I see people for who they are not what they are and my nicely shaped butt.
My worst wound have to include my weight manly shaped face and hairy arms

01-13-2018, 05:58 AM
3 best: Legs and butt, eyes, lips. The 3 worst: My size, built like a truck. Size 12 feet. Head size, I stretch out xlarge wigs. But I guess being from the planet Glamazon...

01-13-2018, 06:28 AM
Mmmmmm, it takes time to think this one through !

My best (in no particular order) would be my legs, an overall slender build and a basic lack of the dreaded "five o'clock" shadow.

My worst would be my wrinkly facial complexion, a little to much thickness around the waist and a couple nasty leg scars to cover up.

Like all women, you try accent the positive and work to negate the negatives.

natalie edwards
01-13-2018, 07:13 AM
Don't think I can only do 3 of each.
The good;
Size 8 women's shoes

The bad;
Almost bald
Crooked nose (does any girl like her nose? LOL!)
no butt
Hairy arms(can't shave them because of work. My sleeves are usually rolled up and it would be weird if one day they were smooth)
Could lose a few pounds but my weight fluctuates

Julie Denier
01-13-2018, 04:41 PM
Three best:

- Smile
- Light beard
- Um ... my legs, I guess, though I can't shave - they look decent under layered hosiery

Three worst:

- Height (6-2)
- Weight (300+)
- Paunch (steel-boned corset a must)

How could I forget my size 15 feet?