View Full Version : Pink Fog - Blue Fog

Kimmie WJ
01-19-2018, 09:44 AM
So, yesterday I was overwhelmed for the better part of the day with a violent desire to dress. However, there was no private time to do so. While trying to work, my concentration was continually interrupted with thoughts of what to put on and how wonderful it would feel. Maddening. This morning, while the urge has subsided somewhat, it is still there.

I think I understand the term Pink Fog but I didn't act out my desires. Today I feel a little Blue not having dressed or being dressed today. So ladies, what about Blue Fog for not being able to accomplish what we heatedly desire: dress, go shopping for that special something or ability to converse with friends?

01-19-2018, 09:58 AM
So, yesterday I was overwhelmed for the better part of the day with a violent desire to dress.

Wow. I never really thought I'd ever see a phrase like "violent desire to dress." Interesting.

Pink Fog is when the urge gets control to the point where your good judgement is overridden. It doesn't sound like you got to that point. "Blue Fog" is an interesting concept -- sorta related to "Blue Funk" I imagine -- a state of sadness usually triggered by disappointment. But I've met people in a blue funk who are down because they couldn't SCUBA dive that day or because there was cloud cover on the night of an astronomical event. People are diverse and life is weird. If Blue Fog speaks to you as a way to describe your feelings, I say go with it. I think most people will understand.

Kimmie WJ
01-19-2018, 11:03 AM
Pat, thanks for your comments.

Yes, Blue Fog could be equated to Blue Funk but with a specific meaning related to dressing etc. Upon some reflection, you might be correct implying "violent" is perhaps too strong. My use of the word was to reflect the strong overriding desire to dress and lack of concentration.

I have enjoyed reading your all comments. Best K

01-19-2018, 12:43 PM
Kimmie, I had a wonderful/terrible time when I first discovered cd.com 10 years ago. Wonderful because I found I wasn't alone after dressing in a vacuum for many years. Terrible because I became obsessed with dressing! When I wasn't dressing or shopping for fem things I was thinking about what I wanted to wear! I couldn't work properly or even sleep!:doh:

I solved the problem by giving in to my compulsion! I began dressing wherever, whenever the mood hit me. In a storage room at work. In the middle of the nite. In my car. In motels for a weekend. After a couple months of this I completely lost the will to dress! It returned 3 months later. But, I made myself the promise to dress whenever I wanted to.

I was no longer overwhelmed by dressing thots constantly. That was 10 years ago. I dress about 5 times a month. Now, I can concentrate on my work, my friends, family, and the other things in my life!:thumbsup:

I suggest giving in to your compulsion and see if doesn't calm down as mine did!:thumbsup:

Kimmie WJ
01-19-2018, 02:05 PM
Sherry, thank you for your thoughts. Intuitively I know you are right. The challenge for me is to let go, find peace in the situation and move calmly forward. A difficult challenge for an A type personality where there is still some confusion.

Best, K

01-19-2018, 03:03 PM
I find that underdressing in panties and a bra satisfies my urge to dress. The good thing is that I am the only one to know.

01-19-2018, 03:08 PM
I would wear panties under your male clothes. It might help.

Shelly Preston
01-19-2018, 03:10 PM
I have never actually heard the term "Blue Fog" before.

Personally I would assume it is the female to male equivalent of "Pink Fog"

Sami Brown
01-19-2018, 09:22 PM
When I saw the title of this thread, I thought it was about someone who could only think about dressing in drab. I thought it must be someone who fluctuated between two extremes.

I empathize with your not being able to dress. Hopefully you will get a chance very soon!
