View Full Version : No More Room

02-27-2018, 10:37 PM
I have no more room for things. I bought a skirt and peach silk top and tan heels yesterday. And I have no place to put them. Since I'm in a DADT relationship I can't just hang them in the closet.

I may need to purge some of my older things like my mini skirts and tube tops. At 70 they just don't look good on me any more but it's hard to let go of somethings that's not wore out. Also need to let go of the 5 inch platform heels in gold. My legs don't stretch like that anymore.

I'll be taking the new skirt, top and heels with me on my trip in March to Alabama.

Does anyone else have to much stuff and don't want to just get rid of it?

I really want to keep everything.

02-27-2018, 10:50 PM
I think we all get to that point eventually.
We all get too much stuff & we don't WANT to get rid of it.

But yes we need to let someone else enjoy those fashions that don't look good on us anymore.
I try to pass it on to other CDers.

Hugs, Connie

02-27-2018, 11:34 PM
Now that I have my winter things organized, it is warm weather time. I have to admit that I have LOTS of stuff. I've closed my business office finally. Haven't used it for over 2 years. My home office is more than adequate and I've even thought of getting rid of some stuff in it and turn it back into a bedroom where I can have more closet space. I don't work at all so I don't need much and I'm moving over the items that I have to maintain for 10 years to an online storage company. Today I realized I have 4 48 gal storage containers full of clothes plus one that has just excess lingerie in it.

Jillian Faith
02-28-2018, 07:05 AM
What you are describing as a purge is not really a purge. Every girl whether GG or TG that I know regularly goes thru their closet to "thin the herd" getting rid of clothes that no longer fit, are worn out, are not longer in style or just haven't been worn in a long time. This is actually a good thing as it makes room for more clothes!

02-28-2018, 08:03 AM
We all have too much stuff. Especially us older folks. I keep a bag in the closet for donations.
Maybe one day I'll go through stuff for donation. Of course, that's after deciding which maid or housekeeper
dress to wear!

02-28-2018, 08:15 AM
Hi Glenda, You don't how big my smile was when I read your post, I am also in a DADT relationship, I also have way too many cloths, wigs, and shoes. I try to tell that to my self every time I want to go shopping. Let me know what process you go through so I can also try the same. Thank you so much for letting me know I am never alone here. Brenda
PS I am still smiling:)

02-28-2018, 08:34 AM
We all have stuff we like to keep for a while, I got covered plastic bins in the basement and keep it there .

After a while, if I do not wear them, I give them to a goodwill place. It can always do for some one else.


02-28-2018, 08:55 AM
The attachment to this stuff is overwhelming. I just can't seem to part with my dresses. I need to slim down my collection too , but have a difficult time getting rid of even 1or 2 items

02-28-2018, 09:13 AM
I’m guilty. Closets and drawers runneth over. I’ve had to even tell my wonderful wife not to pick up any more “surprises”. Sad, but true. Spring is around the corner. Spring sales...ummmmm. Time to make some decisions...which is a challenge.

Beverley Sims
02-28-2018, 09:47 AM
When thee is no room anywhere to store clothes it becomes rotation time. :-)

Tracy Irving
02-28-2018, 10:04 AM
As my purchases get wiser I look at the clothes hanging in the closet and wonder what I was thinking. Any overflow is stored in plastic containers and dress bags in the attic. The rest is donated to charity.

Joni T
02-28-2018, 10:45 AM
A 70 yo in a mini and tube top??!!?? I sure hope I never have to "un-see" that.

02-28-2018, 11:25 AM
As my purchases get wiser I look at the clothes hanging in the closet and wonder what I was thinking. Any overflow is stored in plastic containers and dress bags in the attic. The rest is donated to charity.

its called e-bay, i just sold a pair of boots for $100 with a $50 shipping fee.....seems the larger the shoe size the easier it is to sell.
i see a new wig in my future.....

02-28-2018, 11:26 AM
I agree, me too. I wish I had more space. Oh the struggles of being a woman.
I have a few things that I have kept for a while, but as a general rule, I only wear things 2 of 3 times and then give them away.
I don't want to keep wearing things over and over, and want to buy new pretty stuff, so there's not much choice.
Just remember: there are plenty of people that needs things and you can donate your clothes to a local charity.

02-28-2018, 11:51 AM
I can't advise u on storage space, Glenda. But, I'm 75 and do a set of strengthening and stretching excersizes every morning. They r mainly for my bad back, but they r good for all parts of my body, I guess?

Because I have no problem wearing the same 5" spikes I did 20 years ago! With no platforms either. Those things r dangerous!:doh:

02-28-2018, 12:33 PM
At one point I was up to six large boxes 18x18x18" and being fully in the closet felt I needed to Purge at least half.
I got rid of about 40 slips, 40 dresses, 20 bras, etc. and got down to three boxes. It wasn't easy!

I also threw out three wedding dresses a year and a half ago, with petticoats they take a whole box each.

I'm wondering if I can get down to one box!

02-28-2018, 12:43 PM
As Jillian says, this isn't purging it's more careful wardrobe management. Getting rid of things that you're never in all truth ever likely to wear again is just plain good sense. They just take up space and stop you finding the things you really want to wear. It also stops you buying nicer things more suited to your situation because you're conscious of not having sufficient space to store anything new.

Bag it, give it to charity. Let someone else give it a second life.

02-28-2018, 01:08 PM
Connie Marie gave me a nice coat about two years ago. When It gets cold in south Carolina it comes in handy thanks Connie Marie.

02-28-2018, 01:25 PM
I'm waiting for dress #160 to arrive. Yes, I too have a tendency to hang onto things until they are totally worn out. That also includes men's attire. My oldest dress goes back to the early 1980's. I know it does not fit anymore, but, I love it. It also is a memento of my early years of struggling with my crossdressing which has been overcome. My wardrobe, due to being in a DADT marriage, is not hung in a closet. No heels are lined up under the foot of the bed. Everything is stored in 18-20 Xerox boxes stacked up openly in our storage room. Someday I suspect I'll weed through it all. If I do I'll probably donated a lot of dresses to a non-profit that outfits women rejoining the work force. Until then the wardrobe keeps on growing.

02-28-2018, 02:03 PM
My closet is so jam packed with dresses, skirts and tops that I have to drive a wedge between the hangers to be able to move them apart. I will be doing some culling like my neon colors which called out to me,"buy me, buy me" but are so impractical now.

02-28-2018, 08:58 PM
I have donated most of my male cloths to make room for the female cloths. Just stopped buying more panties VS had a sale last week 7 for $28 US. I can't put any more in my dresser plus I have a drawer in my tool box with panties in it. One day when my wife is not home I will go through my things and donate what I don't need anymore.

BTW when I was in my 50s I had a great shape where I could wear mini skirts and tube tops plus bikinis at the beach. But now I'm going for a more classy look.

Angie G
02-28-2018, 09:20 PM
I filled my closet so I got a portable one 50 skirts and a few dresses in that and again no room. I need to stop buying.:hugs:

02-28-2018, 09:51 PM
Before I got married I had the walk-in closet to myself and had all my cloths in it. Almost $6000 of cloths that I purged when I got married gave them all to a GG who was friends with my CD group we were both the same size. I kept all my wigs and some of my heels but she got the rest. I love shopping for new things.

Becky Blue
03-01-2018, 01:01 AM
I can so relate Glenda, my current storage spot is pretty much full but there are so much gorgeous things to buy and I have a hard time disposing of stuff as often they are memories of nights out etc... I wish someone would invent a machine to shrink clothes to the size of dolls so we can keep them for the memories...

03-01-2018, 09:22 AM
Yes, I have too much stuff. When things get jammed together so tight that I don't really need hangars any more, I pull out a few things I haven't worn for a long while or a few things I decided I don't really like after all, and take them to Good Will. It's a steady stream: store to closet to Good Will.

03-01-2018, 10:45 AM
I'm not hiding my clothes from my wife so they are in the closet on hangers. Actually, two closets.

Yes, I have too many clothes and I find it hard to get rid of them. I have more than I have time to wear even though I dress several days per week. I could lose half of them and still have more than I have time to wear. I keep saying I'll go through them and get rid of anything that doesn't look good on me. Someday!

Janie Jane
03-01-2018, 11:44 AM
My wife and I live in an RV so space is tight, and the thrift stores have such good deals that I did kinda' go crazy (shopping is Great when your wife is your GF too!) Three years I remained closeted so miniskirts were great and I think I had several hundred, at least. I started going out with the wife less than two months ago, in a very limited way, and I've found what I like to wear has "matured" because of this. But I digress...
A good part of those three years has seen a large garbage bag in the back of one of our cars, getting filled with stuff I no longer have room for, and these go to the pink Breast Cancer donation boxes. (I chuckle to think of their responses to finding bags full of large miniskirts!) I don't give them back directly to the thrift stores simply because I'm afraid of buying them again. And yeah, the ones I cannot make myself part with are boxed up in storage, where they'll become new again or "What was I thinking?"

Jacqui StGermain
03-05-2018, 01:28 AM
Ok, show of hands, who DOSEN'T have too much stuff? Hmmmmm, no one, thought so.
Addicted to thrift store shopping, found some true gems. Recently picked up a Bergdorf Goodman cashmere skirt ( new with tags ) for $8.00, list price $1400.00!!!!! ( you read that right)
Best part about losing weight is I can shop for MORE stuff!

03-05-2018, 02:20 AM
Boy did this topic hit home. I know I have way too much stuff. When my wife and daughter were away, I pulled all my stuff up from the basement and sorted it. I have over 250 dresses. At least 75 pairs of heels. And I keep purchasing more sexy heels and clothes at thrift stores or items on clearance. I just picked up theee pairs of 4" heels at Forever 21 for $15. A pair of open toe stiletto over the knee boots for $20 normally $50. My stuff is in space bags Amazing how many dresses you can pack in a space bag. I would love to have all of my clothing hanging out in the open but not in my current relationship. A girl can't have too many LBD or bodycon dresses. Great topic.

03-05-2018, 08:01 AM
It seems that CDers typically have ten times as many dresses as their SOs.
My wife has 6 dresses and only wears dresses once a year.
Last year I was up to 80!

03-05-2018, 06:16 PM
I am guilty of not being able to stop shopping - it is almost as if I am scared of losing the ability to shop.
luv J

03-08-2018, 09:41 PM
When I find something cute that fits, I simply must buy one in each color as I'm sure I'll never see it again. I've made the mistake a few times of NOT buying something, thinking I will just buy it at a later date. Then ever seeing it every again. Especially in the extra large sizes. PUt off buying something at your own risk.