View Full Version : Adjusting to the new normal...

Molly Wells
01-14-2018, 10:30 AM
In 2017 I started working in the same location as my wife (we work for the same company but were in different locations). This puts us on much the same schedule, etc.
We got flooded during Harvey and river flooding. We live in a travel trailer as we are working to get our home repaired, etc.

Our lives have been dramatically altered this past year! We are fine and will get it all back together, just a matter of time.

BUT, it sure has put a cramp in Molly's style! We are in a DADT relationship so there are few opportunities to dress, and only for a short time when there is an opportunity. Having to keep it to a minimum.

Just a little frustrated...:battingeyelashes:


01-14-2018, 10:57 AM
That is understandable Molly. Sometimes life gets in the way and things change for awhile until a new normal seems right. Good Luck
Ellen Jo

01-14-2018, 11:12 AM
I can only begin to imagine the many hassles of recovering from a flood of that magnitude. And I can appreciate the degree of frustration you're feeling. Looking forward, I hope you have more and better opportunities to express yourself, and I'll hope that for you, there may be the first few cracks in DADT.

01-14-2018, 12:33 PM
i too was in a DADT relationship....it has morphed and i attend support groups and volunteer at a LGBT club....so i needed to buy more clothes since i was dressing three times a week at minimal....so if you try to do something similar it may help with the frustration....cause we all know what happens with pent up frustration.

i keep some of my clothes at the club, ive started a clothing exchange/swap for T-girls in need for those who want to purge or need things after.
if you get into a situation like mine it will minimize space for a "stash"......nothing ventured nothing gained.....after all you two have been through no need to pile on tension. hope you can find a suitable solution....

01-14-2018, 12:39 PM
If you're a closet dresser like me, Molly? There r times during family crises and emergencies when my dressing has to take a back seat until things "cool down".

I hope you'll be back to normal soon! For u, your SO, and Molly's sake!:)

01-14-2018, 12:42 PM
Are you the kind of DADT where your wife is aware of your ongoing crossdressing but just doesn't want to know details about it? Or are you the kind where your wife is unaware? If she's aware and accepts it's part of you, it seems like it would be fair to tell her your current situation is putting some pressure on you and negotiate some "alone time" to bring out Molly. Extraordinary conditions and all.

So sorry you're in that situation. I hope things get better soon. Maybe Molly could get some work clothes and join in the cleanup. ;)

Beverley Sims
01-15-2018, 08:42 AM

Things will get better eventually.
I assure you.