View Full Version : Has the pink fog ever seriously affected your SO relationship? Positive or negative?

01-15-2018, 10:10 PM
A slight change in my wife's acceptance of Danielle recently made me contemplate this topic. Has the pink fog ever positively or negatively impacted on your relationship with your SO and her acceptance of your crossdressing.? For me I have a serious negative story I have revealed privately before to a few members here.

One day back in Canada a few years ago Danielle had done a complete full body shave ( only my eyebrows were left). During a dressup session in a spare bedroom in our basement I was in the middle of let us describe as some intimate photos when the battery in the camera ran out. My wife was used to me coming upstairs to model an outfit and in this case I threw on a robe and came upstairs to get new batteries. For some stupid reason, I guess in an extreme pink fog, I decided to reveal myself to her and removed the robe. I was impressed by my convincing tuck and attached breastforms but she was not as impressed with what I thought was a a realistic engineering feat. My wifes's reaction to seeing her husband standing in front of her looking quite female was a very big shock and set back her and Danielle's relationship for quite a while. It took several months for things to return to normal and this incident is probably still the main reason my wife is not comfortable seeing Danielle.

Do you have any similar or dissimilar experiences? Remember it could also be a positive pink fog moment you had with your SO.

Sami Brown
01-15-2018, 10:33 PM
I haven't had such an experience. Usually it is my wife who is ahead of the game, with me holding back due to my own insecurities.


01-15-2018, 11:06 PM
yes we have come very close to divorce on more than one occasion. we have also come to a more honest relationship, and more understanding of each other's quirks and needs.

01-16-2018, 08:32 AM
Danielle, my fiancee is supportive and goes out with me. However, I don't like her to see me in lingerie for fear of your wife's reaction. So she only sees me fully dressed, the exception being a nightgown in bed.

01-16-2018, 10:36 AM
Alas completely negative in my case. I too attempted a full body shave. It did not go well. I will in future just do my legs in summer (I'm a cyclist). In fact none of my "pink" activities have ever gone well.

01-16-2018, 10:46 AM
Like mentioned, my supportive wife is fine with my dressing. It’s my decision not to walk around in just lingerie. She doesn’t, why should I ? Nightgowns are OK. Yes, there are times I’d like to show her what’s underneath, especially when it’s something new, but while she’s positive about my dressing, she can’t understand why I enjoy wearing things she can’t stand...underwires, girdle/garter belt, hose, slips, etc. I respect that, so I keep my underneaths underneath. It works for us. I’m happy with our relationship and would never do anything to mess it up.

Sarah Doepner
01-16-2018, 11:03 AM
The notorious Pink Fog convinced me I could dress in my bedroom while I was home recovering from a minor illness once. Even though we had house guests, they didn't want to catch the bug I was battling and I figured my security was complete. My wife came home early and found me partially dressed and with makeup on, after never having a clue that I was a crossdresser. It was several days before we had "the talk" and to my surprise she had done her homework and was accepting and became supportive. It could have gone the other way very easily, so that afternoon in late 2002 was a point of serious change in our relationship.

Joanne Curl
01-16-2018, 12:50 PM
Telling my wife about my crossdressing was a huge mistake. It released the weight on my shoulders of keeping this huge secret but it completely ruined our relationship. The biggest problem was trust. She cannot forgive me for not telling her before we married. Knowing that I like to dress in female clothes disgusts her and it put an end to our sex life. I told her 6 years ago and it hasn't got any better.

Denise S
01-16-2018, 03:52 PM
The pink fog has been rolling in on me strong the last few years. My wife does not know about my crossdressing side. There is no sex life it’s more as if we are roommates. We get along just fine. I don’t know if it her or me. Its probably more me since I’m not the agrssive male. I seem to be getting more feminine which I like..

01-16-2018, 05:47 PM
The biggest problem was trust. She cannot forgive me for not telling her before we married. Knowing that I like to dress in female clothes disgusts her and it put an end to our sex life. I told her 6 years ago and it hasn't got any better.

I told my wife before we were married, and my situation is not much better than yours, unfortunately. Some women can handle it, some can't, regardless of when they find out.

01-16-2018, 05:57 PM
coming out to my wife 7 yrs ago and some instances of the pink fog has left me with a sexless marriage and a wife who no longer trusts me.

Bianca Fay
01-16-2018, 09:42 PM
It can be a double-edged sword. In my case I wish I had been more honest in the beginning of my relationship.
Instead, I tried hiding it & ultimately got caught several times by my wife while I was wearing her pantyhose.
Things went from bad to worse & we parted ways.
I know in my heart that she would have left anyway at the start if I had told her on my own... but she definitely deserved the right to weigh out her decision - based on honesty - rather than from shocking discoveries.