View Full Version : Favorite Compliment

02-01-2018, 03:03 PM
I’ve decided that my favorite “compliment,” the thing that makes me get butterflies and/or the things I tend to think back on when remembering an outing is when I ask for the location of the restroom (generically) and i am directed specifically to the Ladies Room. That is awesome. A close second would be when hearing others talk about me (e.g., maybe the waitstaff) and “she” and “her” are used. So nice.

What about yours?

02-01-2018, 03:47 PM
I love it when I get "ma'am"ed.
Or once at the grocery when I needed a price adjusted, the cashier referred to me as "she" to the manager. It caught me off-guard, but made me smile.
But my favorite compliment was from an SA when she said "that's a cute outfit" referring to the outfit that I was wearing while shopping.

02-01-2018, 05:58 PM
Had several "Ma am s" in 2017. Will see what we get this yr. Toni G..

Leslie Langford
02-01-2018, 06:25 PM
A few years go, I had an appointment for a makeover at a Caryl Baker Visage beauty salon at a mall about 3/4 of an hour away from my home (i.e. in "safe" territory), as I had recently become a member of their Beauty Club which - for a fixed annual fee of $25 - entitles customers to one free makeover a month. Of course, the intent is to then have you buy their products and other services (i.e. eyebrow waxing), but still - a great deal overall.

In any event, I was in full "Leslie" mode and had just entered the mall when I heard some rapidly approaching footsteps behind me. Just as I was about to look back and see what all that noise was about, the attractive 30-something GG who was trying to catch up with me came alongside, gave me an admiring look, and exclaimed "I hope you don't mind, but I have to tell you that I just love your outfit!" Well, being caught so totally off guard by that remark, it was all I could do to muster an "Oh, thank you so very much!" while valiantly resisting the urge to grin from ear-to-ear like a complete idiot. She then added "Yes, you look absolutely stunning!" and gave me a big smile as she continued her hurried way through the mall, leaving me in her wake as I called out "Wow! Thank you! - you just made my day!" Of course, the encounter was so fleeting that I don't know if I had been "read" and she meant her compliment as a tribute to my crossdressing skills, or - even better - if she just thought that I was another GG with great style and taste in women's clothes. Naturally, I prefer to think the latter although I am a realist, but no matter - it was still a magical moment.

And all this while I was only steps away from the makeover salon... I can't even begin to describe the rush that came over me at that moment and I felt as if I was walking on air. And talk about fortuitous timing! It actually took me about 5 minutes to regain my composure and recover from that unexpected and supremely uplifting encounter. But needless to say, that validation couldn't have been more welcome, and my confidence went right through the roof even before I had set foot in the salon and had my makeover.

02-01-2018, 07:03 PM
Now a days it's when I have to show I.D. for what ever reason and the other person still refers to me as Ma'am or Miss even with my full name, gender, and picture listed right there in front of them. And of course when gentlemen hold the door for me.

Sarah Doepner
02-01-2018, 07:37 PM
My favorite has been the look of surprise when someone who has only known Dave finally gets to meet Sarah. When it's accompanied by "you look like a totally different person" that makes it even better.

Second most favorite is being ignored as I wander around in a crowd of other people.

02-01-2018, 08:53 PM
"You don't sweat much for a fat girl."

(old joke punchline)

02-01-2018, 09:56 PM
Only a few occasions have fit that really, "blew my hair back", description when out. When I've actually passed!:D
You'll know when you've passed, because folks treat u completely different when they have no 2nd thots about your gender!:battingeyelashes:

I get that same "falling elevator" feeling A LOT seeing Sherry in my mirror at home!:daydreaming:

I always appreciate compliments. But, compliments come from folks that know I'm a CD. Most from SA's just doing their job well.:thumbsup:

Becky Blue
02-01-2018, 10:00 PM
Yes I am with you on that Stephanie love being referred to in the F...

02-02-2018, 01:37 AM
While camming I have been told a few times that I look like my fave transgender porn star Jesse Flores and once I was told I look like Joanna Jet.

02-02-2018, 09:22 AM
Although it's probably not intended as a compliment, it's when I am taken to be female by a stranger. "She", "her" or 'Ma'am".

02-02-2018, 12:47 PM
Years ago I made my first foray into the wild on a Halloween. I went into a Winchell's Doughnut shop full attired. At that time I was in my early 30's. I still had clear facial skin. I had on a blond wig. And full makeup including nail polish. I wore a knee length jade green and black floral print long sleeve dress, black hose and heels. The counter woman told me that I look really good.

02-02-2018, 12:58 PM
I think my favorite complement is not really being complemented, but just being treated the same as a GG would be treated.

For instance once while checking out a couple tops the cashier said "Oh this one is so cute, with the ties on the sleeve... And this one is totally your color, your going to look great in it".

02-02-2018, 01:05 PM
I have had the privilege of receiving more than a few compliments during the years. I will mention two:

A few years ago I attended a "Celebration of Life" event for the boyfriend of my GG friend. I spent about a 1/2 hour talking to a woman who was one of her childhood friends. As we were preparing to leave this woman asked my friend if Carole (me) was the person with whom she did many activities. My friend replied yes. The woman with whom I had been speaking then said she s a GG, right? My GG friend said no, but she will be thrilled to hear that you think so.

This past summer I was in a Target store and this woman stopped me to tell me that she really liked the outfit I was wearing.

Such events make one feel very good!

Debra Russell
02-02-2018, 01:07 PM
A few years ago I went to a county fair, at the gate a woman and her little girl approached as I overheard the mother say "I think this nice lady could use it" - they had won free tickets to get in and had an extra and kindly asked if I would like it - why yes and thank you very much. That whole day was amazing as a woman from a sales booth approached me and complimented me on my attire and how nice I looked: I thanked her and asked if she would mind taking my picture.....a very magical day for me..287857....................Debra

02-02-2018, 02:56 PM
My favorite is when buying something, they see my name on the credit card, which is an instant trigger. I’ve never, so far, had a bad experience. In fact, I’ve received many compliments, especially my makeup, compliments on my purchases, called ‘ma’am, brings a smile. One SA asked me if I had time to have coffee and chat about CDing. She said she was a psych major in college and remember being fascinated about the whole spectrum, CD, transvestism, transsexuals, transgendered, drag queens, etc. I’m a hetro cder, which is what we talked about.

02-03-2018, 02:43 AM
OMG your legs, ooh those legs, I wish I could walk in heels, I can't wear skirts that short..

Beverley Sims
02-04-2018, 12:44 AM
Being fitted for a long line bra once the saleslady remarked, that gives you a lovely figure, smooth lines and your bustline is to die for.

I could not wait to try on that evening dress. :-)

02-05-2018, 01:08 PM
Hello all,

Not sure if I should have answered here or in the thread this was posted, but to answer Robertacds question about compliments/GG's, I guess I am going against the grain (again); I freely, unabashedly, give compliments to other GG's (and others) out in the world whenever I appreciate the time and effort someone has taken to look good and be noticed. I have complimented clothing, hair, nails, accessories, makeup, even eyelashes (A waitress yesterday at IHOP had beautiful fake lashes that me and Monnica took note of and looked really good, so I thought she should know. She seemed tickled pink about the compliment, told us where she bought them and what brand they were, then thanked me for the compliment and "making her day".).

I have done this in bars, grocery stores, restaurants, the mall... wherever. I have also been complimented by other GG's out in the "wild", as some of you refer to it as, not just by SA's (although I am rarely in stores where commision is a factor), and by ladies of all ages. This is a thing, some do it, and I think it's great! The world is my mirror; I dress and make myself look good (presentable) for me (and sometimes my SO), but I don't see me after I walk away from my bathroom mirror.

I would not take it as an insult or as if you've been "made" if someone, like me, complimented you. It's a sincere compliment. Done to (hopefully) make you feel better about the job you have done to put yourself together and present yourself to the world. It doesn't mean you don't pass, it means the effort you took is noticeable and appreciated. :) I would never say something to offend, and it's more of a conversational thing, rather than grabbing someone by the arm, stopping them in their tracks and telling them how nice their nails are/stunning their makeup makes them look/gorgeous their clothing is/lovely their accessories are... etc.

Compliments are a good thing. And I think you all are lovely, inside and out. :hugs:


02-05-2018, 01:27 PM
The compliment that melted my heart the most was when my wife told me that she’s glad I came out to her and that she knows about my hidden woman!

02-05-2018, 01:46 PM
One day I was dressed going out with the wife and we paid to get into this Halloween party and I said "thank you" and the ticket person stopped and had this look on her face and I laughed and she said "I wouldn't have thought you were a guy" :) I said "Amazing what some makeup can do, isn't it" LOL

Jasmine Rose
02-05-2018, 03:52 PM
My absolute favorite compliment was the first time I appeared dressed as Jasmine in front of my mom. She said "That dress suits you". I was so nervous about what she would think when she saw me, and her words were perfect. So much anxiety melted away with just a few short words.

02-06-2018, 01:53 AM
It was 42 years ago, when a group of women at work made me an honorary girl and took me with them on a girls night out. I've never been out, but I suspected they noticed that I didn't behave in ways that they hated to experience with their BF's and/or husbands. As it was clear to them that I was attracted to them, no one ever suggested that I was gay, but it was pretty clear that none of them were attracted to me, either.

Honorary girl. Probably as good as I can hope for.

02-06-2018, 09:58 AM
Attending a Halloween party as a bride, the hostess saw me in profile and said, "Who knew you were so slim." What bride doesn't want to hear that?

Cassandra Lynn
02-06-2018, 06:21 PM
Any that are delivered honestly.

Phony accolades, banalities and platitudes do nothing for anyone.

One of the more noticeable everyday 'tells' to my gender identity is my nails; I have fairly feminine hands (and feet) and I keep my nails long and fully manicured. I get comments weekly and it's very easy to see through to the true compliments.

I've had many ladies stop to look at my toes or fingers in the salons and many have told me how jealous they are of me feet, and the techies always tell me the same.
It's really appreciated, if, of course it's meant and not delivered patronizingly.

A few weeks back, a young lady goo goo'ed my eyebrows and it was nice then she saw my nails. She gave me the most dazzling smile, the arm touch (always a wonderful thing, that arm touch) and told me I was awesome.

I was on the cloud for hours.

02-06-2018, 08:25 PM
A few years back I had just come from church and grocery shopping when 2 ladies came up to me from church and said who nice I looked and that no one dresses for church any more. They were dressed nice they asked me to join them for breakfast. But I told them I was meeting some of my lady friends later and that why I was shopping. It made my day.

02-06-2018, 10:13 PM
So the only time I have ventured out dressed was last Halloween for mall trick or treating with the kids. This was before I even told my wife I liked to dress. I told my wife I was tired of wearing the same surgeon costume for the tenth year and if she wasn't going to wear one of her delightful costumes I was. Well secretly I got my wish and was able to dress up as Dorothy (as seen in my current profile picture). As we walked around, a middle aged women pulled my wife aside and told her she is lucky to have a man like me and that I was a keeper. We got other positive comments, and some people taking pictures with their phone. But the one comment still makes me happy to think about.