View Full Version : Do you still present as feminine when not dressed ?

Gwen M
01-25-2018, 07:11 PM
When you are not dressed do you still have feminine speech and mannerisms? I practice my voice every day to and from work. I also try to walk talk and hove feminine movements at work so it comes more naturally when I am dressed. Wondering if others do the same ?

01-25-2018, 07:20 PM
I get called mam a lot so I try to answer a bit feminine.

Princess Chantal
01-25-2018, 07:44 PM
No, I don’t try that hard even when I do dress up

Btw picture was from a friend sitting across from me while we were waiting in the radio station’s waiting room and not a mirror shot

Tracii G
01-25-2018, 07:58 PM
I tend to have feminine mannerisms at times and some friends had noticed that.
Its not something I consciously try to hide.

Joni T
01-25-2018, 08:00 PM
Not even one little bit.

Stacy Darling
01-25-2018, 08:06 PM
Not the sound of my speech as I don't try to alter my voice, but the wording is very is a bit Femme, "Sweetie".
Then there is my walk and quite obvious body movements which usually get the "Oh isn't He pretty" reaction.

Most of it is quite natural for me, but when doing my almost daily walk, I do more strongly exaggerate my catwalk. It takes longer for it to wear off that way!

And I wonder why everyone assumes I'm a gay male?

I love everyone,

01-25-2018, 08:11 PM
Mannerisms are very important. I am practicing these myself daily. Walk, sitring, motions, facial expressions, talk, all important. Practice makes perfect and I have to practice as muxxh as i can.


01-25-2018, 08:21 PM
I'm naturally a feminine person. It is sort of there all the time. If anything I'll repress it at work or wherever else, although as time goes on I seem to be caring less and less about my natural femininity showing itself

01-25-2018, 08:38 PM
Pretty much me when I'm not dressed. I've been playing with makeup lately. :) 287404

01-25-2018, 09:10 PM
I don't. When I'm in drab, I'm pretty much a regular guy. But when I slip into a pair of panties and a bra, my whole demeanor changes and the inner woman takes over.

01-25-2018, 09:12 PM
I don't think I do , I'm just me , Most don't worry about speech even the TSs , I do present feminine to a point because everything is shaved , I did catch one of my art class GG friends looking at my shaved hairless hands when I was showing a technique with a paint brush .

I have to say I don't walk like a gorilla in drab mode so maybe I do it without thinking .

Tracy Irving
01-25-2018, 10:06 PM
I don't go out of my way to present feminine or even thought about how I was presenting (dressed or not) so I would have to say "no".

01-25-2018, 11:48 PM
No. I'm probably the last person you'd ever guess CDed!:heehee:

Diane Smith
01-26-2018, 12:06 AM
I apparently emit some electro-feminine waves even when dressed completely drab, to judge by the number of times I'm called "ma'am" in checkout lines and drive-through windows. I'm addressed as a woman maybe half the time. That catches me by surprise sometimes, but it's reassuring, since it probably means I don't raise many alarms when I put in a little real effort on my appearance.

- Diane

01-26-2018, 07:16 AM
Other than my choice of underwear, my dressing is binary.

Stephanie Julianna
01-26-2018, 07:36 AM
Amazingly, after decades of dressing, I have not had any of my feminine movements or speech drift over to my drab life. The only thing that is the same in either persona is my gait. I take shorter steps than my wife which drives her crazy because when we hike, at the end of the day I have 2,000 more steps on my Fitbit then she does.

01-26-2018, 07:57 AM
Yes. Afraid so. Can't help it. But then again 'not dressed' for me means androgenous womens clothing, anything other than a skirt or dress, so I always feel dressed all the time!

01-26-2018, 08:15 AM
I'm quite variable and I can change rather quickly and even surprise myself. To some extent it follows the situation - it is adaptive. If I am in an environment that is strongly masculine I tend to be more masculine, but not completely. If it is a more feminine situation I tend to show a lot more femininity. I suppose, on balance, I show more femininity than masculinity, although I think it would be hard to actually measure it. But I am very rarely strongly either way. It is more of a blend of masculine and feminine and that is consistent with my feelings of identity - psychologically androgynous. To put it simply with two examples, when I am knitting I am feminine, but I hammer nails like a man.

01-26-2018, 08:37 AM
My dressing is binary as well. In a perfect world I would present as female all the time. That's my long-term goal.

01-26-2018, 08:52 AM
I love walking in a feminine gait and using feminine movements and mannerisms. I've been incorporating them into my routine, whether I'm dressed or not. For me, it provides some of the same sense of fulfillment that dressing gives.

I've tried to feminize my voice, too, but that's been harder to carry off!

Emma S
01-26-2018, 08:55 AM
I will practice some of my more feminine movements usually when I'm by myself to see how natural I can make it feel. Occasionally I'll practice my voice as well. As a server, when I serve a table of gay men or just ladies I'll sometimes turn on the fem just a touch. It's fun to play around with it.

01-26-2018, 09:05 AM
Nope. It's either Krisi or Homer. Never "Kromer".

Teri Ray
01-26-2018, 09:33 AM
I do not believe I have more female mannerisms than the next guy. Although I have been jokingly asked .........'Do they sell men's clothes where you bought that shirt?" This question came from the clothes police at work not from the mannerism cops. Honestly, I believe I am all male on the outside at work and home when not dressed. I do underdress.......is that a mannerism?

foxy bartender
01-26-2018, 09:39 AM
I hadn’t given this much thought until I read this thread, and realized that I’m always the same, no matter how I present. Now, it’s really rare that I am actually in guy mode anymore. I honestly can’t remember how long it’s been. Even when I’m not fully dressed up, I’m presenting a blended persona. And my mannerisms and speech are exactly the same. It’s very interesting to think about.

01-26-2018, 12:20 PM
Not unless you would consider me to be the "bearded lady" from a sideshow. I think my mannerism slip into female mode when I am attired in women's clothing. After so many years wearing women's clothing it seems to come naturally. Things such as getting into a car with a dress on is different than when wearing pants. Spreading your legs man style (Chantal, #3) is a no-no. Crossing legs at the knee rather than the ankles is preferred. Taking a long male stride when walking in women's heels just is awkward.

I think with time mannerism become automatic in the right situations. I would conjecture if I was secure in the situation back in the 1960's it would have been easier to be a cross dresser with long hair if I was a hippie. Now, with my corrected mindset it is not possible to overcome the effects of male pattern baldness. Sigh!

01-26-2018, 01:01 PM
Well, I'm a dude with a normal share of dudeliness, including several days of beard growth. However, I also have hair down to my bra strap done up in a perpetual pony, so I get maamed a lot. Hugs, Michelle

01-26-2018, 01:59 PM
I tend to have feminine mannerisms at times and some friends had noticed that.
Its not something I consciously try to hide.

I would say this sums me up also.
The more comfortable I am around someone, the more it shows whether its how I sit, talk or whatever. I'm not always conscious that I'm doing it though.

01-26-2018, 09:01 PM
In guy mode I dress in comfy shorts, t-shirts, and flip-flops, so yes.

01-27-2018, 06:57 AM
50% of the time when we got tele marketers they would start addressing me as my wife then realize I'm not her when I corrected them. Or other times keep talking to me as ma'am, never realizing I wasn't. In winter time with bulky clothes, I have on average, at least once per year, get ma'am too before ever saying a word.


01-27-2018, 07:56 AM
Always try to walk and practice feminine manner too. Id I'm talking to female group. I feel as if I was one of them...Great sensation.

01-27-2018, 12:52 PM
I've been working on my walk lately, trying to move away from the lumbering walk that I used to have to something a bit more elegant and graceful that would be appropriate for anyone and I tend to cross my legs in a feminine manner, too. I've also been "ma'med" a few times recently while ordering drive-thru food. Kind of made me feel nice, even though I was in guy mode! :-)

Cassandra Lynn
01-27-2018, 04:58 PM
I do play around with my walk but generally refrain from it when around normies, but after doing this for many years I've naturally shortened and softened my stride. If I concentrate on my hips and elbow tucking it gets pretty noticeable real quickly.

I'm one of those gender-fluid, andro types and my manner of dress and grooming is well away from the masculine, so I'm kind of on auto-pilot as for mannerisms.
When i'm around my female friends (most all of whom i'm out to), it tends to flow more freely. I know this because they tell me so, and they see the difference in my personality and how relaxed I am.
(I don't ever feel as free and content as I do when around women)

I'm lucky though that since I live in my recovery, and surround myself with other folks in recovery, I get the benefit of being treated with respect.
That is because one of the tenets of the program is being non-judgemental; each to their own and all that.

But again, one look at my eyebrows, nails, shaved body, clothing and all that and a change in any mannerisms becomes really obvious! I guess my brain after all this time sets itself as to the situation around me and adjusts. I just don't get questioned all that much.

In 8 plus years I've only had the talk with a handful of people and most of them have told me I don't set off their gay-dar, and a simple explanation of gender identity/transsness was well taken.

Beverley Sims
01-28-2018, 12:32 AM
I have a lot of feminine mannerisms that would be hard to hide considering that I have been practicing since I was eleven or less.

I answer the telemarketers with a male voice and then tell them I will get my wife, she makes the decisions.

Then there are those that want to fix your computer up as it is jamming the internet or has a virus, they then have to deal with a dumb blonde called Beverley whilst she presses all the wrong keys. :-)